单词 | 目眩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 目眩 —dizzyless common: dazzled 眩目 —dazzlingless common: glare (of lights) Examples:目眩神迷—be dazzled and stunned [idiom.] 头昏目眩—(idiom) faint and see stars 目眩头昏—be dizzy and see stars 头晕目眩—have a dizzy spell • dazzled See also:眩—dazzling • dizzy • dazzled • brilliant
道路交通(交通管制)規例》進 [...] 一步訂明,如有一組街燈正在運作或迎面有車輛駛近時,車頭大燈須向下斜 射至不會令其他道路使用者目眩的角 度。 legco.gov.hk | The Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations further specify that where a system of street lights is in operation or in the face of [...] approaching traffic, vehicle headlamps should be dipped to an angle [...] that is incapable of dazzling any other road users. legco.gov.hk |
贺利氏溅射靶目标也用于制作LCD(液晶 显示器)和自动防目眩后视 镜的薄膜镀层。 heraeus-precious-metals.de | Sputtering targets from Heraeus are also [...] employed in the foil coating of LCDs (Liquid Crystal Displays) and automatic dipping mirrors. heraeus-precious-metals.de |
而F1已不仅是一项运动赛事,其已然成为令 人 目眩 神 迷 、心神向往的活动,且为孕育赛车新星的幕后推手。 oris.ch | Formula One also became more than a sport; it became glamorous and the drivers became stars. oris.ch |
流行音乐成功地摆脱自己的自己的紧张,但他头 晕 目眩 , 陷 入无意识。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Pops succeeds in ridding himself of his nervousness; however, he becomes dizzy and falls into unconsciousness. en.seekcartoon.com |
在【紅伶】,Sarmiento的精彩表演令人 目眩 , 而 優秀調酒師的分子雞尾酒則令人嘴饞。 yp.mo | Guests can also pair the experience of watching Sarmientoonstage with an impressive performance byCHINA ROUGE’s master mixologists. yp.mo |
建於 1863 年的 the Café Royal [...] 是維多利亞時代的瑰寶,它融合了華麗的灰泥裝飾、彩色玻璃和大理石雕,效果令 人 目眩。 visitbritain.com | Built in 1863, the Café Royal is a Victorian gem that joins ornate plasterwork, stained [...] glass and marble to dazzling effect. visitbritain.com |
在2007年推出专辑《令人目眩神迷的吻》后,该乐队便开始了在斯堪的纳维亚和英国长达两年的旅程,进行推广和巡演。 norway.org.cn | After the release of Dizzy Kiss in 2007, the band headed out on a two year long journey, promoting and touring in both Scandinavia and the UK. norway.cn |
清真寺的双塔与洋葱状的圆顶在夜间尤为让 人 目眩 神 怡。 shangri-la.com | Its twin minarets and onion-shaped dome, especially at night, is a stunning sight. shangri-la.com |
相對於令人目眩的Art Galleries,Art Unlimited較像個有系統的大型展覽。 think-silly.com | Compare to the dazzling Art Galleries [...] section, Art Unlimited is much more systematic. think-silly.com |
運輸及房屋局局長:主席,《道路交通(車輛構造及保養)規例》(第 374A 章)規定所有車頭燈必須能夠發出經妥善調校的低光,以致在任何時間都不 會令在車輛前面 8 米或更遠距離,而眼睛水平高於地面 1 米或以上的人士感 到目眩。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR TRANSPORT AND HOUSING (in Chinese): President, the Road Traffic (Construction and Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations (Cap. 374A) require that all headlamps must be capable of emitting adequately aligned dipped beams so that they are at all times incapable of dazzling any person who is 8 m or more in the front and whose eye-level is 1 m or more above the ground. legco.gov.hk |
加勒比海的迷人風情,讓人目眩神迷 !被翩然而至的味覺之舞吸引,新鮮薄荷的冰涼快感與Arpeggio頂級品咖啡的可可香味,兩者形成極致滋味。 nespresso.com | Be swept away by a dance of flavours, where the intensity of fresh mint mingles with the intensely grilled, subtle cocoa notes of Arpeggio Grand Cru among the ice cubes. nespresso.com |
