

单词 相机而行

See also:


at the opportune moment
as the circumstances allow

External sources (not reviewed)

为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主而 开 展 的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链 机 、 粮 食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况, 行 预 防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities
[...] that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and [...]
plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats
and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
为 促进和监测亚迪斯亚贝巴路线图落实工 而 建 立的联合工作组的代表向会议简要 介绍了路线图的要点,介绍了机制 之 间对话之后采取的行动,包括在各自秘书 处内指定联络点,增加信息的定期交流,诸如预报两个体系有关活动的说明;定 期向非洲委员会邮寄特别程序公告;互相参加对方的届会或年会;编写一份两种 特别程序制度之间的比较说明;对每 机 制 的建议进行后续对等落实;同行对行相互学习。
The representatives the joint working group established to advance and monitor the implementation of the Addis Ababa road map briefed the meeting on its highlights and provided information on the action taken after the dialogue between the two mechanisms, including the appointment of focal points within the respective secretariats and an increase in regular exchanges of information, such as notes forecasting the relevant activities of both systems; regular mailing of the special procedures bulletin to the African Commission; participation in each other’s sessions or annual meetings; the preparation of a comparative note between the two special procedures systems; reciprocal follow-up to the recommendations of each mechanism; and peer-to-peer learning.
根据财产管理和库存管行政指 示(ST/AI/2003/5)和国贸中心的财产管理 管制准则第 D2 章,非消耗性财产包括:(a) 购置时单位价值 1 500 美元以上(含 1 500 美元)、使用寿命五年或以上的财产和设备(发电机等);(b) 特殊物品,即 购置时单位价值 500 美元以上(含 500 美元)、使用寿命三年或更长的有吸引力且 由于其体积而容易 从房舍中拿走的物品(如 相机 、 电 脑);(c) 使用寿命为五 年或更长的团体用库存物品,不管其价值为何。
According to the administrative instruction on property management and inventory control (ST/AI/2003/5) and chapter D2 of the guidelines for property management control of ITC, non-expendable property consists of: (a) property and equipment valued at $1,500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and having a serviceable life of five years or more (generators, etc.); (b) special items, which are property items considered to be of an attractive nature and easily removable from the premises because of their size, costing $500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and with a serviceable life of three years or more (e.g., cameras, computers); and (c) [...]
group inventory items
with a serviceable life of five years or more, irrespective of value.
人力资源的更新,特别是因现代技术而 行 的 更 新,并不一定会造成 机 构 记 忆”的丧 失而相反的 是可能摧毁国际公务员制度,如果招聘独立于国家当局的高水平的专业人员的 条件得不到保证的话。
The renewal of human resources, thanks in particular to modern technologies, should not necessarily lead to the loss of “institutional memory” but it does endanger the international civil service, if the conditions of recruitment of a high-level professional staff, independent of national authorities, are not guaranteed.
这种协调方法扩展至人权领域的所 相 关 行 为 者 (公 机 构 、民间社会组织 和发展合作伙伴),不仅应促进国际文书批准及落实其建议后续行动更好地执 行而且应 更有效地指导政府政策,以便有效实施各项规定。
This coordinated approach, which includes all human rights stakeholders (public institutions, civil society organizations and development partners), should help not only to ensure better follow-up to the international instruments ratified and implementation of their recommendations, but also to guide government policy more effectively towards applying their provisions.
行秘书 在回顾关于设立亚洲交通运输部长论坛问题的经社会 第 64/5 号决议时指出,本区域各位交通运输部长这次汇聚一堂,正恰逢其 时,不仅讨论如何应对当前的金融 机 , 而 且 亦 讨论如何夯实本区域更具 包容性和可持续的发展的基础,而这也有助于实现各 相 关 千 年发展目标。
The Executive Secretary, recalling Commission resolution 64/5 on the establishment of the Forum of Asian Ministers of Transport, stated that it was timely for transport ministers in the region to meet and discuss not only how to address the current financial crisis but also how to promote the foundations for more inclusive and sustainable development in the region, [...]
which would
also contribute towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
由于流动性危机本身的程度,以及主要因能力限 而相 对 地 说使出口信机 构、发展融机构和其他供资机构无法填补融资缺口,因此这些问题 行 严 重
Problems are exacerbated by the quantum of the liquidity crisis itself, and the relative inability of ECAs, DFIs and other funding agencies to fill the financing [...]
gap, largely
because of capacity constraints.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就 机 会 不 平等,以及 行政 和 司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族 相 和 警 察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
除上文披露者外,於最後行日期 ,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉而該等 權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 [...]
