

单词 目光落在...上

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External sources (not reviewed)

当此过程用 H&D 曲线 表示时,在光轴上它落在曲线 上趋近直线的部分,这一部分近似的直线为拍 目 的 所 允许的范围 内。
When the process is represented by an H & D curve, the
latitude is the
[...] projection on the exposure axis of that part of the curve that approximates a straight line within the tolerance permitted for the purpose at hand.
会议回顾亚太经社会第 66/10 号决议的规定,其中经社会呼吁成 员和准成员,除其他外,“将普及工作建立人权的基 上 , 并采取措 施解决羞辱和歧视问题、以及阻碍艾滋病的有效应对措施,特别是关 系到主要受影响人群的政策和法律障碍”,并请执行秘书召开一次高 级别政府间会议,以便“评在落实 关 于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政 治宣言中的承诺和千年发目标方 面的进展和确保普及方面的工作, 并查明区域合作的领域,特别是在查明和消除阻碍普及的政策和法律 障碍,同时推动卫生和其他部门之间,包括司法、法治和毒品管制部 门之间进行对话等领域”。
The Meeting recalled the provisions of ESCAP resolution 66/10, whereby the Commission had called upon members and associate members, inter
alia, “to ground
[...] universal access in human rights and undertake measures to address stigma and discrimination, as well as policy and legal barriers to effective HIV response, in particular with regard to key affected populations” and had requested the Executive Secretary to convene a highlevel intergovernmental meeting “to assess progress against commitments in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals and efforts to [...]
ensure universal access,
and identify areas for regional cooperation, in particular in such areas as policy and legal barriers to universal access and promoting dialogue between health and other sectors, including justice, law and order and drug control”.
在翻译方面,主要的革新之一是出版了《翻译索引》联机数据库,并安装了一种有助 于利用作为文化指标的译文统计情况的信息化工具 在光 盘 上 出 版 了第 9 版合订本,正在准 备收入了近 80,000 条目说明的第 10 版。
A major innovation in the field of translation was the publication online of the Index Translationum’s database, with the installation of a computer tool for the use of translation statistics as cultural indicators, the
publication of the 9th
[...] cumulative edition on CD-ROM and the preparation of the 10th edition, integrating some 80,000 new bibliographic entries.
目光落点略 高于扩音器,想象你面前站着一个你喜欢的人,你 在 与 他交谈,而 不是在跟耳机里传来的空洞的声音进行交流。
Find an eye point just above your microphone, and imagine a person in your line of sight whom you like, [...]
then talk to that
person rather than to the disembodied voice coming through your headphones.
不能指望美国 能够说出其军事目的真 相,因为美国将不得不面 对它对遭受核爆炸影响的国家所负的责任,特别是 在美国正在努力从大气中清除辐射,使 落在 地面 上的时候。
The United States could not be trusted
to tell the truth about
[...] its military projects because it would have to face its responsibilities towards countries affected by nuclear explosions, especially when it was working to remove radiation from the atmosphere and let it fall to Earth.
这包括:(a) 2005 年,阿格伦斯卡基参加了罕见疾病及罕用药物国际会议的开幕 仪式,并同意开始建设一个致力于家庭方案的中心的网络;(b) 卫生和社会事务 部在 2008 年访问了位于哥德堡的阿格伦斯卡中心后,建立了该中心,并开始了 两个中心之间的合作;(c) 2007 年 10 月,瑞典西尔维娅王后以及爱沙尼亚第一 夫人伊尔韦斯夫在落成仪式上宣布了为残疾儿童家庭服务的爱沙尼亚阿格伦 斯卡中心的启用;爱沙尼亚阿格伦斯卡座落于爱沙尼亚的塔米斯图,位于塔尔图 外,该中心与瑞典阿格伦斯卡基金会密切合作;(d) 澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学医院 按照阿格伦斯卡模型,启动了一项家庭方案;(e) 为了开始更好地与北欧国家在 罕见疾病领域合作,启动了一个目 , 奥劳松先生担任 目 顾 问
This included: (a) in 2005, Agrenska participated in the launch of ICORD and authorized the start of a network of centres that worked in the field of family programmes; (b) the Ministry built the centre after a visit to the Agrenska Centre in Gothenburg during 2008 and started a cooperation between the two centres; (c) in October 2007, Queen Silvia of Sweden, together with the First Lady of Estonia, Mrs. Ilves, inaugurated
the Eesti Agrenska
[...] centre for families who have children with disabilities; Eesti Agrenska is situated in Tammistu, outside Tartu, in Estonia; the centre works in close cooperation with the Agrenska Foundation in Sweden; (d) the University Hospital in Newcastle in Australia started a family programme in line with the Agrenska model; (e) in order to start a better cooperation between the Nordic countries in the field of rare disorders, a project was started in which Mr. Olauson participated as a resource person.
