

单词 盼睐

See also:

look askance at

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,盼望本港可以 利用貸款辦法,應付未來數年的需要,使香港教育不致因為暫時缺乏經費,而無法獲 得正常的發展。
I hope, therefore, that money can be borrowed to tide us over the next few years, so that education will not suffer because of a temporary shortage of funds.
再如,自愿措施,因为其灵活性和降低成 本的潜力往往被企业睐,但 是在许多情况下由于 缺乏问责制和执法措施而受到环境组织的反对。
[...] measures, often favored by industry [...]
because of their flexibility and potentially lower costs, are in many cases
opposed by environment groups because of their lack of accountability and enforcement.
这些积极的事态发展和其他情况证明,真 盼望 取 得进展的人所采取的建立信任步骤能够使各方更 加接近他们的共同目标。
These positive developments, and others, are proof that confidence-building steps, taken by those who cherish a genuine desire for progress, can bring the parties closer to their common goal.
它们可以使织物更舒适,更具触感、穿着更惬 意、更受消费者睐。
They make fabrics more comfortable and more desirable to touch, purchase and wear.
尽管中国看到了缅甸目前存 在的重大问题,尤其是在经济政策和少数民族方面, 然而,中国睐的解 决方案是由强有力的中央政府 逐步调整相关政策,而不是求助于联邦制、自由民 主制政府,甚至是政权更迭。
While China sees major problems with the status quo, particularly with regards to Myanmar’s economic policy and ethnic relations, its preferred solution is gradual adjustment of policy by a strong central government, not federalism or liberal democracy and certainly not regime change.
它将继 续为联合国地雷行动处(地雷行动处)开展的重要 活动提供有力支持,盼望继 续同联合国和其他伙 伴一起努力,以实现一个无雷、无集束弹和无其他 战争遗留爆炸物的世界。
It would continue its strong support for the vital activities of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), and looked forward to continuing working with the United Nations and other partners to achieve a world free of landmines, cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war.
如今,这种众人盼已久 的重大变革正在展开,国 际社会有义务提供全面支持,确保改革成功。
Now that major change of the kind long called for is underway, it is incumbent on the international community to help ensure success by lending its full support.
考虑到捐助者更睐有直 接影响的、有高知名度的项目,多国办事处工作人员将集中精力监 督项目的实施,而把政策建议和制订标准的职能留给地区办事处、研究机构甚至必要的时 候,留给总部。
Considering that donors are more attracted to direct-impact, high-visibility types of projects, cluster staff will concentrate on supervising project implementation, leaving the policy-advice and standard-setting functions to regional bureaux, institutes and, if necessary, Headquarters.
本㆟十盼望政 府能汲取以往的教訓,在面對新科技帶來新的傳播方式時,能 擺脫過去制訂政策的保守態度,以民意為基礎,制訂㆒套長遠、積極促進言論及資 訊自由的政策。
Based on public opinion, the Government should draw up a set of long-term policies which actively encourages the freedom of speech and information.
关于拟议的涉及少数群 体的增加内容,她想知道“鼓励”一词是否也比“确 保”更受睐。
With regard to the proposed addition involving minority groups, she wondered if the word “encourage” might also be preferable to the word “ensure”.
就文錦渡指明作家禽屠宰中心的用 地,該幅土地位於梧桐河以北,附近主要是一些已劃作“露 天貯物”或 “港口後勤”用途的土地,供露天貯存不能放於一 般倉庫的貨物,以及為跨界貿易提供服務之用,例如汽車 修理工場和貨倉(危險品倉庫除外)及貨櫃車場等。
As for the site in Man Kam To north of Indus River and designated specifically for a centralized PSC, sites in its vicinity are mainly zoned for "Open Storage" or "Port Back-up" use, for open storage of goods that cannot be stored in ordinary warehouses, and for the provision of services for cross-border trade, such as vehicle repair workshops, warehouses (except dangerous goods stores) and container vehicle parks.
准则第六节第 18(b)段所述的方式似乎是包括美利坚合众国在内的会员国所 睐 的方 式,按此方式,捐助者在给联合国直接捐助时不享受减税待遇。
The modality described in paragraph 18 (b) of section VI of the guidelines would appear to be the preferred method in Member States, including the United States of America, whereby donors do not enjoy tax deduction in respect of their direct contributions to the United Nations.
另一个影响硕士研究生项目发展的因素是用 人单位的需求,因为许多的职业越来越 睐 或 要求硕士学位了。
An additional factor contributing to the growth in master’s programs is employer demand, with more frequent preference or requirement for a master’s degree for entry into many professions.
一些公司在某些情况下采取的临时、有时限的行动既合理又令 人盼。
Such contingent and time-bound actions by some companies in certain situations may be both reasonable and desirable.
考虑到国际上正在发生重大变化而且全体人民 盼 一 个 以《宪章》所载原则 为基础的国际秩序,包括促进和鼓励尊重所有人的人权和基本自由以及尊重人民 平等权利及自决、和平、民主、正义、平等、法治、多元主义、发展、提高生活 水平和团结的原则
Considering the major changes taking place on the international scene and the aspirations of all peoples for an international order based on the principles enshrined in the Charter, including promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all and respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, peace, democracy, justice, equality, the rule of law, pluralism, development, better standards of living and solidarity
[...] 调需要就这些问题取得进展,并盼 着 在 下一届实质性会议之前收到第六委员会 [...]
