

单词 直情径行

See also:

直径 n

calibreBE n



行径 n

conduct n

External sources (not reviewed)

其宽广的加工区域和提高了易接近性的结构,在需要 行 大 直径 工件 装卸的同类车床中,是其一大特点。
The NLX4000 machine structure with a wide work envelop and improved accessibility is one of
the outstanding features for lathes of the same class which require attaching
[...] and removing of large diameter workpieces.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国说,普遍定期审议无法正确地处理这一具 情 况 , 60 多 年来严 重 和 系统地侵犯人权行径 需要国际社会给 予 特别注意。
The Islamic Republic of Iran said the UPR
[...] could not appropriately address this specific situation, and the gross and systematic human rights [...]
violations over 60
years required the particular attention of the international community.
大会第六十四届会议请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室在其任务授权范围内 加大努力,继续有系统地发展反恐领域以及与该办公室任务相关的专题领域的专 门法律知识,并应请求为建设会员国的能力提供技术援助,以批准和执行各项恐 怖主义问题国际公约和议定书,特别是通过编制技术工具和出版物以及对刑事司 法官员进行培训等径,此 外请该办公室向预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会第十九届 会议报告其在这方面的活动;并请秘书长就决议 行情 况 向 大会第六十五届会议 提交报告(第 64/177 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, within its mandate, to intensify its efforts to continue to systematically develop specialized legal knowledge in the area of counter-terrorism and pertinent thematic areas of relevance to the mandates of the Office and to provide, upon request, technical assistance for building the capacity of Member States to ratify and implement the international conventions and protocols related to terrorism, especially through the preparation of technical tools and publications and the training of criminal justice officials, and requested the Office to report to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its nineteenth session on the activities of the Office in that regard; and also requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/177).
除上文披露者外,於最後行日期 ,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露, 直 接 或 間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任 情 況 下 在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person
who had an interest or short position in
[...] the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
大会在题为“1949 年 8 月 12 日《关于战时保护平民的日内瓦公约》适用于
[...] 列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土和被占领的叙利亚戈兰的定居 点”、“以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土侵害巴勒斯坦人民人 权行径”和 “被占领的叙利亚戈兰”的四项决议中,要求秘书长就决议的行 情况向大会第六十六届会议提出报告(第 65/103 号至 65/106 号决议)。
In its resolutions entitled “Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories”; “Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan”; “Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”; and “The occupied Syrian
Golan”, the General Assembly
[...] requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its sixty-sixth session on the implementation of the resolutions (resolutions 65/103-65/106).
有建议进一步表示应关注第 35 C/5 号文 件中对相关文化公约的批行动( 包括通过各国家委员会等 径 ) 的支 持 情 况 ,不同文化和 宗教间对话的开展以及对使用国家语言和语言多样性的推广。
It was recommended further that priority be given in document 35 C/5 to: advocacy for the ratification of cultural conventions, including through National Commissions; the development of intercultural and interreligious dialogue; and the promotion of national languages and multilingualism.
推力型电动行机构所能承受的最大推 力和允许通过的最大阀直径均不 能超过相 应的规定,否则可能造成零件损坏。
Maximum thrust force the
[...] actuators of thrust mode could stand and maximum stem diameter shall not be above relevant specifications, or [...]
may result in parts damage.
因为教科文组织的任务是作为一个高端智囊机构,主要在联邦一 级提供政策咨询和技术援助,在教科文组织没有实地参与 情 况 下 ,对各 直 接 进 行 计 划干 预措施的范围将非常有限。
In the absence of UNESCO’s presence in the field, due to its mandate as an upstream intellectual agency that provides policy advice and technical assistance
mainly at the federal
[...] level, the scope for making direct programme interventions at [...]
state level will remain rather limited.
回到实验室中,Krechetnikov 和 Mayer 设置了一项试验:他们让一个人手持一个盛满咖啡的杯子以不同的速度沿着一条 直 的 路 径行 走。
Back at the lab, Krechetnikov and Mayer set
up an experiment: They
[...] asked a person to walk at different speeds along a straight path with a filled coffee mug in hand.
(c) 儘管本章程細則有所規定,但本公司須在實際 行情 況 下盡快及定期將任 何股東名冊分冊上進行之一切股份轉讓事宜記錄於股東名冊總冊上,且在 各方面須直根據 公司法存置股東名冊總冊及所有股東名冊分冊。
