单词 | 相看 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 相看 —look uponless common: look at one another • take a good look at 看相 —tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features看看 verb —see v • look at v Examples:刮目相看—see someone in a new light • esteem someone's progress • give increased respect 另眼相看—view in a new light • treat sb. favorably
我期望政策局重組後,可 以在各方面做得比現時更好、更全面,令工業界刮 目 相看。 legco.gov.hk | I expect that after the reorganization of the Policy Bureaux, work can be better and thorough in many areas and the industries would be impressed by such. legco.gov.hk |
捷步透视(Zappos Insights)的文化传道者Jon Wolske将指导与会者提升企业文化,让员工参与并让客户刮 目 相看。 tipschina.gov.cn | Jon Wolske, culture evangelist for Zappos Insights, will instruct attendees on how to improve corporate culture, engage employees and "knock the socks off" customers. tipschina.gov.cn |
在山竹果果皮中發現的強效植物營養素中,氧雜蔥酮的功效最令人刮 目 相看。 xango.com.tw | Among the powerful phytonutrients found in the rind of the mangosteen, xanthones stand alone in their impressive benefits. xango.ca |
例如,大家一起唱卡拉 OK 完畢,如果朋友能夠互相看 管.. ....他一定知道對方是以甚麼交通工具回家的,如果明知他是自行駕車 [...] 前來,甚至在離開時,又知道對方會送自己回家,但上了他的汽車後,他卻 在醉酒駕駛,這樣的情況不但會危害大家的生命,還會危害其他人的生命。 legco.gov.hk | For example, if, after singing together in a karaoke lounge, friends can [...] keep an eye on one another …… one [...] surely knows what mode of transport his friends will [...]take to go home. If one knows full well [...]that a friend has come in his own car and that his friend will drive him home but after boarding his car, he found that his friend is drink driving, then one should know that this will endanger not only their lives, but also other people's lives. legco.gov.hk |
Abel Tasman國家公園的廁所讓我敬佩高尚的紐西蘭!這是我第一次體驗山中廁所,也讓我對紐西蘭的公廁刮 目 相看。 4tern.com | Abel Tasman National Park restrooms reflect the high civilization of New Zealand. 4tern.com |
然 而,检查专员认为,除了在全系统一级协调统一业务惯例之外,也需要对某些人 员流动政策进行审查,以便使其互 相看 齐 并 使其与普遍公认的良好人力资源管理 原则更加一致,同时兼顾与人员流动相关的全系统问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the Inspectors believe than in addition to harmonizing business practices at a system-wide level certain mobility policies might require a review, in order to align and make them more coherent with generally accepted principles of good human resources management while taking into consideration system-wide issues related to mobility. daccess-ods.un.org |
芬兰新派菜令人刮目相看,如上菜前才点火的火焰猪排 (Aquavit-flambéed pork chops) 伴烤茴香和芥菜泥、烤伏特加腌制牛脊里肉配干胡椒和新鲜百里香,都叫人垂涎三尺。 visitfinland.com | New Finnish Cuisine includes delectable dishes such as Aquavit-flambéed pork chops with baked fennel and mashed rutabaga, and vodka-marinated sirloin roast with peppercorns and fresh thyme. visitfinland.com |
尤其是太非卡汽车科特迪瓦分公司在2012年实现了令人刮 目 相看 的 佳 绩,在一年一度的“福特经理大会”上荣获B区(西部非洲)最佳业绩、最佳销售增长、最佳零件销售额增长等三项大奖。 optorg.com | Tractafric Motors Côte d’Ivoire posted particularly strong results in 2012 and received three awards at the Ford Managers Meeting: Best results in Region B (West Africa), Most improved sales, and Most improved part sales. optorg.com |
以当时的 [...] 时速,两人断定停下来已为时已晚,于是当机立断,赶 在火车经过之前双双低头弯腰,头皮擦着横杆下沿飞 驰而过。这样的惊人之举更激发了赛车界对 550 Spyder 的兴趣,而这款车型超凡出众的性能也更加令人刮目 相 看 了。 porsche-shenzhen.com | This exhilarating stunt only increased interest in the 550 Spyder and its impressive racing capabilities. porsche-shenzhen.com |
一般人往往会对他们另眼相看,和 他们说话采取不同的方式,用不同于普通人的相处方式对待他们,普通人就是无法意识到其实他们根本与我们没有两样。 resources.specialolympics.org | For many people in South Africa, it may seem surprising that this team of young men with intellectual disabilities is so ordinary. resources.specialolympics.org |
作为展示车型的CT200h和ES240受到来宾的诸多关注,尤其是新近上市的CT200h更以其优雅的外形、出众的性能、合理的价格以及其超前的环保理念使嘉宾朋友们另 眼 相看 , 纷纷要求进行试驾。 lexus.com.cn | In particular, Lexus’ newest arrival, the CT200h, drew guests with its elegant appearance, outstanding performance, competitive price and advanced eco-friendly concepts. lexus.com.cn |
在帮助窗口内,可选择目录页查看相 关 主题;索引页查看关键词;或者通过 搜索页对帮助内容进行全文检索。 nesox.com | In the help dialog, select the [...] Contents tab to see a hierarchical list of topics; [...]the Index tab to view topics listed in [...]alphabetical order, or the Find tab for a full-text search of the Help system. nesox.com |
如 果任何分区所占界面空间大小不能显示所有相关信息,那么请将鼠标移至该分区上以 查 看相关 信息。 seagate.com | If any partition display is too small for [...] accommodating the relevant information, hover the mouse pointer over the partition to see the information. seagate.com |
该工具允许设计工程师从最常见类型的灯泡或照明应用图像中进行选择,然后 查 看相 应 设 计的列表。 digikey.cn | This tool lets design engineers choose from images of the most common types of light bulb or lighting application and then view a list of appropriate designs. digikey.ca |
使用方向键↑ ↓选择目标磁盘阵列, 按下ENTER查看相关信息。 highpoint-tech.cn | Use the ↑ ↓ arrow keys to highlight the target array, and press ENTER to view the information. highpoint-tech.cn |
