

单词 目中无人

See also:


infranasal depression
the "human center" acupuncture point

External sources (not reviewed)

占领当局最近决定 摧毁八个村庄,以便建立一个以色列训练营,再次 表明了以色列奉行目中无人的挑 衅政策。
The recent decision of the occupation authorities to destroy eight villages in order to build an Israeli training camp is yet another manifestation of the defiant and provocative policy carried out by Israel.
33 这些人目前的研究中无人关注,在对问题单的答复中也不是关注的重 点。
They are neither visible in current research, nor were they [...]
a focus of attention in the replies to the questionnaire.
11 个提出评论意见的成员组织的共识是, 拟议增长目前的经济环中无法得 到支持。
The consensus among the 11 member
organizations that provided comments was that the proposed increase
[...] could not be supported in the current economic environment.
[...] 疾人群的代表与会,在会上听取了其各自的主要需求(《2009-2018 年机会平等 计划》就是政府在全国范围内进行广泛公开听证后的结果),并通过各种宣传渠 道,如由国家广播电台播放的广播 目 《 无 障 碍 》、新的广播节目《能力建 设》(www.radiobacan.com/bacan_tv.php)、在残疾事务主管机构――全国支助残人理事会的门户网中开展的各项论坛活动,以及在共和国国会残疾事务特别委 员会的网站中开展的“在线调查”对这些需求进行了反馈。
) Civil society also has access to the media through, for example, the radio programme “Sin Barreras” (without barriers), which is broadcast
by a State-owned
[...] radio station; the new programme “Fortaleciendo Capacidades” (capacity-building) (www.radiobacan.com/bacan_tv.php); forums on the website of CONADIS, which is the lead agency in the field of disability; and the [...]
online survey on
the website of the Special Commission on Disability of Congress.
這項研究目的,是說 明納米技術的基本原理;確定納米技術應用於食物業引起的潛在安全問題;以及探討食中人工納米材料的風險評估方法。
The objectives of this RA study were to present the basic principles of nanotechnology, to identify potential safety implications associated with the application of nanotechnology [...]
in the food
sector and to review the strategies for RA of engineered nanoparticles.
外国公民和无国人员拥有与摩尔多瓦共和国公民同等的权利、自由和责 任(居住、工作和工作保护、教育、休息、健康保护等权利);同时现行法律规定 了一些例外情况(不得被提名参与或参与根据法律规定必须是摩尔多瓦共和国公 民才能参与的活动,在立法、行政及其他职能机 中无 选 举 与被选举权,无权参 加普选,不得加入党派及其他社会政治组织,不得在摩尔多瓦共和国武装部队服 役)。
Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities as do the citizens of the Republic of Moldova (right to residence, work and protection of work, education, rest, health protection, etc.); with the exceptions set by legislation in force (may not be nominated or involved in activities for which, according to the legislation in force, the Republic of Moldova citizenship is required, do not enjoy the right to elect and the right to be elected in legislative, executive and other eligible bodies, to participate in the universal suffrage, may not be members of parties and other sociopolitical organisations, may not exercise the military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova).
然而,有一个会员国认为,鉴于有限 的资源和目前正在开展关于“知识社会”的横向专题(CCT)方面的部门间 目 , 无 需 大量 增加活动,应当把精力中在少 数具有可衡量和明显实效的主要项目上。
One Member State considered, however, that in view of the limited resources
available and the ongoing
[...] intersectoral projects pertaining to the cross-cutting theme (CCT) on knowledge societies, there was no need to multiply [...]
initiatives but
rather to concentrate efforts on a limited number of major projects with measurable and tangible impact.
陳健波議員又匯報,為回應有關註冊費 用是否在個別從業員的負擔能力之內的關注,以
[...] 及鼓勵業界及早註冊,政府當局同意在首12個月 的註冊期內,為每名首次於任何第III級別小型工 程目中僅依 據其經驗而作出申請的申 人 ,提 供 150元的資助,以致這類申請人只須繳付155元 (而非305元 )作註冊。
Mr CHAN further reported that to address the concern about the affordability of the registration fees for individual practitioners and to encourage early registration, the Administration had agreed to provide, during the first 12 months of the
registration period, a subsidy
[...] of $150 to each applicant whose first-time application of any class III minor works item relied solely [...]
on his/her experience,
so that such an applicant would only need to pay $155 (instead of $305) for registration.
