

单词 相继

相继 ()

in succession
following closely

See also:

follow after
go on with

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 委员会和联合国贸易和发展会议 相继 重 叠 的短会和大量的文件,对这一工作量 [...]
的唯一应对办法仍是严格遵守 10 周规则。
For the Economic Commission for Europe and the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development,
[...] which have successive overlapping [...]
short meetings and large amounts of documentation,
the only way to deal with their workload continues to be strict adherence to the 10-week rule.
[...] 年底,海地的政治和社会危机以及楼房和档案 相继 毁 灭 和洗劫 是没能实施自然科学计划的首要原因。
At the subregional level, the political
and social crisis in Haiti at the end of
[...] 2003, and the subsequent destruction [...]
and looting of buildings and archives, was
the principal reason for the nonimplementation of the natural sciences programme.
鉴于总统、议会、省级和地方选举 相继 组 织 ,独立选举 委员会认为安全风险将会增加,并且为保证警力不足地区的安全也将需要联刚特 [...]
The Commission believed that, given the successive organization [...]
of the presidential, parliamentary, gubernatorial and local
elections, security risks would increase and MONUC support would also be needed to secure areas where the presence of the police would not be sufficient.
当不止一个国家对同一文物(或多件文物)被移走或其所有权被剥夺负有责任或对该 文相继被移走或其所有相继被剥 夺负有责任时,有关的各国应该在原则 IV 的含义 之内被视为“责任国”。
Where more than one States are responsible for
[...] the same or successive acts of removal or loss of possession of a cultural object or objects each of these [...]
States shall be considered
as a “responsible State” within the meaning of Principle IV”.
相继举行 了选举。代表团指出,国内、地区和国际观察员宣布这些选 [...]
The delegation noted that all had been
[...] declared free and fair by domestic, [...]
regional and international observers.
相继发生 的三大危机为特征,今年是极富挑战 的一年:科特迪瓦大选后发生的暴力事件已导致科特 [...]
迪瓦国内数以万计的居民流离失所,近 200 000 人涌 入邻国;利比亚危机使得大约 150 万难民流离失所; 索马里在发生历时数十年的武装冲突后,又遭遇旱灾
和饥饿,导致大批索马里人流离失所,使得索马里难 民总人数激增,达到令人惊讶的 940 000 人,设在肯 尼亚的达达阿布难民营人数已超过其预期容量的五 倍。
It had been an extremely challenging year, marked
[...] by three successive crises: the [...]
post-electoral violence in Côte d’Ivoire,
which had displaced tens of thousands of people internally and almost 200,000 into neighbouring countries; the crisis in Libya, which had created some 1.5 million refugees; and decades-old conflict compounded by drought and famine in Somalia, which had caused a new exodus of Somalis, swelling the total number of Somali refugees to a staggering 940,000 and the Dadaab camp in Kenya to more than five times its intended size.
[...] 工作组应承认绿色技术正在成为发展的障碍,该技术应是世 相继 且 便 于获取使 用的,而非一种歧视的手段。
According to the contributor, the task force should have acknowledged, for example, that green technology
was becoming a barrier to development, whereas it should be
[...] generational, accessible and not a means [...]
of discrimination.
美国于2002年颁布了萨班斯法案、香港联合交易所修订了上市规则中的公司管治常规守则第C.2.1条的相关规定、日本发布了与内控相关的金融产品商业法。在中国,上海、深圳证券交易所 相继 颁 布 了相关规定,要求上市公司在年度报告披露的同时,披露年度内部控制自我评估报告,并需由会计师事务所对公司的内部控制自我评估报告及其内部控制出具核实评价意见。
The U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the Code Provision C.2.1 of the Revised Code on Corporate Governance of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, the Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Law on internal controls, and, recently, the Pronouncement on Enhancement of the Quality of Listed Companies endorsed by the State Council of China are complex pieces of legislations and regulations.
继成品油墨和金属颜料分散体这种半成品产品之后,ECKART 又相继推出了众多适用于水性体系的的金属颜料产品。
Next to finished inks and semi-finished products in the form of metallic dispersions ECKART offers a variety of other metal pigment products for water-based printing applications.
尽管自联合国建立以来,在武 装冲突中保护平民问题上出现了法律方面的进展和 国际协定——从《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》 到安全理事相继通过 的无数项决议——平民仍然 在武装冲突中付出着最沉重的代价。
