单词 | 盼望 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 盼望(...)verb—hopevlook forward to sth.v盼望—look forward toless common: hope for See also:盼—expect hope for long for 望v—visitv look towardsv 望prep—towardsprep 棼—beams in roof confused
这些积极的事态发展和其他情况证明,真正盼望取得进展的人所采取的建立信任步骤能够使各方更 [...] 加接近他们的共同目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | These positive developments, and others, are proof that [...] confidence-building steps, taken by those who [...] cherish a genuine desireforprogress, [...]can bring the parties closer to their common goal. daccess-ods.un.org |
南苏丹独立 6 个月后,仍有数以千计的南苏丹人滞留在苏丹,盼望踏上返回南部家乡的旅程。 unicef.org | More than six months after the secession of South Sudan, thousands of South Sudanese are still trying to make the journey southward. unicef.org |
北南及国外的所有朝鲜人共同期望并盼望着将朝鲜西海变成和平水域,确保 国家的共同利益和繁荣。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is the unanimousaspiration and desire of all Koreans [...] in the north and the south and abroad to make the waters of the [...]West Sea of Korea peace waters and ensure the common interests and prosperity of the nation. daccess-ods.un.org |
沙特阿拉伯代表团还要重申,我国充分 支持本委员会在你领导下的审议,以便取得我们大家盼望的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation of Saudi Arabia would also like to reiterate its full [...] support for the deliberations of the Commission under your leadership in order to produce the [...] results to whichwe all aspire. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管区域中许多人民盼望更美好的未来,数百万 巴勒斯坦人——无论是在加沙、西岸还是区域各处的 [...] 难民营里——继续遭遇并非他们自己造成的灾难性 命运。 daccess-ods.un.org | While many in theregion aspiretoa betterfuture,Palestinians [...] in their millions — whether in Gaza, the West Bank or the [...]refugee camps across the region — continue to suffer a disastrous fate not of their own making. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席先生,这就是我们盼望通过你所领导的这个机构的工作而实现的目 标。 daccess-ods.un.org | That is what we aspire toachieve through [...] the work of this body under your leadership, Mr. Chairman. daccess-ods.un.org |
它将继 续为联合国地雷行动处(地雷行动处)开展的重要 活动提供有力支持,并盼望继续同联合国和其他伙 伴一起努力,以实现一个无雷、无集束弹和无其他 战争遗留爆炸物的世界。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would continue its strong support for the vital activities of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), and looked forward tocontinuing working with the United Nations and other partners to achieve a world free of landmines, cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此,教师和学校各方人士现正着 手与校区及设计小组合作,盼望尽早实现绿化操场计划的目标,使本校操场脱胎换骨,面目一新。 sfusd.edu | The staff and community are currently working with the district and design teams to realize the goals of the the Green Schoolyard Project, and to transform the Alamo schoolyard. sfusd.edu |
因此,执行 委员会盼望,不丹在今后两年成功执行氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,以达到在 2013 年和 2015 年 分别冻结和削减氟氯化碳消费量的初期目标。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee is therefore optimistic that, in the next two years, Bhutan will implement its HCFC phase-out management plan with outstanding success in order to meet the initial targets to freeze and reduce the consumption of HCFCs in 2013 and 2015, respectively. multilateralfund.org |
9 但是如果盼望只是一种宗教性的观 念, 即我们可如何言說一种盼望的哲学呢? stephenchanweb.org | 9Yet, if hopeissuchareligious idea, how then can one think of a philosophy ofhope? stephenchanweb.org |
人们十分盼望CD/1864 号文件所概述的2009 年协议最终会将裁军谈判会议 [...] 从其长期沉睡之中唤醒。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therewas great hopethat the 2009 agreement [...] outlined in document CD/1864 would finally revive the Conference on Disarmament from its long slumber. daccess-ods.un.org |
危地马拉盼望能够利用其对国际人权体系的参与,以便促进危地马拉人权、 [...] 维护危地马拉的权益,提倡民主原则和理想、法制和对人权的尊重,确保所有国 家不分大小,在各种不同的国际人权机构内均获得平等待遇,并以客观、透明和 建设性的方式进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | It hopes to use its participation [...] in the international human rights system to promote its rights, defend its interests and [...]promote democratic principles and ideals, the rule of law and respect for human rights, so that all States receive equal treatment in the various international human rights bodies, whatever their size, and that those bodies conduct their work in an objective, transparent and constructive manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
在我们里面的耶稣是我们荣耀的盼望。 sallee.info | Jesus inus isthehope of glory. sallee.info |
例如诗篇 [...] 78、81、105、106、114、135 和 136 篇,诗 人对神的盼望与信心是牢牢地建立在这些被神拯救的历 [...]史事蹟上,再加上他们每年一度的记念逾越节。 lordsgrace.ca | Psalm 78, 81, 105, 106, 114, 135 and 136, for [...] examples, ground the hopeand faith ofthe psalmists [...]in the Lord firmly on these historical [...]events of God’s deliverance, not to mention the remembrance of their annual Passover Feast. lordsgrace.ca |
