单词 | 目光 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 目光noun, plural—eyespl目光noun—lookn目光—vision view gaze sight Examples:目光如豆—short-sighted limited vision (目光)掠过v—sweepv 目光呆滞—have a lifeless look in one's eyes [idiom.]
文章补充,那些害怕战争的人是懦夫和目光短浅 的人,中国必须歼灭侵犯南海海域的所有外国 船只。 crisisgroup.org | He added that those who are afraid of going into a war were cowards and short-sighted, China must destroy all the foreign vessels traversing in its South China Sea waters. crisisgroup.org |
全球监测报告》 帮助人们把目光投向 全民教育,同时也为教科文组织增加了声誉。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The GMR has helped focus attention on EFA and also enhanced the reputation of UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,宽屏的设计,可 防止在柜台使用时,遮拦与客户的目光接触 ,并提高与客户的 互动。 elotouch.com.cn | In addition, the widescreen design prevents blocking eye contact with customers and improves customer interaction. media.elotouch.com |
这就是为什么今天世界、特别是受害 者们再次将目光投向我们。 daccess-ods.un.org | That is why the eyes of the world, especially the eyes of victims, are again upon us today. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以我们必须保持开放态度及具备长远 目光来进行调查及检 讨工作,以尽量确保我们的生活环境安全。 legco.gov.hk | It is imperative that we should keep an open mind and be far-sighted when conducting the investigation and review to ensure a safe living environment for the people. legco.gov.hk |
发言人知道可以依靠各国的援助,并指出,全世界的 妇女都已把目光转向妇女署,转向各国希望推动妇女 事业的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | She knew she could count on the support of States and pointed out that the world’s women were looking to UN-Women, but also to States, to move forward their cause. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席,我觉得泛民派的立场 是十分清楚的,我们要求的是有长远 目光、长 远规划的财政预算案, 使我们可以解决香港的深层次矛盾,包括很多长者未能退休、长者因 贫穷要捡拾纸皮、中低收入家庭因未复建居屋而未能买楼、基层家庭 因公屋单位不足而未能入住公屋等问题,我们是需要解决这些问题 的。 legco.gov.hk | President, I think the position of the pan-democrats is very clear. We call for a forward-looking Budget which encompasses long-term planning, so that we can solve the deep-rooted conflicts in Hong Kong, namely, many elders not being able to retire, elderly people in poverty making a living by picking cardboards for recycling, lower-to-middle-income families not being able to buy a flat because the HOS is not resumed, grass-roots families not being allocated public rental housing due to a lack of public rental flats, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
我们的目光不局限于本土,将人权作为我们欧洲委员会主席任 期的大主题这一事实本身就不言而喻。 daccess-ods.un.org | Looking beyond our own shores, the fact that we have made human rights the overarching theme of our Chairmanship of the Council of Europe speaks for itself. daccess-ods.un.org |
目光落点略高于扩音器,想象你面前站着一个你喜欢的人,你正在与他交谈,而 不是在跟耳机里传来的空洞的声音进行交流。 animalmosaic.org | Find an eye point just above your microphone, and imagine a person in your line of sight whom you like, then talk to that person rather than to the disembodied voice coming through your headphones. animalmosaic.org |
作为对九个人口众多国家全民教育行动进 行的严格外部评价的回应,这九个会员国发表了一项 目光远大和强有力的宣言,承诺重新振 兴全民教育并采取一种可能有效的结构使今后的工作继续下去。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In response to a critical external evaluation of the E-9 Initiative, the nine Member States came out with a visionary and forceful Declaration that promises to reinvigorate the initiative and provide it with a potentially effective structure for continuing its future work. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这还意味着,国际合作伙伴不应把目 光局限在最近一段时间出现的挫折上,而应支持该国 的长期政治和经济稳定。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also means that international partners should look beyond the setbacks of the recent past and support long-term political and economic stability in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
本项目旨在放远目光,不仅探讨新的筹资机制,还要将这种潜在的资金投入置于更广泛的可持 [...] 续森林管理框架之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | The project aimsto look beyond new [...] funding mechanisms and places the potential influx of finance within the broader framework [...]of sustainable forest management. daccess-ods.un.org |
几十亿 人观看了先前举办的北京奥运会,而对于伦敦奥运会,至关重要的是聚集世人的目光,展示奥运赛事力主推动的更广泛经济、社会和文化议程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Billions had watched the previous Beijing Games and it would be important for the London Games to harness this attention to demonstrate the wider economic, social and cultural agenda that the Games stand for. daccess-ods.un.org |
对当地单车骑士而言,2013年已带来好消息,政府将新建23公里的单车道、提供300辆租赁单车,以及市中心禁止汽车通行,也有可能动工兴建长37公里、跨越贝加河的单车路线,许多人对此期盼已久,这条单车道将会穿越城市,并连结至邻国塞尔维亚城市兹雷尼亚宁(Zrenjanin),如此大规模的计划肯定会吸引游客与居民 目光。 thisbigcity.net | Also, we will hopefully witness the start of the long-awaited project of 37 km bike routes across the Bega river, which crosses the city and connects with the Serbian city of Zrenjanin. thisbigcity.net |
