

单词 相近

相近 adjective ()

close adj

External sources (not reviewed)

除 此以外,研發中心與其他機構建議的研發中心大 相近 , 以 符合當 局為中心所規定的運作模式和一般指引。
Otherwise, the operation of ASTRI's R&D Centre for ICT is similar to those proposed by other institutions and it is in line with the operation model and general guidelines stipulated for the Centres.
此 乃主要 由 於 毛 利 貢 獻 減 少 , 儘 管 一 般 及 行 政
[...] 以 及 其 他 營 運 開 支 仍 控 制 於 二 零零九 年 同 期相 近 水 平
These were mainly attributable to the drop in gross profit contributions while general
and administrative and other operating expenses were controlled at similar
[...] level as for the corresponding periods of 2009.
不過,大部分規管當局對最 高殘餘限量和再殘餘限量的定義,都與食品法典委員會的定 相近。
However, most regulatory authorities have similar definitions of MRL and EMRL as those of Codex.
此外,公平亦 表示評核能可靠地衡量各學生在指定科目之表現;如再次接受評核,學生 所獲的成績結果應當非相近。
Fairness also implies that assessments provide a reliable measure of
each student’s performance in a given subject so
[...] that, if they were to be repeated, very similar results [...]
would be obtained.
人力资产指数的列入阈值定为指数在 60
[...] 个国家中排在第三个四分之一位 置,但在指数彼此非相近时加 以调整并四舍五入到整数。
The HAI threshold for inclusion is determined by the index number corresponding to the third quartile in the
ranking of the 60 countries, but adjusted in case the HAI
[...] scores are very close to each other and rounded [...]
to whole numbers.
價 格 經 公 平 磋 商 而 釐 定,並 參 考 本 集 團相 近 時 間 按 相 近 數 量 的 相 同 或 近 似 產 品 售 予 獨 立 第 三 方 的 價 格。
Prices will be arrived at after arm’s length negotiations, with reference to the prices quoted by the Group for sales of similar quantities of the same or similar products to independent third parties at the relevant time.
本公司可於任何董事按上述方式退任的任何股東大會上選 相近 數 目 的人士出 任董事以填補任何董事離職空缺。
The Company at any general meeting at which any Directors retire in manner aforesaid may fill the vacated office by electing a like number of persons to be Directors.
由於日間幼兒園和幼稚園的服務 對象相若,所提供的服務相近,有 意見認為,日間幼兒園和幼稚園 在營辦方面應符合相若的規定,並根據同一條例註冊,由同一機構監 管。
As day nurseries and kindergartens were providing similar services to a similar target group, there were views that they should be subject to similar requirements, registered under the same ordinance and monitored by one single authority.
会议注意到,生物学与化学正日益交融,实施这两项公约所可能面临的挑 战和机遇也日相近。
The Conference notes the increasing convergence of biology and chemistry and its possible challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the Conventions.
(2) 加强日内瓦办事处:基金的日内瓦办事处目前为教科文组织和国际劳工组织服 务,这是因为有以下便利条件:(a)处 相近 地 理 区域和时区,(b)使用的语 言相同,(c)了解各国的银行实务以及条例和法规。
(2) Enhancement of the Geneva Office: UNESCO and ILO are now serviced
by the Fund’s Geneva Office,
[...] taking advantage of (a) geographical proximity and time zone; [...]
(b) language commonality; and
(c) knowledge of national banking practices, regulations and laws.
相近,埃 及和马来西亚也向该国 政府提供了一些针对索马里学生的奖学金。
Similarly, Egypt and Malaysia had provided the [...]
Government with a number of scholarships for Somali students.
按电气和电子工程师学会(IEEE)标准 528-2001,“重复性”定义如下: “每次度量时条件或非操作期发生变化,在相同操作条件下对同一 变数多次度量结果相近程度”。
Repeatability' is defined according to IEEE Standard 528-2001 as follows: 'The closeness of agreement among repeated measurements of the same variable under the same operating conditions when changes in conditions or non-operating periods occur between measurements'.
(c) 尽管体验其它的、不同的文化通常被看成是一件好事,但是,该地区培训地点的 选择对于那些在与自己的文化传 相近 的 环 境下更有可能成才的受训者而言很重 要。