我们也查考 帖撒罗尼加前书,青少年学习基督徒的生活,因主的复活、再来和永生而持守盼望。 leedsccc.org.uk | We also did a bible study on the book of 1 Thessalonians where the [...] youths learnt about Christian living [...] and how they can take hope in the reality of Christ’s [...]return, the resurrection and eternal life. leedsccc.org.uk |
云彩行动愿以真诚的爱与行动,帮助及祝福世上最无 依无靠的孩子及贫穷人;以生命改变生命,不但赋予 [...] 教育及基本生活的需要,更重要是让每个受助人的生 命得着改变 - 喜乐与盼望;藉着人与人彼此的关爱和帮 助,发挥人世间的真善美。 thesilverliningfoundation.org | Silver Lining Foundation is dedicated to support the helpless impoverished children and families with love and action; changing lives with our life, not only by supporting their needs in school and their basic daily needs, but also [...] changing the lives of our beneficiaries by [...] bringing joy and hopeinto theirlives, [...]and encouraging them to help one another. thesilverliningfoundation.org |
我们的盼望是能够尽快聘请第一位中国员工,并且展开我们的事业,让那些可能没有机会成功的人得到机会。 amccsm.org | It is ourhope that we will be able [...] to employ our first Chinese worker soon and see our business start to give opportunities [...]to those who otherwise would not have a chance to succeed. amccsm.org |
当完善,而他的人期待他们的描述是“荣耀的盼望,”这是他们在耶稣复活的荣耀,鉴于是参与,这是保持在他们希望由他留置明亮的存在(上校1:27 [...] )和精神(以弗所书1:13密封 - 14,18 - 21)。 mb-soft.com | When the consummation to which his people look forward is [...] described as their"hopeof glory," it is [...]their participation in Jesus' resurrection [...]glory that is in view; that hope is kept bright within them by his indwelling presence (Col. 1:27) and sealed by the Spirit (Eph. 1:13 - 14, 18 - 21). mb-soft.com |
在此背景下,我国期待 2011 年 12 月 5 日 将于德国波恩举行的、令人盼望已久的阿富汗问 题国际会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, we look forward to the much awaited International Conference on Afghanistan, to be held in Bonn, Germany, on 5 December 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们关怀这些无证及 [...] 其他人士,是仿效耶稣基督的榜样, 回应衪的爱, 我们更盼望他们能早日接受福音, 跟随耶稣。 ccineurope.org | We follow the example of Jesus and respond to His love by caring [...] for people, including those with no legal status, [...] and we sincerely hope thattheywould receive [...]the salvation of Jesus. ccineurope.org |
由於服务人手短缺,集团只好将一班四星级酒店的员工全数调职百星酒店工作,这群员工的核心包括了日夜盼望升为大堂经理的副经理包定(郑中基饰演);觉得自己是明星胚子的餐饮主管兼酒保彭俊(杜汶泽饰演);对房间整理严格得接近病态的房务总管桃姐(吴君如饰演);一心希望嫁个有钱人的前台Sammy(盛君饰演)。 galaxymacau.com | However, this hotel is run by a group of incompetent staff including OK (Ronald Cheng) the Assistant Manager, Pacino (Chapman To) the Chief Bartender, Peach (Sandra Ng) the Head of Housekeeping and Sammy (Janelle Sing) the Receptionist. galaxymacau.com |
在此,我们特别鸣谢积极参与本年的10.10.10抗贫主日的堂会,也盼望有更多堂会能预备明年十月份档期(崇 真会深水埗堂已安排了明年的10.10.10抗贫主日),以不同形式和参与,同心合意关怀及服待贫穷人,促进教 [...] 会合一见证。 hkcnp.org.hk | Here, we would like to give special thanks to churches which actively participated [...] in “10.10.10 Anti Poverty Sunday” [...] this year. It is our hope that more churches [...]could allocate a Sunday in October next [...]year (Sham Shui Po Tsung Tsin Church has already fixed a date next year for “10.10.10 Anti Poverty Sunday”), and serve and care for the poor in different ways and forms of participation in one spirit, bearing witness to the unity of the Church. hkcnp.org.hk |
这个后来形成的子教会盼望着自己所选择的 母教会为它提供异象、方向、带领,有时还有如钱和/或人等其他资源,这样他们就可以作为一个教 会开始运作。 sallee.info | The adopted group looks to their chosen mother church to supply vision, direction, leadership and sometimes additional resources of money and/or people so that they can begin to function as a church. sallee.info |
五月的时候我们为黄志军弟兄/杨琳姊妹办了一场迎接他们家将至的新生儿的聚会 (baby [...] shower), 正如张牧师曾在儿童夏令营时所说的: “每一个新生儿都是从神而来的 祝福, 显示神还没有完全放弃对我们的盼望”,还有什麽会比见证神对我们不止息的盼 望,更能带给我们欢欣的呢? mccc.org | As Pastor Chang said on VBS: “Every [...] new-born child is a blessing from God signaling that He has not completely given uphope on us. mccc.org |
RUR总裁兼“2013’世界杯7人制橄榄球赛”管理副总裁Vyacheslav Kopiev说:“我们衷心盼望举办这个最大规模的‘7人制橄榄球’盛会,这是橄榄球和音乐的真正狂欢。 csm.com | Vyacheslav Kopiev, President of the RUR and deputy Managing Director of RWC Sevens 2013 LOC, said, “ We are really looking forward to hosting what will be the biggest Rugby Sevens party yet; a true festival of Rugby and music. csm.com |
布洛顿和摩西一样,明白小作为会创造大改变,「我们有一项计画名为『洁净社区』,即复制市中心的垃圾捡拾计画,我认为社区环境品质已低於维护标准,故希望教育邻人各种维护方式,再一传十、十传百」,底特律居民盼望「社区能够乾净与安全」,这种愿望并非遥不可及,但要达成也不容易,尽管全市人口不到百万,要让几个街区拥有健康环境,光靠「下一个底特律」也绝不足够。 thisbigcity.net | Broughton, like Mosey, understands that doing small things can result in big windfalls, “One of our main focuses has been Clean Neighborhoods and we’re duplicating the litter picking program they have in downtown,” Broughton explained, “Our opinion is that the physical quality of neighborhoods has fallen below property maintenance standards and we want to educate our neighbors on maintenance codes so they can teach their neighbors. thisbigcity.net |