

单词 目标板

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External sources (not reviewed)

正是电信中心的这 些经目标,最 密切地关系到吸收和生产能力建设的加强。
It is these objectives of telecentre [...]
operation that are most closely related to strengthening absorptive and productive capacity-building.
[...] 在必须做出集体决定,从脆弱走向灵活,按照千年发目标最初 提出时的那种干劲和努力,奋力向前。
We must now make the collective decision to
move from fragility to agility, and do so with the same vigour and effort
[...] with which the MDGs were originally [...]
数额净增 381 800 美元,原因是做了以下人员调动:(a) 调入员 额:㈠ 1 个 P-5
[...] 和 3 个 P-3 员额调入千年发目标/最不 发达国家科,履行以前列在次级方案 [...]
10 下的社会发展职能;㈡ 从次级方案 5 调入 1 个 P-4 和
1 个当地雇员员额,执行以前属于次 级方案 5 的与新伙伴关系有关的活动;(b) 将 1 个 P-5、2 个 P-3、1 个 P-2 和 1 个当地雇员员 额调往次级方案 5,执行与先前属于次级方案 1、现已转入调整后的次级方案 5 的贸易部分有 关的职能。
The net increase of $381,800 results from redeployments, as follows: (a) inward redeployments relating to: (i) one
P-5 post and three P-3 posts for the
[...] Millennium Development Goals/least developed [...]
countries section to carry out functions
on social development previously placed under subprogramme 10; and (ii) one P-4 post and one Local level post, from subprogramme 5, to carry out activities related to NEPAD which were previously under subprogramme 5; and (b) outward redeployments relating to one P-5, two P-3, one P-2 and one Local level posts to subprogramme 5 to carry out functions related to the trade component of the former subprogramme 1, which has been moved to the reconfigured subprogramme 5.
为了加速实现千年发目标和其 他国际商 目标 , 最 好是将艾滋病和其他疾 病的防治纳入更为广泛的发展议程。
With a view to accelerating progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed goals, it was stated that the fight against AIDS and other diseases should be better integrated into the greater development agenda.
首尔议程》呼吁教科文组织会员国、民间社会、专业组织和团体认同议程 目标 ,采用议程建议的方法,协调一致地实施议程的行动要点,从而充分发挥高质量艺术教育的潜 力,积极革新教育系统,实现关键的社会和文 目标 , 最终是为了让儿童、青年以及所有年 龄段的终身学习者从中受益。
The Seoul Agenda calls upon UNESCO Member States, civil society, professional organizations and
communities to
[...] recognize its governing goals, to employ the proposed strategies, and to implement the action items in a concerted effort to realize the full potential of high quality arts education to positively renew educational systems, to achieve crucial social and cultural objectives, and ultimately [...]
to benefit children,
youth and life-long learners of all ages.
减少了 1 212 500 美元,是因为调出 4 个员额(1 个 P-5 和
[...] 3 个 P-3),这是因为 千年发目标/最不 发达国家科及其活动由次级方案 [...]
10(社会发展)调往次级方案 1(宏观经济分 析、财政和经济发展),以便通过相关工作领域的衔接及在各单位之间加强协同关系、一致性
The decrease of $1,212,500 results from the outward redeployment of 4 posts (1 P-5 and
3 P-3) due to the movement of the
[...] Millennium Development Goals/least developed [...]
countries section and its activities from
subprogramme 10, Social development, to subprogramme 1, Macroeconomic analysis, finance and economic development, in order to facilitate further convergence of thematic issues and sectoral priorities, through linking the related areas of work and developing enhanced synergies, coherence and complementarities between the respective units.
如果我们能够如愿,就有望实现更宏伟 目标: 最终消灭所有各种贫困现象。
If we can achieve our goals, an even greater [...]
prize will be within our grasp — the ultimate eradication of all poverty in its various manifestations.
距离实现千年发目标最遥 远的 34 个国家中 有 22 个正陷于暴力冲突之中,或刚刚摆脱冲突。
Twenty-two of the 34 countries furthest from achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are in the midst of, or are emerging from, violent conflict.
