单词 | 相若 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 相若 adjective —comparable with adj
中電在這財政計劃期內的每年平均利潤淨 額 [...] 預測, 與上一份 財政計劃的實 際 及預測水平相若 。 legco.gov.hk | CLP’s projected average annual Net Return in the Financial Plan period is [...] about the same as the actual [...]and forecast in the last Financial Plan period. legco.gov.hk |
這樣可確保所蒐集的市場數據與有關資 歷組別的公務員基本職級相關及相若。 legco.gov.hk | This would ensure that the market data sampled were relevant and comparable with the civil service basic ranks for the QG concerned. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 根據觀察所得,沒有購買有機食物的消費者對“有機 食物"這個名詞的了解程度,與經常及並非經常購買 有機食物的消費者相若。 legco.gov.hk | (c) It was observed that non-consumers had a similar degree of understanding of the term “organic food” as frequent and infrequent consumers. legco.gov.hk |
政府的公務員薪酬政策,是提供足夠的薪酬以吸引、挽留 和激勵具合適才幹的人,為市民提供有效率和成效兼備的服務; [...] 並透過保持公務員薪酬與私營機構薪酬大 致 相若 , 讓公務員和他 們所服務的市民都認為公務員薪酬是公平的。 legco.gov.hk | The Government’s civil service pay policy is to offer sufficient remuneration to attract, retain and motivate staff of suitable calibre to provide the public with an effective and efficient service; and to ensure that civil service remuneration is regarded as fair by both civil [...] servants and the public they serve through [...] maintaining broad comparability between civil [...]service and private sector pay. legco.gov.hk |
一個中央評議會的一個職方成員協會、一個員工團體和 一個紀律部隊的管理層認為,公務員的薪酬水平應與私營機 構 市場薪酬水平的上四 分 位值相若。 legco.gov.hk | A constituent association of the staff side of a central consultative council, a staff body and the management of a disciplined services department consider that civil service pay should be benchmarked at the upper quartile of the market levels in the private sector. legco.gov.hk |
就改善路邊空氣質素的能力而言,歐盟 V 期柴油與生 化柴油相若。 legco.gov.hk | In respect of the potential to improve roadside air quality, Euro V diesel and biodiesel are similar. legco.gov.hk |
(g) 持有本港以外學府╱非香港考試及評核局頒授學歷的人士亦可 申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審,以確定是否與職位所要求的本 地學歷水平相若。 devb.gov.hk | (g) Holders of academic qualifications other than those obtained from Hong Kong institutions/Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority may also apply but their qualifications will be subject to assessments on equivalence with the required entry qualifications. devb.gov.hk |
在《第一階段檢討報告》中,督導委員會建議 資歷評審局與聯校素質檢討委員會加強溝通,確保相同學術程度的課 程具有相若的質素和水平。 legco.gov.hk | In the Phase I Review Report, the Steering Committee recommended a closer dialogue between HKCAAVQ and JQRC to ensure comparability in quality and standards of programmes at the same academic level. legco.gov.hk |
由於日間幼兒園和幼稚園的服務 對象相若,所提供的服務亦相近,有意見認為,日間幼兒園和幼稚園 在營辦方面應符合相若的規定,並根據同一條例註冊,由同一機構監 管。 legco.gov.hk | As day nurseries and kindergartens were providing similar services to a similar target group, there were views that they should be subject to similar requirements, registered under the same ordinance and monitored by one single authority. legco.gov.hk |
業界諮詢論壇與會人士稍後會獲 告知解決方法,例如有關建議如何處理以“實際稱重"計算的預先包裝食物,或每包裝 [...] 並無既定重量的預先包裝食物(例如重量不一的雞隻),而這些食物每食用分量的營養素 含量應是相若的。 cfs.gov.hk | This included the suggestion of treating prepackaged food products that were sold at a “catch-weight” status or as it came with no predetermined exact weight for each package, [...] such as chicken, due to the variation of weight among chickens, where the nutrients [...] should be the same per unit of [...]serving. cfs.gov.hk |
考慮到入職薪酬調查每三年進行一次,加上市場入 [...] 職薪酬的變動難以預測,故此應採取較宏觀及長遠的角 度,以保持公務員與私營機構的薪酬“ 大致相若” 。 legco.gov.hk | Given the fact that an SSS is conducted every three years and the unpredictability of the changes in market entry pay, we [...] should take a broader view and aim to [...] maintain “broad comparability” with the private [...]sector from a longer-term perspective. legco.gov.hk |
