

单词 直接竞争

See also:



直接 adj

direct adj

直接 adv

indirectly adv
straightforward adj

External sources (not reviewed)

只 有那些赚取较高名义毛利润且鲜 直接竞 争(从 而难以进行直接对比)的公司才有 可能长期提供折扣。
Long-term discounting is only possible for
companies that have high nominal gross margins, and
[...] little or no direct competition (which makes direct [...]
comparison difficult).
ITC会综合考虑知识产权持有人的权益与排除令对公众健康和福利、美国经济竞争状况、类似产品 直接竞争 产 品的生产以及美国消费者的影响。
The ITC balances the IP holder’s rights against the effect of exclusion upon public
health and welfare, competitive conditions in the US economy, the
[...] production of like or directly competitive articles, [...]
and US consumers.
韦纳姆教授认为,光伏发电系统应该同传统的发电设 直接竞争。
Prof. Wenham explained that photovoltaics
[...] would need to directly compete with conventional [...]
generating sources head-on.
全国大约100万个村庄都要对非政府性质的村民委员会成员进 直接 的 竞争 性 选 举。
All of the country's approximately one million
villages were
[...] expected to hold competitive, direct elections to select members of local village committees, which were subgovernment [...]
然而,某个会员国所提出的保留意见,即“如果该国文化产品进口的增长严重损害或可 能严重损害本国类似或直接竞争关 系的产品的生产者,那么该国可以全部或部分地中止其 对协定所承担的义务”,也成为该协定的组成部分,并可能被所有缔约国所效仿。
Nevertheless, the reservation entered by one Member State and providing for the possibility of “suspend(ing), in whole or in part, any obligation under this Agreement … if … any product covered by this Agreement is being imported into the territory of a contracting State in such relatively increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten serious injury to the domestic industry in that territory producing like or directly competitive products” is an integral part of the Agreement and may be invoked by any State Party in regard to that State.
2012年还向我们展示了,电子商务之于中国广大消费者,并不仅仅被当做一个实惠商品的来源,还被视为提供引人入胜的、令人愉悦的购物体验的可信渠道,在大多数的产品类别中,它都能与传统零 直接竞争。
2012 also have showed us that e-commerce is more than a source of good bargains for Chinese consumers but is viewed as being a credible provider
of engaging, entertaining shopping
[...] experiences that directly competes with traditional [...]
retail in most product categories.
这要求拥有能够同时鼓直接竞争( 公 司都力求击败其他的竞争对手,以获得更 大的市场份额)和合作竞争(集团与公司并肩协作,以吸引更多新客户)的市场及监 [...]
This requires market and regulatory frameworks that
[...] encourage both head-to-head competition – where companies [...]
seek to replace each other to
gain market share - and collaborative competition – where groups of companies work together to attract new customers.
如果我们的家人或家庭成员在与 UCI 或 FRAM 集直接竞争或有 业务往来的公司担任了能够影响决策的职位,那 么我们必须及时向 UCI-FRAM 集团内部审计与合规副总裁进行披露。
We must promptly disclose to the UCI-FRAM Group Vice President, Internal Audit & Compliance if a member of our family or household holds a position that can influence decisions at a firm that directly competes with or does business with UCI or the FRAM Group.
新浪微博也感受到了来自竞争对手的压力,包 直接竞争 对 手 ,如已然积累3.5亿用户的腾讯微博,或是间接竞争对手,诸如豆瓣(森马和古驰等品牌在其平台上进行有趣的实践),和尤其值得一提的微信,其最新的社交功能给新浪微博带来了直接的威胁。
Sina Weibo is also feeling the
[...] pressure of competing services; be them direct competitors such [...]
as Tencent Weibo, which has
already accumulated over 350 million users or indirect competitors such as Douban (on which brands such as Semir and Gucci are doing interesting things) and especially WeChat whose new social features represent a direct threat to Sina Weibo.
[...] Stone来说,可以利用这次合作展开与已在市场确立地位的品牌比如Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme甚至Starbucks的直接竞争。
For Cold Stone, already well-established in North America, Europe, and Asia, including here in China, is set to use
