

单词 直通

直通 adverb ()

through train n

直通 ()

lead directly to

直通 noun ()

feedthrough n


直通车 n

through train n


through train


"through train" (refers the idea of retaining previous legislature after transition to Chinese rule in Hong Kong or Macao)

External sources (not reviewed)

2003 年以来,教科文组织直通过国际远程教育中心(ICDL)提供基本信息和传播技 术技能认证。
UNESCO has been offering basic ICT skills certifications since 2003 via the international [...]
ICDL programme.
根據計劃,新的公共交通交匯處將設立公共小巴 站直通過境巴士站,以改善旺角橫街的交通情況。
According to plan, the new public transport interchange will accommodate public light bus stands and cross-boundary coach stands so as to improve traffic conditions at the side streets of Mong Kok.
由北京道一号前往九龙机场快线站仅5分钟车程,由该处乘火车至香港国际机场亦只需20分钟;Servcorp客户也可从九龙乘 直通 巴 士前往到深圳机场。
One Peking is 5 minutes taxi ride to the Kowloon Airport Express Station, and only 20 minutes by train
to the HK International Airport; Servcorp clients
[...] can also take the Direct Bus Services from [...]
Kowloon to Shenzhen Airport.
2004 年以来,难民署直通过亲 属互访和提供免费电话服务,协助廷杜夫附 近难民营中的西撒哈拉难民与其在领土内的亲属进行联系和通话。
Since 2004, UNHCR has been
[...] facilitating contact and communication between Western Saharan [...]
refugees in the camps near Tindouf
and their families in the Territory through the exchange of family visits and the provision of free telephone services.
部分委員又籲請政府當局關注紀律部隊職系各 項尚待處理的訴求,包括劃一各支紀律部隊的薪酬及職系架構、
[...] 縮減5支一般紀律部隊的規定工作時數,以及 把 " 直通 薪 級安排"延 伸至懲教署、香港海關、入境事務處及政府飛行服務隊的主任級 [...]
Some members also called on the Administration to attend to the unresolved requests from the disciplined services grades, i.e. standardizing the pay and grade structures across the disciplined services, reducing the conditioned hours of work for
the five general disciplined services
[...] and extending the "through scale arrangement" [...]
to the officer grades in the Correctional
Services Department, the Customs and Excise Department, the Immigration Department, the Government Flying Service and the Ambulance Officer grade in FSD.
总部合同委员 会自 2006 年起直通过临时安排开展此类活动,但由于相关职能具有持续性, 拟议把能力发展干事(P-4)职位改划为 P-4 职等员额。
It has been carrying out these activities since 2006 through temporary [...]
arrangements, but since the related functions are
of a continuous nature, the conversion of the position of the Capacity Development Officer (P-4) to a post established at the P-4 level is proposed.
所以, 在 開 放 邊 境 禁 區 , 完 善 直 達 口 岸 的
[...] 道 路 網 絡、多 闢口岸 和開辦 港直 通 火 車 服 務的問題上 , 除了檢 視新界 [...]
西 北 地區的 道 路 系 統 外 , 也 必須全 盤 考慮其他道 路 和
鐵 路 網 絡 的 支 援和配 套 , 包括連 接 的公路 和 交 通 設施等, 是 否足以應付 有可能 增 加 的 負 荷 , 以 免 出現集 中 運 用 大 量 資源來 興建一些大 型 基 建設施, 但 卻 忽 略 了其他支 線 網 絡配套 的 問題, 以 致 出現資源錯 配 的 情 況。
For this reason, when it comes to issues like opening up the
Frontier Closed Area, perfecting the
[...] road networks leading directly to the border control [...]
points, the designation of more control
points and the launch of a through-train service between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, we must, besides examining the road networks in the northwestern New Territories, give holistic consideration to other ancillary road and railway networks, including feeder roads and transport facilities, to ascertain whether they can cope with the possible increase in pressure, lest huge resources are spent on large-scale infrastructure projects to the neglect of the ancillary role of other extension networks, thus leading to mismatch of resources allocation.
所示的直通型阀体; 还有角型阀体可供应。
Straight-pattern valve body shown; [...]
angle-pattern body available.
八.57 关于“联合国关心”小组与处理维持和平行动中与艾滋病毒/艾滋病有关 问题的工作人员之间的协调,咨询委员会经询问获悉,“联合国关心”自创始以 来就直通过维 持和平行动部特派团一级的艾滋病毒/艾滋病顾问和协调人同该 部一道开展工作。
VIII.57 With regard to coordination between the UN Cares team and staff dealing with HIV/AIDS-related issues in peacekeeping operations, the Advisory Committee was informed, upon enquiry, that
since its inception UN
[...] Cares had been working with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations through the latter’s [...]
mission-level HIV/AIDS advisers and focal points.
为增强支付直通式处 理,降低处理成本并加速支付修复或调查,能随时随地查阅全球 准确且最新的参考编号数据就至关重要。
To enhance straight-through-processing of payments, [...]
reduce processing costs and speed up payment repairs or investigations,
it is critical to have any-time access to worldwide, accurate and up-to-date reference data.
和总部的信息互换一样,终端设备的可用性对于远 程位置同样重要,Gruth 解释道:“我们直通过远 程对计算 机中心的服务器进行管理,因此可能两年多都没有人踏足一 些远程的位置,所以当有人最终进入那里的服务器机房时, 设备应该要运转正常。
