

单词 相较


相对较 adv

relatively adv

与...相比较 prep

against prep

See also:


comparatively adv


quibble adj

(preposition comparing difference in degree)

External sources (not reviewed)

氚的好处是可长时间照明达八至十个钟头 相较 之 下Superluminova只有四至六个钟头。
The advantage of Tritium is its long duration of luminescence of eight to ten hours, compared to the duration of luminescence of Superluminova of four to six hours.
相较下, MIMO装置现阶段只考虑点对点存取连接每个单独终端的多重天线;因此,存取点必须时间多任务以服务多位用户。
To contrast, MIMO devices today [...]
only considers point-to-point access to the multiple antennas connected to each individual
terminal; hence, the AP must time multiplex to serve multiple clients.
关切世界各地普遍存在各种形式的两性不平等,这往往体现 相较 于 男 子而 言,妇女在许多社会发展指标上结果更不理想
Concerned by the prevalence of gender inequality in various
forms worldwide, which is often expressed
[...] in poorer outcomes for women relative to men on many [...]
social development indicators
已为 449 名国际工作人员员额的拟 议编制编列了经费,其中包括 209 个专业及以上职类员额(不包括联合国国家工
作队费用分摊安排供资的 3 个员额:1 个 P-5 首席安保顾问、1 个 P-4 副首席安 保顾问、1 个 P-3 外地安全协调干事)和
[...] 240 个外勤事务员额相较于 2008/09 年度 25%的空缺率,2009/10 [...]
年度适用的空缺率为 20%。
Provision is made for a proposed staffing establishment of 449 international staff posts, comprising 209 posts in the Professional and higher categories (excluding 3 posts: 1 P-5, Chief Security Adviser; 1 P-4, Deputy Chief Security Adviser; and 1 P-3, Field Security Coordination Officer funded through United Nations country team cost-sharing arrangements)
and 240 Field Service posts with a vacancy rate of 20 per cent applied
[...] for 2009/10 compared to 25 per cent [...]
for 2008/09.
为努力进一步厘清维和人员在建设和平 相较 于其 它行为体的作用,维持和平行动部和外勤支助部 制订了它们的“核心文件”,指出维和行动有三个建 设和平作用:第一,我们通过支持国家对应方和广大 国际社会之间的共识以及指导整体战略制订与落实, 帮助各国政府阐明优先事项;第二,我们通过提供安 全保护伞、后勤支助以及和解努力和经济复苏得以发 展的政治空间,使其它国家和国际行为体能够执行建 设和平任务;第三,我们自己执行某些早期建设和平 任务,包括通过与其它伙伴紧密合作来支持政治进 程、安全部门改革以及某些领域的早期能力建设。
In an effort to further clarify the role of peacekeepers in peacebuilding vis-à-vis other actors, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support developed their “nexus paper”, which states that peacekeeping operations have three peacebuilding roles: first, we help Governments articulate priorities by supporting consensus among national counterparts and the broader international community, and guiding overall strategy development and implementation; secondly, we enable other national and international actors to implement peacebuilding tasks by providing a security umbrella, logistical support and political space for reconciliation efforts and economic recovery to develop; and, thirdly, we implement certain early peacebuilding tasks ourselves, including through support for political processes, security sector reform and by engaging in early capacity-building in certain areas, in close collaboration with other partners.
我们认为在国家继承的演进中,对其居民的国籍问题予以明确非常重要, 尽相较于其他已立法的问题来说,对这一问题的解决起步较晚,但是在国家 继承方面,国籍问题是无法规避的一个重要问题,因为当一个国家被另一个国 [...]
家取代的时候,可能会对其境内居民的权利和义务产生重大影响,而居民大部 分的权利及义务都是通过国籍进行确定的。
It is important to make this clarification as to the
evolution of the succession
[...] of States, as we believe that the late development of the topic of nationality as compared to other [...]
issues that were codified
earlier should not lead to the disregard of one of the most tangible realities in cases of succession of States, namely the strong impact that the substitution of a State by another may have on the rights and obligations of the inhabitants of a territory, which are mostly determined by the link of nationality.
就现在的情况来看,Amazon的价格与Azure类似,每个月前1 TB是$0.095,相较于早 期的$0.125下降了24%。
As it stands today, Amazon's
[...] prices generally match those of Azure by starting at $0.095 for the first 1 TB per month, down 24 percent from [...]
its earlier $0.125 rate.
如下表 1 和表 2 所