the extra doughnut and coffee
[...] offerings to enter into direct competition with established [...]
firms like Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, and even Starbucks.
此外,考虑到经济危机发生后对外 直接 投 资 的 竞争 日 益 激 烈,贸发会议以投资促进从业者工具包形式推出了一套新的投资咨询丛书。
Furthermore, in
[...] view of the growing competition for FDI following the [...]
economic crisis, UNCTAD launched a new investment
advisory series, in the form of toolkits for investment promotion practitioners.
人们认为,政府新的措施改革了许多州和市政当局以 直接 进 行拍 卖 竞争的 采购做法,增加了企业参与透明和诚实拍卖的可能性。
It is esteemed that the new government measures, which transform many state and
municipal procurements that
[...] previously were directly awarded into competitive auctions, have [...]
raised the probability that
businesses will participate in transparent and honest auctions.
其他的重 要政策工具包括公竞争性招标、 直接 公 共融资和投资,以促进可再生能源。
Other important policy tools
[...] include public competitive bidding, direct public financing [...]
and investment to promote renewable energy.
(o) 公司税的税竞争:对吸引外直接 投 资 奏效的税收优惠和不奏效的税 收优惠。
(o) Tax competition in corporate tax: tax incentives that have worked and tax incentives that have not worked in attracting foreign direct investment.
此外,一项国家贸易政策于 2009 年获得内 阁批准之后,政府打算提出有关公 竞争 、 外 国 直接 投 资 、特许经营、反倾销和 消费者保护的立法。
Further, having gained Cabinet approval of a National Trade Policy in 2009, the
Government intends to propose
[...] legislation on fair competition, foreign direct investments, franchising, [...]
anti-dumping and consumer protection.
没有采竞争招标而直接确定供应商的理由一般或是由于服务性质特殊,或是因为承 包商已在同一项目早期参与工作或已由地方当局选用。
The reasons generally provided in the files examined on
[...] contracts awarded without competition related to the fact [...]
that either the service was very specific
or the co-contractor had worked on the same project at a previous stage or had already been hired by the local authorities.
例如,该体制禁止以出口业绩为条件的补贴,防止鼓励 政策与国竞争力直接相关
For example, subsidies conditional
on export performance are prohibited, preventing an
[...] incentive policy directly related to international competitiveness.
但是,这种观点忽视了其他对市 场准入竞争直接有影响的、与知识产权的获得与行使有关的法规。
However, this perspective ignores the impact of a
number of regulations linked to the acquisition and
[...] exercise of IPRs that directly influence market [...]
entry and contestability.
例如, 利益冲突包直接或间接为Sonova集团 竞争 对 手 工作,将业务承包给亲属,担任竞争对手的董事会成员,或者通过员工 或直系家属成员直接或间接与So nova集 竞争 的 公司中拥有部分股权或持有股份。
Examples of conflicts of interest
[...] include working directly or indirectly for a competitor of the Sonova Group, contracting of relatives, acting as a member of a Board of directors for a competitor or – either by the employee or by immediate family members - partially owning or having a stake in a company that competes directly or indirectly with the Sonova Group.
(1) 在限制性招标、询价和竞争性谈判中,采购实体应当为确保有 竞争直接 邀请 足够数目的供应商或承包商递交提交书。
(1) In restricted tendering, request for quotations and competitive negotiations, a
procuring entity shall
[...] solicit submissions directly from a sufficient number of suppliers or contractors to ensure effective competition.
但这些方式的有效性取决于现有的法律或监管框 架如何以及政府对反对在体育运动中使用兴奋剂 争 的 直接 参 与 程度。
However, the efficacy of these various approaches will depend on the
existing legislative or regulatory framework
[...] and the level of direct government involvement [...]
in the fight against doping in sport.
只有出于特殊、确凿无疑的原因,才允许豁 竞争 程 序 ,例如顾问的服务工作特殊; 顾问是在质量和成本上唯一可接受 的 提供所需专业知识的人选;或者在紧急情况中(例 如,冲突后和灾难后),这时往往时间紧迫,寻找三位候选人将对提供服务产生不利影响。