Despite the legal developments and international agreements on the protection of civilians in armed conflict that have emerged since the establishment of the United
Nations, starting with the
[...] Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War and the numerous resolutions subsequently [...]
adopted by the Security Council,
civilians are still paying the heaviest price in armed conflicts.
同样,区域各有关部委的代 表相继确立,但基本上仍没有运作。
Similarly, regional representations of line ministries have been established, but remain largely non-operational.
不过,随着这些基准在不同时间点 提供连贯、可信信息的能力日益明显,一系列挑战 相继 出 现
However, a number of challenges have emerged as the capability of these benchmarks to provide consistent and credible information at multiple points in time becomes increasingly evident.
The audience was alternately appalled by the radical changes we had made (not at our acting skills), envious that we had gotten away with it, and admiring of our success as evidenced in the knowledge and abilities of the students.
2009年至2011年期间,三所分相继于 达 拉斯(NAIOSW -北美瑞士制表学院)、香港(HKIOSW [...]
-香港瑞士制表学院)和上海(CNIOSW –中国瑞士制表学院)设立。
Three schools based in Dallas (NAIOSW [...]
- North American Institute of Swiss Watchmaking), Hong-Kong (HKIOSW - Hong Kong Institute
of Swiss Watchmaking) and Shanghai (CNIOSW – China Institute of Swiss Watchmaning) were opened between 2009 and 2011.
相关计划实施期间,国家呼吸系统疾病研究所基准实验室和 Vorniceni 结 核病医院、巴蒂市立医院和蒂吉娜市立医院基准实验 相继 开 展了肺结核微生物 学实验。
During the implementation period the National Phtysiopneumology Institute Reference Laboratory and the Reference Laboratories in tuberculosis microbiology of the tuberculosis hospital in Vorniceni, the municipal hospital of Balti and Tighina.
随着奥运热潮在中国的铺展,许多品牌通过独特的数字营销活 相继 投 入 了伦敦2012年奥运会的浪潮中(我们已在之前的文章中讨论过彪马和伊利的案例)。
Olympic fever has descended upon China with many brands surfing the London 2012 wave through special digital campaigns (amongst which Puma and Yili who we presented in previous articles).
本十年内的后半期相继发生 的能源、粮食、以及金融/经济危 机,以及各方日益关注环境和气候变化的情况,均表明人们对亚太区域发 [...]
展的前景规划和战略所依据的最根本的一些假定条件提出了质疑,特别是 质疑本区域的市场可在何种程度上取得进一步发展,从而成为西方世界传
The succession of energy, food and [...]
financial/economic crises in the second half of the decade, combined with mounting environmental
and climate change concerns, has called into question some of the fundamental assumptions underlying the Asia-Pacific region’s development outlook and strategy, in particular the extent to which regional markets can be developed to complement traditional markets in the West and sustain future growth.
除采取被动的措施外相继为积极 的劳动力市场政策创造了先决条件。
The preconditions for active labour market policy were introduced in addition to passive measures.
这些进展可能得益于一系列法 律法规的修订:摩尔多瓦共和相继 修 订了《强制性医疗保险法》(第 286-XVI 号,2007 年 12 月 20 日通过)、《关于强制性医疗保险保费的缴费额度、缴费方 法、缴费条件的法律》(第 1585-XIII 号,1998 年 2 月 27 日通过)、《摩尔多瓦共 和国民事诉讼法》(第 1593-XV 号,2002 年 12 月 26 日通过)、《国家税收法》 (第 1216-XII 号,1992 年 12 月 3 日通过),并补充了新的规定。
Thus, by means of the Law No. 286-XVI from 20.12.2007 the Law on mandatory health insurance No. 1585-XIII from 27 February 1998, Law on the amount, method and terms of payment of mandatory health insurance premiums No. 1593-XV from 26 December 2002, the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Moldova and the Law on the state tax No. 1216-XII from 3 December 1992 have been amended and complemented with new provisions.
1570 年的版本推出之后,其拉丁语、荷兰语、法语、德语、和西班牙语译本 相继 出 版,所收录的地图数量也不断增多。
The 1570 edition was followed by editions in Latin, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish, with an ever-increasing number of maps.
20世纪90年代以来,上相继建成 了一批享誉国内外的功能性建筑,构成了迷人的都市风景线,同时也成为上海的旅游新景观,向世人展示了上海的新风貌。
From the
[...] nineties, Shanghai has successively developed a solid international reputation [...]
in the sphere of architecture which
represents now an attractive aspect in the city setting and, at the same time, constitutes a new tourist landscape: those buildings are nothing but the new incarnation of what Shanghai reflects for the rest of the world.