目前的一大挑战是, 确定如何最有效地利用技术的巨大潜力来拓宽获得教育、科学和文化的渠道,促进 发展,实现已达成国际共识的发 目标 , 尤 其是千年发 目标 和 全 民教 目标 , 最 终改善发达国家和发展中国 家的穷人和社会边缘群体的生活状况。
A principal challenge will be to determine how best to use the enormous potential of technology so as to enhance access to education, science and culture, harness development and achieve IADGs, in particular MDGs and EFA Goals, ultimately improving the life of the poor and marginalized segments of societies in both developed and developing countries.
这次会议标志着实现千年发目标最 后 期限最 后倒计时的开始:只剩下 5 [...]
This meeting marks the start of the final countdown to the deadline for attaining the
[...] Millennium Development Goals: only five years remain.
风险评估程序是从确定与基本战略、计划 目标 有 关 的风险开始的,而这些 战略、计划目标最终 将用于划分风险优先次序以及确定所需的管理和缓解活 动。
The risk assessment process begins with a
mapping of risks in
[...] relation to underlying strategies, plans and objectives that will eventually be used to prioritize [...]
risks and determine
the required management and mitigation activities.
所有测试在Linux工作站目标板之间 通过一个10/100交换机进行。
All tests are performed between a Linux
[...] workstation and the target board via a 10/100 switch.
它可以将这些具体的形象与它希望在 目标 公 众 心目 中的形象进行对比,然后确立对每 目标 公 众 的传播工 目标 , 最 后确定应当采取的行 动和调动的人力、财力及技术手段。
It will thus be able to compare these
precise images with those
[...] it would like to see in each of its target audiences, then establish communication objectives for each of those audiences, and lastly, [...]
identify action
to be taken and the means (human, financial and technical) to be mobilized.
因此必须密切监督这些权利的行使情况以保证 他们确实促进了健康保目标,最 重要的是这些权利的行使不会阻碍发展中国家的贫穷人 [...]
Such rights must therefore be closely
monitored to ensure that they do actually
[...] promote healthcare objectives and, above all, [...]
are not responsible for preventing poor
people in developing countries from obtaining healthcare.
巴西已实现了几乎所有的千年发 目标 , 最 近几年已有2800 多万公民脱贫。
Brazil has accomplished almost all the
[...] Millennium Development Goals, and more than [...]
28 million citizens have overcome poverty in recent years.
为 2010--2011 年通过 了一个预期成果减少、有四个明确的优先行动领域的计划和预算(35 C/5),因而使本组织
[...] 能够大幅增加对全民教育的支助。另外,将追加正常计划资金和预算外资金集中用于已查明 的、距离实现全民教目标最远的 36 个会员国中的 20 个,对于促使最需要的国家加速前进 [...]
Furthermore, concentration of additional regular programme and extrabudgetary resources on 20 out of a total of 36 Member States
that have been identified as furthest from
[...] achieving the EFA goals will be critical [...]
in accelerating progress in countries most in need.
这五位备受国际瞩目的杰出亚洲华人企业家,他们的故事各有精彩之处,但共同点是能够在纷繁的市场中准确地把握商业机会,以超人的智慧洞悉经商之道,以坚强的意志、果断的判断能力面对顺境、逆境,同时善用各方资源实现企业愿景 目标 , 最 终获得了巨大的成功。
Although each of these five outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs have most intriguing individual experiences to relate, they do share something in common:  being able to grasp the right business opportunities within a complex marketplace, having the wisdom, resolve and analytical skills to face up to any situation and
predicament, and to fully utilise the resources at their disposal to fulfil their vision
[...] and dreams, and secure eventual success.
根据《阿克拉协 定》第 186 段精简出版计划,是会员国和秘书处多年来的一个共 目标 , 最 终 目标 是 加 强贸发 会议政策信息的重点、质量和实效。
The streamlining of the publications programme in accordance with paragraph 186 of the
Accra Accord has been
[...] a shared objective of member States and the secretariat for a number of years, the ultimate goal being the [...]
enhancement of the focus,
quality and effectiveness of the policy messages of UNCTAD.