(c) although experience of other, distinct cultures is normally regarded as desirable, a choice of training locations in the region may be important for those trainees likely to flourish in an environment where cultural traditions are more akin to their own.
因其他主要死亡原 因致死的男性和女性人相近。
The remaining major causes of
[...] death had similar numbers of [...]
deaths between males and females.
該決議案可載於一份文件或形相近 的 多 份文件,每份經由一名或 以上董事或替任董事簽署,就此目的而言,董事或替任董事的傳真簽署應視為有效。
Such resolution may be contained in one document or in several
[...] documents in like form each signed by one [...]
or more of the Directors or alternate Directors
and for this purpose a facsimile signature of a Director or an alternate Director shall be treated as valid.
[...] 用費,以及基於範圍內產品之預計銷售額,實際年度許可使用費收費率將減至略 低於營業額約1%,與可比商標交易之主要可比個 相近。
Taking into consideration of this payment and no royalty payment is required for the first year and based on the projected sales amount of the Scope Products, the effective annual royalty rate will decrease to
slightly below 1% of the Turnover, which is in line with the primary
[...] comparables of the Comparable Trademark [...]
任何单方面行动的风险是明显的,因为几内亚比绍现在需要所有能够以其具 体经验、资源相近文化 作出贡献者的支持。
The risks of any unilateral action are evident at a time when
Guinea-Bissau needs the support of all those who can contribute with their specific
[...] experiences, resources and cultural affinities.
[...] 規定,按相同方式轉換全部或部份證券,或在情況許可下盡量 相近 的 規 定及方式轉 換,惟董事會可不時(倘其認為合適)釐定可換股證券的最低數額並限制或禁止轉換 [...]
該最低數額的零碎證券,惟因此有關最低數額不得超過任何兌換證券所得股份的面 值。
The holders of stock may transfer the same or any part thereof in the same manner, and subject to the same regulations as and subject to which the shares from which the stock arose
might prior to conversion have been
[...] transferred or as near thereto as circumstances [...]
admit, but the Board may from time to
time, if it thinks fit, fix the minimum amount of stock transferable and restrict or forbid the transfer of fractions of that minimum, but so that such minimum shall not exceed the nominal amount of the shares from which the stock arose.
在财务事项方面,主任向理事会通报说,虽然官方发展援助总额出 现大幅缩水,但是日本政府于 2009 年所作现金捐款一直维持在与前一 相近 的水 平,因而构成了亚太统计所收到的现金捐助总额的主要部分。
With regard to financial matters, the Director informed the Council that, despite substantial cutbacks in overall official development assistance, the cash contribution from the Government of Japan in 2009 had been maintained at close to the same level as the previous year so as to constitute the bulk of the overall cash contributions received by SIAP.
這套系統亦有助把食物分為不同組別及/ 或 小 組,以 便為特相近及殘 餘量相若的食物組別制定最高殘餘限量。
It also helps to classify foods into groups and/or sub-groups for the purpose of establishing group MRLs for food commodities with similar characteristics and residue potential.
其他金融資產及金融負債(衍生工具除外)之公平值乃根據公認定價模式按折讓現金 流量分析及利相近工具之可知現行市場交易價格及交易商報價釐定。
the fair value of other financial assets and financial liabilities (excluding derivate instruments) is determined in accordance with generally accepted pricing models based on discounted cash flow analysis using prices from observable current market transactions and dealer quotes for similar instrument.
这些悬浮式结晶 器装置的投资成本和运营成本彼 相近。
The various suspension type crystallizer units have similar capital and operating costs.
[...] 所产生义务相关的任何行业的行业牵头执行机构,并担负与上文第 1 款极相近的责任。
UNDP will also act as sector Lead IA for any sector related obligations arising from any HCFC consumption sectors not specifically mentioned in
this Agreement, in particular the solvent sector, with
[...] responsibilities closely resembling those under paragraph [...]
1 above.
