

单词 相当数量

See also:

相当 adv

well adv
very adv
rather adv
fairly adv


equivalent to
a certain extent

数量 n

amount n
quantities pl



External sources (not reviewed)

在海上和海岸联合巡逻中,缴获了数百件武 器相当数量的象牙、毒品以及非法捕鱼所得和其它 非法产品。
During joint patrols at sea and along the coast, hundreds of
[...] arms and considerable quantities of ivory, drugs [...]
and the proceeds of illegal
fishing and other illicit products have been seized.
在性别平衡政策和措施方面,国际公务员制度委员会注意到已经制订 相当数量 的政 策和措施。
In terms of the policies and measures to achieve gender balance, ICSC noted that a sufficient number of policies and measures were already in place.
要保证长期的国际合作,以维持培训机构,并且要做 相当数量 的 本 土语言的培训手册和培 训材料。
To ensure long-term international
cooperation to sustain training institutions and to develop a
[...] critical mass of training manuals and material in local languages.
各级教育中都相当数量的 毛利人入学。
Maoris were well represented at all levels of the education system.
这些说法显然是站不住脚的,因为除其他人士外,欧洲联盟黑名单还包相 当数量的记 者、法官、检察官、选举委员会委员、学院和大学教务长及中小学校 长、企业家以及甚至一名医院医务主任。
The trumped-up nature of these claims is obvious given that the European Union blacklist includes, among others, a considerable number [...]
of journalists, judges,
prosecutors, electoral commissioners, college and university provosts and school principals, businesspeople and even a hospital medical director.
因此,似乎已相当数量的规 范性机制或预 防冲突的措施,从布特罗斯·布特罗斯-加利 [...]
1992 年的《和平纲领》(S/2411)到秘书长 1998 年关于冲 突起因以及促进非洲持久和平与可持续发展问题的 报告(S/1998/318)所载的建议,以及此后采取的诸
Thus, there
[...] appears to be a fair quantum of normative mechanisms [...]
or measures to prevent conflict, ranging from Boutros Boutros-Ghali’s
1992 Agenda for Peace (S/24111) to the 1998 recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (S/1998/318), along with the numerous initiatives undertaken thereafter, including the recent establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission.
该报告根据小岛屿发 展中国家机构间协商小组成员提供的资料,证实联合国各实体执行 相当数量的 技 术援助项目涉及到《毛里求斯战略》的全部 19 个专题领域。
The report, based on inputs from members of the Inter-agency Consultative Group on small island developing States, confirmed that a sizeable number of technical assistance projects had been implemented by United Nations entities, addressing all 19 thematic areas of the Mauritius Strategy.
在过去十年中,人们已就维生素D进行 相当数量 的 研 究和讨论。
The last decade has seen a significant amount of research and discussion surrounding vitamin D. Many
preliminary studies suggest that the effects of vitamin D go beyond preventing
[...] rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.
专家组感到关切的是,有可信报告说,就在整编仪式前,联邦共和国部队 战斗人员招募相当数量的儿 童,并让他们藏匿起来,不让 2011 年 2 月初以来 将儿童与部队分开的联刚稳定团看见。
The Group is concerned by credible reports that a considerable number of children were recruited just before the integration ceremony and hidden from MONUSCO officials, who arrived to separate children early in February 2011.
虽然一些会员国除了其在联合国供职的 国民提出的关切之外似乎对工作人员-管理层关系没有什么兴趣(或者说它们的 兴趣恰恰被它们在本组织内服务的同胞人数极少这一事实所限制),但其他一 些,如 77 国集团的代表,指出,就工作人员-管理层关系问题有一个统一的立 场对他们来说很重要(而这是他们目前所没有的),因为他们集体 相当数量 的工 作人员为秘书处工作,需要受到保护。
While some MS appeared to have little interest in SMR beyond concerns raised by their nationals serving in the United Nations (or had their interest limited precisely by the fact that very few compatriots were serving in the organization), others, like representatives from G-77 countries, noted that it was important for them to have a unified position on SMR (which they currently lacked), as they collectively had a significant number or staff members working for the Secretariat who needed to be defended.
有关的第 5 条国家与执行和双边机构仍须努力(在可行的情况下)致力于降低消耗臭 氧层物质的消费量和生产量,它们所执行的任务虽已获资助,但艰巨程度不容低估或忽视; 仍相当数量的消 耗臭氧层物质需要供资方可实现《议定书》中的淘汰目标。
