单词 | 相距 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 相距 adverb—apart adv相距 —distance apart • separated by a given distance See also:距 n—distance n 距—at a distance of • be apart
应当指出的是,有些主题与展望问题 相距 甚远 (如:就保罗六世与教科文组织的问题编写两页文稿)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Notably, some topics were quite far removed from foresight issues (for example, writing a two-paged text on Paul VI and UNESCO). unesdoc.unesco.org |
我希望你们也将更广泛地向全世界发出信息:老年人并非与我 们相距遥远。 monitoringris.org | And I hope you will also send a wider message to the world: that older people are not a category apart. monitoringris.org |
双方合作关系的密切应归功于地理 位置的优势,两家公司均位于北卡罗来纳州 , 相距 不 到两小时的 车程,且双方都高度关注高技术含量的产品。 glenraven.com | This close working relationship is facilitated by the proximity of the two companies in North Carolina, less than a two-hour drive apart, along with a relentless focus on highly engineered products. glenraven.com |
(a) 採用召達時間目標( 即由收到緊急召喚至救護 車或救護電單車抵達現場所在街道的 相距 時 間 ) 作為衡量緊急救護車服務表現的準則,是1995 年顧問報告所提出的建議,而審計署署長在其 於 1997年 10月提交的第29號報告書中亦表示支 持。 legco.gov.hk | (a) The use of response time target, i.e. the interval between the time of an emergency call and the arrival of an ambulance or an ambulance aid motorcycles (AAMC) at the street level, for measuring the performance of EAS was recommended by a consultancy study in 1995, and supported by the Director of Audit in his Report No. 29 in October 1997. legco.gov.hk |
远程和城域网要求高动态范围,以覆盖更长的距离;因为许多熔接 点 相距 很 近 ,所以OTDR必须能够提供良好的分辨率。 exfo.com | Long-haul and metro architectures require high-dynamic-range values to [...] reach greater distances; the OTDR therefore [...]must offer good resolution due to [...]the proximity of many splice points. exfo.com |
現時所作更改,目的在縮短單位推出市場及實際入 伙兩者的相距時間 ,從而減少投機售賣及轉售的時間,使樓價不致被推高。 legco.gov.hk | The changes to it aim to shorten the time between putting flats on the market and actual occupation, and so to reduce the time available for speculative sales and re-sales to push up the cost of flats. legco.gov.hk |
3.2 如果两届会议相距太近,执行局委员指定的代表不便回到自己正常居住地点,可以根 [...] 据他的请求,不发给他到居住地点的往返旅费,而每天按从前届会议结束到下届会议 召开期间的生活津贴的 75%发给生活津贴,但本组织所发的数额不能超过会议地点到 [...]该委员正常居住地点之间的往返旅费。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 3.2 When the interval between two [...] sessions is not sufficient to enable a representative appointed by the Member to return [...]conveniently to his normal place of residence he may receive, at his request, instead of the payment of the round trip to his place of residence, a daily subsistence allowance equivalent to 75% of the daily subsistence allowance granted during sessions for the period between the close of one session and the opening of the next, provided that the amount so to be provided by the Organization shall not exceed the cost of a round trip between the place of meeting and the representative appointed by the Member’s normal place of residence. unesdoc.unesco.org |
城市规划者面临着平衡适当分离和混合居住区、工业区、商业区和娱乐区的 挑战,以便工作、市场和住宅之间不 会 相距 太 远。 daccess-ods.un.org | Urban planners face the challenge of balancing an appropriate separation and mix of residential, [...] industrial, commercial and recreation zones so that jobs, markets and residences would not be [...] separated by long distances. daccess-ods.un.org |
从作动器坐标系的原点 0 的位置出发,与之相距的以 PRM3 设定的角度的位置,即为 [...] G92 用户坐 标系的原点。 ckd.co.jp | The position at the distance from the actuator [...] coordinate "0" point only by the angle set by PRM 3 is the home position [...]of G92 user coordinate system. ckd.co.jp |
原计划只是对绿屏主机终端进行增 强,而今已发展成为一个让公司能够 为 相距 超过 3500 公里的 19 个分支机构提供 IT 服务的解决方案,却几乎不需要本地基 础设施。 igel.com | What started as the next logical step-up from green screen mainframe terminals has evolved into a solution that enables the company to deliver IT services across 19 branches spanning more than 3500 km with almost no local infrastructure. igel.com |