(四 ) 由 於 附 近 的公共 屋 住 戶 亦光顧 新落成屋 的商鋪,房 委在 計 算 新落成屋 的商鋪 租 金時,為 何 不將附 近 地區的公共 屋 現 有 住 戶 的目列 為一項因素 ?
(d) as tenants of nearby PRH estates may also patronize the commercial premises in new PRH estates, the HA's reasons for not taking into account the number of existing households in nearby [...]
estates in calculating the rent
of commercial premises in new PRH estates?
根 據 全 球 知 名 咨 詢
[...] 公 司OVUM-RHK的 調 查 數 據 顯 示,中 興 通 訊 在 光 網 絡 領 域 排 名 獲 得 大 幅 提 升。隨 著「中 興 通 訊 新 一 代 光 網 絡 傳 輸 設 備 產 業 化目 」的 不 斷 開 展 推 進,中 興 通光 網 絡在 全 球 市 場 持 續 保 持 快 速 增 長,市 場 份 額 繼 續 穩上 升。
As ZTE’s industrialisation of next
[...] optical network transmission equipment continued to roll out, the Company’s optical network products were sustaining rapid growth in the global market with steadily [...]
rising market shares.
上墨西哥关在落实国际商目 标 ,包括千年发展目标方面取得的进展 的国家报告,以供经济及社会理事会 2011 年实质性会议在高级别部分进行的年 [...]
Attached herewith is the national report of Mexico on progress [...]
towards the achievement of the internationally agreed goals, including the Millennium
Development Goals, for the annual ministerial review to be held during the highlevel segment of the 2011 substantive session of the Economic and Social Council (see annex).
在天河中央商务区100个重点目落地 仪 式环节中,三川田采用“聚焦引爆”的创新理念,市区领导与入驻天河中央商务区的企业代表,以 光 笔 聚 焦 在 一 个 水晶 上 , 现 场大屏幕实时互动,引爆出百家入驻企业的LOGO,布满整个大屏幕。
Focus detonated” innovative ideas the floor ceremony part
of Tianhe Central
[...] Business District, 100 key projects, TRF, urban leaders and settled in the central business district of Tianhe business representatives, and laser pointer to focus on a crystal ball, big sceneinteract in real [...]
time on the screen,
arose out of one hundred enterprises LOGO, covered the entire screen.
在孟加拉国、 老挝人民民主共和国、毛里塔尼亚和塞拉利昂进行试点的基 上 , 目 前 在 埃 塞 俄 比亚、加纳、马里、莫桑比克、尼泊尔、卢旺达、乌干达和坦桑尼亚联合共和落实“再次努力消除儿童饥饿”。
On the basis of pilots in Bangladesh, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mauritania and Sierra Leone, the REACH approach is now being implemented in Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Rwanda, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania.
因为《协议目前并 没有要求各国制定关于地理标志的正式登记制度,因此强制实施所产生的负担和成 本落在地理标志持有者的上,而不是政府肩上。
This is because TRIPS does not currently require any formal national registration system for geographical indications, and the burden and costs of compelling enforcement therefore falls on [...]
the holders of the
geographical indication, not the government.
报告的内容包括:概述跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群、公海离散鱼群以及目标鱼 种、相关或依附物种的状况和趋势;审查和分析各国及各区域渔管组织/ 安在多大程度上落实了2006 年审查会议所通过的各项建议,同时说明粮农组 织的相关活动;提供具体资料,说明发展中国家在执行《协定》方面的能力建设 需求;概述各区域渔业管理组织迄今所进行的业绩审查的情况,同时说明这些业 [...]
It contains an overview of the status and trends of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish
stocks, discrete high
[...] seas stocks and non-target, associated and dependent species; review and analysis of the extent to which the recommendations adopted by the Review Conference in 2006 have [...]
been implemented by States and regional
fisheries management organizations and arrangements, including a description of relevant activities of FAO; specific information on the capacity-building needs of developing States in relation to implementation of the Agreement; and an overview of the performance reviews of regional fisheries management organizations that have taken place so far, including a description of the primary recommendations of such performance reviews.
