

单词 直行



lit. go straight (idiom, from Analects); to act with integrity


straightforward and honest in one's actions [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

例如,Normal(正常)模式命令压缩打印、扩展打印、执行、 忽略、选择格式和直行可以在 Execute(执行)或 [...]
Create Form(创建 表格)模式下执行。
For example, Compressed Print, Expanded Print, Execute, Ignore, Select
[...] Format,and VerticalLineSpacing, [...]
which are also Normal mode commands, can
be used in the Execute or Create Form modes.
Balloting would continue until a single candidate [...]
from one of those groups had obtained the highest number of votes and the required majority.
有 些 Normal(正常)模式命令也可以在其他模式下使用,例如:Normal(正常)
[...] 模式下的命令如压缩打印、扩展、忽略、选择格式和直行可以在 Execute Form(执行表格)模式下使用;多国字符集命令也可用在 [...]
Normal(正常)或 Create(创建)模式下使用;而回车、换页、换行和甩纸命令也适用于 Normal (正常)模式。
Some Normal mode commands can also be used in other
modes: Compressed Print, Expand, Ignore,
[...] Select Format, and Vertical Line Spacing, [...]
which are Normal mode commands, can also
be used in the Execute Form mode; the Multinational Character Set command can be used in the Normal or Create modes.
The Stäubli Group confirms its continued commitment by further expanding the innovation capacities of the DEIMO product range
including electronic controllers for
[...] socks and seamless, rectilinearKnitting machinery, [...]
as well as the electronic control
of weaving machines and DEIMOTION product line for further industrial applications.
用户可以在部件库中行直导航,或者执行搜索、配置部件、阅读动态预览,并将中性格式和原始《AUTOCAD [...]
与投资者》3D 模型连同相关部件列表信息直接插入他们的设计方案中。
Users can navigateintuitively through the library [...]
or carry out a specific search, configure components, look at dynamic
previews and insert both neutral formats and native AutoCAD and Inventor 3D models directly into their design along with the relevant parts list information.
公司与土着人民之间行直判也许是最为有效和可行的方式,可 就在土着领地之内或附近开采自然资源达成安排,充分尊重土着人民的权利,这 [...]
Direct negotiations between companies [...]
and indigenous peoples may be the most efficient and desirable way of arriving at
agreed-upon arrangements for the extraction of natural resources within or near indigenous territories that are fully respectful of indigenous peoples’ rights, and they may provide indigenous peoples with opportunities to pursue their own development priorities.
将残疾 问题纳入其中,这意味着要直接面对跨部门工作这一概念并对拨付的预算资金行直置;同时,这促使相关方面从人权角度将残疾人问题与名为 CRECER 战略(“携手共进社会方案”)等国家战略以及诸如“营养共同方案”等预算战略方案 的运作联系起来。
At the same time, it will also entail tying in the human rights problems faced by persons with disabilities with national strategies such as the “Crecer Juntos” (let’s grow together) social programme and strategic budget programmes, such as the “Articulación Nutricional” (food network) programme.
叙利亚政 府认为,相关条款表明行直决于以色列是否遵 守停止系统侵犯巴勒斯坦人民人权的要求,包括过度 [...]
使用武力;使用集体惩罚;没收土地;继续采取定居 点政策;修建种族主义隔离墙;羁押数千名无辜巴勒 斯坦人;以及旨在改变巴勒斯坦被占领土法律地位和
His Government understood the relevant
paragraphs to mean that
[...] implementation was directly contingent upon [...]
Israel’s compliance with thedemand that it cease its systematic
violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people, including the excessive use of force; the use of collective punishment; the confiscation of land; the continuation of settlement policies; the construction of the racist separation wall; the detention of thousands of innocent Palestinians; and all other actions by it designed to change the legal status and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
合作形式如下:向国际法庭提供文件,解除人的保密义务,以使他们能够 在国际法庭的法律程序中作证,向在共和国塞尔维亚境内的人转交传票和其他拘 票,向证人和他们的家人提供保护,监控在塞尔维亚境内居住的临时被释放的被 告,与检察官办公室、国际法庭秘书处和庭长通信和直接联系,包括提供所有必 要的技术援助,在搜捕在逃被告和将他们转送到至法庭上提供支持和合作,以及 其他形式的合作,譬如负责战争罪行的检察官办公室与前南问题国际法庭检察官 办公室通过交换这些机构的电子数据库所载数据和其他活动行直作。
