

单词 相等的

See also:



External sources (not reviewed)

它有一个董事会,由人相等的海地 人和对海地重建感兴 趣的外国人组成。
It has a
[...] Board comprising equal numbers of Haitians [...]
and foreigners interested in the reconstruction of Haiti.
4.1 在優先註冊期內,任何持有合資格英文域名的註冊人都可以用所註冊的合資格英文域名免費申 相等 的域名類別中的中文域名。
4.1 During the Pre Launch Priority Registration Period, any Registrant holding an Eligible EDN can apply, free of
charge, in the name in which the Eligible EDN is registered, for a Chinese
[...] Domain Name in the Equivalent Domain Name Category.
[...] 外在性成本,以及一个透明的过程将这些成本内源化会促使生产者选择与市场回相等的,最有效的方法来提供产品。
Appropriate valuing of externalities and a transparent process of internalizing these costs will allow
producers to select the most effective means of
[...] delivering output commensurate with the returns [...]
available from marketed products.
[...] 不包括供臨時服務基礎下出租之轉發器容量,因為難以量化這些臨時使用量,並將之轉化 相等的 轉 發器 數目。
These utilisation rates did not include the transponder capacity leased for occasional
service on an ad hoc basis as it is difficult to quantify and translate the
[...] occasional use into equivalent transponders.
各委员会或小组委员会的组成,应给予进口国和出口国充分的代表权,也可 给相等的代表权,如这样做有利于会议工作的进行。
The composition of each committee or subcommittee shall provide adequate representation for importers and exporters and
may, in cases where
[...] it appears that such a course would facilitate the business of the conference, provide for equal representation.
该中心的使命是协助西亚经济社会委员会成员以及公共和私人组织获得加 快社会经济发展的必要工具和能力,以达到与世界其他国家和地 相等的 科 技 水 平,并协助成员国经济转型为以科学技术知识为基础的经济。
The mission of the Centre is to assist members of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and public and private organizations to acquire the tools and capabilities necessary to accelerate socio-economic development in order to attain technological parity with other nations and regions of the world, and to contribute to the conversion of the economies of member countries into economies based on scientific and technological knowledge.
(d) 倘有1 位本可當選的被提名人因有 1 位或多位其他被提名人獲得的票 數和相等而未能當選( 即 " 票數 相等"),即須舉行另一輪投票,以 解決票相等的情況;若經過另一 輪投票後仍出現票相等的情況, 內務委員會主席即須以抽籤方式決 定哪些議員應獲提名。
(d) In cases where a nominee would have been elected but for there being one or more
other nominees having been
[...] given the same number of votes (i.e. "tied votes"), a further round poll should be taken to resolve the tied votes; and if there were still tied votes after that further round, lots would be [...]
drawn by the Chairman
of the House Committee to determine which of the Members should be nominated.
負 有的或該 參與 對他人負 有的一項淨額義務; (e) “ 有關破產清盤人員" 指破產管理署署長、清盤人或 在公司清盤的情況下與清盤人身相 等的人員、破產 受 託 人 , 或根據命令獲委任而對無力償債死 的 遺 產 作 遺 產破產管理的人。
liquidator or an equivalent officer in a company liquidation, a trustee in bankruptcy or a person appointed under an order for administering the insolvent estate of a deceased person.
[...] 平等观点纳入其各方面的工作,并鼓励成员国派送人 相等的 男 女 人员参加该组 织举办和支持的所有培训活动。
The OAS secretariat promotes the inclusion of a gender perspective in all aspects
of its work, and encourages OAS member
[...] States to send an equal number of male [...]
and female participants to all training provided or supported by OAS.
总干事在得到本双年度 400,000 美元的预算外资金用于物理和数学 能力建设的保证以后,例外地决定从教科文组织专门拨给的里雅斯特 国际理论物理中心(ICTP )的正常拨款中拿相等的数额满足 SESAME 国际中心的紧迫需要。
Being assured of $400,000 for capacity-building in physics and mathematics from an extrabudgetary source during the biennium, the Director-General as an exception decided to use an equivalent amount to respond to the immediate need of SESAME from funds earmarked for UNESCO’s regular contribution to the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste.
[...] 向荷兰上诉法庭提出过申诉,指称可能违反了一 相等的 条 款,即《欧洲人权公 约》第八条。
Nevertheless, he stated that he had raised a possible violation of article 8 of
the European Convention on Human Rights before the Court of Appeal in the
[...] Netherlands, which was an equivalent provision.