兩條隧道之間相距至少 應為該鑽挖隧 道直徑的 1.5 至 2 倍左右,方可令地鐵隧道地面的影響及移 動程度在地鐵公司的法定限制之內,確保地鐵隧道不會受 損。 devb.gov.hk | Clearance of at least around 1.5 to 2 times the bored tunnel diameter needs to be provided to keep disturbance of existing ground and movement of the MTR tunnel to within MTRC’s statutory limits, so as to ensure that the MTR tunnel is not damaged. devb.gov.hk |
這個數字大致 符合規劃中蓋頂線與中環灣仔繞道北面的地下連 續牆相距的距離,即 60 米。 devb.gov.hk | It tallies approximately [...] with the planned distance between the cope [...]line and the northern diaphragm wall of the CWB, i.e. 60m. devb.gov.hk |
Kapok的舊址位於港島區天后半山皇龍道,靠近幾株古老大樹,環境清幽,與喧嚷的地鐵站大 街 相距 不 過 五分鐘路程。 think-silly.com | The previous location of Kapok was Tin Hau Temple Road on Hong Kong Island, with [...] old trees and tranquil surroundings as its neighbour, but a mere five minutes walk from [...] the MTR station at the same time. think-silly.com |
民研計劃研究經理李偉健表示:「隨著『佔領中環』運動開始發酵,香港民情指數在四月中明顯回落,政評及社評數值雙雙下跌,大概跌至二月底至三月初之水平,與本年初二月中的低位 7 3 . 1 相距 不 足 5點,反映市民對政府管治表現及整體社會狀況都趨向負面。 hkupop.hku.hk | Both Government Appraisal and Society Appraisal Scores have dropped, now roughly at the level registered in between late February and early March, and within 5 points from the low score of 73.1 registered in mid-February this year. hkupop.hku.hk |
以分區計,可能由於樣本較少,所以波動較大,但整體而言,都與全港樣 本 相距 不 遠。 hkupop.hku.hk | Broken down by constituencies, [...] the fluctuation is relatively bigger, probably due to smaller [...] sample size, but they remain close [...]to the overall figure. hkupop.hku.hk |
他们还必须表明其和平之决心,接 受责任而不是只要求权利,同相距仅 几 分钟之遥的以 色列领导人进行直接会谈,扎扎实实地进行谈判,为 两个民族建立两个国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | They must also show their commitment to peace by accepting responsibilities and not just demanding rights, meeting directly with Israeli leaders, who are just minutes away, to get down to the real work of negotiating two States for two peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
与哈尔滨香格里拉大酒店相距不远 的中央商务区内购物场所发展迅速,与仅供步行的中央大街上店铺和街边咖啡馆相辅相成。 shangri-la.com | The rapidly expanding shopping industry in the Central Business Districts complements the shops and sidewalk cafes found along the stone-paved, pedestrian-friendly Central Street. shangri-la.com |
除了与墨西哥三大城市相距甚近 之外,阿瓜斯卡连特斯也位于与其它中型城市(莱昂、 瓜纳华托、萨卡特卡斯)邻近的战略性商业/行业通道上。 softtek.com | In addition to its proximity to those—the three largest cities in Mexico—Aguascalientes is strategically located in a business/industry corridor close to other mid-size cities (Leon, Guanajuato, Zacatecas). softtek.com |
成員的強積金賬戶內只有港幣5,000元或以下的小額結餘,而提出申索當日與須向任何註冊計 [...] 劃作出強制性供款的最近一個供款期的供款 日 相距 最 少 12個月,亦沒有於任何其他註冊計劃內 [...] 擁有累算權益,以及無意在可見將來成為受僱或自僱人士。 bank.hangseng.com | (in the event that an account balance is HK$5,000 or less, and provided that as at the date of the claim application, at least 12 [...] months have elapsed since the contribution [...] day in respect of the latest contribution [...]period for which a mandatory contribution [...]is required to be made to any registered scheme, and the member does not have any accrued benefits kept in any other registered scheme, and does not intend to become employed or self-employed within the foreseeable future. bank.hangseng.com |
而城市穷人的状况与《公约》所 规定的生活质量相距甚远。 daccess-ods.un.org | The conditions of the urban poor are rarely sufficient to meet the quality of life described in the Declaration. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然这一数字与苏伊士运河的通航量 仍 相距 甚 远 ,但是两相比较,北冰洋航线将来有可能成为某些类型货物,如液化天然气及散货运输(石油产品、铁矿石)的替代性航线。 norway.org.cn | This is still far from the volume through the Suez Canal, but the NSR may in the future become an important alternative to the Suez for certain types of goods, such as LNG and bulk transport (petroleum products, iron ore). norway.cn |