简单的放置该控件到一个Windows Form,一个Silverlight窗体或一个ASP.NET
[...] Web窗体,添加数据,而且您的用户能够立即开始下钻他们的数据和过滤结果,以显示只有对他们分 目标 最 重 要的数据。
Simply place the control on a Windows Form, a Silverlight form or an ASP.NET Web form, add data, and your users are immediately able to
begin drilling into their data and filtering results to show only the data that are most
[...] important to their analysis goals.
根据其实现千年发目标最终具体 目标 的 承 诺,该办公室将侧重于那些 最需要支助的区域:中东、东南亚和撒哈拉以南非洲。
In line with its commitment to achieve the final Millennium Development Goal targets, the Office will focus on those regions most in need of support: the Middle East, South-East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
[...] 和建立地方自主权意识,对于即将到来的千年发目 标最后 五年期限以及对未来而言至关重要。
Fighting corruption and creating a sense of
local ownership are essential for the upcoming last five years of the
[...] Millennium Development Goals programme and beyond.
[...] 告中设定的为人居署提供稳定、可预测供资 目标, 最好是通过多年期供资。
Progress must be made towards
[...] achieving the goal set out in the [...]
SecretaryGeneral’s report of stable, predictable funding
for UN-Habitat, preferably through multi-year financing.
预期在这方面每月将持续改 善,使年目标最后达到 90%或以上。
Continued improvement in this area is expected on a monthly basis, with the
[...] eventual year-end goal of achieving a [...]
rate of 90 per cent or better.
考虑到所提交的材料中建议削减大量氟氯烃,秘书处忆及,在第六十二次会议上, 沙特阿拉伯政府已经得出结论,鉴于现有可用的替代技术和相当于估计履约基准 12.3%的 巨大消费数额,完成 2013 和 2015 年管目标最可行的办法是淘汰挤压成型聚苯乙烯行业 中使用的氟氯烃。
In view of the large amount of HCFC reductions proposed in the submission, the Secretariat recalled that, at the 62nd meeting, the Government of Saudi Arabia had concluded that the most feasible option for meeting the 2013 and 2015 control targets was to phase out HCFC consumption used in the XPS sector given the availability of alternative technologies and the significant level of consumption equivalent to 12.3 per cent of the estimated baseline for compliance.
目标 4.1:最弱势群体,特别是儿童、妇女、难民、境内流离失所者和有特殊 [...]
Objective 4.1: the most vulnerable [...]
groups, particularly children, women, refugees, internally displaced persons and people
with specific needs, receive strengthened and coordinated humanitarian protection and assistance
(b) 经社理事会通过部长级会议的宣言呼吁停止最近将传统做法合法化的
[...] 努力,这种努力将扭转在妇女权利方面所取得的任何进展,而且完全会使得所有 千年发目标最终无法实现
(b) The Council should, through the ministerial declaration, put an end to the recent efforts to legitimize traditional practices which would
undermine any progress made in the area of women’s rights and prevent the achievement of
[...] all the Millennium Development Goals
当然有啦,很多时尚化妆师都是我学习和超越目标、最 最尊敬的应该是毛戈平老师了,最佩服 他的就是他对美和艺术的执着的追求,以及无人 [...]
I have found hardly any people to exceed his great skills so far.
[...] 个组织在担保权益领域通过的各种文书如何相互协调合成一个整体,究竟哪些 文书对本国政目标最为 有利,以及一份文书的执行是否会导致另一份文书无 [...]
In addition, the Commission noted that it was recognized that policymakers in States might have difficulty determining how the various instruments adopted by the three organizations in the field of security
interests fit together, which ones would best
[...] serve the policy goals of the State and [...]
whether implementing one instrument would
preclude the implementation of another.
这产生出一张以匀衡地分布于人体基因 组的 SNP 为标志物的图纸,该图纸质量高,范围广,对所有人公开,因而为人们所普遍 接受,人们可用这张图中的许多标志物来找准药物研究 目标 。 最近,国际基因协会 (International Genetics Consortium)66 在许多制药公司、大学和基金会的支持下宣布要 建造一个大型设施,对组织样本进行大规模的基因序列表现,开始阶段的主要项目是癌症。
More recently, the International Genetics Consortium,66 backed by a broad group of pharmaceutical companies, universities and foundations, has announced the building of a major facility to perform large-scale gene sequence expression on tissue samples, beginning with a major project on cancer.




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