The level of effort still required by both the Article 5 countries concerned and the implementing and bilateral agencies to implement the already funded reductions in ODS consumption and production (where applicable) and the additional amounts of ODS to be funded to enable compliance with the Protocol’s phase-out targets should not be underestimated or overlooked.
比利时宪法》第二章(第 8 至第 32 条)规定相当数量的基本民事、政 治、经济、社会和文化权利。
Title II of the Constitution of Belgium (“Belgians and their rights”) (arts. 8–32) recognizes many fundamental civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
相 当 数 量 的 西 部 红 柏 被 圈 入 “ 工 作 ” [...]
林 中 , 其 中 许 多 已 经 得 到 或 正 在 等 待 颁 发 证 书 ( 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 市 场 推 广 网 络 2003b)。
A significant amount of cedar is [...]
included in the “working” forest, much of which has received certification, or is in the
process of receiving certification (BC Market Outreach Network 2003b).
在塞尔维亚共和国相当数量的非 政府组织提供人权领域的教育。
A considerable number of NGOs in the Republic of Serbia provides education [...]
in the field of human rights.
开发署、外勤支助部/维平行动部和其他联合国机构现有的东道国协定明确提及联 合国志愿人员在全球的覆盖率不足 相当数量 的 联 合国志愿人员未能享有必要的 地位。
While existing host country agreements of UNDP, DFS/DPKO and other United Nations organizations explicitly refer to UN Volunteers, global coverage is lacking and a considerable number of UN Volunteers may not enjoy the necessary status.
在许多国家也相当数量 的与废弃物有关的税收 (大约共有 50 种税),或对 废物管理带来特定问题的特定产品征税 [...]
(大约有 35 种税),或对各种形式的最终废物处置征税,例如 焚烧和垃圾填埋 (共 15 种税)。
There is also a significant
[...] number of waste-related taxes in many countries [...]
(about 50 taxes in all), levied either on particular
products that can cause particular problems for waste management (about 35 taxes), or on various forms of final waste disposal, i.e., on incineration and/or land-filling (15 taxes in all).
虽然绝大多数工作人员对人力资源的可用情况表示满意,但还是 相当数 量的少 数人表示不满意,特别是对评价任务,指出有一种过度紧张的感觉。
While the majority of staff expressed satisfaction with the availability of human resources, a significant minority communicated dissatisfaction, especially on evaluation tasks, indicating a sense of overstretch.
咨询委员会还感到关切的是,秘书长的工作人员 编制提案的整体情况,可以会造成人员编制表职等架 构向上偏移,或“等级爬升”,因为这些提案会导致 高级职等员额的增加;初级职等员额的减少,包括初 始职级专业员额减少;以相当数量 的 专 业人员员额 向上改叙。
The Advisory Committee was also concerned that the overall profile of the Secretary-General’s staffing proposals could contribute to an upward shift in the grade structure of the staffing table, or “grade creep”, since they would result in an increase in senior level posts; a reduction in junior level posts, including entrylevel Professional posts; and a significant number of upward reclassifications of Professional posts.
DCF方法是一个方法为估价,藉以设想的未来收入现款额被打折在利率(也叫: Rate of Return[收益率]),那反映觉得 相当数量 现 金 流动的风险。
The DCF method is an approach for valuation, whereby projected future cashflows are
discounted at an interest rate (also called: Rate of Return), that reflects
[...] the perceived amount of risk of the cash flows.
(a) 先前通过多边基金转向戊烷技术但仍在使 相当数量 HCFC -141b 的企业 (如:两家生产夹芯板的企业消费 67 公吨 HCFC-141b;四家既消费 HCFC141b 又消费环戊烷的企业共消费 90 公吨 HCFC-141b;另一家先前转向戊烷 技术的公司(Mammut 公司)仍继续使用戊烷和 180 公吨 HCFC-141b 作为 发泡剂制造连续式夹芯板和间歇式夹芯板)。
(a) The eligibility of enterprises that had been previously converted to pentane technology through the Multilateral Fund but were still using considerable amounts of HCFC-141b (i.e., two enterprises manufacturing sandwich panels consuming 67 mt of HCFC-141b; four companies consuming both HCFC-141b and cyclopentane with a total consumption of 90 mt of HCFC-141b; another company (Mammut Co.) that was previously converted to pentane technology continued manufacturing both continuous and discontinuous panels using both pentane and 180 mt of HCFC-141b as blowing agents).
