

单词 相隔

相隔 ()

separated by (distance or time etc)

See also:


isolate v
separate v

at a distance from
stand or lie between
after or at an interval of

External sources (not reviewed)

相隔長時間才驗樓,可能 使業主誤以為在下次驗樓 前大可高枕無憂,但其實 業主須經常確保樓宇狀況 良好。
This goes against the need for continued vigilance in ensuring that a building is in good repair.
因 此建立差别定价系统的一个重要组成部分是,为了防止低价产品破坏高价市场,两种市场 必须相隔离。
Therefore an important component in establishing a system of differential pricing is that markets need to be segmented to prevent low priced products undermining high priced markets.
(b) 国家的安全存在几乎或完全不可能,因为例如领 相隔 遥 远 ,或遭反 叛组织或匪帮占领或袭击;和/或 (c) 国家军队本身是一种威胁的来源。
(b) The State’s security presence is minimal or entirely absent because, for example, territory is remote, or held or contested by rebel groups or criminal gangs; and/or
价格不同的各个市场之间应该相隔 离 , 使低价市场的药品不会进入高价市场。
Markets with different price levels must be segmented so that low priced medicines cannot enter higher priced markets.
本行並將指定向閣 下收取費用之方式相隔的期間。
Fees may be collected from you in such
[...] manner and at such intervals as we may specify.
数万巴勒斯坦人目前就居住在被隔离墙包 围的飞地内,与西岸其余部分以及他们的农场、学 校、工作地和医疗中相隔离。
Tens of thousands of Palestinians now lived in walled-in enclaves, separated from the rest of the West Bank and from their farmlands, schools, workplaces and medical centres.
又严重关切特别是占领国以色列继续进行建立非法定居点的活动,包括所谓 的“E-1
[...] 冷实行限制,进一步将该城与巴勒斯坦被占领土的其他地 相隔 绝 ,对巴勒斯坦 人的生活产生不利影响,并可能会预先限定有关耶路撒冷的最后地位协定, [...]
庭赶出东耶路撒冷居民区以及在城内的其他挑衅和煽动行为,包括以色列定居者 实施的此类行为
Expressing its grave concern also, in particular, about the continuation by Israel, the occupying Power, of illegal settlement activities, including the so-called E-1 plan, its construction of the wall in and around East Jerusalem, its restrictions on
access to and residence in East Jerusalem
[...] and the further isolation of the cit y from [...]
the rest of the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, which are having a detrimental effect on the lives of Palestinians and could prejudge a final status agreement on Jerusalem, Expressing its grave concern further about the continuing Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes and the eviction of numerous Palestinian families from East Jerusalem neighbourhoods, as well as other acts of provocation and incitement, including by Israeli settlers, in the city
在宪兵队关押的妇女被关押在与办公 相隔 的一 个房间。
Women detained at the gendarmerie were kept in a room off an office.
鉴于大会会议的主 要部分结束离行政和预算问题咨询委员会冬季会议的举行时 相隔 不 远,尽管秘 书处会尽量在第五委员会续会第二期会议前印发文件,但以所有正式语文及时印 发文件供咨询委员会审议是不可能的。
Given the limited time between the end of the main session of the General Assembly and the winter session of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, the issuance of documents in all official languages in time for their consideration by the Advisory Committee will not be possible, although the Secretariat will do its utmost to issue them before the second resumed session of the Fifth Committee.
根據核准的機制,基準/起薪點的金額在檢 相隔 期間 會維持不變( 除非有明確的調查證據顯示,私營機構具備同等資 [...]
歷員工的薪酬有顯著改變) ,而新聘人員會在入職後第二年按照其所 屬薪級表增加一個薪點( 有關薪額會每年按薪酬趨勢調整),然後循所
According to the approved mechanism, the dollar
value of the benchmark/starting pay points
[...] will remain the same between reviews [...]
(unless there is clear survey evidence that
pay in the private sector for recruits possessing similar qualifications has changed significantly) and the new recruits will be remunerated at the next higher pay point in their respective Pay Scales (which is adjusted annually in accordance with the pay trend) in their second year and will then move along the relevant increment scale in subsequent years.
註 : 由 於 從 接 獲 申 請 至 完 成 處 理 申 請 之 間相 隔 一 段 時 間,因 此,2011 年 所 批 准 申 請 和 拒 絕 申 請 的 數 目,連 同 於 2011 年 12 月 31 日 仍 在 處 理 的 申 請 的 數 目, 未 必 等 同 該 年 所 接 獲 的 申 請 的 數 目 。
Note: As there is a lapse of time between receipt of an application and completion of processing of the application, the total number of applications approved and rejected in 2011, together with the number of cases being processed as at 31 December 2011, may not necessarily be equal to the number of applications received in the same year.
这种将指标数据相隔离的 做法从本质上违背了协同利用整 套指标的目的。
This practice of compartmentalization of indicator [...]
data essentially defeats the purpose of having an indicator set working in concert.
[...] 股東週年大會,並須在召開股東週年大會的有關通告中指明其為股東週年大會;本公 司股東週年大會舉行日期與下屆股東週年大會不 相隔 超 過 十五個月。
The Company shall in each year hold a general meeting as its annual general meeting in addition to any other meeting in that year and shall specify the meeting as such in the
