

单词 相宜



be the right person for the job [idiom.]

See also:

surname Yi

External sources (not reviewed)

设计精美的客房可将周边美景尽收眼底,内设万豪 Revive 床上用品、液晶电视、免费高速上网接入、会议设施和豪华的大理石浴室等,商务休闲 相宜。
Smartly designed guests rooms offer great views, Marriott Revive bedding, LCD TV, complimentary high-speed connectivity in all guestrooms as well as meeting facility, and a luxurious marble bathroom.
(c) 收集和分析有关残疾儿童及其需求的数量和实质情况的数据,并利用 这些数据为残疾儿童制订相宜的方 案和政策
(c) Collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative data on children with disabilities and their specific needs and use these data to develop appropriate programmes and policies for them
其不同之處在於貨櫃碼頭公司投資大量金錢興建碼頭, 其目的是要吸引船務公司及託運㆟的生意,而航運公司是否以某㆒港口碼頭作為屬㆘ 船隻的㆒個停泊站,則要視乎兩個因素而決定,首先是該碼頭有否貨物需要起卸,其 次則是該碼頭能否以高度效率相宜 的 收 費為貨運行業提供服務。
The difference here is that whilst container terminal operators invest huge amounts of money to build a terminal in order to attract business from shipping companies and shippers, shipping lines decide whether to call a certain port terminal or not depending on, firstly, whether there is cargo available and, secondly, whether the terminal can cater for the trade in efficiency and price.
香港首個滴濾咖啡品牌Cuppa Café,透過精心設計由即棄紙隔和濾袋製成的濾包,為咖啡愛好者提供一個價 相宜 、 方 便卻高質素的選擇。
Cuppa Café, the first filter coffee brand in Hong Kong, offers disposable paper filter and capsules as an accessible, convenient and high standard option.
有关该领域技术能力 建设的可持续的、注重整体的计划,需要这样一些作为:推广伦理规范,制 相宜 的 政策, 建立有效的国家机构(如全国委员会),在不同地区的决策层建立网络联系以及相关研究网 络,并在不同教学层次纳入伦理教育的内容。
A sustainable and holistic programme for technical capacity-building in this area needs to provide for the promotion of ethical standards, the development of appropriate policies, the building of effective national institutions (such as national committees), the creation of networks at the decision-making level in different regions as well as of research networks, and the introduction of ethics education at various educational levels.
教科文组织非洲国际能力培养研究所(IICBA)的宗旨是在非洲教师培训机构范围 内进行能力开发,包括与师资培训学校、高等教育机构以及教师协会一道:(a) 利用远程教 育和信息传播技术开相宜的教师培训;b) 开发并推广培训非洲教师的教学材料,解决非洲 范围内具体的教育需求以及所面临的挑战,包括艾滋病病毒/艾滋病问题和性别平等问题; (c) 提高非洲各国教育部支持非洲师资培训的能力。
IICBA aims to develop capacity within African teacher training institutions, including teacher training colleges, higher education institutions and teacher organizations by: (a) making use of distance education and ICT for educating teachers as appropriate; (b) developing and promoting methods of training African teachers to address the specific educational needs and challenges faced in the African context, including HIV/AIDS and gender issues; and (c) developing capacity within African education ministries to support teacher education in Africa.
Yamaha 標準短號的設計均吸收了高級專業型號的優點特質,但價錢卻絕 相宜。
Yamaha standard cornets have been designed to incorporate many of the features and characteristics of our top pro models, yet at a standard model price.
鑒 於 此 等 重 要 原 材 料 的 供 應 有 限, 貴 集 團 正 積 極 尋 求 機 會,透 過 貴 集 團 現 有 的 供 應 商 網 絡 及 其 高 級 管 理 層 的 業 務 聯 繫,與 一 向 提 供 優 質 且 價相 宜 的 原 材 料 之可靠供應商建立長期合作關係。
Subject to the limited availability of those two major raw material components, the Group is proactively seeking opportunities to establish long-term relationship with reliable suppliers of consistently high quality and cost competitive raw materials through the Group’s existing supplier network and its top management’s business connection.
香港訊】專攻企業級數據倉庫及企業分析方案的全球領袖Teradata Corporation
(天睿資訊,美國紐約證券交易所交易代碼:TDC)宣布Teradata 巨量數據專用平台 1650 (Teradata Extreme Data Appliance 1650)
[...] 正式上市,該產品是首款能以非常經 相宜 的 價 格,透過分析大量歷史數據,為企業提供全新智能的平台。
Teradata Corporation (NYSE:TDC) today announced the worldwide availability of the Teradata Extreme Data Appliance 1650, which is the first platform to cost effectively analyze massive amounts of historical data yielding fresh enterprise intelligence for smart,
profitable business decisions at one-tenth the cost per terabyte of
[...] stored data, as compared to a traditional [...]
data warehouse.
「選擇bigboXX.com作為我們辦公室文儀用品的供應商主要是因為它的價錢實 相宜 , 而 bigboXX.com既親切而又專業的送貨人員皆使我們留下深刻印象。
The main reason for choosing bigboXX.com as our supplier is that their prices are really competitive.