(a) 基金認購章程原本列明的基礎證券發行人的信貸評級要求(即基礎證券發行人的 優先債務信貸評級須至少獲標準普爾評為A-的信貸評級,或由穆迪或惠譽國際給 予與相等的評級)將停止適用;及
(a) the credit rating of a Base Securities Issuer as originally set out in the Prospectus, that is, a Base Security Issuer must have a credit rating in respect of
senior debt of at least A- by Standard
[...] & Poor’s or equivalent rating given by Moody’s or by Fitch, shall cease to apply; and
匹配所有的面:打开时,所有面上将填 相等的 数 量
All sides match: when turned on, an equal amount will be [...]
filled in on all sides.
[...] 部分主权移交给该组织之后,有义务确保公约所保障的权利在该组织内得到与公 约机制所确保的保护相等的保护”。
The Court said that States, when they transfer part of their sovereign powers to an organization of which they are members, are under an obligation to see that the rights guaranteed
by the Convention receive within the
[...] organization an “equivalent protection” to [...]
that ensured by the Convention mechanism.
根据以往惯例,考虑到大会关于联合国各机构工作安排的第 33/417 号决定,各区域集团应在组织会议召开之前及早开始就提名候选人填补这
[...] 些选任职位之事进行协商,以期议定一份人数与需要填补职位数 相等的 候 选 人 名单,从而得以鼓掌方式选出委员会主席团的所有成员,而无须进行不记名投票。
Based on previous practice, and taking into account General Assembly decision 33/417 on the organization of the work of United Nations bodies, it is urged that the regional groups start consultations on the nomination of candidates to fill those elective posts well in advance of the organizational
meeting, with a view to agreeing on a
[...] slate of candidates equal to the number of [...]
positions to be filled, thus allowing all
officers of the Committee to be elected by acclamation at that meeting and dispensing with the requirement for secret balloting.
[...] 条,以便将副主席从八名增加到十名,使每个选举组都能有名 相等的 成 员 参加会议主 席团的工作。
The President of the IBE Council proposed that Rule 4.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the ICE be suspended for the session in order to raise the number
of Vice-Presidents from eight to 10, which
[...] would enable an equal number of members [...]
from each electoral group to participate
in the Bureau of the Conference.
的平均時間,由表顯示,忽視這些差異的,任何一天的一年,分為數 相等的 時 間以小時為單位。
The average time, displayed by the watch, ignore these variations and, whatever day of the year,
[...] divided mathematically equal time in hours.
因此,所有鋼化玻 璃板須遵照
[...] BS EN 14179-1:2005 或其相等的國際 標準進行 熱浸程序,以作為適用於幕牆、玻璃窗及玻璃牆工程的鋼化玻 [...]
It is therefore required that heat
soak process conforming to BS EN
[...] 14179-1:2005 or other equivalent international [...]
standards should be carried out to all tempered
glass panes, as one of the quality control measures for tempered glass used in curtain wall, window and window wall works.
款有关的事项”的议程项目。在成立联合联络小组时,科技咨询机构 主席和履行机构主席指示,为每个项目的审议分 相等的 时 间
In the establishment of this joint
contact group, the Chairs of the SBSTA and the SBI
[...] directed that equal time be allocated to the consideration [...]
of each item.
两年期预算数字分为两相等的年度 数额。
Figures for
[...] biennial budgets are divided into two equal annual amounts.
小组委员会认为,为了确保这一变革确实发生,并且举措不会仍 然是一纸空文,各州应加快强化体制的进程,采取紧急行动消除目前与公诉服务相等的情况 ,因为这种不相等不利于被拘留者,而他们在经审判被证明有罪之 前具有推定无罪的权利。
The Subcommittee believes that, in order to ensure that this change actually occurs and the initiative does not remain on paper only, the various states should expedite and accelerate the process of institutional strengthening, taking urgent action to eliminate the current disparities with respect to the public prosecution services as those disparities work to the detriment of detained persons, who have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty at trial.
等量磁碟區包含有兩個或兩個以上的磁碟機 (資料均勻地分佈在磁碟機上 大相等的區域中)。
A volume with striping includes two or more disk drives where data is distributed evenly (striped) across the
[...] disk drives in equal-sized sections.
促请各区域组在届会开幕前尽早就有关职务的候选人提名进行协商,以期就其 人数与拟填补职位相等的一批 候选人达成一致意见,从而使第四届会议所有 [...]
