

单词 相关目的

See also:


be interrelated
(statistics) correlation

相关的 adj

pertinent adj

关的 adj

relevant adj

目的 n

purpose n
purposes pl
end n
objective n
target n
goal n
object n
idea n
intention n
sake n
point n

External sources (not reviewed)

(1) 第三项附则应具有法律效力,规定受权检查抵达或离开赞比亚的 人,并相关目的实行检查。
(l) The Third Schedule shall have effect to confer powers to examine persons arriving in or
[...] leaving Zambia and for related purposes.
在与这些提供和业务经营相关的情况下,我们的服务提供商可能会访问您的个人信息并且在有限的时间内为业务活 相关的目 的 而使用这些信息。
In connection with these offerings and business operations, our service providers may have access to your personal information for use for a limited time in connection with these business activities.
该令还扩大管制的范围;如果附件一没有列明的非共同体两用物品是或者 可能用于大规模毁灭性武器或者能够运载这类武器的导 相关目的 , 或者用于正在 接受武器禁运国家的最终军事用途,则这些物品的过境也在管制范围之内。
It also extends controls to the transit of non-Community dual-use
items not listed in annex
[...] I where the items are or may be intended for use in connection with WMD or missiles capable of delivering [...]
WMD, or for a military
end-use in a country which is subject to an arms embargo.
这是对第 428/2009 号 条例中强制性(即直接有效)条款的补充,其中规定,如果经纪服务涉及到第 428/2009
[...] 号条例附件一所列明的物品,并且经纪人知道或者被当局告知这些是或 者可能用于大规模毁灭性武器或者能够运载这类武器的导 相关目的 , 则 这类经 纪服务将需要授权。
This is in addition to the mandatory (i.e., directly effective) provision in the Regulation that brokering services will require an authorization if they concern items listed in annex I to the Regulation and if the broker knows, or is informed by the
authorities, that these are or may be intended for an
[...] end-use in connection with WMD or missiles capable of delivering WMD.
(a) 目的:中心的主要目的是用作传递在美国和通过多个国际水文计划的项目和倡议
发展出的新理念、科学和技术的知识中心,并将这些与当前用于水资源综合管理 的“最佳管理方式”结合在一起,以实现与
[...] IHP-VII(2008--2013 年)计划,联合国 千年发展目相关的目的, 尤其是保证环境可持续性,并推进联合国可持续发展 [...]
(a) Objectives: The main objective of the Centre is to serve as a knowledge centre for transferring new ideas, science and technology developed both in the U.S. and through the various IHP programmes and initiatives, and integrate them with current “best management
practices” for IWRM in order to
[...] achieve the objectives associated with IHP-VII (2008-2013), [...]
the United Nations Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), particularly to ensure environmental sustainability, and to advance the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development’s (CSD’s) goals for integrating the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development in policy-making.
我们将尽合理努力帮助您获知另一公司参与在 BTS 上提供的商店或服务,并且我们可能就与您使用该商店或服 相关的目 的 与 该公司共享客户信息。
We will use reasonable efforts to help you be aware that another company is involved with a service provided on BTS, and we may share customer information with that company in connection with your use of that store or service.
维持和平与建设和平在早期 阶段同步进行有助于缩短维和行动的持续时间,并尽
[...] 可能快地向不那么复杂的建设和平过渡,而建设和平 由于其任务相关目标的长期 性,需要持续更长时 间。
That will help to shorten the duration of peacekeeping operations and to transition as soon as possible into less
complex peacebuilding missions designed to last longer because of the nature of
[...] their tasks and related long-term objectives.
普查可提相关目标人口的宏观 概览, 资料的收集可采用约谈方式,也可采用自填问卷方式,或两种方式兼用。
They provide a
[...] macroview of the relevant target population, and the [...]
information can either be collected through interview
or by a self-completed questionnaire, or by a combination of both methods.
会议一致认为,要想实现千年发展目标中与农 相关的目 标 , 就必 须给予亚太区域应有的重视。
The Conference agreed that the achievement of the Millennium
[...] Development Goals that related to contributions [...]
from the agriculture sector could not
be met without due attention to Asia and the Pacific.
否则,教育 覆盖面和教育质的相关目标将 无法完全实现,因为学习成绩严重落后的学生们 [...]
Otherwise the objectives of coverage and [...]
educational quality will not be fully achieved, given that pupils who significantly
fall behind tend to achieve a lower performance in school in subsequent grades and are more likely to abandon their studies.
Only Oracle supports the full lifecycle of project and portfolio management within a single, integrated, accurate view of all project-related activities.
对本协定的资金,不得根据执行委员会今后做出的可能影响为其他消费行业 目或 国家任何其相关活动所作供的任 何决定进行修改。
The Funding of this Agreement will not be modified on the basis of any future Executive Committee
decision that may affect the funding of any
[...] other consumption sector projects or any other related activities in the Country.