[...] 示,就每年募集的各种资金所占的份额而言,自 2009 年起4 ,相较于过去七年的平均数,各 国的自愿捐款减少了大约 [...]
10%,但来自“其他捐助者”(主要是私营企业和基金)的捐款增 加了 30%,来自其他国际组织的捐款增加了 39%。
Tables 1 and 2 below show that the
respective annual share of funds mobilized
[...] from 2009,4 compared to the averages [...]
over the last seven years, recorded a 10%
decline in States’ voluntary contributions, a 30% increase in contributions from “other donors” (mainly private companies and foundations) and a 39% rise in contributions from other international organizations.
这一说法似乎对所有国家均适用, 相较 之 下,中国互联网恰到好处的拥有各种条件,来模糊网络文化和流行文化之间的界限。
While this statement may sound true for all countries, China has the right mix of conditions to blur the boundaries between web culture and popular culture.
一位业内人士就LED光源应用于农业植物领域的优势这样表示, 相较 于 传 统光源,除了众所周知的节能特性,LED还具有波长窄、光质纯、光效高、波长类型丰富、光谱能量调制便捷以及低发热、小体积、长寿命等突出优势,便于集中植物所需波长实施均衡近距离照射。
One industry source has advantage in the field of
LED light source used in agricultural
[...] plants such said, "compared with the traditional [...]
light source, in addition to the well-known
energy-saving features, LED has narrow wavelength, the light quality of pure, high photosynthetic efficiency, wavelength modulation type is rich, spectrum energy is convenient, and low fever, such outstanding advantages as small volume, long life, easy to focus close irradiation wavelength to implement balanced plant need.
相较传统 的横向气流或垂直向下气流烤箱设计,中心至末端气流使氧化速度提高达 30%。
Center-to-ends airflow provides for up to 30% [...]
faster rates of oxidation than conventional cross flow or vertical down flow oven designs.
如果尽早开始物理治疗,做适当的伸展练习,与治疗师进行沟通,患者软组织和肌肉的灵活性及弹性会保持得更好 相较 于 那些退出康复治疗的患者,他们会更少遭遇软组织和肌肉僵硬、紧绷和不适的情形。
If physical therapy starts early with proper stretching exercises and massage session with the therapist, the soft tissue and muscle will maintain a much greater degree of flexibility and elasticity.
相较于3出 -8系统1950盖/每分钟的产量,3出的H系统速度在700冲次/每分钟(取决于盖的大小),产能超过2100的盖/每分钟。
The 3-out System H operates at speeds of 700+ SPM (depending on end size) and produces in excess of 2100 EPM, while the 3-out System 8 produces up to 1950 EPM.
因 HCFC-22 过高的泄露率而
[...] 使制冷设备转用替代制冷剂的解释理由,以及替代制冷剂有限的可用性及 相较于 H CFC-22 较高的成本,对此德国政府表示,当务之急是在替代制冷剂的使用方面对技术 [...]
In regard to the justification for the conversion of refrigeration equipment to alternative refrigerants given the excessive leakage rate of HCFC-22, the limited
availability of alternative refrigerants and their
[...] much higher cost compared to HCFC-22, [...]
the Government of Germany indicated the urgent
need to adequately train technicians in the use of alternative refrigerants.
他不仅对所受到的教育质量感到由衷的满意,对于澳洲学 相较 美 国 学校更为人性化的教育更是赞不绝口。
He learned new ways of thinking, which prepared him well for life.
相较,在要求核准第二 次付款和第三次付款(2005 [...]
年 9 月和 2006 年 9 月)时,第一次付款的 38%和第一次付款 和第二次付款的合并款额的 42%均已预备承付或已经支付。
In comparison, at the time [...]
of request for approval of the second and third tranche (September 2005 and 2006), 38 per cent
of the first tranche and 42 per cent of the combined first and second tranches had been obligated or spent.
(b) 截至 2010 年底,访问英文电台网站总数中有 4.4%来自社会网络(相较于 2009 年的 1.4%有所增加)。
(b) As at the end of 2010, 4.4 per cent of total visits to the English radio website came from social networking sources (up from 1.4 per cent in 2009).
用不包含任何移动部件的瘦客户机来代替 PC,Leow 知道这会让支持时间大大减少, 相较 之 下 瘦客户 机的使用寿命会更长,同时可极大地减少电力的消耗。
By replacing PCs with thin clients, which contain no moving parts, Leow knew that support time could be drastically reduced, the thin clients would have a longer working life and power consumption would be significantly reduced.
由于地处遥远,电机方相较液压 方案在低能耗方 面更有优势,不需要昂贵的液压泵站,没有液体渗 漏也就不会有水污染。
Due to it’s remote location, an electro mechanical solution was preferred over hydraulics due to low power requirements, no expensive hydraulic power pack and no hydraulic fluid leakage ie no water contamination.