The forms of cooperation are as follows: submission of documentation to the Tribunal, release of persons from the obligation to keep secrets to be able to testify in the proceedings held before the Tribunal, submission of summons and other writs to persons in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, provision of protection to witnesses and members of their families, control over the defendants who are temporarily set free and are resident in the territory of Serbia, correspondence and direct contact with the Prosecutor’s Office, the Secretariat and the Chair of the Tribunal, including all required technical assistance, provision of support and cooperation in searching for defendants at large and their transfer to the Tribunal, other forms of cooperation, such as direct cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office for War Crimes and the ICTY Prosecutor’s Office through an exchange of data contained in the electronic databases of these institutions and other activities.
另外,苏丹政府目前正与两个从反叛团体中分裂 出来的派系在西达尔富尔州行直谈。
Another process is under way between the Government of the Sudan and two splinter factions of
[...] rebel groups through direct talks inWestern Darfur.
根据所提出的数据,我们可以得出这样的结论: 同武装团体行直双边对话以及所有冲突当事 方执行有具体时限的行动计划,构成大幅度减少严重 [...]
Based on the data presented, we
[...] can conclude that directbilateraldialogue [...]
with armed groups and the implementation of
concrete time-bound action plans by all parties to a conflict constitute an efficient and effective framework for significantly reducing the number of grave violations against children.
2006 年 7 月 25 日第 71/2006/ND-CP 号政府法令规定了船舶进出越南的必要
[...] 程序,其中列明了需由国家机构登船行直制和监测的两种情况,即:㈠ 船 舶有明显违法迹象;㈡ [...]
采取监测和控制行动对保障安全、国防、法律和秩序或 对预防大流行病十分必要。
Government Decree No. 71/2006/ND-CP of 25 July 2006 stipulates the procedures required for vessels entering or exiting Viet
Nam, describing the two
[...] cases requiring directmanagement and [...]
monitoring of State agencies on board, which are: (i) vessels withobvious signs of being in violation
of the law and (ii) situations where such monitoring and management are necessary to safeguard security, national defence, and law and order, or to prevent pandemic diseases.
[...] DE系列型钢钻孔机器能够和菲赛普锯床(DEB系列)结合在一起行直接切割(+45/-60 度) ,又或者和菲赛普等离子或氧切割单元(DERC系列)结合在一起自动进行形状切割,例如锁口或者翼板切割,开导孔,焊接准备,开口等不能由锯切单元来完成的部分.
FICEP EXCALIBUR DE beam drill machines can be combined with Ficep saws
[...] (DEB) tocarry out straightormitred cuts (+45/-60 [...]
degrees) or with plasma or oxy
thermal cutting units (DERC) to automatically cut shapes such as coping or flange thinning, ratholes, weld prepping, splitting in the section which cannot be done by a sawing unit.
在该背景下,有人建议,缔约国 和更广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述要求,不应局限于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和男子平等获得为约》提供的资源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 方面的进展缓慢。
In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that
girls, boys, women
[...] and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow.
除上文披露者外,於最後,董事并不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相关股份中拥有权益或淡仓,而该等权益或淡仓根据证券及期货条例第XV部第2及第 3分部的条文须向本公司作出披露,间接拥有面值10%或以上任何类别股本 权益(或与该等股本有关的购股权),而该等股本附有权利可於任何情况下在本集团 任何其他成员公司的股东大会上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, [...]
interested in 10%
or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
[...] 不了解教科文组织新的体系,所以仍然在与地区办事处,甚至是总部行直触,而不是 通过相应的多国办事处作为进入联合国教科文组织“系统”的第一站。
Some Member States did not understand the new
system well either, and were found to be
[...] making contactdirect withregional [...]
bureaux, and even Headquarters, rather than
approaching the relevant cluster office as the primary entry point into the UNESCO “system”.
乌干达完全赞同巴勒斯坦和以色列领导人之间行直判,通过和平谈判,建立一个与以色列 [...]
It fully supported direct negotiations between [...]
the leaders of Palestine and Israel and the establishment, through peaceful
negotiations, of a sovereign, independent and viable State of Palestine, side by side with the State of Israel.
客户须按「特级基金转换服务章则」将原有基金及新基金之或与之有关的所有权利、产权、权益及利益抵押及转让予行直特级基金转换 服务」之所有交易完成交收为止。
You shall, according to the Terms and Conditions for Advanced Switching Service, charge by way of security, assign and release to the Bank all rights, titles, benefits and interests in or in