总务委员会应在大会每届会议开始时,顾及某些主要委员会在该届 会议承担审议的问题所需的会议次数,大会整届会议的工作安排以及较小代 表团的参与问题,考虑建议这些主要委员 相继 举 行 会议。
The General Committee should consider, at the beginning of each session of the General Assembly, recommending that certain Main Committees should meet in sequential order, taking into account such matters as the number of meetings required for the consideration of the questions with which they are charged at that session, the organization of the work of the whole session and the problem of participation of smaller delegations.
公司与国内外著名科研院所建立了长期的技术合作关系,在吸收意、德、美、法等世界一流先进技术和科研成果的基础上,充分发挥“奥科人”的聪明才智,经过多年苦心研制,于1998年推出了中国第一台电脑切割机,并且获得了该产品的中国专利权,其 相继 推 出 了中国第一台裁皮机、中国第一台纸箱纸盒电脑打样机、中国第一台服装电脑裁床、中国第一台数控卡纸斜刻机等奥科(AOKE)系列专利产品。其中纸箱纸盒电脑打样机和服装电脑裁床获得了国家级重点新产品奖。
Especially, the carton box sample cutting machine and the garment computer cutting room was granted for the new product award in China.
认识到 已为加强在空间技术应用和地理信息系统领域内的区域合作 做出了努力,诸如于 1993 年设立的亚太区域空间机构论坛等;这一论坛随相继出台 了“亚洲哨兵”、“环境保护空间应用”、“关键气候飞行任务 区域准备情况审查”、以及亚太空间合作组织等举措
Cognizant of the efforts to strengthen regional cooperation in the applications of space technology and the Geographic Information System, such as the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum, which was established in 1993 and has created initiatives, such as Sentinel Asia, Space Applications For Environment, and the Regional Readiness Review for Key Climate Missions, as well as the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization
在这方面,两个协调机构应每年至少一 相继 召 开 会议,并 且其议程应由两个机构的召集人协商拟订。
In this respect, the meetings of the two coordinating bodies should be held back-to-back at least once a year and their agenda should be prepared through consultations between the convenors of both bodies.
2010年8月24日 -所以每个音乐爱好者可以享受的音质和舒适,取得了最终的耳朵 ,一logN)的业务单位罗技(六:(纳斯达克:LOGI),排名第一的乐手选择世界顶级的巡回演出, Ultimate Ears的相继出台了一系列新的价格极具吸引力的耳机线 – 最终耳™500隔音耳塞,最终耳™350隔音耳塞,最终耳™200隔音耳机。
Aug. 24, 2010 — So every music lover can enjoy the sound quality and comfort that has made Ultimate Ears, a business unit of Logitech (SIX: LOGN) (NASDAQ: LOGI), the number one choice of the world’s top touring musicians, Ultimate Ears unveiled a line of new attractively priced earphones — the Ultimate Ears™ 500 Noise-Isolating Earphones, the Ultimate Ears™ 350 Noise-Isolating Earphones and the Ultimate Ears™ 200 Noise-Isolating Earphones.
在讨论临时议程项目 69“促进和保护人权”时,代表团可 相继 讨 论 的分项 (a)和(d)各发言一次。
Under item 69 of the provisional agenda, “Promotion and protection of human rights”, delegations may make one statement under sub-item (a) and one statement under sub-item (d), which are to be discussed sequentially.
认识到 已为加强在空间技术应用和地理信息系统领域内的区域 合作做出了努力,诸如于 1993 年设立的亚太区域空间机构论坛等; 这一论坛随相继出台 了“亚洲哨兵”、“环境保护空间应用”、 “关键气候飞行任务区域准备情况审查”、以及亚太空间合作组织等 举措,注意到 联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息平台北京办公室在
Cognizant of the efforts to strengthen regional cooperation in the applications of space technology and the Geographic Information System, such as the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum, which was established in 1993 and has created initiatives, such as Sentinel Asia, Space Applications For Environment, and the Regional Readiness Review for Key Climate Missions, as well as the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization
年会上公司董事长兼总经理李健先生及其他公司领 相继 发 言,回顾了2011年公司各项业务工作,对新一年公司各部门的工作重点及公司新的发展目标进行了规划和部署。
At the annual meeting, chairman and general manager Mr Li Jian and other leaders have made speeches successively, in which, every business of 2011 has been reviewed, and the work focus of each department and the new development goal of the Company in the new year has been planed and deployed.




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