单词 | 相聚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 相聚 —meet togetherless common: assemble See also:聚—mass • assemble • congregate • gather together • polymerize • amass
这次全球论坛使广大高等教育,包括利用信 息与传播技术辅助教学的高等教育机构的相关各 方 相聚 一 堂。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This Global Forum brought together a wide range of stakeholders of higher education, including ICT-assisted tertiary institutions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正当我们相聚在这里的时候,我们即将迎来越来越严重的风暴,各种危机正 已使我们的工作蒙上一层阴影,并且使我们的任务变得更加紧迫。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have come together here [...] as a perfect storm continues to gather force around [...]us, a confluence of crises that overshadow [...]our work and add ever-greater urgency to our central task. daccess-ods.un.org |
凭借其独特的地理位置,比利时长期以来一直是一 个 相聚 和 经 传之地,也是 一个人群、思想和企业的天堂。 daccess-ods.un.org | By virtue of its geographical position, Belgium has throughout its history been a meeting place, a gateway and a land of welcome for people, ideas and businesses. daccess-ods.un.org |
更改限制後,本港的老㆟想與居住在華南 或其他㆞方的親㆟相聚多些時間,便較以往容易做到。 legco.gov.hk | As a result, our elderly people who want to spend more time with their relatives in Southern China, for example, will be able to do so more easily than in the past. legco.gov.hk |
最近更新时间: 2012/11/30 // [...] 挪威弦乐团特隆赫姆独奏家乐团和中国著名二胡演奏大师刘光宇在印度举办的世界之弦音乐节的演出中再 次 相聚。 norway.org.cn | Last updated: 30/11/2012 // The Norwegian string ensemble the Trondheim [...] Soloists and renowned Chinese Erhu virtuoso [...] Liu Guangyu were reunited in India in a performance [...]at Strings of the World Festival. norway.cn |
我们,民间社会组织的代表,于 2011 年 5 月 7 日至 13 日相聚在第 四次联合 国最不发达国家问题会议的民间社会论坛,衷心感谢在此期间能有机会就最不发 达国家面临的挑战以及《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》和《伊斯坦布尔政治宣言》的拟 订过程发表看法。 daccess-ods.un.org | We, representatives of civil society organizations, who have met here in Istanbul from 7 to 13 May 2011 at the Civil Society Forum of the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, have very much appreciated the opportunities throughout this process to express our views on the challenges to least developed countries (LDCs) and the development of the Istanbul Programme of Action and the Istanbul political declaration. daccess-ods.un.org |
父母定時與孩子的兄弟姊妹單對單 相聚 ﹐ 會增加他們覺得的支持感以及他們本身的應付能力。 bcepilepsy.com | Parents allocating a period of one-on-one time with siblings at regular intervals will add to the sense of support they feel and to their own ability to cope. bcepilepsy.com |
为了维持必要的两相聚合物 网络,从而在Stat-Rite®聚合物合金中提供ESD(静电消散)路径,必须满足某些热成形条件。 cn.lubrizol.com | Certain thermoforming conditions must be met in order to maintain the [...] required two phase polymer network that [...]provides the ESD (electrostatic dissipative) path [...]in Stat-Rite® polymer alloys. lubrizol.com |
主席女士,另 一 方面, 行 政長官 於 去 年的施 政報告中提到 政府將研究進 一 步 推 廣 彈 性 工作時間 , 讓 家 有 幼 兒 的員工有多些親 子 相 聚 的 機 會,亦 讓 家 長 可以多參與校務 和 家長會的活動。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, the Chief Executive pointed out in his policy address last year that the Government would study ways of further promoting flexible working hours, or the so-called flexi-time, so that employees with young children could spend more time with their children and parents could also participate more in the management and parents' associations of their children's schools. legco.gov.hk |
在圣诞节这天,亲朋好友通常会相聚 一 堂 ,交换礼物,享受特别的圣诞节美食。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | On Christmas Day [...] family and friends gather to exchange gifts [...]and enjoy special Christmas food. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
大约 30 位政策分析和评 估方面的国际专家相聚一堂 ,确定政府在全民教育计划方面共同关心的重大问题和所面临挑 战,通过此次会议,在全民教育计划框架中,会员国在教育系统政策分析和评估方面得到了 加强。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Member States received support in policy analysis and evaluation of education systems within the EFA framework through a meeting that brought together some 30 international experts on policy analysis and evaluation and identified key issues of concern and challenges facing governments in these areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1998 年,他们第一次在 TunaHAKI 中心相聚,这是第一批被 TunaHAKI 儿童发展中心救治的几百名艾滋病孤儿和街头流浪儿。 anhglobal.org | came together in 1998 ³ the first of hundreds of AIDS orphans and vulnerable street children to have been rescued by the TunaHAKI Centre for Child Development. anhglobal.org |
但是,仍然没有能够让各国协调员/联络人定 期 相聚 的 论坛,这种论坛能够就实 施该战略的具体问题共同进行讨论,而且能够更好地将全球、区域和国家的反恐 倡议联系在一起。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, there is still no forum for national coordinators/focal points to come together on a regular basis and engage jointly on concrete issues related to the implementation of the Strategy and to better connect global, regional and national counter-terrorism initiatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