联合国内罗毕办事处行政事务司提供后端行政服务,中包括 会计、人力资源管理、信息技术服务和采购等服务,而人居署方案支助 司提供方案管理支助,侧重于外地业务 目 、 人 居 署 方案和项目预算和财务管理、 方案规划和协调职能,包括支助方案审查委员会、对与合作伙伴签署的协定进行 法律审查、组织方法、风险管理及协调监督事务等。
While the Division of Administrative Services of the United Nations Office at Nairobi provides the back-end administrative services, inter alia accounting, human resource administration, information technology services, and procurement, the Programme Support Division of UN-Habitat provides the programme management support, focusing on operational field projects, budgetary and financial management for UN-Habitat programme and project budgets, programme planning and coordination functions, including support to the programme review committee, legal review of agreements with partners, organizational methods, risk management and coordination of the oversight services, among other functions.
海外 领土环境方案项目包括旨在把外来物种从特里斯坦-达库尼亚群 中无人 居 住岛 屿中清除出去,以及消灭外来啮齿目 动 物的可行性研究。
Overseas Territory Environmental Programme projects include
[...] [...] efforts to remove invasive species from uninhabited islands in the Tristan da Cunha group, and also [...]
studies on the feasibility of eradicating introduced rodents.
以色列违反国际法、人权法和国际人道主义法的 行为一直在增多,其很多做法就证明了这一点,例如 在没有任何合法理由的情况下将 10 000 名巴勒斯人拘押在以色列监狱和拘留中;无 视 国 际法院的咨 询意见,持续修建种族主义隔离墙;违反安全理事会 第 1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对 加沙地带实行严密封锁;在西岸设置障碍和检查站; 以色列内阁规定犹太人作出效忠宣誓,以孤立以色列 境内的以色列籍阿拉伯人口;以色列议会最近的立法 对撤出已被以色列吞并的阿拉伯被占领土规定了新 的苛刻条件,但通过全民投票或经议会三分之二多数 通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我们不能一一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal grounds; the continued construction of the racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and General Assembly resolution ES-10/18; the barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank; the Jewish loyalty oath instituted by the Israeli Cabinet to isolate the Arab-Israel population in Israel; the recent Knesset legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through a referendum or the approval of a two-third majority of the Knesset; and many other violations that time will not permit us to list.
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是 无 论 合规督察干事的 人 专 业 才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验都不足以取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
在压力目无法纪 和无家可归的情况加剧时,妇女 面临更多暴力威胁,会发现更难以养活自己以及她们所照料的儿童、 人 、 伤 员、 残人和其他幸存者。
In a time of
[...] heightened stress, lawlessness and homelessness, women face an increased threat of violence and will find it harder to support themselves, the children, the elderly, the injured, the disabled and other survivors [...]
who are in their care.
之后,委员会明确指出,委员会 既可认为可以就第 IV 点(各会员国及其全国委员会的职责)-- 在上述草中无一条款涉及该点--进 行辩论,也可认为可用对该点的评价替代对议程中第 I 委员会的评价,该目则已列入议程。
In so doing the Committee clearly stated that it intended neither to debate Part IV (Role of the Member States and their National
Commissions) which was not
[...] yet the subject of any provision in the above-mentioned draft text, nor to substitute its appraisal for that of Commission I, in whose agenda the item is included.
通过细腻而缓慢地图画组合,隐喻了当下上海这座国际大都市里,平淡踏实,充满细节,拥挤而繁密的 人 经 历 的市井生活,更有妙 无目 的 的 心理活动和 人 压 抑
The slow and meticulous composition is a microcosm of urban life in the international metropolis of Shanghai, bustling, humdrum and personal.
