

单词 直通火车

See also:

直通 adj

straight adj


"through train" (refers the idea of retaining previous legislature after transition to Chinese rule in Hong Kong or Macao)

火车 n

trains pl

External sources (not reviewed)

由北京道一号前往九龙机场快线站仅5分钟车程,由该处 火车 至 香 港国际机场亦只需20分钟;Servcorp客户也可从九龙乘 直通 巴 士前往到深圳机场。
One Peking is 5 minutes taxi ride to the Kowloon Airport Express
Station, and only 20 minutes by train to the
[...] HK International Airport; Servcorp clients can also take the Direct Bus Services from Kowloon to Shenzhen Airport.
而且 欧洲的30号高速公路即将竣通车, 作 为柏林 和华沙之间连接直达高速公路。
Furthermore, the European motorway number 30
[...] will be finished and function as one straight motorway connection between Berlin [...]
and Moscow.
广州地理位置优越,紧邻主要的国际 通 枢纽 - 香港,火车至香港仅需两小时。
Guangzhou also enjoys a convenient location near the major
[...] international hub of Hong Kong, which is only two hours away by train.
卢森堡位于欧洲十字路口,这一 战略优势位置直通欧洲最重要的城 市:巴黎火车只需 2小时15分钟)、伦 敦、阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔、柏林、苏黎 世、米兰和日内瓦。
Luxembourg benefits from a strategic
position at the crossroads
[...] of Europe, with direct routes to the most important European cities: Paris (just 2h15 by train), London, [...]
Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Zurich, Milan and Geneva.
巴士——巴士一般是火车站出 发,开往医院、大学、郊区购物中心以及其他 通 方 式 无法覆盖的远郊地区。
Bus – Generally, buses continue from where the trains finish, or go to places, such as hospitals, universities, [...]
suburban shopping centres and
the outer suburbs, not reached by other services.
(d) 鉴于传统的军事学说设通过采 用布置 车 辆 地雷 和 直 接 火 力 双 管齐 下的方式阻止或破坏对方的流动力量,那么根据国际人道主义法的一般规则,在 不持续进行监督,不采取排除平民的其他措施下,使用反车辆地雷是否正当?
(d) Given that traditional military doctrine envisages the use of emplaced
[...] AV mines in combination with direct fire to stop or disrupt an adversary's [...]
forces, can the use of AV mines without continuous monitoring and other measures to exclude civilians be justified under the general rules of IHL?
具体实行了两项措施:建设 新的轨道和隧道系统(最长的为 57 公里),新铁路通阿尔卑斯山区,大大缩短 了从北向南纵贯瑞士全境所需时间,从而便利了 火车 穿 越 阿尔卑斯山的行程; 对瑞士境内或穿过瑞士的几乎每辆超 3.5 吨载货卡车实行与载重挂钩的重型车 辆收费。
Two measures stand out: the construction of a system of new
[...] tracks and tunnels (the longest is 57 km), the new railway link through the Alps, which greatly shortens the time needed to travel through [...]
Switzerland in the
north-south direction and hence facilitates crossing the Alps by rail; and the introduction of a performance-related heavy vehicle fee, which is imposed on virtually every truck heavier than 3.5 tons carrying goods in and through Switzerland.
[...] 言,根據原本的設計,該鐵路只連接廣州及深圳,但其後決定 該鐵路應成為全國性高速鐵路網的一部分,為香港與內地其他 主要城市提直通火車服務。
On ERL, it was originally designed to connect with Guangzhou and Shenzhen only, but was later decided that it should form
part of the national high-speed rail
[...] network to provide direct through train services between [...]
Hong Kong and other major Mainland cities.
他冻直哆嗦 ,抓起毛巾盖在自己浮肿、酸痛的双腿上,手中摆弄着玩 火车 , 嘴 里发出“突突”的声响。
The little
[...] boy shivers and pulls up the towel to cover his badly swollen and sore legs, picks up a toy truck and makes bulldozer noises.
在此背景下,瑞士支持武器贸易条约适用以下各类别:坦克、军 车 辆 、火 炮系统、军直升机 、海军舰只、导弹和导弹系统、小武器、轻武器、弹药、军 用炸药、零部件、技术。
Against this background, Switzerland suggests the following categories to be covered by an
arms trade treaty:
[...] tanks, military vehicles, artillery systems, military aircraft, military helicopters, naval vessels, [...]
missile and missile systems, small arms, light weapons, ammunition,
military explosives, parts and components, technology.
所以, 在 開 放 邊 境 禁 區 , 完 善 直 達 口 岸 的 道
[...] 路 網 絡、多 闢口岸 和開辦 港直 通 火 車 服 務的問題上 , 除了檢 視新界 [...]
西 北 地區的 道 路 系 統 外 , 也 必須全 盤 考慮其他道 路 和 鐵 路 網 絡 的 支 援和配 套 , 包括連 接
