

单词 相约

External sources (not reviewed)

总干事应当及时将对本约相关附 件的修 正建议通知所有缔约国。
The Director-General shall notify such changes as proposed amendments to the relevant
[...] Annexes to this Convention to all States [...]
Parties expeditiously.
又深信《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪 约 》 、 97 相关恐 怖主义公约的可适用 条款以及其他相关多边和双边协定的可适用条款为开展国际合作,预防、打击和 消除绑架活动提供了一个必要的法律框架,并且深信为确保实现这一目标,必须 为各国间的对话以及交流在打击绑架活动方面的经验和最佳做法创造机会
Convinced also that the
[...] United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime,97 the applicable provisions of the relevant terrorism conventions and the applicable [...]
provisions of
other relevant multilateral and bilateral agreements provide the legal framework necessary for international cooperation to prevent, combat and eliminate kidnapping and that, in order to achieve that objective, it is necessary to create opportunities for dialogue among States and for the exchange of experiences and best practices in combating kidnapping
这些方案和举 措主要涉及《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物 约 》 相 关 条 款的执行、 港口和集装箱安全以及海事执法。
These relate principally to the implementation
[...] of relevant provisions of the Drugs Convention, port and container [...]
security and maritime law enforcement.
会议呼吁所有缔约国采取适当措施,包括有效国家出口管制措施,执行这一 条款,确保与《约》相关的 直接和间接转让仅在预定用途是为了《公约》所不 禁止的目的才予批准。
The Conference calls for appropriate measures, including effective
national export controls,
[...] by all States Parties to implement this Article, in order to ensure that direct and indirect transfers relevant to the Convention, to any recipient [...]
whatsoever, are
authorized only when the intended use is for purposes not prohibited under the Convention.
[...] 于拟议未来步骤的问题,涉及1/CP.13和1/CP.16 号决定的相关部分,因此,该 报告可被用作对《气候约》相关机构工作的投入。
The SBI considered that the issues identified in the NEEDS report, particularly on the proposed next steps, relate to respective parts of
decisions 1/CP.13 and 1/CP.16 and that the report therefore could be used as input to
[...] the work of relevant bodies of the UNFCCC.
如 2006 年所报告的,姥鲨已被列入《保 护地中海海洋环境和沿海区域公约》(《巴塞罗那公约》)和《濒危野生动植物种 国际贸易约》相关议 定书,此外还被列入了《养护野生动物移栖物种公约》, 受到几个国家的法律保护。
In addition to being listed on relevant protocols of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora as reported in 2006, it is also listed on the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals and is legally protected by several States.
性声明的目标和作用仅为解释条约:“另外,鉴于法国政府在签署时附上了解释 性声明,表明它打算赋予《宪章》或其与《宪法》有关的部分规定的含义和范
[...] 围,这种单方面声明应具有的规范力仅在于它构成一项与 约相 关 的 文书,在出 现争端时有助于解释条约”。
(14) The French Constitutional Council shares this view and has clearly limited the object and role of an interpretative declaration by the French Government solely to the interpretation of the treaty: “Whereas, moreover, the French Government has accompanied its signature with an interpretative declaration in which it specifies the meaning and scope which it intends to give to the Charter or to some of its provisions with regard to the Constitution, such unilateral declaration shall have normative force only
in that it constitutes an instrument
[...] connected with the treaty and may contribute, [...]
in the case of a dispute, to its interpretation.
公共机构将人权问题研讨会、其他公共活动及各类网站作为宣传人权约 相关资料的重要媒介。
Seminars and other public events on human rights issues, as well as
various internet sites are used by public institutions as important means to disseminate
[...] information on human rights treaties.
委员会可以请缔约国提供与实施本 约相 关 的 进一步 资料。
The Committee may request further information from
[...] States parties relevant to the implementation of the present Convention.