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest
Practical Date, the
[...] Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall [...]
to be disclosed to
the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
a) 或 b)项所提及的实体的联合 考虑上述规定,我们可以列举一些符合成文法 规定的公共实体:公共权力机构,包括政府行机构、国家管理和法律行机构及 他们的协 会组织、市政机构、国家和省级管理机构、国 家拨款实体和地方政府机构(包括其他根据立 法为行公共任务而建立 的中央和地方政府法 人),不包括企业、银行和商事公司。
Taking the above into consideration, we can enumerate some of the entities that fulfil the requirements of the statute to be regarded
as public entities
[...] including: the organs of public authorities, including organs of government administration; state control, law enforcement bodies and their associations; municipality; country and provincial authorities; entities financed by the state; and the local government (including other central or local government legal people created under separate legislation for the purpose of performing public tasks), with the exclusion [...]
of enterprises, banks and commercial companies.
委员会将需要考虑:(一) 在项目的目标已经实现之后,有 关国家是否仍然有资格动用任何剩余的经费,同时回顾,多年期协定的供资是以业绩为依 据;(二) 如果一个国家可以继续领取经费,应该规定何种水平的监测和报告;(三) 有关行机构是 否应该继续进行财务监督和业绩核查,如果应该,但有 机 构 由 于 行 政 或 法律障而无法这样做,将产生何种后果。
The Committee would have to consider (i) whether a country continued to be eligible for any remaining funds once a project had achieved its targets, recalling that the funding of MYAs was performance-based; (ii) if a country could continue to receive funds, what would be the required level of monitoring and
reporting; and (iii)
[...] whether the implementing agency should continue to exercise financial oversight and performance verification and, if so, what would be the consequences if an agency could not do so because of administrative [...]
or legal hurdles.
此外,工作组指出,鉴于在治理有罪不罚现象方面合作义务似乎是引渡 或起诉义务的基石,需要基于国家实践,对下述问题作系统的评估:在多大程度 上,合作义务作为一般规则相对于 具体的 行而 言 , 可指导本专题的工作,包 括涉及引渡或起诉义务的实质范围、内容以及诱发该义务的条件的工作。
In addition, it was pointed out that, as far as the duty to cooperate in the fight against impunity seemed to underpin the obligation to extradite or prosecute, a systematic assessment, based on State practice, needed to be made of the extent to which that duty could elucidate, as a general rule or in relation to specific crimes, work on the topic, including work in relation to the material scope, the content of the obligation to extradite or prosecute and the conditions for the triggering of that obligation.
虽然 这两个因素孰轻孰重可能难以确定,但显然是并 而行 的 , 必须 相 辅 相 成 的方 式加以落实。
While it may be difficult to prioritize
between those two factors, it is clear that they go
[...] hand-in-hand and must be made to work in a mutually reinforcing way.
(d) 依據(c)段産生的各項中國工商銀行(亞洲)儲備金的款額、名稱及 性質,就所有方而言均 須與緊接在中國工商銀行(亞洲)上述會 計期第一天之前華比銀行香港行相 應 的 現有儲備金的款額、名 稱及性質一樣而各項 成文法則及法律規則適用于中國工商銀行 (亞洲)的上述各項儲備金或就其適用的方式,就所有方 而 言, 均須與緊接在中國工商銀行(亞洲)上述會計期第一天之前適用于 華比銀行香港行相應的 現有儲備金或就其適用的方式一樣。
(d) the amount, description and character of every reserve of ICBC (Asia) which shall come into
being pursuant to
[...] paragraph (c) shall be the same in all respects as those of the corresponding existing reserve of Belgian Bank, Hong Kong Branch immediately before the first day of such accounting period of ICBC (Asia), and all enactments and rules of law shall apply to or in respect of every such reserve of ICBC (Asia) in the same manner in all respects as they applied to or in respect of the corresponding existing reserve of Belgian Bank, Hong Kong Branch immediately [...]
before the first day
of such accounting period of ICBC (Asia).
简 单地说,客户只要操心其核心业务 而机 器 让 我们管 理行。
In short: the customer looks after his core business – we look after his machines.
履行机构请秘书处将这些提 交的材料汇编为一份杂项文件,供 行机 构 第三十五届会议审议,并基于提交的 材料和其相关信 息,在第三十五届会议之前编写一份综合报告。
It requested the secretariat to compile these submissions into a miscellaneous document for consideration at
its thirty-fifth session and to prepare a
[...] synthesis report based on the submissions and other relevant information before its thirtyfifth session.
作为教科文组织的组机构, 全国委员会是教科文组织将工作落实到国家一级的主要 中转站,特别是它们承担着与计划设计和 行相 关 的 多重职责,包括深入到各个国家,动员 民间合作伙伴支持计划的开展。
As constituent elements of UNESCO, National Commissions are the
main relays for
[...] UNESCO’s work at country level where, inter alia, they assume various responsibilities related to aspects of programme design and execution, including outreach to and mobilization [...]
of civil society
partners at the country level.