香港踏入和暖季節,氣溫持續上升,有什麼比 上在 春 日 陽 光 下 ,參 加 落 水 狗 狂歡日的一連串好玩娛樂活動,與人類最好的朋友同歡?
As the Hong Kong weather continues to warm up, there is no better way to spend a Sunday than soaking up the springtime sun and enjoying the various entertainment options at Bark & Splash, while the lucky canine attendees enjoy
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2 款在这一点上是不够的,因光是承 认驱逐国有权将一定 的程序保证扩大适用于在其境内非法居留的某些外国人,只是论及表面现象。
It was pointed out that draft article
[...] A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply acknowledging [...]
that the expelling State
had the right to extend certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who were in its territory illegally, it was merely stating the obvious.
他提醒,巴勒斯坦人 民四十多年来一直生活在以色列占领的桎楛下,发 言者希望各会员国以协商一致方式通过该决议草 案,以表明他们的团结和支持目的 是 最终使巴勒 斯坦能在其领土上落实其 自决权利,并且创建以 东耶路撒冷为首都的、具有生存能力的、独立的主 权国家。
Recalling that the Palestinian people had been living under Israeli occupation for more than 40 years, he said that he hoped Member States would demonstrate their solidarity and support by adopting the draft resolution by consensus, so that the Palestinian people could exercise their right to selfdetermination in their territory and create their own viable, sovereign and independent State, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
这还意味着,国际合作伙伴不应目 光局限在最近一段时间出现的挫上 , 而 应支持该国 的长期政治和经济稳定。
It also means that international partners should look beyond the setbacks of the recent past and support long-term political and economic stability in the country.
在寺庙内少有光顾的这个落,只 有来自窗户的间接照明,气氛异常的阴郁;只有一位衣着白色的年迈绅士,坐在那里静静地祈祷着… 这种照明条件就需要我用ISO 2000的高感光度,才能拍出上的精 美细节和覆盖着黄布、积满灰尘的古钟;我采用35mm 富士龙镜头的最大光圈进行曝光。
A less visited nook with-in the temple with indirect illumination coming in from a window, yet exceptionally gloomy and where an elderly gent dressed in white was seated in silent prayer... The level of light required me to use a high ISO of 2000 so as to capture the exquisite [...]
detail on the
walls and an ancient bell covered in a dusty yellow cloth and exposing at maximum aperture on the 35mm Fujinon lens.
审计委员在其报告(A/63/5/Add.10)第 434 段中建议目厅:(a) 落实 政 策,使项目经理对收入分配更多地接受问责;(b) 审查预算编制办法和控制措 施,以确保与客户编制并商定的预算更加符合项目产出;(c) 改善区域办事处对 业务中心业绩的监测控制;(d) 对产出不足的业务中心采取措施;(e) 考虑减少 行政费用,以弥补交付的不足。
In paragraph 434 of its report A/63/5/Add.10, the Board recommended that UNOPS (a) implement policies to hold project managers more accountable for income delivery; (b) review budget-setting methods and controls to ensure that budgets set and agreed with clients are more in line with project delivery; (c) improve monitoring controls at the regional offices over the performance of operations centres; (d) take steps against operations centres that have under-delivered; and (e) consider reducing administrative costs to make up for delivery shortfalls.
这些设备 位于与地球表面距离甚远的高空,将数据以图像的形式储 在光 学 胶 片和录像上,或者以数字格式储存。
These are located at considerable heights from the surface of the Earth and they store data as images on photographic films and videotapes or in a digital format.
工作组建议委员会:(a) 避在目前阶段建立常设后续行动机 制,而应依照其议事规则第 73 条,继续临时性地采取后续行动;(b) 暂时把后 续活动付托给工作组;(c) 继续任命两名负落实意见的后续行动报告员,有可 能的话最好能任命案件报告员,此外任命工作组一名成员;(d) 一旦它认为有关 缔约国提交的后续行动资料令人满意,即按照《任择议定书》第 7 条第 5 款的规 定,邀请该缔约国提交有关其后来报告中按照《公约》第 18 条采取的任何措施 的进一步资料,解除后续行动报告员的任务,并在其年度报告中反映此项行动。
The Working Group recommended that the Committee: (a) refrain from setting up a permanent follow-up mechanism for the time being and instead, in conformity with rule 73 of its rules of procedure, continue to undertake follow-up on an ad hoc basis; (b) entrust the Working Group with follow-up activities for the time being; (c) continue to appoint two rapporteurs on follow-up to views, preferably the Case Rapporteur, when feasible, and a member of the Working Group; and (d) once it has deemed that satisfactory follow-up information has been received from the State party concerned, and in accordance with article 7, paragraph 5, of the Optional Protocol, invite that State party to submit further information about any measures taken in its subsequent reports under article 18 of the Convention, and relieve the follow-up rapporteurs of their duties and reflect such action in its annual report.