若干年后,使徒约翰在拔摩海岛上领受启示,看见一些令 人 目眩 的 异 象。 conversation.lausanne.org | Years later, in stunning visions revealed to him on the island [...] of Patmos, the Apostle John sees a Lamb, looking as if it has been slain, [...] standing in the center of the throne [...]in heaven. conversation.lausanne.org |
更重要的是,AHBA大灯远光辅助系统还可以检测到前方和靠近的车辆,并在瞬间完成远光灯和近光灯的切换,以防止对方车辆感 到 目眩。 landrover.com | The whiter light from the Xenon headlamps, combined with adaptive front lighting, provides exceptional illumination that also moves with the vehicle's pitch and steering direction. landrover.com |
伯爵令人目眩神迷的创新设计,为品牌赢得享誉国际的声望,并在奢华腕表与精准性能领域名声鹊起。 piaget.com.cn | These fireworks opened the doors to international recognition for Piaget and helped the brand make a name for itself in the world of fine watchmaking and precision work. en.piaget.com |
欢迎来到令人目眩神迷的水底世界。Oris品牌大使Carlos Coste 再度刷新金氏世界记录,成为自由潜水世界纪录保持者。 oris.ch | Welcome to the fascinating underwater world of Carlos Coste, Oris ambassador and world record holding freediver. oris.ch |
肥沃的山谷、令人目眩的山 峰和清澈的山涧让人仿佛置身于神话之中,从苏格兰中部沿A82号公路行驶,种种美景尽在沿途。 visitbritain.com | Fertile valleys, dizzying peaks and clear mountain rivers together give this landscape an almost mythological feel, and on the A82 from central Scotland, you can take it all in as you drive by. visitbritain.com |
仅次于Three Valleys 的法国著名滑雪区可能是Espace Killy,也可能是最好的滑雪区。Espace Killy 有300公里斜坡滑雪道,海拔高度在La Grande Motte 冰川达到了令人目眩的3650 米。 leapfrog-properties.com | Probably the second most famous ski zone in France after the Three Valleys and arguably the best of all the ski areas, Espace Killy offers 300km of ski runs with altitudes of slopes reaching the dizzy height of 3650m at the Glacier of La Grande Motte. leapfrog-properties.com |
灵感泉源:运用独特精密工艺切割的Swarovski施华洛世奇水晶,每面均能捕捉并散射光线,成为令 人 目眩 的 珍 品。 cosme-de.com | Through crystal Swarovski creates an AURA of Light…Aura by Swarovski: a luminescent fragrance. cosme-de.com |
物妖》,結合馬戲式的情境、現代舞的張力和戲劇性的效果,加上令 人 目眩 的 雜 技元素,構成一幅魔幻迷人的意象。 yp.mo | Together they have conceived and perfected a mix of performing genres wrapped in a dreamlike circus universe inhabited by wandering acrobats and oddly beautiful creatures. yp.mo |
SOLO LOEWE POP是回應當代男士需求的香水,他的周圍充滿具有強烈反差的事物而他總是能夠在工作與家庭生活之間,責任與生活中的閒暇時光之間找到平衡和諧是融和這些衝突的關鍵因素,而SOLO LOEWE POP是男性形象的完美代言人,他能在一個充滿變化而令 人 目眩 的 世 界上,在緊張中找到平靜. hk.eternal.hk | SOLO LOEWE POP was conceived as a response to the needs of the contemporary man, who lives surrounded by constant contrasts and is able to reach a balance between his working life and his family life, his obligations and his moments of leisure… Harmony is the key to resolving these vital conflicts and SOLO LOEWE POP is the perfect ambassador for the man who is able to find serenity in a tense, changing and dizzy world. hk.eternal.hk |
如果去一趟白海實在太遙遠,那麼可別錯過Semenov的部落格,以及裡頭豐富且令 人 目眩 神 迷 的照片,和許多令人莞爾一笑的註解。 mb.mercedes-benz.com | Well, if the journey seems too far after all, please don’t miss out on Semenov’s blog with its wealth of fascinating images - and plenty of humorous comments. mb.mercedes-benz.com |
在工作室中,当年让乐队成员们走到一起的那种激情和灵感重新被点燃,化作直击人心的不和谐之声、让人窒息的鼓点、令 人 目眩 的 吉 他以及切切恳求的歌词,并通过这样的方式将他们来自挪威西海岸的迷幻曲风变成了更加凝重的肃穆。 norway.org.cn | In the studio, the fire that originally had them come together was once again relit, resolving into squeaking dissonances, death-bringing drums, piercing guitars and pleading lyrics and thereby swapping their west coast psychedelia for darker matter. norway.cn |