respect of the Original Fund and the
[...] New Fund untilall transactions related to theAdvanced [...]
Switching Service have been settled.
[...] 的人口仍然很可能被排斥在外,特别是在制订和行直响老年人的政策和方 案方面。
Therefore, although there is some recognition of the vital contributions that older persons make, in many countries this segment of the population still tends
to be excluded, particularly from the formulation and implementation of policies and
[...] programmes which directlyaffect it.
煽动“对亚美尼亚人的仇恨”,并对霍贾里事件进行模糊事实、出于政治动机和 毫无根据的解读,与此同时该代表不仅避而不谈欧洲人权法院和权威的国际非政 府组织
[...] 表达的意见,而且也未能澄清该国高级官员和行直与者透露的口 风,后者明确承认负有杀害霍贾里居民和守护者的罪责。
While trying to accuse Azerbaijan of alleged “anti-Armenian propaganda” and “hatred towards Armenians” and referring to ambiguous, politically motivated and groundless interpretations of the events in Khojaly, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia at the same time not only refrains from commenting on the views expressed by the European Court of Human Rights and authoritative international non-governmental organizations, but also neglects to clarify the
revelations of his country’s high-ranking
[...] officials and the direct participants [...]
in the crime, who in turn unequivocally admit
culpability for the extermination of the inhabitants and defenders of Khojaly.
大会按照《国际法院规约》为选举法院法官而举行的会议,应 持续足够的候选人经一次或一次以上的投票获得绝对 [...]
Any meeting of the General Assembly held in pursuance of the Statute of the International Court of Justice for
the purpose of electing members of the Court
[...] shall continueuntil as manycandidates [...]
as are required for all the seats to be
filled have obtained in one or more ballots an absolute majority of votes.
[...] 者一味地只把教科文组织视为推行其国家发展政策的工具,尤其是在教科文组织各办事处的 负责人与地方政府行直话的地方一级,那么补充性追加计划将迅速失去其本来意义, [...]
If donors insist on considering UNESCO as merely the enforcer of their national development policies,
particularly at the decentralized level where
[...] the dialogue is directly betweenUNESCO’s [...]
heads of offices and local administrators,
the CAP initiative would not only be quickly stripped of its meaning but the multilateral spirit that drives the Organization and that the CAP implicitly reinforces would be affected.
在编写提交森林论坛第八届会议的意见过程中,没有行直商,而使用以往的报告和成果文件,特别是亚洲森林合作关系、美国森林基 金会、加勒比共同体、刚果盆地森林合作伙伴关系、中美洲环境和发展委员会和 西非经济和货币联盟。
Direct consultations were not undertaken in the cases, inter alia, of the Asia Forest Partnership, the Asia Forest Forum, the Caribbean Community, the Congo Basin Forest Partnership, the Central America Commission on Environment and the West African Economic and Monetary Union; instead, past reports and outcome documents were used in the preparation of inputs to the Forum’s eighth session.
如果三次此种无限制 投票均无结果,后三次投票应只限于对在第三次无限制投票中得票最多的候选 人,其人数不得超过余下的待填补职位数的两倍;此后三次投票又应为无限制投 票,依此交替有职位均得到填补为止。
If three such unrestricted ballots are inconclusive, the next three ballots shall be restricted to the candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes in the third of the unrestricted ballots, whose number shall not be more than twice
the number of places
[...] remaining to be filled; the following three ballots shall be unrestricted, and so on until all the places have been filled.
[...] 讨论了四点重要事项,即卡塔尔回收中心的概念和相关费用;同氟氯烃淘汰管理计划所涉 的制冷维修技术人员行直流的次数;卡塔尔参与关于建立电子许可证制度的区域努 [...]
力的情况;以及结合最终淘汰管理计划已核准、重新指示的供资和氟氯烃淘汰管理计划所 需的新资金。
The Secretariat and the agencies concentrated their discussions on four main items, namely the concept of a reclamation
center for Qatar and the associated cost;
[...] the amount of directinteractionwith [...]
the refrigeration servicing technicians included
in the HPMP; the participation of Qatar in a regional effort to establish an e-licensing system; and the combination of already approved, redirected funding from the TPMP and new funding required under the HPMP.




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