(b) 指定、建立或加强相的负责 儿童工作的政府架构,酌情包括负责儿童 问题的部长和儿童问题独立监察员,并且建立机制,允许和促进儿童参与制定 和执行公共政策,尤其是那些旨在实现本国儿童和青少 相关目 标 与指 标 的政 策 ,并确保为从事儿童工作的专业团体举办适当和有系统的儿童权利培训
(b) To designate, establish or strengthen relevant governmental structures for children, including, where appropriate, ministers in charge of children’s issues and independent ombudspersons for children, have mechanisms in place for allowing and promoting the involvement and participation of children in the formulation and implementation of public policies, in particular those designed to meet national goals and targets for children [...]
and adolescents, and
ensure adequate and systematic training in the rights of the child for professional groups working with and for children
执行委员会还希望巴林在下一阶段 继续执行其国家方案和为巴林核准的 目相关的 活 动 ,这些项目在根据《蒙特利尔议定 书》落实消耗臭氧层物质淘汰时间表方面取得了显著的成功。
The Executive Committee is also hopeful that, in the next phase, Bahrain will continue with the
implementation of its Country Programme and
[...] activities related to projects approved for [...]
Bahrain with outstanding success in achieving
ODS phase-out schedule as per the Montreal Protocol.
The website content includes varied
[...] information and news, relevant laws and policies concerning media management, [...]
databases, guidelines and features.
尽管 WIPO 未参与千年发展目标差距工问题工作组,与 Sachs 报告和 STI 工作组报告中的详细说 明一致的科技创新和知识产权相关问题的《千年宣言》措辞,以及千年发展目标一、六和 的相关目 标,为 WIPO 具体对实现千年发展目标做出贡献提供了明确切入点。
Notwithstanding WIPO’s non-participation in the MDG Gap Task Force the language of the Millennium Declaration on STI and IP-related issues taken together with the elaboration in the Sachs Report and the Report of the Task Force on STI as well as the relevant MDG 1, 6 CDIP/10/9 Annex, page 7
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种 目 ) , 包 括 促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农相关的生 物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products
included: (a)
[...] capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
我们有关本问题的讨论就是 要看如何促进与《生物多样性公约》所阐明的收益分享和事先知情同 相关的目 标。
The context of our discussion of this
issue is to consider also
[...] how to promote the objectives related to benefit sharing and prior informed consent set out in the CBD.
内部审计办公室的产出重点是评价和改进治理、风险管理和管控工作,为此 目的,将确保:(a) 办公室具有明确的与机目标相关的 任 务 规定,并受助于一 个独立、客观和能妥善发挥作用的管理结构,还具有核可的年度工作计划;(b) 办 公室能够及时得到并保持数量和质量合适的人力资源,以执行其年度工作计划并 完成任务;(c) 办公室高效实施㈠ 审计和调查方法,包括使用支助工具、技术 和知识管理方法;㈡ 业务管理办法,包括各司的管理和业务活动管理以及业绩 监测;㈢ 质量保证和持续改进。
The Office of Internal Audit will focus its outputs on evaluating and improving governance, risk management and control processes by ensuring that (a) it has a clear mandate linked to organizational objectives and is supported by an independent, objective and well-functioning management structure with approved annual work plans; (b) it secures and retains the right quantity and quality of human resources in a timely manner to execute its annual work plans and fulfil its mandate; and (c) it is effective and efficient in applying (i) audit and investigation methodologies, including the use of supporting tools, technology and knowledge management approaches; (ii) operational management practices, including divisional and engagement management and performance monitoring; and (iii) quality assurance and continuous improvement.
秘书长的报告提供了有关私营和公共部门业务连续性管理活动和规 划工作的资料(A/64/472,第 17 至 19 段),包括有关联合国系统各机
[...] 构、基金和方案以及布雷顿森林机构采 的相关 措 施的资料(同上,第 20 至 22 段)。
The report of the Secretary-General provides information on business continuity management activities and planning in the private and public
sectors (A/64/472, paras. 17–19), including
[...] information on related measures taken [...]
by the United Nations agencies, funds and
programmes and the Bretton Woods institutions (ibid., paras. 20–22).
应中国政府请求,与制冷剂管理计划 目相关的 淘 汰 应由作为 牵头执行机构的工发组织和作为合作执行机构的日本予以制定,以便淘汰 1,436 ODP 吨 ODS。
At the request of the Government of China,
[...] the phase-out associated with the refrigerant management plan (RMP) project in China should [...]
be prepared by UNIDO
as lead implementing agency and Japan as cooperating implementing agency for the phase-out of 1,436 ODP tonnes of ODSs.
经社会要求秘书处考虑关于区域间陆地和陆/海运输联系的亚太经社 会、联合国欧洲经济委员会(欧经委)和联合国西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经 社会)联合目,并 说这将导致筹备和制订本区域各国之 的相关 交 通 运输 协定。
The Commission requested the secretariat to consider a joint ESCAPEconomic Commission for Europe (ECE)-Economic and Social
Commission for Western
[...] Asia (ESCWA) project on interregional land and land/sea transport linkages, which would lead towards the preparation and formulation of relevant transport agreements [...]