[...] 保障协定:《斐济政府与国际原子能机构实施不扩散核武器条约(及议定书)相关 保障措施协定》以及《实施不扩散核武器 约相 关 保 障措施协定的附加议定书》。
Despite being a non-member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Fiji has nevertheless signed its two Safeguard Agreements: the Agreement between the Government of Fiji and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (with Protocol) and the Protocol Additional to
the Agreement for the Application of Safeguards in
[...] connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
[...] 注意到该准则草案并允许逐案审议某些项目,同时虑及国家的相对需要,以期拟订一个计 量吸入器项目以确保该项目的约、 相 对 符 合成本效益,并顾及到各缔约方能否尽早在 2008 年便审议计量吸入器的基本用途(第 37/61 号决定)。
Subsequently, the Executive Committee decided, inter alia, to take note of the draft guidelines, and to allow consideration of some projects on a
case-by-case basis, taking into
[...] account the relative need of the country to have an MDI project to ensure compliance, the relative cost-effectiveness [...]
of the project and
the possibility that essential use applications for MDIs might be considered by the Parties as early as 2008 (Decision 37/61).
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护约 制 定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national
ability to monitor,
[...] diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary [...]
animal and plant
pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
审议贯彻可持续发展问题世界首脑会议与《联合国防治荒漠 化约》相关的 成果和可持续发展委员会第十八和第十九届 会议的成果的后续行动
Consideration of the follow-up to the outcome of the
World Summit on Sustainable
[...] Development relevant to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification [...]
and the outcome
of the eighteenth and nineteenth sessions of the Commission on Sustainable Development
[...] 约》的不结盟国家保持密切协调的重要意义,并强调虽然可能会对某些方面进 行单独审议,但《生物和毒素武器公约》是一个整体,并且必须要采用平衡而 全面的方式来处理与《约》相互关联的所有问题。
They underlined the importance to maintain close coordination among the NAM States Parties to the Convention and highlighted that the Convention on Biological and Toxin Weapons forms a whole and that, although it is possible to consider certain aspects
separately, it is critical to deal with all
[...] of the issues interrelated to this Convention in a balanced and comprehensive manner.
委员会建议缔约国确保《儿童保育和 保护法》草案与《约》相符,并鼓励迅速予以通过。
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that
the draft Child Care and Protection Act is
[...] harmonized with the Convention and furthermore [...]
encourages its speedy adoption.
此外,执行支助股还支持许多缔约国编写透明度报告,支持 缔约国及其他方面最大限度地参与《公约》,并答复了数百份就众多《 约 》相 关事项提供咨询、信息和支持的请求。
In addition, the ISU supported many States Parties in preparing transparency reports, assisted States Parties and others in maximising
participation in the
[...] Convention’s implementation processes and responded to hundreds of miscellaneous requests for advice, information and support regarding a wide range of matters concerning the Convention.
联合应对危机倡议的框架涉及一些与《全球就业 约 》 相 关 的领域, 包括最低限度社会保护、粮食保障、贸易、技术与创新以及创造绿色就业机会的 [...]
更注重环保的经济(见 CEB/2009/1)。
The joint crisis initiatives framework covers
[...] several areas relevant to the Global Jobs Pact, including a [...]
social protection floor, food
security, trade, technology and innovation, and a greener economy generating green jobs (see CEB/2009/1).
国家计划因此 作了一些修订,以便与《卡塔赫纳行动计划》和《残疾人权利 约 》 相 符。
These efforts led to an amendment of the national plan to align it with the Cartagena Action Plan as well as with the CRPD.
会议重申,确保所有缔约国之间多边合作的现有体制途径和方法需要进一 步发展,以促进在与《约》相关的 领域为和平利用开展国际合作,包括医药、 公共卫生、农业和环境等领域。
The Conference reaffirms that existing institutional ways and means of ensuring multilateral cooperation among all States Parties need to be developed further in order to promote
international cooperation for peaceful
[...] uses in areas relevant to the Convention, including areas, [...]
such as medicine, public health,
agriculture and the environment.
只有在这种情况下,军事管辖权才可能与《 约 》相 符。
Only under these conditions can military
[...] jurisdiction be compatible with the Covenant.