一个Qt的事件是代表了某件人感兴 趣并已经发生的对象;事件与信号的主要区别在于,事件是针对于与我们应 中 一 个具 体 目 标 对 象(而这个对象决定了我们如何处理这个事件),而信号发射则是“ 无目 的 ”
An event in Qt is an object
[...] which represents something interesting that happened; the main difference between an event and a signal is that events are targeted to a specific object in our application (which decides what to do with that event), while signals are emitted “in the wild”.
中心的目的是 培训新一代水资源问题领 人 , 目 前 正 在实施多个 关于制订有效水资源管理框架的项目,并且让新的科学工作者、决策者和律师参与“水文学为环 境、生命和政策服务计划”网络。
The centre, which will train a new generation of water leaders, is currently involved in multiple projects to develop [...]
frameworks for effective
water resources management, and is also engaged in bringing new scientists, policy-makers and lawyers into the HELP network.
特 别报告员指出,在已经是剥削性的环 中 , 无人 照 看 的未成年人由于缺乏家长保 护,更有可能接触有害物质。
The Special
[...] Rapporteur observes that unaccompanied minors are more [...]
likely to be exposed to harmful substances for want of
parental protection in already exploitative environments.
另外,第十届会议主 席和禁雷运动一样,对在与利比亚国家过渡委员会结盟的部队控制的黎波里数周 之后,该城中存放杀伤人员地雷的大型武器仓库仍 无人 守 卫和警戒,表示关 切。
In addition, the 10MSP President joined the ICBL in expressing concerns about large weapons stores containing anti-personnel mines in Tripoli remaining unguarded and unsecured weeks after forces aligned to Libya’s National Transitional Council seized control.
在随后的讨论中,一位代表提及了关于对《蒙特利尔议定书》有关氟氯烃 内容的调整的第 XIX/6 号决定,并指出该决中无论是关于为按第 5 条第 1 款 行事的缔约方提供资金以使其遵守加速逐步淘汰氟氯烃时间表的第 5 条,还是 关于目和方 案供资标准的第 11(b)条,均未提及尽量扩大气候惠益或为多边 基金增加供资的事宜。
In the ensuing discussion, one representative, referring to decision XIX/6 on adjustments to the Montreal Protocol with regard to HCFCs, said that neither paragraph 5 nor paragraph 11 (b) of
that decision, on the
[...] funding for parties operating under paragraph 1 of article 5 to comply with the accelerated HCFC phase-out schedule and the funding criteria for projects and programmes, referred to maximization [...]
of climate benefits
or additional funding for the Multilateral Fund.
值得一提的是在 2006 年一份来自欧盟外部的评估欧盟中 国 合 作计划的报告,它 批评双方在扶贫和气候变化上的考量上缺乏系统化的整合, 目无 法 反 馈到政策对话 里(欧洲委员会, 2007b :附录 3.10)。
It is noteworthy that in 2006 an external evaluation of the
EU’s co-operation
[...] programme with China was critical of a lack of systematic integration of considerations on poverty reduction and climate change, and a lack of feedback from the projects into policy dialogues [...]
(European Commission, 2007b:Annex 3.10).
鉴于混合移中无人陪伴 和失散儿童情况的范围和复杂性,必须与原籍国、过 境国目的地国政府开展机构间合作并建立伙伴关系。
Responding to the scope and complexity of the
[...] situation of unaccompanied and separated children in mixed migration flows necessitates inter-agency cooperation and partnerships with Governments in countries of origin, transit and destination.
(dd) 倘股份選擇獲正式行使(「已選擇股份」),則不會以現金派付有關 股息(或獲賦予選擇權之部分股息),而將按上述所釐定配發基準, 向已選擇股份之持有人配發入賬列作繳足股份以作取代,就此目 的,董事會將按其可能決定自本公司未分派溢利(包括認購權儲備 或兌換權儲備或資本贖回儲備(如存在任何該等儲備)以外任何儲 備或其他特別目中之溢 利及進賬)任何部分撥充資本並撥出全數 繳付向已選擇股份持人配發 適當數目股份及按該基準向於彼等 之間分派可能需要之金額。
(dd) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised ("the elected shares") and in lieu thereof shares shall be allotted credited as fully paid to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Directors shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the - 36 undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserve or reserves or other special account other than the Subscription Rights Reserve or Conversion Rights Reserve or Capital Redemption Reserve (if there be any such Reserves) as the Directors may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.