(b) 采取一切必要的立法措施,防止遭贩运的儿童被当作罪犯对待;确保 不拘留这些儿童;为他们提相宜的 恢复照顾;实现这些儿童与其家人的团圆; 并让他们在缔约国境内有足够长的滞留期,以积极地参与检控危害儿童人贩的司 法程序
(b) Take all necessary legislative measures to prevent children who are victims of trafficking from being treated as offenders, in particular, ensuring that they are not detained, that they are provided with appropriate rehabilitative care, that they are reunited with their families, and that they are permitted to remain in the territory of the State party sufficiently long to be an active party in a judicial process against their traffickers
NavicatTM 是一套快速、可靠并价相宜的数据库管理工具,专为简化数据库的管理及降低系统管理成本而设。
Navicat™ is a fast, reliable and affordable Database Administration tool purpose-built for simplifying database management and reducing administration costs.
Offering pentouch technology and ease-of-use at an affordable price, children will be able to read along with Bugsby and interact with their favourite characters in stories that build early reading skills.
這 份 純 壽 險 計 劃 並 無 儲 蓄 成 份 , 你 可 以 配 合 財 務 預 算 ,相 宜 的 保 費 為 家 人 提 供 周 全 保 障 。
This is a pure term life insurance plan without any savings element, so you can better plan your finances as well as provide your family with comprehensive protection at a low premium.
沙特阿拉伯认 为第 44(e)、 54(b)、 79(c)、 46(b)、 49(b)、 65(d)、 75(b)、 47(e)、
46(a)、 65(b)、71(b)、 48(d)、 74(c)、65(a)、27(c)、 44(c)、74(b)各段所含 的 建议因不符合沙特的现行法律 、 保 证 、 承 诺
[...] 或与沙特阿拉伯境内的现行做 法相 宜,而无法得到沙特阿拉伯的支持。
Saudi Arabia considers that recommendations contained in paragraphs 44 (e), 54 (b), 79 (c), 46 (b), 49 (b), 65 (d), 75 (b), 47 (e), 46 (a), 65 (b), 71 (b), 48 (d), 74 (c), 65 (a), 27 (c), 44
(c) 74 (b) do not enjoy the support of Saudi
[...] Arabia because they do not conform [...]
to its existing laws, pledges, commitments
or do not refer to existing practices in Saudi Arabia.
Dell™2300MP投影機輕巧便攜兼價相宜 , 恰 好平衡了用戶對高亮度及低成本的需要,是會議或教學展示以至家居娛樂的理想選擇。
The versatile, affordable Dell 2300MP Projector's ideal balance of high brightness and low price makes it a great solution for displaying meeting and classroom presentations, as well as for home entertainment.
(b) 为几内亚政府建立和运作真相与和解机制,提 相宜 的 援
(b) Provide the appropriate assistance to the Government of Guinea for the establishment and
[...] operation of truth and reconciliation [...]
IBM 的 ISS 產品系列除了藉著入侵預防與漏洞管理技術,協助企業主動對抗 惡意攻擊及解決保安隱患外,還 相宜 的 價 位提供一體化保安平台,讓客戶免受 一般的安全威脅,例如電腦病毒、蠕蟲、木馬程式、垃圾電郵、間諜軟件等。
Apart from enhancing protection to prevent malicious attacks and security breaches through intrusion prevention and vulnerability management, the IBM ISS portfolio offers a single integrated platform to protect its users from common threats, such as viruses, trojans, spam and spyware, at affordable prices.
(i) 鼓励制药行业让发展中国家所有有此需要的人更容易买到价 相宜 的 必要药品(知识产权 和公共健康问题)。
In particular, the Heads of State and Government resolved, among other things, to: (i) Encourage pharmaceutical companies to make essential drugs more widely
1980年代時曾經是售賣街頭服的熱點,現在仍然吸引不少本地和外籍居民搜尋價 相宜 的 潮 流服飾。
Music lovers and street-wear fans come for Southeast Asia's largest music store, HMV, and the Annex, a Mecca for street style, vintage fashions and unique accessories.
(e) 确保发展伙伴、受影响国家和其他有关关键发展行动方研究以何种创 新方法促进环相宜的替代发展方案,酌情包括预防性替代发展方案
(e) Ensure that development partners, affected States and other relevant key development actors examine innovative ways to promote alternative development programmes, including preventive alternative development programmes, where appropriate, that are environmentally friendly
Yamaha 中級型號長笛擁有專業級型號相同的設計 - 溶合了大量特質 - 而價錢因創新的製造技術而變相宜 , 極 對物超所值。
Yamaha Intermediate model flutes share similar designs as our Professional series—and incorporate many of the same features—yet are available at a lower cost due to innovative manufacturing techniques.
另一方面,為期5年的“一家一網e學習”上網學習支援計劃已在2011年7月14日推出,以協助合資格的家庭透過靈活的付款方式購置價 相宜 的 電 腦及上網服務,並向這些家庭的學生及其父母提供使用上的支援及輔導,讓他們能善用上網費津貼及在家上網學習的機會。
On the other hand, a five-year Internet Learning Support Programme, named “i Learn at home”, was launched on 14 July 2011 to help the eligible families acquire affordable computer equipment and Internet access service through flexible payment arrangement, and to provide the students and their parents in these families with user and social support to enable their effective use of the subsidy and proper use of the associated educational opportunity.