(四 ) 鑒於港鐵公司在第(三 )部分所述的文件中亦表示,必須考 [...] [...] 慮加裝自動月台閘門後,對採用開放式設計的東鐵線車站 月台空氣流通的影響,並指有研究顯示,現有的車站通風 系統需作出改善,才能為候車的乘客提供與安裝自動月台 閘門前相若的候車環境,當局是否知悉港鐵公司(或在兩鐵 合併前的其前身地鐵有限公司) 在過去為其地底車站及現 時於8 個高架及地面車站加裝月台幕門或自動月台閘門 [...] 時,有否就空氣流通問題進行研究;若有,該等研究及前 [...] 述有關東鐵線的研究的詳情分別為何;若否,原因為何? legco.gov.hk | (d) given that the MTRCL also indicated in the paper mentioned in part (c) that consideration must be given to the impact that APGs would have on the circulation of air on EAL platforms, and that studies showed that existing station ventilation would have to be improved to maintain a comparable environment as before the installation of APGs [...] for passengers waiting [...] for trains on platforms, whether the authorities know if the MTRCL (or its predecessor, the MTRCL before the rail merger) [...]had studied the issue [...]of ventilation when it retrofitted PSDs or APGs at other underground stations in the past and if it has conducted such studies at present when retrofitting PSDs or APGs at the eight aboveground and at-grade stations; if so, of the respective details of such studies and the aforesaid studies on EAL; if not, the reasons for that? legco.gov.hk |
特定的措施是規定資料使用者以合約方式或其他方法,確保其 [...] 資料處理者為該等個人資料提供與他們在條例下有責任提供 的 相若 的保 安措施。 legco.gov.hk | The specific measures would be to require the data users to use contractual or other means to ensure that their data processors [...] will provide security protection to the personal data [...] at a level comparable to their own [...]obligations under the Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |
(i) 進行其股本之任何合併或拆細、配發或發行或提出配發或發行或授出任何 [...] 期權、權利或認股權證,以認購(不論是否附設條件、或直接或間接、或 以其他方式)任何股份、或於股份的任何權益、或任何可轉換或可行使或 [...] 可兌換為股份或股份的任何權益或與任何股份或股份的權益大 致 相若 的任 何證券(根據購股權計劃發行或授出的任何股份、購股權或其他證券或權 [...]利除外 comnet-telecom.hk | (i) undertake any consolidation or subdivision of its share capital, allot or issue or offer to allot or issue or grant any option, right or warrant to subscribe (either conditionally or unconditionally, or directly or indirectly, or otherwise) any Shares or any interests in Shares or any securities convertible [...] into or exercisable or exchangeable for or [...] substantially similar to any Shares [...]or interest in Shares (except any Shares, [...]Share Options or other securities or rights issued or granted under the Share Option Scheme) comnet-telecom.hk |
在《第三份技術備忘錄》下,兩電本地總發電燃料組合中天然氣的比 例大致維持與《第二份技術備忘錄》 相若 ( 即 本 地的發電燃料組合中的天然 氣比例會在二零一五年達至約百分之五十),與《空氣質素指標檢討》建議 將電力行業本地發電燃料組合的天然氣比率增至百分之五十一致。 legco.gov.hk | The overall share of natural gas in the combined fuel mix of the two power companies for local electricity generation under the Third TM will be roughly maintained at the same level as the Second TM (i.e., natural gas in the fuel mix of local electricity generation will be about 50% by 2015). legco.gov.hk |
在入職薪酬調查下進行了薪酬 比較調查,以比較相關資歷組別3 的基準薪酬(作為釐定公務員入 職薪酬4 時參照之用)與學歷及/或經驗要求相類及職 能 相若 的私 營機構職位的入職薪酬。 legco.gov.hk | For the other two QGs which do not have a benchmark pay, the starting salaries of their grades are linked to and adjusted in tandem with the benchmark pay of one of the other QGs. legco.gov.hk |
有關工程所需的時間, 與把加裝自動月台閘門與沙中綫工程同步進行所需的時 間 相若。 mtr-westislandline.hk | The time required to complete the project is similar to that of retrofitting the APGs in tandem with the SCL project. mtr-westislandline.hk |
這三類調查分別為:每年一 次的薪酬趨勢調查,以確定私營機構的薪酬調整幅度;每三年一次的 入職薪酬調查,以比較公務員文職職系的入職薪酬與資歷要 求 相若的 私營機構職位的入職薪酬,以及每六年一次的薪酬水平調查,以確定 公務員薪酬是否仍然與私營機構薪酬大 致 相若。 legco.gov.hk | Civil service pay is compared with private sector pay on a regular basis through three different types of surveys, namely an annual pay trend survey (PTS) to ascertain pay adjustments in the private sector; a triennial starting salaries survey to compare the starting salaries of civil service civilian grades Page 2 with the [...] entry pay of jobs in [...] the private sector requiring similar qualifications; and a six-yearly pay level survey to ascertain whether civil service pay remains broadly comparable with private sector pay. legco.gov.hk |
這套系統亦有助把食物分為不同組別及/ 或 小 組,以 便為特性相近及殘餘量相若的食 物組別制定最高殘餘限量。 cfs.gov.hk | It also helps to classify foods into groups and/or sub-groups for the purpose of establishing group MRLs for food commodities with similar characteristics and residue potential. cfs.gov.hk |
(f) 發放點票結果:與2008年立法會選舉的安 排 相若 ,為提高點票過程的透明度,我們計劃在新聞中心、選舉 網站和通過新聞稿發放點票結果,直至宣佈所有選舉 結果為止。 legco.gov.hk | (f) Release of counting results: As with the 2008 LegCo election, to enhance transparency of the counting process, we plan to release counting results at the Media Centre, on the dedicated website and by press releases until all election results have been announced. legco.gov.hk |