父親含淚擁抱女兒,說:「蜜糖兒,襪子隨處買到,我要的是與你共處,我 們 相聚 的 時間 aglow.org | The father lovingly embraced his daughter with tears and replied, "Honey, I could have bought socks anywhere, but what I really wanted was to spend time with you"! aglow.org |
和遭遇类似的家长相聚,能 为他们提供各种机会,如反思、发现如何与孩子互动、在家如何与孩子相处等。 ycis-bj.com | Meeting other parents alike can provide an opportunity for reflection by stepping back and discovering different ways to interact and work with children when they are at home,” she said. ycis-bj.com |
正是在 10 年前,我们 不仅作为各国政府而且也代表世界各国人 民 相聚在 南 非,参加具有历史意义的反对种族主义、种族歧视、 仇外心理和相关不容忍行为的世界会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was 10 years ago that we gathered in South Africa at the historic World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, not merely as Governments but as the peoples of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
A: 與家人及朋友相聚,不用打羽毛球。 ktsf.com | A: Spending time with my [...] family and friends and not play badminton. ktsf.com |
特大病房連接客廳、飯廳、私人坐廁及浴室、陪人床等,各類電器如高清電視、冰箱及微波爐應有盡有,感覺有如置身家中,讓病人與一眾親友訪客悠 然 相聚 , 時 刻感受貼身的關懷與問候。 hksh.com | All amenities such as HDTVs, refrigerator, microwave oven are discretely and conveniently located for the convenient use of patients and their visitors. hksh.com |
各国领导相聚峰会 ,就核恐怖主义威胁的严重性及改善核安全以 减少这种威胁的需要交流认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | In April 2010, the Nuclear Security Summit was held in Washington, D.C. [...] World leaders gathered at the Summit [...]to share their understanding of the gravity [...]of the threat of nuclear terrorism and the need to reduce this threat through enhanced nuclear security. daccess-ods.un.org |
10月24日至25日,70多名来自英国电力企业和工业用户的专 家 相聚 在 伯 明翰的Renaissance酒店。 highvolt.de | About 70 experts from all important British power supply plants and various industrial enterprises met in the Renaissance Solihull Hotel in Birmingham from October 24th to 25th. highvolt.de |
这样,即使是不想滑雪的人也可以与其家人和朋 友 相聚 在 滑 道顶端,或者只是享受阿尔卑斯风光和餐饮。 contitech.cn | So even people who don’t want to ski can meet up with their [...] family and friends at the top or simply [...]enjoy the Alpine flair or the catering. contitech.cn |
和往常一样,客厅里坐满了年轻的中国学生,他们想和所爱的外国老 师 相聚 在 一 起。 amccsm.org | As usual the living room was crowded with young Chinese students who wanted to spend time with their beloved foreign teachers. amccsm.org |
他们是由一群十几岁的男孩所组成,就像其他男孩队伍一样,爱开玩笑爱玩耍,爱 互 相聚 在 一 起。 resources.specialolympics.org | They are a bunch of teen-age boys, just like any other team of boys who joke and play [...] and bond with each other, Nokulung said. resources.specialolympics.org |
施贝斯将于2013年03月01-04日与您在广东国际广告展 再 相聚 , “广东国际广告展(SIGN CHINA)”,是全球开年最大规模的广告行业盛会,每年3月在广州•中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展览馆举行。 first-top.com | SIGN CHINA is the largest advertising industry meeting in the world, and it be held in Guangzhou • China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Exhibition Hall in March each year. first-top.com |
在慕道的过程中,应培育慕道者对信仰小团体的意识和经验,并鼓励他们于领洗后加入堂区的信仰小团体,定 时 相聚 , 分享圣言,将信仰配合于生活经验和挑战中,或由新教友组成新的信仰小团体,延续在慕道过程中的经验和成长。 catholic.org.hk | They should also let the newly baptized faithful to form new small communities of faith, and to continue their experience found during the period of catechumenate, so as to mature in faith. catholic.org.hk |
大中国区人事主管Cissy及华北区销售经理Constock为此 次 相聚 准 备 了别开生面的交流会,别出心裁的将生产车间作为会议场所,在幽默轻松的气氛当中,与两位有着丰富经验的集团执行官进行面对面的交流。 ixmation.com | According to R. Michael Farrell, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for ixmation NORTH AMERICA, “This is a continuation of our corporate strategy to leverage nearly 45 years of automation experience and apply that expertise to the renewable energy industry. ixmation.com |
我们诚挚邀请海内外食品机械行业的专业人 士 相聚 北 京 ,继续关注和支持这一历史悠久的盛会,相信ChinaFoodtech [...] 2013将再次为您提供理想的展示平台和无限的商业机会。 foodtechchina.com | ChinaFoodtech Organizing Committee endeavors to update the service at all aspects to meet the customers’ demand. We sincerely invite [...] domestic and overseas food machinery industry [...] professionals gathering in Beijing to [...]take part in ChinaFoodtech 2013, which will [...]provide you with excellent trade opportunities and broad business platform. en.foodtechchina.com |
感谢你们,文物、考古、艺术界的老专家,工商界的朋友们,还有来自挪威、日本、爱尔兰、俄罗斯、美国、德国、巴西、意大利的驻华使节和夫人们 , 相聚 文 化遗 产保护这一全人类共同的伟大事业。 chinadiaolou.com | Thank you, relics, archeology, art senior experts, business friends, also from Norway, Japan, Ireland, Russia, the United States, [...] Germany, Brazil, Italy, diplomatic envoys and his [...] wife, who meet this cultural heritage [...]protection A great cause of all mankind. chinadiaolou.com |