Waivers will only be granted for exceptional, substantiated reasons, for example, where the consultant’s services are unique; where the consultant is the only available source of the required expertise at acceptable levels of quality [...]
and cost; or in emergency
situations (e.g. post-conflict, post-disaster), where time is often critical and the search for three candidates would negatively impact on service delivery.
LifeSize 每端口成本属业界最低,与最接近 的 竞争 对 手 相比,提供全高清视频的成本仅为竞争对手的三分之一。
The LifeSize Bridge price per port is the lowest in the industry, offering full HD at one-third the price of its nearest competitor.
资金直用于 支持旨在介绍妇女权利和两性平等专题,减轻不平等现象的项 目(竞争包括 种种专题,诸如妇女创业和提高妇女就业率,防止侵害妇女的暴力 和援助受害者,支持兼顾工作和家庭生活的措施,妇女权利和保护妇女,排除职 业选择和教育中的性别障碍,影响地方决策,参加政治)。
Funding has been used to support projects aimed at introducing women’s rights and gender equality topics, as well as reducing inequality (competitions have included topics [...]
such as women’s entrepreneurship
and raising employment among women, preventing violence against women and assisting of victims, measures to support reconciling work and family life, women’s rights and protecting them, overcoming gender barriers in choice of occupation and education, influencing decision-making on local level, participating in politics).
欧盟委员会要求微软公司向竞 争者披露其接口软件,使竞争者的 产品可以 与 WINDOWS 操作系统接轨;同时微软须 向个人电脑生产商(直接向个 人电脑终端 用户)提供一套不含有 Windows Media Player 的软件。
The Commission ordered Microsoft to disclose to
[...] competitors the interfaces required for their products to be able to communicate with the Windows OS and to offer a version of its Windows OS without Windows Media Player to PC manufacturers (or when selling directly to end users).
公司在彩票、投注、竞赛和视频彩票运营方面的专业知识和一流技术,给INTRALOT带来强大 竞争 优 势 ,从 直接 帮 助客户提高业务效率、效益和增长。
Its broad portfolio of products & services, its know-how of Lottery, Betting, Racing & Video Lottery operations and its
leading-edge technology,
[...] give INTRALOT a competitive advantage which contributes directly to customers’ [...]
efficiency, profitability and growth.
直接面临战争威 胁和战争时文职人员和军事人员适用防卫程序 及保护和营救措施特别方案也包括了《公约》 的各项规定。
The provisions of the Convention also figure in special programmes for civilian and military personnel in relation to defence procedures and measures for protection and rescue in emergencies, immediate threats of war, and in times of war.
[...] 民(例如加拿大或墨西哥)时,或当至少其中一个当事方是缔约国或缔约国的 国民时,为解决并非由投直接产生 的 争 议 ,只要发生争议的交易不是普通商 业交易,即可使用这些规则。
These rules may be used when one of the parties is not a Contracting State or a national of a Contracting State (such as Canada or Mexico for example) or when at least one of the parties is a Contracting State or a national of a
Contracting State for the settlement
[...] of disputes that do not arise directly out of an investment, [...]
provided that the underlying
transaction is not an ordinary commercial transaction.
加勒比共同体承认农村妇女对乡镇发展、农业 生产和粮食生产的重要贡献,坚决反对不正当竞争, 并在农产品交易中杜绝恶竞争,因 为这 直接影 响农村妇女的利益。
Rural women played a significant role in agriculture, food production and community development. She
therefore called for an end
[...] to unfair competition and agricultural trade distortions, which directly affected women, [...]
and also called for
the establishment of an inclusive international economic system.
一方面,我 们必须依靠一些计量经济学的模式刺激引进专利制度的影响,另一方面,也要依靠发达国 家的经验,即非专利品生产者与以研究为基础的生产者的互相竞争 发达国家有广泛的证据证明,如果非专利医药参 竞争 , 医 药价格 直 降 而 下,市场上的 非专竞争者越 多,价格的降幅就越大。
In part we have to rely on econometric models to simulate the impact of introducing patent protection, and in part the experience of developed countries where generic producers compete with research-based ones.




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