同樣地,這些建議與工作坊所得的意 見 相若 ,即 包括有戶外表演 (有組織的及自發的)、戶外小型音樂會、節慶活動及嘉年華、戶 外展覽 (定期或短期的)及比賽活動(公眾、慈善等比賽);除了「比賽活動(公眾、 慈善等比賽)」沒有在這次意見收集中被提及。 forum.gov.hk | This is again similar to those popular suggestions from the brainstorming workshop, i.e. outdoor performances (organized and spontaneous); outdoor mini-concerts; festivals and carnivals; outdoor exhibitions (fixed and temporary); competitions (public, charities, etc.) (see Appendix D) except that “competitions (public, charities, etc.)” has not been suggested in this exercise. forum.gov.hk |
該替代彌償人如獲特區政府接納,須代替原先 的彌償人行事,並簽立相若的契據。 sfaa.gov.hk | The alternative Indemnifier (if accepted by the Government) shall act in substitution and shall execute similar Deed. sfaa.gov.hk |
(h) 藥駕罪行的罰則,應與酒後駕駛大致 相若 ; 再 者, 在所有危險駕駛罪行中,建議把在受指明違禁藥物 影響或損害下駕駛定為犯罪情節特別嚴重的情況9 , 可處最高罰款額、監禁期和停牌期各增加百分之五 十。 legco.gov.hk | (h) the penalties for drug driving offences should generally be aligned with those for drink driving offences, and driving under the influence of or when impaired by the specified illicit drugs should be made a circumstance of aggravation in all dangerous driving offences9 under which the maximum penalty in terms of fine, imprisonment and disqualification for the offences concerned are each increased by 50%. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 按年增薪額(就員工的生活費作 出調整除外,但所調整的比率應 適用於公務員隊伍並與其相 若 hketa.org.hk | (a) annual salary increment, except cost of living adjustment at a rate comparable with and applicable to civil service hketa.org.hk |
由 於推行持續節省成本的方案令集團節省約 2 億美 元,加上嚴控成本、縮減重組架構及其他相關成 本,我們得以抵銷通脹壓力、工會協定的增薪幅 [...] 度、按交易量計算的交易稅,以及在墨西哥涉及 反洗錢事宜的罰款,故支出水平與 2011 年大致相 若。 hsbc.com.tw | Costs were broadly in line with 2011, as a result of sustainable cost savings initiatives which saved some US$200m, cost control and lower restructuring and other related costs which offset inflationary pressures, [...] union-agreed salary increases, volume-driven transactional taxes [...] and a fine relating to anti-money [...]laundering in Mexico. hsbc.com.tw |
在政府與業主就保育方案達成共識下,業主 會在修復歷史建築後把景賢里全址交予政府,而政府會把毗鄰一幅與景賢 里 相若 面積 及發展參數的人造斜坡用地供業主使用。 devb.gov.hk | With the understanding between the Government and the owner, the owner will surrender the whole site of King Yin Lei to the Government after restoring the historic building, while the Government will make available an adjacent site of man-made slope of roughly the same size and the same development parameters as King Yin Lei to the owner. devb.gov.hk |
這些建議與 2007 年 5 月的工作坊所得的意見相若,即 依受歡迎程度為休憩座位設施、草木花卉及 樹蔭、露天茶座、戶外表演場地及噴水池 (請參考附錄四有關工作坊意見的清 單 ) ;除了「噴水池」在這次意見收集中的受歡迎度較低,而「港鐵站出入通 道」則在工作坊中未被提及。 forum.gov.hk | These suggestions are similar to those popular ideas collected at the brainstorming workshop of May 2007, i.e. seating, green environment with shade, alfresco café, outdoor performance venue and fountain in order of popularity (see Appendix D for a full list of ideas generated from the workshop) except that “fountain” is less popular in this views collection exercise. forum.gov.hk |
支出與 2011 年大致 相若,因為雖然工資上漲、重組架構及其他相關 成本上升、需提撥訴訟準備和集團於一家合資公 司的權益出現減值,但由於我們推行計劃改善各 項業務的營運效率,令平均職員人數縮減,加上 若干亞洲貨幣兌美元的匯率下降,故支出的大部 分增幅被抵銷。 hsbc.com.tw | Costs were broadly in line with 2011 as wage inflation, higher restructuring and other related costs, a litigation provision and the impairment of our interest in a joint venture were broadly offset by lower average staff numbers, as we implemented programmes to improve efficiency across our operations, and the depreciation of certain Asian currencies against the US dollar. hsbc.com.tw |
集團上下成功爭取可觀的盈利增長並提升資金效率:銷售額上升超過兩成半,上半年度的溢利率仍保 持在二零零九年的較高水平,而資本消耗金額則與去年度大 致 相若。 prudential.co.uk | We have been able to generate significant, profitable and capital efficient growth across the Group: our sales have increased by more than a quarter, the higher level of margin achieved in 2009 [...] has been maintained during the first half and we have done this [...] consuming broadly the same amount of [...]capital as last year. prudential.co.uk |