可利用 蓝牙技术,无线连接相距 10 米以内的设备。 sonimtech.com | Devices within a range of 10 meters can be [...] connected wirelessly using Bluetooth technology. sonimtech.com |
法律保护残疾人的权利并禁止歧视他们;但是,残疾人的现实处境与法律要 求 相距 甚 远 ,许多残疾人享受不到专门为他们提供帮助的项目。 embassyusa.cn | The law protects the rights of persons with disabilities and prohibits discrimination; however, conditions for such persons lagged far behind legal dictates, failing to provide persons with disabilities access to programs designed to assist them. eng.embassyusa.cn |
但長三 角地理上與香港相距較遠 ,將廣東省的業務北遷須改變 管理方式,甚至像台商那樣,在區內設立辦事處。 hkcer.hku.hk | Geographically, as the Greater YRD is further away [...] from Hong Kong, moving the existing [...]business from Guangdong to the delta requires [...]a change in the management methods and enterprises may have to set up offices there as many Taiwanese investors do. hkcer.hku.hk |
除註冊成立之年度外,本公司每年均須舉行一次股東週年大會,時間(與舉行上屆股東週年 大會相距不得 超過十五(15)個月,惟倘較長之期間並不違反指定證券交易所之規則(如有) 則作別論)及地點可由董事會決定。 clh.com.hk | An annual general meeting of the Company shall be held in each year other than the year of incorporation at such time (within a period of not more than fifteen (15) months after the holding of the last preceding annual general meeting unless a longer period would not infringe the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange, if any) and place as may be determined by the Board. clh.com.hk |
伊格尔山位于圭亚那中部,首都乔治敦西南200km处,占地面积约5050公顷(12,480英亩),与1993年到2005年期间实施开采的Omai金 矿 相距 4 5 千 米。 tipschina.gov.cn | Eagle Mountain covers an area of approximately 5050 Ha (12,480 acres) in central Guyana, 200km southwest of the capital Georgetown and 45 kilometres from the historic Omai Gold Mine, which was in production from 1993 to 2005. tipschina.gov.cn |
认为采用统一规则,对全程或部分海上国际运输合同进行规范,将增进法律 [...] 确定性,提高国际货物运输效率,便利过 去 相距 遥 远 的当事人和市场获得新的准 入机会,从而对促进国内、国际贸易和经济发展发挥极其重要作用 daccess-ods.un.org | that the adoption of uniform rules to govern international contracts of carriage wholly or partly by sea will promote legal certainty, improve the efficiency of international [...] carriage of goods and facilitate new access [...] opportunities for previously remote parties [...]and markets, thus playing a fundamental [...]role in promoting trade and economic development, both domestically and internationally daccess-ods.un.org |
若詢問各位美國消費主義象徵為何,我猜許多人很快就會想到「購物中心」,美國的零售管道數量原本就超過多數國家,且在過去50年間,購物中心又是一大特色,「全國公共廣播電台」(NPR)於2009年報導,美國平均每人享有20英呎的零售空間,與排名居次的瑞 典 相距 幾 乎 七倍。 thisbigcity.net | In 2009, NPR reported that the U.S. had 20 square feet of retail space per person (almost 7x as much as the country who came in 2nd, Sweden). thisbigcity.net |
此外,如果传感器尚未与接近 车流的垂直方向对齐,传感器对齐工具将显示一条消息,表明该传感器与对 齐相 距太远,而使工具无法正常工作。 wavetronix.com | Also, if the sensor is not already aligned close to perpendicular to the flow of traffic, the sensor alignment tool will display a message indicating that the sensor is too far out of alignment for the tool to function properly. wavetronix.com |
委员会注意到缔约国为了推动出生登记作出了重大努力,特别是在2009年 [...] 开展了活动,宣布该年为普遍和免费出生登记年,但是委员会还是对以下情况表 示关注:主要由于同登记部门相距太 远 ;这些部门的资源不足以及出生登记需要 [...] 交费,全国三分之一的儿童仍然没有在出生时进行登记。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee, while noting significant efforts of the State party to increase birth registration, in particular the activities conducted in 2009, declared as Universal and Free Birth Registration Year, remains concerned that one third of children [...] remain unregistered at birth, owing mainly to [...] the geographical distance from registration [...]services, the insufficient resources [...]allocated to them and the cost of birth registration. daccess-ods.un.org |