Just like at the home exchange itself, the availability of the end devices is also critical at the satellite locations, as Gruth explains: “Since we almost always remotely administer the servers in the computer centers, it can be that no one actually sets foot in some locations for more than two years, and so when someone finally does enter a server room there, the device has got to function.
自 2011 年年初也门爆发起义以来,我直通 过 斡 旋积极参与协助寻找和平 解决方案。
Since the uprisings in Yemen broke out in early 2011, I have been
[...] actively engaged through my good offices [...]
in helping to find a peaceful solution.
P2 路東西行貫通中環
[...] 填海計劃第三期工程,而建議在中環填海計劃第三期工程 範圍內的 P2 路向直通至灣 仔發展計劃第二期,主要是雙 程雙線分隔車道。
Road P2 runs east-west through CRIII, and the
proposed Road P2 within the limit of CRIII is extended
[...] eastward to WDII as a through road and is mainly [...]
a dual 2-lane road.
用钳子夹住活塞并直通螺母 (17✝) 施加下表规定 的扭矩。
Place piston in
[...] vice and torque flow-through nut (17†) as specified [...]
in the following table.
细级分接选择器端子的扁头有供 M10 螺丝直通开孔 , 便于用电缆终端套管将分接引线连接起来 [...]
( 35)。
The crimped ends of the tap selector terminals are
[...] provided with a through-hole for M10 screws [...]
to allow the tap selector take-off leads
to be connected by means of cable shoes (see Figure 35).
直通接头都采用高质量 棒材生产以获得更好的强度。
Straight fittings are manufactured [...]
from quality bar stock for strength.
中亚区域办事处直通过提 供专门技术知识支持当局调和这两个草案的努 力。
ROCA has been supporting the authorities in their efforts to reconcile the two drafts through the provision [...]
of technical expertise.
我们提供球阀,隔膜阀直通蝶阀 和高真空波纹管密封角阀。
We offer ball valves, diaphragm valves, butterfly in-line valves and highvacuum bellow-sealed corner valves.
直通陣列 封裝簡化了PCB設計,而且該產品系列還提供了一套符合嚴格空間限制的電子設計解決方案。
The flow-through standard array package [...]
simplifies PCB design, and the product family provides a set of solutions for electronic
design within severe space constraints.
通过广阔的河流和运河网络可以从荷直 通欧洲所有工业中心。
All the industrial centres of Europe can be reached from
[...] the Dutch ports via an extensive network [...]
of rivers and canals.
(20) 經營旅行社及旅遊承包商之業務;促進旅遊業務;提供或安排提供各類方便 遊客及旅客之服務,形式包直通票 、 來回票、臥卡、膳食、留位、酒店及 住宿、導遊、保管、查詢服務、資料庫、盥洗室、閱讀室、行李運送或其他 [...]
(20) To carry on business as tourist agents and contractors, and to facilitate travelling, and to provide for tourists and travellers, or promote
the provision of conveniences of all
[...] kinds in the way of through tickets, circular [...]
tickets, sleeping cars or berths, meals,
reserved places, hotel and lodging accommodation, guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaux, libraries, lavatories, reading rooms, baggage transport or otherwise howsoever.
超过300个型号的全流直通式快速接头 供您选择。
A choice of more than 300 full-flow couplings at your disposal.
卢森堡位于欧洲十字路口,这一 战略优势位置直通欧洲最重要的城 市:巴黎(火车只需2小时15分钟)、伦 [...]
敦、阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔、柏林、苏黎 世、米兰和日内瓦。
Luxembourg benefits from a strategic position at the crossroads
[...] of Europe, with direct routes to the most [...]
important European cities: Paris (just
2h15 by train), London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Zurich, Milan and Geneva.
直 通 股 市 的 強 大 交 易 平 台 , 能 助 您 當 機 立 斷 ,迅速把握市場良機。
It enables you to make critical decisions with the speed and confidence you need to take advantage of market opportunities.
直通的特 性阻抗应当与参考阻抗尽可能匹配;其特征量为插入损 耗和插入电长度,多数常用校准技术中都会假 直通 是 理 想匹配 的。
In most common calibration techniques the through is assumed to be ideally matched.
[...] 品在 SWIFT 环境中实现报文处理自动化的能力,以及支 直通 式 处 理来增加客户价 值、控制定制需求和成本并减少面市时间的能力。
These criteria are designed to reflect the capacity of a partner product to provide message
processing automation in a SWIFT
[...] context, and to support Straight-Through Processing (STP) [...]
to increase customer value, limit
customisation needs and cost, and reduce time-to-market.
为了逐步提高人力资 源的质量,王国政府直通过提 高劳动力的自给自 足 能力来 开 发人力资 源;同 时 还 鼓励私营部 门 为 城 市 、 城 区 和 农村地 区 的文化、 外 语 、 商业和多技术领域提供帮助。
In order to build up gradual responses, the Royal Government has been striving to develop human resources by focusing on the basis of self-reliance, and, at the same time, encourage the private sectors to help in the fields of cultures, foreign languages, businesses and multi-techniques in the cities, downtowns and rural areas.
自 1967 年开始占领以来,以色列直通过各 种手段和措施推行这一政策。以色列最 近这一军事命令显然旨在破坏巴勒斯坦人在自己家园的人口和地域分布及延续 性,以此作为一个先发制人的措施,以期使任何旨在达成“两国解决方案”的努 力徒劳无效。
In this regard, it is clear that this most recent Israeli military order is aimed at impairing the demographic and geographic presence and contiguity of the Palestinian people in their homeland as a pre-emptive measure that would annul any and all efforts to realize the two-State solution.




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