16.84 刑事改革干事(P-4)将领导司法科开展以下工作:(a) 制订禁毒办的政策和战略,协助修订、 更新和行相关联合国标准和规范(特别是关于囚犯待遇的标准最低限度规则、联合国女囚犯 待遇规则和女犯罪者非拘留措施(曼谷规则)和联合国非拘留措施标准最低限度规则(东京规 则);(b) 在刑事改革方面制订禁毒办的工具和手册并提供培训;(c) 为各国提供刑事改革咨 询服务,包括判刑的改革、监禁替代办法和重建公正方案和监狱管理;(d) 支持在冲突后同维 持和平行动部和政治事务部以及计划署和其 机 构 联 合编制方案。
16.84 The Penal Reform Officer (P-4) will lead the efforts of the Justice Section in (a) developing UNODC policies and strategies and supporting
revision, updating and implementation of relevant United Nations standards and norms (particularly the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules) and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures (the Tokyo Rules); (b) developing UNODC tools and manuals and providing training in the area of penal reform; (c) providing specialized advisory services to countries in the area of penal reform, including sentencing reform, alternatives to imprisonment and restorative justice programmes and prison management; and (d) supporting joint programming with Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Political Affairs in postconflict settings, UNDP and other agencies.
可能的援助领域包括:为媒体委员会 行机 构根 据政府意见和媒体审查小组的调查结果进行有效运作提供资金;为顺利管理 媒体委员会的事务提供永久性办公室和工作人员;成立一个保护和促进记者权益 的记者协会;上调记者工资,使之达到与要求他们进行的负责和全面报 相 符的 水平;以及加强培训,提高记者的能力。
Areas of possible
[...] assistance are as follows: the provision of funds for the effective operation of the media council executive body as per Government’s submission and the findings of the media review team; the provision of a permanent office and staff for the smooth administration of the media council’s affairs; the establishment of an association of journalists to protect and promote their interests; upgrading of the salaries of journalists to a level commensurate with the kind of responsible [...]
and balanced journalism
required of them; increased training to improve the capacity of journalists.
我们重申深为关切多而相互关 联的各种 机 , 包 括金融和经济危机,深为 关切能源和食品价格动荡,对粮食安全的持续忧虑,以及气候变化和生物多样性 的丧失带来的日益严重的挑战,这些问题加重了脆弱性和不平等,对发展成果产 生不利影响,特别是在发展中国家。
We reiterate our deep concern at the multiple and interrelated crises, including the financial and economic crisis, volatile energy and [...]
food prices and ongoing
concerns over food security, as well as the increasing challenges posed by climate change and the loss of biodiversity, which have increased vulnerabilities and inequalities and have adversely affected development gains, in particular in developing countries.
3.4 若吾等或吾等之代理人(視乎所情況而定)為任何理由以任何方式未能根據相關交易所、結算所及/或任何適
[...] 用法律及法規,在付款或交付到期日收到就吾等代表閣下訂立的任何期貨合約或期權合約而需向閣下支 付或交付的任何款項或任何商品的全部或任何部分之交付(不論是來相關交易所及/或結算所及/或任何其 他人士),則吾等就該等期貨合約或期權合約而向閣下付款或交付任何商品的責任應隨即及因該不 行而 變成 只支付或交付款項或商品數量與吾等就此而實際收到的該款項或該數 相 等。
3.4 If we or our agent (as the case may be) shall for any reason whatsoever and howsoever fail to receive payment of all or any part of any amount or delivery of all or any part of any Commodity (whether from the relevant Exchange and/or Clearing House and/or any other person) due to be paid or delivered to you in respect of any Futures or Options Contract entered into by us on your behalf on the due date for payment or delivery thereof in accordance with the rules and regulations of the relevant Exchange, Clearing House and/or any Applicable Laws and Regulations, our obligations to make payment or to deliver any Commodity to you in respect of such Futures or Options Contracts shall thereupon and by virtue of
such failure become
[...] obligations to make payment of such amount or delivery of such amount of such Commodity as is equal to such payment or such amount as is actually [...]
received by us in respect thereof.
在联合国改革(“一体交付”)的背景下,与其他有关方面和在联合 国内开展协作,不仅是促进可持续和包容性发展的一个重要战略而 且也成为以最有效和最高效的方式 行相 关 全 球授权和承诺(例如 《毛里求斯战略》、《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》和里约+20 [...]
大会成果) 的一个重要战略。
Collaboration with others and within the United Nations in the context of United Nations reform (“Delivering as one”)
has also become a vital strategy not only for fostering sustainable and inclusive development, but also for implementing global mandates and commitments (such as the Mauritius Strategy, the Istanbul Programme of Action, and the outcome of the Rio+20 Conference) in the most effective and efficient manner.