未来将会实现更多应用,例如:广告显示屏或笔记本电脑屏幕的互动 点,可根据单个观看者的目光方向自动切换不同的特惠信息或广告; 或是特殊研究装置,它能够通过捕捉大多数观众首先注目的对象或注视 时间最长的对象,来测出最具吸引力的画面点。 osram-os.net | Many more applications will be realizable in the future, such as interactive point of sale displays or laptop screens, automatically switching to special offers or ads, based on where the viewer is looking – or special study and research devices able to examine which points of a picture are most attractive by capturing what most people focus on at first or for the longest time. osram-os.net |
当紧迫的需求隐约出现,或主要危机来袭时,无论喜欢还是不喜欢,世界的 目光都转向美国和中国。 embassyusa.cn | When urgent needs loom or major crises strike, like it or not, the eyes of the world turn to the United States and China. eng.embassyusa.cn |
为了避免重蹈覆辙,作者希望在此提出一个比较顺应民意的解决方法,把 目光放到检讨《基本法》的日程,让时间来解决问题。 hkupop.hku.hk | To avoid making the same mistake, the author suggested one way to resolve the controversy, which could alleviate public discontent, by focusing on a comprehensive review of the Basic Law in the future. hkupop.hku.hk |
这也是让 千百万无辜、正受痛苦煎熬的受害者摆脱困境的需 要,我们每天都能从电视屏幕上看到他们企求的目 光。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also the need to answer to the plight of millions of innocent, suffering, victims whose pleading eyes we see daily on our televisions. daccess-ods.un.org |
贫困区域的 这类生活的迫切需求时,这种目光短浅的做法也 会引起中期问题。 teebweb.org | Even when prioritizing the pressing needs of those living in→ poverty, this kind of short-sightedness causes problems in the medium term. teebweb.org |
时尚的黑色玻璃萤幕吸引您的目光,萤幕与下方的扬声器建构出一个美丽的方正造型。 bang-olufsen.com | Let your eyes soak in the sleek black glass, atop a speaker cabinet that together form a unique square shape. bang-olufsen.com |
国际专家会议今年在维也纳召开, 目的是研究在地方如何加强《维也纳宣言和行动纲 领》的实施,会议的结论应该启发未来的干预行动, 其核心理念是任何侵犯人权的行为都不应逃过集体 警惕的目光。 daccess-ods.un.org | The conclusions of the international conference of experts held in Vienna in August to examine ways of strengthening the national implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action should guide future actions, based on the conviction that no human rights violation should escapecollective control. daccess-ods.un.org |
多年来,市场营销人员的目光都一直聚焦于被我们称作中国消费群的“光鲜”之处:内地一线城市的高收入人群。这些消费者符合中国人对于成功人士的传统定义,并推动中国成为全世界最大的奢侈品和高档汽车消费市场。 labbrand.com | For years, the attention of marketers has been focused on what we can call the “shiny” section of China’s consumer base: high-earning consumers in Tier one cities who conformed to traditional ideals of social success and have made China the world’s largest market for luxury goods and high-end cars. labbrand.com |
2013同样是奢侈品品牌将目光转向 利用数字工具面对市场挑战、用越来越新颖和创新的方式使用数字媒介的一年。 labbrand.com | 2013 will also be a year in which luxury brands turn to new digital tools to face market challenges and use online channels in new, increasingly creative ways. labbrand.com |
经济的快 速增长导致国内能源供不应求,因此中国政府不 得不把目光放到国外以确保国内经济发展和稳 定。 crisisgroup.org | .45 China’s need for energy is growing faster than any other country’s. Record economic growth results in demand that outstrips domestic supply, leading Beijing to look outward to ensure growth and stability. crisisgroup.org |
火车站前高挂数位看板,提供所需交通资讯,不过许多时候则是广告高挂,以巨大萤幕吸引众人 目光。 thisbigcity.net | At the train stations, the digital mediation of useful transport information is emblazoned high for all to see, yet in other instances, it is advertising that is forced upon from on high, with gargantuan television screenshawking to all that pass by. thisbigcity.net |
通过与 Lionbridge [...] 合作来为我们的全球运动提供多语言网站,我们将能够汇聚更多的 目光来关注对智障人士尊重、接纳和包容的重要性,”欧洲/欧亚大陆特奥会地区主席兼常务董事 [...]Mary Davis 说。 specialolympics.org | “By working with Lionbridge to provide a [...] multilingual website for our global movement [...] we areable to shine abrighter spotlight [...]on the importance of respect, acceptance [...]and inclusion of all people with intellectual disabilities,” said Mary Davis, Regional President and Managing Director of Special Olympics Europe/Eurasia. specialolympics.org |
我们都知道拍摄照片时,曝光的时间长短可以创造出特定的影像效果,所以我们也了解,我们 目光所见事实上是一段期间所聚集的定量光线,将时间的测量记录在光影之间。 audemarspiguet.com | We all understand that the length of an exposure in a photograph can create certain effects, and so we comprehend that we are seeing a volume of light gathered over a period of time—a measure of time recorded in light. audemarspiguet.com |
因此,我再次请求国际社会把目光放远,协助法庭制定激励措施留住工作人 员,减少不断征聘工作人员对本机构构成的负担。 daccess-ods.un.org | I therefore renew my plea forthe international community to exercise foresight and assist the Tribunal with incentive measures to retain its staff and reduce the burden on the institution of constant staff recruitment. daccess-ods.un.org |