的公路 和 交 通 設施等, 是 否足以應付 有可能 增 加 的 負 荷 , 以 免 出現集 中 運 用 大 量 資源來 興建一些大 型 基 建設施, 但 卻 忽 略 了其他支 線 網 絡配套 的 問題, 以 致 出現資源錯 配 的 情 況。
For this reason, when it comes to issues like opening up the Frontier Closed Area, perfecting the
[...] road networks leading directly to the border control [...]
points, the designation
of more control points and the launch of a through-train service between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, we must, besides examining the road networks in the northwestern New Territories, give holistic consideration to other ancillary road and railway networks, including feeder roads and transport facilities, to ascertain whether they can cope with the possible increase in pressure, lest huge resources are spent on large-scale infrastructure projects to the neglect of the ancillary role of other extension networks, thus leading to mismatch of resources allocation.
搭建临时办公室的准备工作五月中旬就已开始,主要内容是加固道路,以能承负重型 卡车,包括火车的通过, 还包括广场“绿色部分”防水层的翻修,以及准备用于安装临时 办公室使用的地板。
The preparatory work for the installation of the temporary offices, which began in mid-May, involves the
improvement of the driveway
[...] to permit the passage of heavy lorries, including fire engines, the [...]
renovation of the waterproofing
in the “green” area of the Piazza and the preparation of the structure for the temporary offices.
火车——市郊火车比电 车或巴士更为快捷,但许多近郊地区并 通车。
Train – Suburban trains are faster than trams or buses, but they don't go to many of the inner [...]
总体而言,赞比亚提议,条约范围应包括所有坦克; 车 ; 火 炮 装 置;有人 驾驶或无人驾驶的军用飞机直升机 ;有武器或有军用装备的海面或海底舰艇; 制导或无制导导弹和导弹系统;小武器和轻武器;上述任何物项使用的弹药;特 [...]
In summary, Zambia proposes that the scope of the
treaty should include
[...] all tanks; military vehicles; artillery systems; military aircraft and helicopters, manned or unmanned; [...]
surface and submarine
naval vessels armed or equipped for military use; missiles and missile systems, guided or unguided; small arms and light weapons; ammunition for use with any of the above; parts or components specially and exclusively designed for any of the above; and technology and equipment specially and exclusively designed and used to develop, manufacture or maintain any of the above.
Asfinag(一家奥地利的高速公路融资公司)现已 直通 维 也 纳的克里斯多夫路上建造了长达1公里的 车 防 滑 链固定设施。
Asfinag, the Austrian motorway financing company, has now
[...] set up a 1 km snow chain fitting facility for trucks at St. Christophen in the direction of Vienna.
印度在运营连接孟加拉国、尼泊尔和巴基斯坦的定 火车线 路,并正在探讨同其他邻国的通性。
It operated regular train services with Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan and was exploring connectivity with other neighbouring [...]
行人、自行车和畜力车妨碍交通的路段,应根据实际情况修建前沿辅道或人行道, 从而直通车道相分离。
Pedestrians, bicycles and animal-drawn carts should be separated from through traffic by the provision, where practical, of
frontage roads and/or sidewalks for the sections
[...] where smooth traffic is impeded by the existence of such local traffic.
至 於可否直 通 火 車往深 圳火車 站 , 這 存 在技術性 的 問題, 因為根據內 [...]
地當局 透 露 , 深 圳火車 站 目前根 本沒有足夠 地 方 設 立 一 個 口 岸 。
As to the question of a through-train service to [...]
the Shenzhen railway station, there are some technical problems to it,
and as the mainland authorities said, there is simply not enough space to set up a control point.
[...] 公司亦與㆗國鐵路當局討論該公司的建議。至於我們的計劃,是預期羅湖會繼續作為 ㆗港鐵路及客直通火車的 主要過境站。
Insofar as our plans are concerned, we envisage
that Lo Wu should continue to be the main
[...] crossing point for the through train from China [...]
for both rail and passengers.
所实施的各项措施和方案包括:(a) 一个拥挤费收 取系统;(b) 一个拼车系统;(c) 以保护生态的方式驾驶车辆;(d) 一个推 动实现绿色通运输的地带;(e) 在发火车站区时着眼于过境方面的需 要;(f) 建立各种绿色交通运输模式;(g) 一个大都市公交快捷转车系统。