历史表明 在社会安定的环境下谋求发展 极 其困难 而在先进的知识思想(有时是极端思想)的 驱使下 革命性的变革却会成为决定性的因素 由 此必然得出这样的结论 只有当发展所需要的教育 过程有利于那些其学习和进修动机有着比仅仅追求 往往为当地人看重的功名更为广泛的意义的人获得 专业进取途径时 才能够实现可持续的 文化相 宜的和社会稳定的发展
It must therefore be concluded that sustainable, culturally appropriate and sociologically stable development can only be brought about when the educational processes required for development lead to professional outlets for those whose motivation for learning and development has a broader meaning than arrival at an often locally defined socioeconomic status.
6.鼓励联合国系统酌情支持并参加为举办 2010 年国际生物多样性年而设 想的活动,包括在《生物多样性公约》118 秘书处主持下组织的活动; 7.请联合国系统各基金、方案和机构酌情在其任务范围内,协同支持旨
[...] 景下实现绿色经济的战略,包括为此进行能力建设以及转让和传播于环 相宜 的技 术和相应的技术诀窍,尤其是以双方商定的有利条件,包括减让性和优惠 [...]
Invites the funds, programmes and agencies of the United Nations system, as appropriate within their mandates, to support, in a coordinated manner, initiatives directed towards implementing green initiatives in developing countries, encompassing, inter alia, the preparation of strategies for achieving a green economy in the context of sustainable development, including through capacity-building and the transfer
and diffusion of environmentally sound
[...] technologies and corresponding know-how, in [...]
particular to developing countries and countries
with economies in transition, on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed, while taking note of the coordination work of UN-Energy in this regard
個人寄存計劃所使用的伺服器是高級數的Dell PowerEdge 840, 安裝設有Dual Core Xeon級的中央處理器, 6GB的ECC記憶體等,價相宜,適 用於所有個人網頁、論壇及一般小型企業網站使用;而於商業寄存計劃所使用的Dell [...]
PowerEdge 2900性能更強,系統更穩定,而伺服器更設置於香港首屈一指的數據中心
- iAdvantage,這適用於所有的商業網站使用。
The servers of personal hosting plan are advanced Dell
PowerEdge 840, equipped with
[...] Dual Core Xeon CPU, 6GB of ECC memory, etc., the price is affordable and applicable to all personal [...]
web pages, forums
and the general usage of small business web sites; Dell PowerEdge 2900 of commercial hosting plan are more powerful, the system is more stable, and the server is located in Hong Kong's premier data centre - iAdvantage, this applies to all commercial web sites.
(42) 承諾及執行任何其承諾屬合宜之信託,並承擔遺囑執行人、遺產管理人、司庫、 或過戶登記處之職務,以及為任何公司、政府、主管當局或團體存置任何與股 額、基金、股份或證券相關之名冊,或承擔任何與過戶登記、發行股票或其他宜相關之職責。
(42) To undertake and execute any trusts the undertaking whereof may seem desirable, and also to undertake the office of executor, administrator, treasurer, or registrar and to keep for any company, government, authority or body, any register relating to any stocks, funds, shares or securities, or to undertake any duties in relation to the registration of transfers, the issue of certificates or otherwise.
此政策不包括:“公司”首席执行官或董事会授权的合法政治捐款;为客户或供应商 或者潜在客户或供应商,或者与“公司”业务相关的其他人员提供的与业务关系和所 讨论业务宜相称的 合理招待;促销礼品;或者根据当地风俗,为确保文件得以例 行处理,向低职位的政府员工赠予的小费(例如,向低职位的海关人员赠予小费以 处理进口文件),但前提是,此类报酬 (a) 无论是单笔还是总额数目都不大,(b) 完整显示在“公司”记录中,以及 (c) 获得当地营运经理的批准。
This policy does not include lawful political contributions authorized by the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of Directors, reasonable entertainment of customers or suppliers, potential customers or suppliers or others involved with the Company’s business in a manner appropriate to the business relationship and the discussion of business matters, gifts of sales promotion items, or, where the local custom requires, payment of small gratuities to minor governmental functionaries to secure the routine processing of paper work (for example, gratuities to minor customs officials for processing import documents) provided that such payments (a) are not either individually or in the aggregate significant in amount, (b) are fully disclosed in the Company’s records, and (c) are approved by the manager of the local operation.
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 ,
[...] 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾相關組 織 , 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development
proposals, openly and
[...] thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward [...]
by the Culture and
Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.




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