主治 肝 腎 不 足 、 其 陰 虧 損 、 精 血 [...] 枯 竭 、 憔 悴 贏 弱 、 腰 痛 足 酸 、 自 汗 盜 汗 、 水 泛 [...] 為 痰 、發 熱 咳 嗽 、 頭 暈 目 眩 、 耳 鳴 耳 聾 、 遺 精 便 血 [...]、 消 渴 淋 瀝 、 失 血 失 音 、 舌 燥 喉 痛 、 虛火 牙 痛 [...]、 足 跟 作 痛 、 下 部 瘡 瘍 等 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | Yin deficiency of liver and kidney, consumption of essence and Blood manifesting as emaciation, lumbago, sore feet, spontaneous sweating and night [...] sweating, phlegm induced by water [...] flood, fever, cough, dizziness, tinnitus or even [...]deafness, seminal emission or haematochezia, [...]consumptive-thirst, terminal dribbling, loss of blood, aphasia, dry tongue with sore throat, toothache caused by the deficiency fire, ankle pain, sores and ulcers in the pubic region. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
Frida Giannini全新店铺设计理念,突破传统时装零售场所的束缚,运用开放式的空间、温暖名贵的材质以及自然光,打造出令 人 目眩 神 迷的视觉效果,亦象征着Gucci 21世纪的当代形象。 gucci.com | Giannini’s innovative store design concept, which employs open space, warm luxurious materials and natural light to spectacular effect, is a departure from traditional codified fashion retail spaces, and paves the way for Gucci’s 21st century contemporary look. gucci.com |
如果您的孩子稍大,则可以带着他们攀登阿基尔岛的最高处:令 人 目眩 神 迷 的克罗霍恩山海崖,或者是多尼戈尔郡斯里文利哥的陡峭悬崖,两者的高度均超过了600米!或者您可以追寻圣帕特里克的脚步登顶位于梅奥郡Murrisk村的海拔764米的克罗帕特里克山峰。 discoverireland.com | Families with older children can trek across the dizzying heights of the island’s highest seacliffs at Croaghaun on Achill Island, and Slieve League in County Donegal. discoverireland.com |
几位讨论者表示关切的是,该机构受到“太多工作的束缚”,工作和会议的 速度令人目眩,没 有留下什么时间进行思考或进行战略规划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several discussants expressed concern that the body had become “a prisoner of too much business”, with the dizzying pace of work and meetings leaving too little time for reflection or for strategic planning. daccess-ods.un.org |
在Thames Foyer大堂,重新推出的令人眩目的玻 璃屋顶花园暖房将提供完美情调的下午茶。 tipschina.gov.cn | Within the Thames Foyer, the re-introduction of a stunning winter garden gazebo beneath an ornate glass dome will provide the perfect ambience for afternoon tea. tipschina.gov.cn |
你擁有高對比、全屏幕顯示的控制器,因此它可在舞台上 或 眩目 的 聚光燈下仍然顯眼。 mammals.org | You get a full-screen, high-contrast view of your controls, so they stand out from across the stage [...] or through the glare of floodlights. mammals.org |
名稱】遙控超人鎧甲勇士【包裝】開窗透視禮盒包裝【實物尺寸】37.5厘米*11.5厘米*14厘米(單個)【包裝尺寸】39厘米*27厘米*13厘米(單個)【重量】1.2公斤 [...] (單個)【電源】七節5號(AAA)電池(需另購)【材料】塑料電子元件【適用年齡】3歲以上【商品簡介】遙控超人動感十走的戰鬥音 效 眩目 燈 光。 tw.70900.com | Name remote Superman armor Warriors 【Packing】 windowed perspective gift packaging 【Product Size】 37.5 cm x 11.5 cm x 14 cm (single) [] 39 cm * 27 cm * 13 cm Packing size (single) [Weight] 1.2 kg (single) [power] seven (AAA) batteries (not included) 【Material】 plastic electronic [...] components [for age] more than 3 years old 【Introduction】 Remote Control superman dynamic [...] ten go battle sound dazzling lights. 70900.com |
Sultan 作品中所蕴含的神秘感以及对光线的独特运用, 为 眩目 而 不 失沉稳的服饰的隐性、它们所采用的奢华材质以及复杂而精湛的工艺为产品烙上其独有的鲜明特质。 bottegaveneta.com | The enigmatic sensibility in Sultan’s work, as well as his distinctive use of light, underscore the hidden dimensions of clothing and accessories that are dazzling but discreet, their opulent materials and intricate workmanship a private affair. bottegaveneta.com |