(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Articles, the Company shall as soon as practicable and on a regular basis record in the principal Register all removals of Shares effected on any branch Register and shall at all times maintain the principal Register and all branch Registers in all respects in accordance [...]
with the Companies Law.
然而,本部未 能 獲得和紐約及倫敦情況有 關的所需資料,因 此 只 能在本報告內 提供和紐約及倫敦規管公眾集會及公眾 行 的 法定 規 定 有關的資料。
However, we have not been able to obtain the required information in respect of New York and London and as a result, we can only provide information on the statutory provisions regulating public meetings and public processions in New York and London in this report.
其最直径实现了在 O 型圈密直径外部 的金属至金属接触、以防止 O 型圈挤出。
The minimum diameter allows metal-to-metal contact outside of the O-ring sealing diameter to prevent O-ring extrusion.
秘书处的代表解释说, 根据提出的建议,世界行和中 国政府将继续报告尚未动用的资金的使 情 况 , 直 至 这 些 资金全部得到使用,并正考虑请求删除第 23/22 号决定(g)段,其中要求中国努力防止向发 达国家出口回收和再生的哈龙。
The representative of the Secretariat explained that, under the proposed
recommendation, the
[...] World Bank and the Government of China would continue to report on the use of remaining unused funds until they were [...]
expended and were considering
requesting the removal of paragraph (g) of decision 23/22, which requested China to endeavour to prevent exports of recovered/reclaimed halons to developed countries.
一成员关注厄瓜多尔 2006 年以来直有不遵守情况,并始终没有回应缔约方决 定,编制一行动, 并且建议在核准基金时应包括一项条件,推迟至向履约委员会提交重 新遵守的行动计划之后在拨付款项。
One Member expressed concern that Ecuador had been in non-compliance since 2006 and still had not responded to the decision of the Parties to prepare an action plan and suggested that, in approving the funds, a condition should be included to defer disbursement until the action plan to return to compliance had been submitted to the Implementation Committee.
[...] 讨论了四点重要事项,即卡塔尔回收中心的概念和相关费用;同氟氯烃淘汰管理计划所涉 的制冷维修技术人员行直接交 流的次数;卡塔尔参与关于建立电子许可证制度的区域努 力情况; 以及结合最终淘汰管理计划已核准、重新指示的供资和氟氯烃淘汰管理计划所 需的新资金。
The Secretariat and the agencies concentrated their discussions on four main items, namely the
concept of a
[...] reclamation center for Qatar and the associated cost; the amount of direct interaction with the refrigeration servicing technicians included [...]
in the HPMP; the participation
of Qatar in a regional effort to establish an e-licensing system; and the combination of already approved, redirected funding from the TPMP and new funding required under the HPMP.
纠正这情形的唯一径是确 保所有国 家司法机关都能够根据国际法调查和起诉最严重的行。
The only way
[...] to remedy this situation is to ensure that all national jurisdictions are able to investigate and prosecute the worst crimes under international law.
办事处代直接对人权情况 进行监察 并和其在国家级别上的同行保持持续的联 系,使他们的信息更加丰富,更好地理解人权相关 的问题并清查和预计出现的问题,以及与国家的有 [...]
关方面共同协商合作制定出更加适合和更加持久的 技术合作项目。
The fact that representatives
[...] in the field directly monitored human rights and remained in [...]
constant contact with their counterparts
in the countries enriched knowledge, gave a better understanding of human rights issues, ensured that emerging problems were noted and anticipated and supported the preparation, in consultation and partnership with national stakeholders, of more suitable and sustainable technical cooperation programmes.
我 们呼吁国际社会支持各国努力处理卫生的社会决定因素,并加强其促进特别 是社会最脆弱群体充分享有卫生和社会保护的公共政策, 径 酌 情 包 括 行动 计 划,促进风险集中和有利于穷人的社会保护计划,支持发展中国家建立和 [...]
We call upon the international community to support efforts of States to address the social determinants of health and to strengthen their public policies aimed at promoting full access to health and social protection for,
inter alia, the most vulnerable
[...] sectors of society, including through, as appropriate, action plans [...]
to promote risk-pooling
and pro-poor social protection schemes, and to include support for the efforts of developing countries in building up and improving basic social protection floors.
检方并行要求分庭允许情把文件直 接作 为证据,以避免证人庭证时为提出每份文件再花时间。
In addition, the Prosecution routinely requests the
[...] Chamber to admit documents directly into evidence where appropriate, avoiding [...]
extra time
required for presenting each document during the testimony of a witness.