Various actions and programmes had been initiated, such as (a) a congestion fee charging system, (b) a car-sharing system; (c) Eco-drive; (d) a green transport promotion zone; (e) transit-oriented development (TOD) of railway station areas; (f) green transport modes; and (g) a bus rapid transit system in metropolitan cities.
在“(三 )局 部開放 邊 境 禁 區 , 完 善 直 達 口 岸 的 道 路 網 絡;"之後刪 除 “及";及在“(四 )積極與 內 地 政 府 磋 商,研究擇地多 闢口岸 , 以配 合 未 來港粵 兩 地 交 往 的 快 速 增 長 " 之後加 上“;及(五 )積極與 內 地 政 府 商 討 , 開 辦 港直 通 火 車 服 務 "。
To delete "and" after "(c) open up part of the Frontier Closed Area and perfect the road network leading directly to the border control points;" and to add "; and (e) actively discuss with the mainland authorities the launch of a through-train service between Hong Kong and Shenzhen" after "(d) actively discuss with the mainland authorities and explore the choice of sites for the designation of more border control points in order to cater for the future rapid increase in exchanges between Hong Kong and Guangdong Province".
至 於 劉健儀議員在修正案提 到開辦 港直 通 火 車 服 務,我們在徵 詢 運 輸 局 [...]
同 事的意 見 後 , 有以下 看 法 。
As for the proposal made by Ms Miriam LAU in her amendment on
[...] the launch of a through-train service between [...]
Hong Kong and Shenzhen, after consulting
our colleagues in the Transport Bureau, we have the following views
(一) 鑒於柴直通火車啟 動時排放大量廢氣,當局是否知悉九廣鐵路 公司(“九鐵”)有沒有監測在這些火車啟動時,上述月台的空 [...]
氣質素是不是符合有關的空氣質素指標;若有,結果是甚麼;若 沒有,原因是甚麼
(a) as the diesel trains generate a large [...]
volume of emissions when starting to run, whether it knows if the Kowloon-Canton
Railway Corporation (KCRC) monitors if the air quality at the above station platforms meets the relevant air quality objectives at the time when the diesel trains start to run; if it does, of the monitoring results; if not, the reasons for that
除㆖述短期措施外,九廣鐵路公司並正檢討所 直通火 車 設 施,包括排隊㆞方、等 候㆞方以及出入境及海關設施。
Apart from these short-term measures, the Corporation is
[...] reviewing all its through train facilities, [...]
including queuing areas, waiting areas,
and immigration and customs facilities.
格里森No.537淬火压床(手动)和No.537过程控制淬火压床(PCM),是用于对 车 、 卡 车 和 拖 拉机的主传动齿轮,以及其它扁平、圆柱形工件进行 火 的 机 床,工 直 径 达 27" (686 mm),高度达8" (203 mm)。
The Gleason No. 537 Quenching Machine (Manual) and the No. 537 Process Controlled
Quenching Machine (PCM) are designed
[...] for quenching automotive, truck and tractor main drive gears and other flat, cylindrical parts up to 27" (686 mm) diameter and 8" (203 mm) high.
我們 曾 就 上 水 至 深直通火車這 項 建 議,進行初 步 研究和分析 [...]
, 結果顯示, 該項建 議 存 有不少 技 術 和 運 作 上 的 問題。
A preliminary study and analysis have been
conducted on the proposal of operating a Sheung
[...] Shui to Shenzhen through train service and [...]
the findings show that there are a number
of technical and operational problems.
第 5763-2003
[...] 号《残疾人平等权利(使用公共交通工具)条例》详细规定, 公共通工具运营者(火车、船 舶、空中运输、城市公交、中央车站、火车站、 [...]
The Equal Rights for People with Disabilities (Accessibility to Public Transportation) Regulations 5763-2003, set out in
detail the obligations of public
[...] transportation operators (trains, boats, air transportation, [...]
municipal bus lines, central
bus stations, train stations, airports, etc.) to provide accessibility for persons with disabilities.
瓦克多年以来直在为 扩建从慕尼黑经米尔多夫(Mühldorf)到博格豪森的铁路线而努力,2010年开始终于取得了可喜的初步成功:12月,米尔多夫附近7.8公里长的铁路复 线 通车 ; 20 11年4月,另一段从图斯林(Tüssling)到博格豪森的铁路安装了电子信号技术,取代已经过时的继电器设备。
For years, WACKER has championed the need to expand the railroad section running from Munich to Burghausen via Mühldorf and, in 2010, was pleased to see an initial success.
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些直接回 应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the
following strategic
[...] areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing [...]
the education sector
responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.




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