notice calling it; and not more than fifteen
[...] months shall elapse between the date [...]
of one annual general meeting of the Company and that of the next.
纽约的确与战相隔甚远,因此,直接听取 来自实地的军事领导介绍情况确实机会非常难得。
New York is indeed far from the battlefield, so the opportunity to hear firsthand from the military leadership from the field is indeed valuable.
关于将东耶路撒冷与西岸其他地 相隔 离 的企 图,或迫使 C 区巴勒斯坦民众流离失所的做法,国际 [...]
社会必须谴责改变实地人口状况的行为,因为正如我 的阿塞拜疆同事指出的那样,这种行为违反了《日内 瓦公约》。
[...] the attempt to isolate East Jerusalem [...]
from the rest of the West Bank or the forced displacements of the Palestinian
population in Area C, the changes in the demographic realities on the ground in violation of the Geneva Convention — as noted by my Azerbaijani colleague — must be condemned by the international community.
這裡的 P 為傳送器製造商所提供,
[...] 以瓦(W)為單位的傳送器最高額定輸 出功率,而 d 則是以公尺(m)計算的 建相隔距離
where P is the maximum output power rating of the
transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the
[...] recommended separation distance in [...]
metres (m).
(iii) 本公司已於英文報章及中文報章刊登廣告,表明有意出 售該等股份以及已知會香港聯合交易所有限公司該意 願,而出售之時與該廣告刊登日 相隔 時 間 已超過三個 月。
(iii) the Company has caused an advertisement to be inserted in an English language newspaper and a Chinese language newspaper giving notice of its intention to sell such shares and has notified The Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited of such intention and
[...] a period of three months has elapsed since the date of such advertisement.
在任何摄氏度数上加 273.16
[...] 就得到了相应的开尔文度数。2) 通过使用 4 个终端,将电流引线与电压测量引线 相隔 离 的 一项技术。
Add 273.16 to any Celsius value
[...] to obtain the corresponding value in kelvins. [...]
2) A technique using 4 terminals to isolate
current carrying leads from voltage measuring leads.
这种情况在被占领东耶路 撒冷及其周围地区最为严重,在那里,有数百个家 庭已经无家可归,许可证制度和行动限制已使该城 市与其自然环境和周围地区的土著人 相隔 离。
The situation had become most severe in and around Occupied East Jerusalem, where hundreds of families had been made homeless and a permit regime and movement restrictions isolated the city from its natural environs and from the indigenous population.
就避免與沙中線有衝突而 言,隧道建造形式是一個重要的考慮因素,因為明挖回填 式的主幹道隧道在橫過將來的沙中線時,所需 相隔 距離 大大減少。
The form of tunnel construction is an important consideration in respect of avoiding conflict with the SCL, as Trunk Road cut-and-cover tunnel can be constructed across the future SCL alignment with much closer separation allowance.
在每个位置我们有两个冗余 IT 架,彼相隔很远, 并为每个 IT 架配备了专用的维护终端。
At each location we have two redundant IT racks that are located far apart from each other along with dedicated maintenance terminal for each one.
(d) 只能在變形完全穩定後,才可記錄變形的讀數,並 須在達到測試荷載水平後記錄最少 3 次而每相隔 5 分 鐘的變形讀數,直至變形沒有大幅增加為止。
(d) A reading on deformation should only be taken when it has become completely stable, and readings on deformation should be taken at three 5-minute intervals at least on attainment of the test load until there is no significant increase in the deformation.
於諮詢初期,43%巿民支持特首的選舉方案 相隔 數 月,支持率為41%,變化不大,但反對聲音亦變化不大,當時和現在都是三成多。
At the beginning of consultation period, 43% respondents supported the method for selecting the Chief Executive; after a few months, the support rate is 41%, so there is not much change.
采样时、要有适当的措施来将取样钢瓶与系 相隔 离、 以应对安全膜爆破的情况。
Provide suitable means to isolate the [...]
sample cylinder from the system in case the rupture disc bursts while taking a sample.
塔斯马尼亚州是澳大利亚的岛州,面积相当于韩国或爱尔兰,与澳洲大 相隔 巴 斯海峡(Bass Strait)的水域。
Tasmania, Australia’s island state, is similar in size to South Korea or Ireland and separated from the Australian mainland by the waters of Bass Strait.
区域信息和通信技术倡议涉及彼 相隔 不 远 的四个已设立的维持和平特派 团(联塞部队、联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队、联合国脱离接触观察员部队和联合国 驻巴勒斯坦停战监督组织),它们总共有约 16 693 人的客户群,由 207 名信息和 通信技术人员提供支持。
The regional information and communications technology initiative involves the four established peacekeeping missions located in close geographical proximity (UNFICYP, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force and the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization), which have a client base of approximately 16,693 personnel supported by 207 information and communications technology personnel.
使用可攜式和行動化 RF 通訊設備 時,設備和 A&D 裝置任何部位(包 含連接線)的距離,不得少於依據 傳送器頻率方程式計算所得的建相隔距離
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the A&D unit, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.




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