在扩展内容的同时,为 了进一步促进这些目,在计划和落 实 联 合培训和提高意识活动的过程中,将优先考虑与现有合伙 [...]
In order to
[...] further promote the projects, while expanding the [...]
content, priority will be given to cooperation with existing
partners, and specialized agencies of the United Nations implementing sister programs, in the planning and implementation of joint training and awareness-raising activities.
执行委员会还希望巴林在下一阶段 继续执行其国家方案和为巴林核准的项目相关的活动,这些 目在 根 据《蒙特利尔议定 书落实消 耗臭氧层物质淘汰时间表方面取得了显著的成功。
The Executive Committee is also hopeful that, in the next phase, Bahrain will continue with the implementation of its
Country Programme and
[...] activities related to projects approved for Bahrain with outstanding success in achieving [...]
ODS phase-out
schedule as per the Montreal Protocol.
卡塔在落实目标方 面已实现超越,走向更高阶段;为了在最大 程上落实 该战略,本阶段的重点是教育质量而非是否可获得教育,关注为实现优 质教育提供杰出的卡塔尔模式,以及落实关于优质教育和教育产出的国家战略。
Qatar has been able to exceed implementation of the Goals and move to a more advanced stage where, with a view [...]
to implementing the
National Development Strategy 2011-2016 to the fullest extent possible, the focus is on the quality rather than the availability of education, on providing outstanding Qatari models for achieving excellence in education and on compliance with the national strategy for high-quality education and educational outputs.
(d) 阿拉伯环境事务部长理事会与各成员国合作,努力通过实施阿拉伯区域 可持续发展倡议及其执行计划落实 千 年发 目标 7目标 a 和 b;以在创 建 阿拉伯环境基金和在气候变化方面所作的努力。
(d) The efforts exerted by the Council of Arab Ministers of Environmental Affairs, in cooperation with member States, to
implement Millennium
[...] Development Goal 7, targets a. and b., by implementing the sustainable development in the Arab region initiative and its executive plan; and their efforts [...]
to create the Arab
Environment Facility and in respect of climate change.
目是由中国领先的LED照明企业 上光 电 与全球LED照明领域的行业领先者科锐公司共同合作完成的,包括深圳机荷高速、南光高速、龙大高速、盐坝高速以及大梅沙隧 在 内 共 计120公里的LED路灯及隧道灯照明工程,是迄今为止全国第一个大规模应用LED路灯的高速公路项目,也是目前国内应用LED路灯里程数最长、要求最严格的高速公路项目。
The project is LED by China's leading enterprise frequently photoelectric lighting on with global LED lighting industry leaders in the field of sharp company, cooperation, including the complete machine, high speed by shenzhen high speed, high [...]
speed, LongDa outdoor
salt dam speed and dameisha, a total of 120 kilometers of tunnels LED street lamps and lighting project, tunnel light is so far the first large scale application LED street lamp of highway projects, and it is also the domestic application LED street lamp mileage requirements, the longest strict highway projects.
犹大从事类似的劳动,虽然他的评论, 光在上 个 世纪唯一的:他们似乎已被Rashi(1040年至1105年)中,最大的犹太法典评论员使用的主要来源。
Judah engaged in similar labors, though his commentaries have come to light only in the last century: they appear to have been the chief sources used by Rashi (1040-1105), the greatest commentator of the Talmud.
在 “本會 促請政府”之後刪除“ 審慎評落實小班教學所需”,並以 “ 善 用中小學學生人口 下 降 所 節 省”代替 ;在“ 資 源 , ”之前 刪除 “ 額 外”及在其後 刪除“ 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保”, 並以“進 行 小班教學的”代替;在“師資 培 訓 ”之後刪除“得以配 合 下”,並以“,並以分 區 分 級 的過渡 模式”代替;在 “ 逐 步 在小學” 之後上“和初 中開始”。
To delete
[...] "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before "resources"; to delete "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with "saved due to the drop in the primary and secondary school student population to provide training for teachers on"; to delete ", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and [...]
junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".




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