工研院绿能与环境研究所表示,可调光与色温的LED室内人因照明系统可取代现有使用的T五灯管光源的灯具,若与萤光灯 相较 , LED灯管使用效能不仅增加四成,还具有不含汞的环保特性,甚至使用寿命高达六万小时以上,比萤光灯管的二万五千小时更实惠。
ITRI green energy and Environment Institute said, adjustable light and colour for LED interior lighting system can replace the existing used
T five lamp light source lamp and
[...] fluorescent lamp, if compared, LED lamp use [...]
efficiency not only increased four, also
has no mercury environmental characteristics, and the service life of up to more than sixty thousand hours fluorescent lamp, than twenty-five thousand hours more affordable.
实际上,据NAHB统计,2000年所有新建的住宅中有56%设有2-1/2间甚至更多数量的浴室 相较 之 下 1950年新建的住宅中仅有1%,1970年为16%。
In fact, according to the NAHB, in 2000, 56% of all new homes were built with 2-1/2 baths or more, compared to only 1% of new homes built in 1950 and 16% in 1970.
这些措施,再加上在欧洲采购的总量为 46,500 公吨的可再生能源,使 2007 年的排放相较 2006 年略有下降。
These efforts, combined with renewable energy purchases in Europe totaling 46,500 metric tons, yielded a slight reduction in emissions from 2006 to 2007.
[...] Kulier及其同事开展了一项研究,旨在评估在一组低-中收入国家中一种临床上综合的循证医学(EBM)课 相较 之 传统的EBM教学对知识、技能和教育环境的影响。
Regina Kulier, M.D., of the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, and colleagues conducted a study to evaluate the effects of a clinically integrated e-learning evidence-based medicine (EBM)
course on knowledge, skills, and educational
[...] environment in comparison with traditional [...]
EBM teaching in a group of low-middle-income countries.
在西岸,1 月与 2 月相较 表明 ,尽管以色列国防军在巴勒斯坦权力机构完全控 制地区开展的搜查行动继续处于同等水平,但在这些 [...]
行动中受伤的巴勒斯坦人人数翻了三番,从 46 人增 加到 138 人。
In the West Bank, a comparison between January [...]
and February revealed that, while the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) search
operations in areas under the full control of the Palestinian Authority remained at the same level, the number of Palestinians injured during those operations more than tripled, from 46 to 138.
布莱顿谈起澳大利亚交流学生生活时一脸的兴奋。他不仅对所受到的教育质量感到由衷的满意,对于澳洲学 相较 美 国 学校更为人性化的教育更是赞不绝口。
When Christina’s interests turned to rehabilitation following her undergraduate degree in Malaysia, she found the decision to study abroad an easy one ...
对妇女而言,手工和小规模采矿是一个要求很高、十分危险而且经常是利 润微薄的部门相较于大 规模采矿,手工和小规模采矿业的就业机会可能会增加 妇女在家庭内外的工作负担。
Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) is a demanding, dangerous and often only marginally profitable sector for women; and job opportunities in ASM, even more than larger-scale mining, can increase the burden of work for women both outside and inside the home.
2012 年的推算额作了评论,说明了近年来新收 相较 于 预 算的相对状况; 认捐时机;指定用途方面的趋势;按区域分列的捐款;资金来源;联合国和联合 [...]
The acting Head of the Donor Relations and Resource Mobilization Service then commented on UNHCR’s
funding situation in 2011 and projections
[...] for 2012, showing comparative positions in [...]
recent years in respect of fresh income
versus budget; timing of pledges; earmarking trends; contributions by region; sources of funding; UN and pooled funding mechanisms; and private-sector fundraising income and investment.
专为Mini-DTX 与Mini-ITX 主板设计的SG05是银欣推出最小的小型化机箱,与先前的银欣珍宝系列机箱内容量23公 相较 , SG 05仅仅只有10.8公升,远少于一半的容积量。
Designed for use with Mini-DTX and Mini-ITX motherboards, the
SG05 is the smallest
[...] Sugo yet. Compared with previous iterations at around 23 liters in volume, the SG05 at 10.8 liters is less than [...]
half the size!
这些普遍称为次要的作品,相较于 但 丁的十四行诗集 Vita nuova(《新生》)(讲述他从小就倾慕的比阿特丽斯 [Beatrice])及其综合性寓言代表作 La divina commedia(《神曲》)而言的。
These are so-called minor works that are distinguished from Dante’s Vita nuova (The new life), his book of sonnets recounting his early love for Beatrice, and his all-encompassing allegorical masterpiece, La divina commedia (The divine comedy).




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