从预算和量化指标上切实践行与残疾问题相关的职责方 面 看 , 相 关 公 共职能部门 必须要认识到哪些机制妨碍了其从社会-经济角度对残疾人实施全面关爱,并认 识到有哪些新的机制有助于使其在这方面的工作上取得进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the public institutions involved with disability issues at an operational level may be meeting their budgetary and quantitative targets, they also need to identify the factors that are standing in the way of the full social and economic integration of persons with disabilities, as well as any new elements which can foster progress in this area. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于三个建筑的功 能完全一样,它们远看相似的 外貌有助于游客尽快发现他们需要的服务。 chinese-architects.com | With their identical functions, the similar appearance of the pavilions will help visitors to quickly locate needed service, but they will eventually find that each building [...] is different. chinese-architects.com |
为此,在得到家长的同意后,孩子的学习障碍会得到 一个专业机构的评估,该专业机构会作出鉴定 , 看相 关的孩子是否需要接受特殊授课。 primspiez.ch | In such cases, a specialist department identifies the child’s learning problems with the parent's consent and decides whether any support in the form of special lessons is necessary. primspiez.ch |
我们敦促伊朗处理 原子能机构的所有未决关切,积极采取具体行动回应 原子能机构提出的接触要求,立即准许进入相关地 点、查看相关设备、查阅相关文件及询问相关人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | We urge Iran to address all the IAEA’s outstanding concerns and to respond positively and through concrete actions to the request by the Agency for engagement and to grant prompt access to relevant locations, equipment, documentation and persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
欲了解更多信息,请查看相关详 细说明。 evget.com | For more information, please view the specifications. evget.com |
如欲了解更多有關購物禮券/禮品卡訂購的任何信息,你可以登入Lyoness網站 查 看相 關 視頻,查看透過Lyoness購買以及完成訂購的不同支付方法。 lyoness.net | If you wish to check to ensure that you have understood everything regarding a Part Payment/Down Payment for Voucher/Gift Card Order, there are lots of information videos available on the Lyoness website, which describe the purchases with Lyoness as well as the different options for paying for orders. lyoness.net |
这可是我有生以来第一次喜欢吃香菜!”他说,“在纽约,我只能坐在办公室 里 看相 关 报 告。 unicef.org | I sit behind a desk in New York, and I read about things. unicef.org |
我们敦促伊 朗与原子能机构充分合作,以澄清未决问题,并提供 更多信息,以及如原子能机构所要求的那样准许前往 相关地点,查看相关设备,查阅相关文件,接触相关 人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | We urge Iran to cooperate fully with the IAEA to clarify the outstanding issues and provide additional information, as well as to grant access to the relevant locations, equipment, documentation and persons, as requested by the IAEA. daccess-ods.un.org |
请选择下面的主题,查看相关的 技术信息。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Please select a topic [...] below to view the associated technical information. exxonmobilchemical.com |
通过激活组合视图窗口底部窗格中的另一个视图,可以选择顶部视图中的一个或 多个任务,并在底部视图中查看相关 任 务、资源或工作分配。 seavusprojectviewer.com | By activating a different view in the bottom pane of the combination view window, you [...] can select one or more tasks in the top [...] view and view the associated task, resources, [...]or assignments in the bottom view. seavusprojectviewer.com |
接口卡详细信息请查看相关章节 (参见 "通信接口" 参见页次 39)。 highvolt.de | You can find more information on the [...] interface cards in the corresponding Section (see "Communication [...]Interfaces" on page 41). highvolt.de |
整体上看,相关的 能效投资水平有明显的提高,但是节能的效果还有待于 系统分析。 efchina.org | As a result, investments in energy efficiency appear to go up significantly; however, the energy savings impact apparently was not tabulated. efchina.org |
说实话,实践从总体上看相当累 赘纷杂,国与国之间常常有差异, 承认或禁止某种理由的原则也通常是建立在理论立场之上,而非条约规定或清晰 [...] 确立的国际判例。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, [...] the practice seems generally quite complex, [...]varying often from one country to another. The principle of admission [...]or prohibition of any ground is generally based on legal theory rather than on treaty provisions or on clearly established international case law. daccess-ods.un.org |
在世界各地皆能存取文件、觀看相片 、 欣賞音樂與播放影片。 seagate.com | From anywhere in the world, access your documents, view photos, listen to music, and play videos. seagate.com |
由于所审查的离岸外包个案没有进行彻底的承包分析,一些接受访问者争 [...] 辩说,从节省开支的目标来看,特别是从每年的节省目标 来 看 , 相 对 于组织的开 支总额,节省数额并不算大;本来无须采用麻烦的离岸外包,也可找到替代性的 [...]节省办法(例如消除重复和精简服务)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the absence of a thorough sourcing analysis in the offshoring cases reviewed, some interviewees argued that when [...] looking at savings targets, in particular on [...] an annual basis, they were not significant [...]in terms of the total expenditure of [...]the organizations, and alternative savings options like eliminating duplications and streamlining services could have easily been found without resorting to difficult offshoring exercises. daccess-ods.un.org |