The Special Committee emphasizes the need to make progress on these issues and looks forward to a status
report on the deliberations of the Sixth
[...] Committee with regard to the report [...]
of the Group of Legal Experts, before its next substantive session.
特别报告员盼和区 域机构一起工作,例如欧洲防止酷刑和不人道或有辱 人格的待遇或惩罚委员会、非洲防止酷刑和不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚委员 会、美洲人权委员会及其他有关机构一起工作,进一步加强有关禁止酷刑和其他 残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的国际和区域标准。
The Special Rapporteur looks forward to working with regional bodies, such as the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT); the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in Africa; the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and other relevant bodies, to further strengthen international and regional standards on the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
另外,用 人单位需要或者睐更多 的有硕士学位的员工也对硕士项目的持 续增加起到了推动作用。
In addition, demands or preferences from employers for more workers with master’s degrees contribute to the increase in the number of master’s programs.
作为平板显示器领域的领先设计商和制造商,Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation 具有多项备受 OEM 青睐的优 势,包括:30 年的卓越记录、广泛的产品和技术服务组合、明确的中小型显示器主攻方向、孜孜不倦地服务于主要市场以及真正的全球制造和支持设施。
As a leading designer and manufacturer of flat panel displays, Kyocera Industrial Ceramics Corporation provides several strengths of interest to OEM's including: a 30 year track record, broad product and technology offering, a clear focus on small to medium displays, commitment to key markets, as well as a truly global manufacturing and support infrastructure.
因此,我們會避免 在整個施工計劃的度冬期間,在米埔至落馬洲管制站段及落馬洲管制 站至梧桐河段進行有關建造工程。
Thus, we will avoid such construction works for the Mai Po to Lok Ma Chau Control Point Section and the Lok Ma Chau Control Point to Ng Tung River Section during the wintering periods throughout the construction programme.
长滩岛是深受睐的度 假胜地,以其纯白的细沙海滩,晶莹剔透的碧蓝海水和生机勃勃的异国情调而闻名于世。
Boracay Island is a popular vacation spot, and well-known for its white-powder beaches, crystal-blue waters and vibrant, exotic atmosphere.
当前的 经济和金融危机是新自由主义资本主义模式不可避 免的矛盾的必然结果,该模式多年来试图强制推行 市场是唯一权威的观点,这种观点受到某些国家及 其国内名誉扫地的金融机构的睐, 这些国家和机 构现在被迫承认它们迫切需要进行彻底改革。
The current economic and financial crisis was a logical consequence of the inevitable contradictions of the neoliberal capitalist model, which had for years attempted to impose the idea of the market as sole authority, an idea defended by certain countries and their discredited financial institutions, which were now forced to admit their urgent need of radical reform.
科学城显然反映其所盼的规模和范围与小型科学园区不 同,但是不管采用什么术语,这些实体在创建知识企业方面有着共同的重要目标。
Clearly, science cities reflect a different scale and scope of ambition compared to a small science park but, regardless of terminology, these entities share the common and important objective of creating knowledge-based businesses.
在这方面,考虑到委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国常驻联合国代表团通过 2009 年 10 月 21 日信函提交的美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟/人民贸易协定第七届首脑会议主 席声明已经作为大会文件分发给联合国会员国(A/C.2/64/8),委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 共和国常驻联合国代表团谨此请求将本信及其附件作为大会议程项目 24 下的文 件和经济及社会理事会 2011 年组织会议的文件分发给联合国会员国 盼。
In that regard, and considering that the presidential declaration made at the Seventh Summit of ALBA-TCP was submitted earlier by the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United Nations by a letter dated 21 October 2009, which was circulated to States Members of the United Nations as a document of the General Assembly (A/C.2/64/8), the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United Nations respectfully requests that the present letter and its annex should be circulated as a document of the General Assembly under agenda item 24, and as a document of the 2011 organizational session of the Economic and Social Council.
奥古斯丁的恩典教学可归纳如下:人类社会的共同在亚当的罪,因此也成为马萨damnationis从中没有人能摆脱节省一个值得特别的礼物,是神的恩典,不能,然而上帝在他的高深莫测的智慧选择一些保存和赠款的 睐 , 将无误而是自由地带领他们得救。
Augustine's teaching on grace may be summarized as follows: Humanity shared in Adam's sin and therefore has become a massa damnationis from which no one can be extricated save by a special gift of divine grace that cannot be merited; yet God in his inscrutable wisdom chooses some to be saved and grants graces that will infallibly but freely lead them to salvation.
尽管相关个人承认方案主管有权选择工作人员,但他们感到过 程存在缺陷,外部应征人员经常比合格的内部应征人员更受 睐。
Although they recognized the programme managers’ prerogative to select staff, the individuals concerned felt that the process was flawed and that it often favoured external candidates over qualified internal candidates.




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