本文件的第 I
[...] 部分提到,截止帐目结算时,未经审计的数字显示,经 调整的 6.419 亿美元的预算批准额几乎全部用于开支总额/承付款(6.4189 亿美元),盈余总 额仅为 1 万美元左右约相当于总预算的 0.001%。
As previously mentioned in Section I of this document, the unaudited figures as at the closure of the accounts showed that the Approved Budget (as adjusted) of $641.90 million was almost completely consumed by the total Expenditures/Obligations of $641.89 million,
leaving a slight overall
[...] surplus of approximately $0.01 million which corresponds to approximately 0.001% of the [...]
total budget.
小组委 员会建议对价格进行调节,使其 约相 当 于在监狱外可以买到的食品的价格。
The SPT recommends that prices
[...] are regulated to approximately the cost of food [...]
products available outside the prison.
[...] 国方面实际上涉及业已证明的侵犯人权行为的实际做法,而是要帮助缔约国符合 适当程序现代标准,并明确指出必须酌情修订国内法,使之与《 约 》 相 一 致
The idea is not — nor is it the Committee’s role — to adapt the interpretation of the Covenant to take account of actual practices on the part of States that in fact entail proven human rights violations, but rather to help States parties to meet modern standards of due process by explicitly
indicating what modifications, if any, must be made to domestic legislation in order to
[...] bring it into line with the Covenant.
委 员会进一步关切地注意到,《公约》所有原则和条款尚未纳入国内法律,与《约》相悖的立法,特别是歧视女童和非婚生儿童的法律,依然有效。
The Committee expresses further concern that all
principles and provisions of the Convention have not yet been incorporated into domestic legislation, and
[...] that legislation contrary to the Convention, in particular [...]
laws that discriminate
against girls and children born out of wedlock, remain in force.
(d) 法律和实践中构成对宗教或信仰自由基本权利、包括个人公开表达自 身精神和宗教信仰的权利的侵犯的事例,同时考虑到《公民权利和政治权利国际约》1 相关条款以及其它国际文书
(d) Instances, both in law and practice, that constitute violations of the fundamental right to freedom of religion or belief, including of the individual right to publicly express one’s spiritual and
religious beliefs, taking into
[...] account the relevant articles of the International Covenant on Civil [...]
and Political Rights,1as
well as other international instruments
[...] 智利、缅甸、加拿大、肯尼亚、墨西哥、澳大利亚和印度尼西亚境内与历史和 现代约相关的 情况,包括辩明一些核心问题并提出一些建议的专家的工作文 件。
Situations pertaining to historical and modern treaties in Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico,
Myanmar, New Zealand, Panama, the Philippines
[...] and the United States of America were [...]
discussed at length, including with expert
working papers, which identified core issues and made proposals.
俄罗斯打算积极参 加即将在维也纳召开的《联合国打击跨国有组织犯
[...] 罪公约》缔约国第五届会议,该会议可能会设立实 施该文件的一种评价机制,与《联合国反腐败 约》 相关机制类似。
It intended to participate constructively in the fifth session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, to be held shortly in Vienna, which would enable a mechanism to be
set up to monitor the implementation of that instrument, similarly to
[...] that relating to the Convention against Corruption.
[...] 门委员会的资料,在《气候公约》网站上,进一步提高与《 约 》 相 关 的科学资 料的具备度和可见度,包括通过网播在研究对话框架下举办的任何研讨会会议情 [...]
The SBSTA requested the secretariat, taking into consideration information from relevant research programmes and organizations and the IPCC, to further enhance the
availability and visibility of scientific
[...] information relevant to the Convention on the UNFCCC [...]
website, including through webcasts
of the proceedings of any workshops under the research dialogue.
委员会建议缔约国修订立法,纳入完全符合《公约》第一条的种族歧视定义,或 者通过一条与《约》相一致 的涵盖社会生活所有领域的全面禁止种族歧视的命 令。
The Committee recommends that the State party amend its legislation to include a definition of racial discrimination in full
conformity with
[...] article 1 of the Convention or adopt a general prohibition of racial discrimination in line with the Convention that covers all [...]
fields of social life.




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