between countries of the region.
在本届论坛政策性辩论部分的发言中,诸位部长和代表详细介 绍了其各自国家交通运输基础设施方 的 种 种 问题 相关目 标 、 发展经验 和政策举措。
In their statements during the policy debate segment of the Forum, ministers and representatives
provided details of their transport
[...] infrastructure problems and objectives, development experiences [...]
and policy initiatives.
它将要执行的主要活动包括:协调所有利 益攸关方;编制/审查咨询服务的职责范围;编制、执行和审查年度执行计划以及可能需的相关进度报告;实施财务管理,以确保有效利用各种资源;促进 目 监 督 或评价以及 进行必要的性能核查;举办各种会议和讲习班,以确保与所有利益攸关方进行充分合作; 以及在各种技术专家协助下对技术转换项目进行监督和评价。
The main activities to be implemented are: coordination with all stakeholders; preparation/review of terms of reference for consultancy services; preparation, implementation and review
of annual
[...] implementation plans and relevant progress reports as may be required; financial management to ensure effective use of resources; facilitating project supervision, or [...]
evaluation and performance
verification as required; organizing meetings and workshops to ensure full cooperation of all stakeholders; and supervision and evaluation of conversion projects with assistance from technical experts.
经社会还强调了秘书的相关能力建设活动的重要性,其中包括公私 营伙伴关系领域和道路基础设施目 的 融资新方法、道路安全和陆港发展等 领域的能力建设活动。
The Commission also
[...] underscored the importance of the secretariat’s capacity-building activities, including in the areas of public-private partnerships and new approaches for financing road infrastructure projects, road safety [...]
and the development of dry ports.
委员会强调需要继续提供国际帮助,并调集技术和财政资源,用以实现各项 国际商定发展目标,从而使最不发达国家在规定的时间里脱离最不发达国家地 位,并注意到需要国际社会进一步加强参与的力度,以实现《2011-2020 十年期 支援最不发达国家行动纲领》(《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》)2 中所商的各项相关 目标和 具体目标,包括动员更多有利于最不发达国家的国际支助措施和行动,并 在这些国家与其发展伙伴之间形成新的伙伴关系。
The Commission emphasized the need for continued international support and the mobilization of technical and financial resources in order to achieve internationally agreed development goals and enable the least developed countries to graduate from least developed country status in the stipulated time, and noted the need to further intensify the engagement of the international community in the attainment of the goals and targets agreed in the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-20202 (Istanbul Programme of Action), including the mobilization of additional international support measures and action in favour of the least developed countries and the formation of a renewed partnership between those countries and their development partners.
主席建议,委员会可通过下列几种方 法做出贡献:(a) 再次请求委员会主席在年度部长级审查会议上发言,强调人口 与发展问题对于执行全球公共卫生方面国际商定目标和承诺的贡献;(b) 邀请理 事会主席在第四十二届会议议程项目 6 下向委员会发言,以便开始讨论人口问题 与实施全球公共卫生方面国际商目 标 和 承诺之 的关 系 ;(c) 请秘书处考虑是 否能在年度部长级审查会议期间组织一次会边活动,讨论人口问题与全球卫生之的相互关系。
The Chairperson suggested that there were several ways in which the Commission could contribute: (a) by requesting, once more, that the Chairperson of the Commission make a statement at the annual ministerial review to highlight the contributions of population and development issues to the implementation of the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to global public health; (b) by inviting the President of the Council to address the Commission under item 6 of its agenda for the forty-second session in order to launch a discussion on the relevance of population
issues to the
[...] attainment of the goals and commitments on global public health; and (c) by requesting the Secretariat to look into the possibility of organizing a side-event at the time of the annual ministerial review that would highlight the interrelations between population [...]
issues and global health.
执行委员会审查了随同委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国体制建设项目延长申请提交的报 告,并赞赏地注意到该国正在采取必要措施,保持已经实现的氟氯化碳淘汰,实现《蒙特 利尔议定书》与氟氯相关的目标。
The Executive Committee reviewed the report presented with the institutional strengthening renewal project for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and noted with appreciation that the country is taking the
necessary steps to sustain the CFC phase-out achieved and
[...] to meet the targets of the Montreal Protocol related to the HCFCs.
[...] 为了更好地描述这些关系中的记录,以及对记录详细分析形成词汇表,发挥为某一组实体提 供信息的作用,借鉴其它与目关系 相关的 观 点也许会有帮助。
Thus for better mapping of records on these relations and also detailed analysis of records for identifying
vocabularies act as clues in attributing an entity to a group,
[...] other views on bibliographic relationships might be of help.




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