为达到《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》所要求的最低管理标 准,一个能够处理少量知识产权申报事务的基础机构要求拥有大约 10 名专业人员相近 人数的管理/支援机构;而且随着知识产权申报数量的不断增加,要求也将不断提高。
To meet the minimum administrative standards required by TRIPS, the number required for a skeleton office handling very low volumes of IPR applications would be perhaps 10 professionals and a similar number of administrative/support staff.
這個地區於一八六零年代因舖設鐵路線興起,是堪薩斯市最初的市中心,兩河距 相近 , 再 加上地勢平坦適合鐵路發展,故很快成為當地經濟發展重鎮,運用鐵路業掀起的工業革命,形成牲畜交易中心,將中西部牛隻配送至全國,其他如種籽倉庫、家具店、家庭用品等小型產業也相當繁榮。
The area capitalized on the industrial [...]
revolution of the railroad industry allowing for the Livestock Exchange to be the
distribution hub of Midwestern cattle around the nation and other smaller industries such as seed warehouses, furniture stores, and household products to prosper.
多数情况下,现代化和协调过程是为了促使长期确 立的惯例更相近,有时也可以看到“预防性”协调的例子—确立新的 [...]
While the process typically works to bring
[...] longestablished practices closer together, there [...]
are cases that might be seen as examples
of “preventive” harmonization—establishing new principles and practices that will minimize divergence when national laws on new issues are developed.
倘董事會未有於 接獲要求後 21
日內正式召開須於其後 21 天內召開的大會,提出要求的人
[...] 士或當中持有彼等投票權過半的任何人士可自行以與董事會召開大會同 樣的方式(盡可相近)召 開大會,惟如此召開的大會不可遲於提交要求 [...]
當日起三個月後召開,而提出要求的人士因董事會未能完成有關要求而涉 及的所有合理開支,將由本公司向彼等作出補償。
If the Board does not within 21 days from the date of deposit of the requisition proceed duly to convene the meeting to be held within a further 21 days, the requisitionist(s) themselves or any of them representing more than one-half of the total voting rights of all of
them, may convene the general meeting in
[...] the same manner, as nearly as possible, as that [...]
in which meetings may be convened by
the Board provided that any meeting so convened shall not be held after the expiration of three months from the date of deposit of the requisition, and all reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionist(s) as a result of the failure of the Board shall be reimbursed to them by the Company.
[...] 组,以及/或者将专题信托基金用于更广泛的用途,将有助于减少松散程度,进 一步确保所有信托基金更加近相关 组 织的要务和需求,从而使信托基金追随相 [...]
The Inspectors are of the opinion that pooling the resources provided for the individual trust funds into bigger trust funds with more general purposes, clustering of trust funds and/or a wider use of thematic trust funds would help reduce
fragmentation and better ensure that all the trust
[...] funds are closer in line with the [...]
respective priorities and needs of the organizations,
thereby making them more organization-driven rather than donor-driven.
在过去六个月里,依照安全理事会 近相 关决 议,尤其是第 1805(2008)号、第 1810(2008)号和第 1904(2009)号决议中提出的要求,三个委员会及其各 自专家组加强了彼此间合作。
During the past six months, the cooperation among the Committees and their respective groups of experts has grown, pursuant to the requests made by the Security Council in recent resolutions, in particular resolutions 1805 (2008), 1810 (2008) and 1904 (2009).
这种做法保证信托基金能够更加 近相 关 组 织的战略计划 和成果框架,实现多年期融资,提高了会计和财务管理工作的效率,有助于向全 [...]
体捐助方提供一份综合年度报告,而不是向捐助方逐一报告,从而降低了总体交 易成本。
It ensures better alignment with the organization’s [...]
strategic plan and results framework, enables multiyear funding, leads
to more efficient accounting and financial management, and facilitates reporting with only one consolidated annual report issued to all donors, instead of individual reporting, consequently resulting in overall reduced transaction costs.




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