Regional groups are urged to engage in consultations on the nomination of candidates to fill the elective offices well in advance of the beginning of the session, with a
view to agreeing on a slate of candidates
[...] whose number is equal to the number of [...]
offices to be filled, thus allowing all
officers of the Conference at its fourth session to be elected by acclamation and dispensing with the requirement of a secret ballot.
(c) 在不妨害工作人员细则
[...] 4.13(c)的规定的情况下,经 100 号编定期任用 连续工作一相等的时间后,秘书长可酌情缩短或免除规定的试用期。
(c) Without prejudice to the provisions of staff rule 4.13 (c), the SecretaryGeneral may in appropriate cases reduce or waive
the required period of probationary service
[...] following an equivalent period of continuous [...]
service on a 100-series fixed-term appointment.
[...] 基礎的經營溢利包括相關投資的長期總回報、與保單持有人於已變現投資收益利益的責任變 相等的 計 入 或扣除(扣 除對分紅組合過往虧絀的任何回補),減去該等計入或扣除當前或過往變動的五年攤銷。
For this business, operating profit based on longer-term investment returns includes the aggregate of
longer-term returns on the relevant
[...] investments, a credit or charge equal to movements on the [...]
liability for the policyholders’ interest
in realised investment gains (net of any recovery of prior deficits on the participating pool), less amortisation over five years of current and prior movements on such credits or charges.
在 L-C 电路中,共振频率条件下的电感和电容电抗 相等的。
In an L-C circuit, inductive and capacitive
[...] reactances are equal at the resonant [...]
替代条件是,如果出现短缺,与退还供 相等的 金 额 将留在中国, 作为能力建设资金,帮助中国在中国履约中心开展活动,以履行《蒙特利尔议定书》各项承诺。
Instead, in case of any shortfall, the equivalent amount of this refund will remain in China for capacity building to help China to comply with the Montreal Protocol commitments for activities in the China Convention Compliance Center.
[...] 务员制度委员会的支持,确保被派到不带家属工作地 点如阿富汗工作的人员,因当地生活条件和局势而得 到与其他联合国工作人相等的补偿
We will continue to seek the support of the Council, as well as that of relevant budgetary bodies and the ICSC, to ensure that staff posted to nonfamily duty
stations, such as
[...] Afghanistan, are compensated, commensurate with other United Nations [...]
staff, for their living conditions and the situation on the ground.
[...] 考虑以同样的百分比调整法庭法官的年基薪净额,同时铭记必须保持与国际法院 法相等的薪酬水平(见上文第 15 段)。
The Meeting also decided that, on the occasion of future revisions to the annual net base salary of members of the International Court of Justice, it would consider that the annual net base salary of the members of the Tribunal be adjusted by the same percentage and at
the same time, bearing in mind the need to
[...] maintain the equivalence with the remuneration [...]
levels of the members of the International
Court of Justice (see para. 15 above).
(c) 代表該等股東將該款項用作繳足他們各自所持任何股份當時未繳的
[...] 股款(如有),或繳足面值與該款 相等的 本 公司未發行股份、債權 證或其他責任,惟就本條細則而言,股份溢價賬、資本贖回儲備及任 [...]
發的未發行股份,而且當該資本化款項用作繳足未發行股份時,本公 司亦有權參與有關本公司持作庫存股的任何相關類別股份的分派,而 相關類別股東可享有的分派比例將相應計算; (d) 按該等比例將入賬列作繳足的股份、債權證或其他債務配發予該等股 東,或按其可能作出的指示配發,或部分以一種方式配發而部分以另 一種方式配發
(c) apply that sum on their behalf either in or towards
[...] paying up the amounts, if any, for the time [...]
being unpaid on any shares held by them
respectively, or in paying up in full unissued shares, debentures or other obligations of the Company of a nominal amount equal to that sum but the share premium account, the capital redemption reserve, and any profits which are not available for distribution may, for the purposes of this Article, only be applied in paying up unissued shares to be allotted to members credited as fully paid and where the amount capitalised is applied in paying up in full unissued shares, the Company will also be entitled to participate in the relevant distribution in relation to any shares of the relevant class held by it as treasury shares and the proportionate entitlement of the relevant class of members to the distribution will be calculated accordingly




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