本次级方案的战略方向 体现在各项国际商定的发展目标中,包括千年发展目标、发展筹资问题多哈成 果文件、世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响联合国会议的成果、将于 2011 年行的第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的成果,以及亚太经社会关于亚 太经社会区域实现千年发展目标的第 62/1、63/4 和 64/6 号决议、关于亚太经 社会区域 2015 年底以前实现千年发展目标经费筹措问题的第 64/7 号决议,关 于为应对粮食-燃料-金融多重机而 贯 彻 落实《巴厘成果文件》的第 65/1 号决 议和关于加强亚洲及太平洋二类作物开发扶贫中心的第 65/4 号决议。
The strategic direction of the subprogramme is imbedded in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, the Doha Outcome Document on Financing for Development, the outcome of the United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development, the outcome of the forthcoming Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, in 2011, and Commission resolutions 62/1, 63/4,
and 64/6 on achieving the Millennium
[...] Development Goals in the ESCAP region, 64/7 on financing for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 in the ESCAP region, 65/1 on implementation of the Bali Outcome Document in addressing the food, fuel and financial crises, and 65/4 on strengthening of the Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Secondary Crops Development in Asia and the Pacific.
因此,由 于条约不是自动行、而是需 要立法执行的,因此,以色列认真考虑是否以及在何 种程度上以现有的法律和案例法已经 行相 关 的国际义务,以及在加入某一国际条 约之前是否需要通过执行立法的问题。
Therefore, since treaties are not self-executing and require
[...] implementation, Israel conducts careful consideration of whether, and to what extent the relevant international obligations are already met by existing legislation and case-law, [...]
and whether passing
implementing legislation is needed prior to becoming a party to an international treaty.
从框架协议行政效率来看,适合多供应商框架协议的情况更普遍 而相 关市 场的性质可能表明,单供应商的框架协议亦有其益处(例如,保密或供应 安全是重要考虑的情况,或者市场上仅有一个供应商或承包商的情况)。
The administrative efficiencies of framework agreements tend to indicate that multiple-supplier framework [...]
agreements are more commonly
appropriate, but the nature of the market concerned may indicate that a single-supplier framework agreement is beneficial (for example, where confidentiality or security of supply is an important consideration, or where there is only one supplier or contractor in the market).
委员会建议缔约国修改为了应付目前经济和金融 机而 采 取 的改革,以保证所有 的紧缩措施能保持在经济,社会和文化权利领域里达到的保护水平;而且,不论 在什么情况下,这些措施都是临时 相 称 的,不会危害到经济,社会和文化权 利。
The Committee recommends that the State party review the reforms adopted in the context of the
current economic and
[...] financial crisis to ensure that all the austerity measures introduced uphold the level of the protection attained in the realm of economic social and cultural rights and that, in all cases, such measures are temporary and proportionate and do not negatively [...]
impinge on economic, social and cultural rights.
机构,在高度重视其部门规划中核准的行动方案并注意预算限制的情况 下,积极参与政府改革进程,推动和巩固了用于规范与公共政策 行相 关 工 作的 基本框架,其目标就是帮助残疾人,特别是处于赤贫状况的残疾人融入社会经济 生活。
Without neglecting the programming of activities provided for in their operational plans, and in spite of budgetary constraints, public institutions have backstopped the process of State reform by promoting and consolidating basic regulatory frameworks for the coordinated efforts required to implement public policies to support the social and economic integration of persons with disabilities, and particularly those living in extreme poverty.
西班牙对外行或其任何附机构及其各自主管与员工可能直接或间接持有本文件或任何其它相关文件中所涉及的任何有价证券或票据,在适用法律 允许的范围内,他们可能在其账户或第三方账户中对该等有价证券进行交易,向前述有价证券或票据 行 方 、 相 关 公 司或其股东、主管或员工提供咨 询或其它服务,或在公布本报告之前或之后享有前述有价证券、票据或相关投资之上的权益或 行相 关 交 易。
BBVA or any of its affiliates, as well as their respective executives and employees, may have a position in any of the securities or instruments referred to, directly
[...] or indirectly, in this document, or in any other related thereto; they may trade for their own account or for third-party account in those securities, provide consulting or other services to the issuer of the aforementioned securities or instruments or to companies related thereto or to their shareholders, executives or employees, or may have interests or perform transactions in those securities or instruments or related investments before or after the publication of this report, to the extent permitted by the applicable law.
给予最不发达国家的特别和优惠待遇及政策灵活性 需要根据具体国家所处的发展阶段,按照世界贸易组织及区域和双边协定具体行(而不是 用时间加以限制),以便最不发达国家采取能够反映他们特定需求机 会的发展战略。
Special and differential treatment and policy flexibility for LDCs need to be made operational according to a
given country’s stage
[...] of development (rather than limiting it by time) within the World Trade Organization and regional and bilateral agreements, so that LDCs can adopt development strategies that reflect their specific needs and opportunities.




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