[...] 年发起对暴力侵害儿童情况进行大规模研究,但仍 关切相当数量的儿 童因其父母到城市打工或父母患艾滋病死亡而无人照管。
The Committee welcomes the large scale study on the situation of violence against children initiated by the State party
in 2011. However, it remains concerned
[...] that considerable numbers of children are [...]
neglected due to their parents’ migration
to urban areas or AIDs-related death of parents.
[...] 在泰国出生的非法移民的子女入籍。委员会注意到缔约国努力与邻国达成双边协 议,但仍然关切的是,相当数量的 人 包括儿童,特别是土著和少数群体子女、 [...]
While noting efforts of the State party to reach bilateral agreements with neighbouring countries, the Committee nevertheless remains concerned that a significant number of people
including children, especially children of
[...] indigenous and minority groups, and children [...]
of migrant workers, refugees and asylum-seekers
remain stateless or potentially stateless.
镍合金718(GH4169)是沉淀硬化的镍铬合金,含 相当数量 的 铁、铌和钼,以及少量的铝和钛;具有耐蚀性、高强度与杰出的焊接性能(包括抗焊后破裂的性能)结合在一起。
The sluggish age-hardening responseof Pyromet alloy 718 permits annealing and welding without spontaneous hardening during heating and cooling.
国际采矿和金属理事会将通过共享信息和专门知识,并在我们的成员 相当 数量的国 家鼓励在地方和国家一级开展互惠的公共和私营部门汞管理活动,增加 我们对全球努力的作出贡献。
ICMM will enhance its contribution to the global effort by sharing information
and expertise and by
[...] encouraging reciprocal public and private sector mercury management activities at the local and national [...]
levels in countries
where our members have a significant presence.
2008 年有效工作许可证共计 26 121 个;2009 年 11 月,这 个数字降至 24 000 个,其原因是全球经济衰退以及下述事实:根据下一段落所 述制度,以前持工作许可证人员 相当数量 的 人已成为永久居民。
A total of 26,121 work permits were in effect in 2008; the number dropped to 24,000 in November 2009, owing to the global economic downturn and the fact that a considerable number of previous work permit holders had become permanent residents under the system outlined in the next paragraph.
少 数民族领导人觉得他们唯一的保障是维 相当数量 的武 装部队,他们从经济交易中获取的收入大部分 用作了维持部队的开销,或者成为了个人的收入。
Ethnic leaders felt that the only guarantee they had was to maintain their considerable armed forces, and most of the revenues from the economic deals went to this purpose, or for personal gain.
例如,如果您已经购买了1.0版本的产品,你会得到进一步的1.x版本free.In此外,一旦被释放您先前已经购买的软件的一个重大修改,你可能需要支付升级费如果你想采取这一重大更新的优势,因为它可以 相当数量 的 改 进和新功能相结合。
For example, if you have purchased version 1.0 of the product, you will get all the further 1.x versions free.In addition, once a major revision of the software you have previously purchased is released, you probably need to pay an
upgrade fee if you want to
[...] take advantage of this major update, since it may be combined with a significant amount of improvements [...]
and new features.
我们的greats 孙子去笑何时他们计数时期有的pra 土地的人民相信的地方所有行星扭转太阳, 将是因此胡话因为她今天将认为她有所有achavan
[...] 真实的科学这被禁止的时期因为如果坚定真相他们将被透露清楚地将是世纪XX  更坏obscurantismo, 的期间相当数量"巨大谎言" 那他们是仆人为欺骗planeta.Quando [...]
的人民谎言计数, 为支持, 是必要的许多其他。
Our greats-grandson go to laugh when they to count pra whom a time had where the people of the Land believed that all the planets turned around the Sun, will be so nonsense as she is today to think that she had a time where all achavan that the stars, the Sun and the planets turned around the Land...... true science this forbidden because if determined truths they will be disclosed will be clearly that Century
XX  was worse that the period
[...] of the obscurantismo, which had the amount of "great lies" [...]
that they had been servants for
deceiving the people of planeta.




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