为了充分干燥有载切换开关油室(内部)和有载切换开 关芯子,必须用一根公直径为 50 mm 的共用管子将有 载分接开关头的至少两个直接通向有载切换开关室的管 接头连接到煤油蒸汽管上。
To ensure sufficient drying of the interior of the diverter switch oil compartment and of the diverter switch unit, it is necessary to connect a common tube of at least 50 mm nominal width between the kerosene vapor lead and at least two pipe connections of the tapchanger head leading into the diverter switch oil compartment.
在这行业中 ,HPGR的应用范围很广,从粗研磨(如在AG循环管路中的65mm(2. 5" ) 直径 的 超大鹅卵石)到在团矿料制备中终磨成Blaine值高达<100μm的材料。
In these industries, the application of HPGR ranges from coarse grinding, e.g. the grinding of 65mm (2.5") size excess pebbles [...]
in AG circulation loops,
to final grinding of <100μm material to high Blaine values in the preparation of pellet feed.
注释: 由于枪直径较大 ,使用的喷嘴要比使用标准的 Pro Xs 喷枪大一个尺寸 [...]
(即 1.5 mm 相当于 1.2 mm 的 流道面积)。
NOTE: Due to
[...] the larger needle diameter, use a nozzle one [...]
size larger than you would use with a standard Pro Xs gun (i.e., 1.5 mm = 1.2 mm flow area).
大会在其题为“根据《联合国反腐败公约》防止和打击腐 行径 及 转 移非法来 源资产的活动,并将这些资产退回,特别是退回来源国”的第 65/169 号决议中 请秘书长向大会第六十七届会议提交关于该决议 行情 况 的报告和第四届缔约 国会议报告。
In its resolution 65/169, entitled “Preventing and combating corrupt practices and transfer of assets of illicit origin and returning such assets, in particular to the countries of origin, consistent with the United Nations Convention against Corruption”, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-seventh session a report on the implementation of the resolution and a report on the fourth session of the Conference.
伊鲁坎吉水母——这种致命水母 直径 只有 2.5 厘米,因而很难在水中发现它们的踪迹。
the Irukandji jellyfish – this is a deadly jellyfish which is only 2.5
[...] centimetres in diameter, making it very [...]
hard to spot in the water.
重申关注腐行径对社 会稳定和安全所造成的问题和带来的威胁的严重性, 这情况损 害民主的体制和价值观、道德价值和司法,妨害可持续发展和法治, 当国家和国际反应不够充分而导致有罪不罚时尤其如此
Reiterating its concern about
[...] the seriousness of problems and threats posed by corruption to the stability and security of societies, undermining the institutions [...] [...]
and the values of democracy, ethical values and justice and jeopardizing sustainable development and the rule of law, in particular when an inadequate national and international response leads to impunity
(b) 致力于增强农村妇女的政治和社会经济权力,支持农村妇女充分而平等 地参与各级决策,径包括酌情采 取平 权 行 动 以及支持促进农村妇女权利的妇女 组织、工会和其他协会及民间社会团体
(b) Pursuing the political and socio-economic empowerment of rural women and supporting their full and equal participation in decision-making at all levels, including through affirmative action, where appropriate, and support for women’s organizations, labour unions or other associations and civil society groups promoting rural women’s rights
(b) 阻止这些个人入境或过境,但本段的规定绝不强制任何国家拒绝本国国 民入境或要求本国国民离境,本段也不适用于为 行 司 法 程序而必须入境或过境 的情况,或委员会经逐案审查认定有正当理由入境或过境 情 况 ,包 括 直 接 关系 到支持阿富汗政府努力促进和解的情况
(b) Prevent the entry into or transit through their territories of these individuals, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall oblige any State to
deny entry or require
[...] the departure from its territories of its own nationals and this paragraph shall not apply where entry or transit is necessary for the fulfilment of a judicial process or the Committee determines on a case-by-case basis only that entry or transit is justified, including where this directly relates to [...]
supporting efforts by
the Government of Afghanistan to promote reconciliation
摩洛哥负责预防和打击腐行径的主 要机构有:中央预防腐败机构(根据《宪 法》第 36 章建立,该章规定成立一个国家机构,负责廉政以及预防和控制腐 败);金情报处 理股;总检察院和警察局;金融监察总局;领土管理监察总 局;以及金融法院(高级会计委员会和区域会计委员会)。
The main institutions which are
[...] mandated to prevent and combat corrupt practices in Morocco are: The Central Body for the Prevention of Corruption (established by Chapter 36 of the Constitution, which provides for the creation of a national body for integrity and the prevention and control of corruption); the Financial Information Processing [...]
Unit; the General Prosecution’s
office and police; the Inspectorate General of Finance; the Inspectorate General of Territorial Administration; and the Financial Courts (the Higher Council of Accounts and the Regional Councils of Accounts).




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