在全球安全层面上中非拥有六 目无 法 纪 的地 区,所有这些地区都属于三角边界的一部分:乍得中非共和国-苏丹,乍得-喀麦隆-中非共和国,喀麦 隆-赤道几内亚-尼日利亚,安哥拉-刚果-刚果民主共 [...]
At the level of global security, Central Africa is home to six lawless regions, [...]
all of which are part of triangular borders:
Chad-Central African RepublicSudan, Chad-Cameroon-Central African Republic, Cameroon-Equatorial Guinea-Nigeria, Angola-CongoDemocratic Republic of the Congo, Central-African Republic-Congo-Democratic Republic of the Congo/Congo River, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo-Burundi-Rwanda/Great Lakes region.
他们还建议把这些专题/战略有 效地纳入本组织的各项计划中,特别是通过(a)高层恰当的协调,(b)对项目仔细评估— 关注诸如以下的问题:跨学科行动,与直接相关群体的伙伴关系,尊 人人 都 享 有的平等尊 严,与贫困作斗争中的文化因素,以及吸收非政府组织参与教科文组织活动的制定、实施和 评估,(c)以真正的跨学科精神对各重大计划内的横向专题之间的联系做出更清晰的表 述,(d)(一些非政府组织认为)减少高质量/影响大的项目数量,以保证其影响更大、知 名度更高,(e)加强与非政府组织的伙伴关系,特别是通过在一些消除贫困 目中 的 直接 合作。
They also recommend the effective integration of these themes/strategies into the Organization’s programmes, in particular through (a) adequate highlevel coordination; (b) the careful evaluation of projects – paying attention to issues such as multidisciplinary action, partnerships with populations directly concerned, the respect for the
equal dignity of each
[...] human being, the cultural dimension of the fight against poverty, and the association of NGOs with the formulation, implementation and evaluation of UNESCO’s activities; (c) a clearer articulation of cross-cutting projects within the major programmes in a spirit of true interdisciplinarity; (d) (for some NGOs) a smaller number of high-quality/high-impact projects, to ensure greater impact and visibility; (e) greater partnership with NGOs, in particular through explicit partnership in some projects of poverty eradication.
项目管理惯例规定,项目管理方(业务中心 主任、小组主人员或项目中心主管 人 员 )有 责任确保将每个项目分配/分派给一 名项目经理,当项目经理调任或进行重新分配/分派时,应有效办理适当的移交 程序。
The project management practices state that it is the responsibility of the project authority (director of the operations centre, cluster manager or manager of the project centre) to ensure that each project is allocated/assigned to a project manager and that when project managers are transferred or reallocated/reassigned, the handover process is carried out effectively and properly.
在为普世人权价值观奋斗的同时,乍得呼吁和平,因为在战争状 中 ,无 法充分确保和保人权, 它呼吁国际社会支持其为和平、人权和民主作出的努力。
In its fight for universal human rights values, Chad called for peace, because human rights could not fully be ensured and protected in a context of war, and it appealed to the international community to support its efforts for peace, human rights and democracy.
因此,申诉人不需要法庭指派的律师援助来充分宣示她的权 利,而且她也没有因在所有的诉 中无人 代 理而受到任何损害。
Consequently, the complainant did not need the assistance of a courtappointed lawyer to adequately assert her rights, and she has not suffered any harm as a result of not being represented in all the proceedings.
因此,由于缺乏一项明确和切实可行的问责制度,一种管理特权、豁免和不受处罚文 化正在发展,手中有权人和手中无 权 的 人 利 用这种文化均不按同一规章行事。
In the absence therefore of a clear and practicable system of accountability, a culture of managerial prerogatives, immunities and impunities is developing in which those who wield power and those who have no power are not governed by the same rules.




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