单词 | 目不暇接 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 目不暇接—lit. too much for the eye take in (idiom); a feast for the |
上海素以中国闻名遐迩的购物天堂而着称,从大型购物商场到精致独特的精品小店,一应俱全,令您目不暇接。 shangri-la.com | In Shanghai, you can choose from the largest of malls to the smallest of exclusive boutiques. shangri-la.com |
公园人行道两旁的桃树目不暇接,粉红色的花朵争奇斗艳。 shangri-la.com | Walkways of the park are straddled by peach trees wrapped with blossoms in all sorts ofpink hues. shangri-la.com |
2013年CES展会上出现的新科技产品令人目不暇接,究竟哪一款才是最佳? ktsf.com | CNET announces the best products at 2013 CES today. ktsf.com |
市场内车水马龙,各种琳琅满目的饰品、纱笼和纪念品必将令您目不暇接,流连忘返。 shangri-la.com | These markets are a popular feature of village lifewhere villagers bring their wares and produce for sale every week. shangri-la.com |
杭州是重要的丝绸中心,各种丝绸织物、绸缎、锦缎、绣品令人目不暇接。 shangri-la.com | Hangzhou is an important silk centre, and offers a fine selection of silk textiles, satin, brocade and embroideries. shangri-la.com |
欣赏昆士兰最着名的一些海岸景观,从列入世界遗产名录的大堡礁,到纯净质朴的岛屿和雨林国家公园,令您目不暇接。 australia.com | Capture some of Queensland’s biggest coastal attractions– from the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef to the pristine islands and rainforest national parks. australia.com |
另外,爱尔兰国家博物馆在都柏林和梅奥的分馆也有着精彩纷呈的展览,从恐龙骨架,到爱尔兰传统服装令您目不暇接 discoverireland.com | The National Museum of Ireland’s branches in Dublin and Mayo exhibit everything from dinosaur skeletons to Irish traditional dress! discoverireland.com |
亚洲购物商城汇集了各种各样的产品,让您目不暇接,包括服装、电子产品如电脑和MP3、鞋、包、体育用品、书籍、DVD音像产品以及其他商品。 shangri-la.com | Clothes, electronicitems such ascomputers [...] and MP3 players, shoes, bags, sporting goods, books, DVDs and tons of others line theshelves at SM Mall. shangri-la.com |
吉隆坡是马来西亚现代化程度最高、最发达的城市,市内高楼林立,世界顶级酒店鳞次栉比,各类购物场所和国际风味美食让人目不暇接。 shangri-la.com | It is usually a traveller's point of entry to Malaysia. shangri-la.com |
在缓慢流淌的水道上静心冥想,沿岸目不暇接的美景尽收眼底,远离现代生活的压力,洗脱尘世间的疲乏 discoverireland.com | A slow, contemplative way to travel through a land that is rich with scenic waterways, if ever there was a way to banish the stresses and strains of modern life, this would surely be it discoverireland.com |
欣赏昆士兰最着名的一些海岸景观,从列入世界遗产名录的大堡礁,到纯净质朴的岛屿和雨林国家公园,保证令您目不暇给。 danpacplus.hk | Capture some of Queensland¡¦s biggest coastal attractions¡V from the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef to the pristine islands and rainforest national parks. danpacplus.hk |
也许因为联合国的重点是 提供人道主义援助,因此,教科文组织以及其他联合国机构不是毛主义分子攻击的直接目标。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO and other United Nations agencies arenot direct targets of Maoist attacks, maybe due to the United Nations’ focus on humanitarian assistance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
尽管少数意见认 为国际日和活动的数量可能造成应接不暇的危险,但深信世界音像遗产日可以促进政治行动 和具体活动,使保护音像遗产的努力受到公正对待。 unesdoc.unesco.org | would lead to the generation of political actions and concrete activities that render justice to the efforts undertaken for the preservation of audiovisual heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
保时捷於2005年 IAA法兰克福车展上移植了Boxster成功的概念,推出以Boxster双人座、敞篷的车身原型打造的双门硬顶跑车Cayman,推出後应接不暇的订单使得保时捷在祖文豪森 (Zuffenhausen) 厂区之外,再与芬兰Valmet Automotive合作,为Boxster与Cayman设立新的生产线。 pap.porsche.com | To put the successful concept on a broader basis, Porsche also developed a Coupé based on the open-topped, two-seater platform, that made its world debut at the 2005 IAA Frankfurt Motor Show as the Cayman. pap.porsche.com |
该组织的宗旨和目标在于:充当交流信息和经验的中央信息中心;应请求帮 助各国建立中央休闲服务机构;促进世界休闲运动的发展,从而通过合理使用闲暇时丰富人类的精神;鼓励利用资源培养领军人物并为不同年龄的群体发展娱乐 休闲;提供让娱乐休闲机构携手合作的媒介;与联合国及其他附属机构合作,确 保人人享有休闲的权利并有机会选择。 daccess-ods.un.org | The goals and objectivesof the organization are to: serve as a central clearing house for the exchange of information and experience; aid countries to establish central recreation service agencies upon request; promote the development of a world recreation movement in order to enrich the human spirit through wholesome use of leisure; encourage the use of resources totrain leaders [...] and develop recreation [...]and leisure for all ages; provide a medium through which recreation authorities may work in unity; and work with the United Nations and other affiliated organizations to ensure that everyone has a right to leisure and the opportunity to choose. daccess-ods.un.org |
我要再次郑重声明,我国代表团完全不接受以色列政权在这个会议厅对我国的无端指控和歪 曲报道。这些都是在老调重弹,已经成为以色列政权 的惯用伎俩,目的是转移国际社会的注意力,使其不 再关注它的核武库和在本地区实行的犯罪政策和可 憎暴行,包括它最近对加沙的巴勒斯坦人民和在加沙 附近国际水域热爱自由的人们犯下的滔天罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to place on record once again that my delegation rejects the baseless allegations and distortions made in this Chamber that have been repeated so frequently that they have become a practice by the Israeli regime to distract the attention of the international community from its nuclear arsenal and its criminal policies and abhorrent atrocities in the region, including its recent heinous crimes against the people of Palestine in Gaza and against freedom-loving people in international waters near Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
产生差异的主要原因是如下各项所需资源减少:(a) 建筑事务,原因是多年 期项目接近完成以及混合行动采取利用本身资源和军力增强手段的战略;(b) 设 备购置,主要原因是 2011/12 年度期间计划采购所有水罐和化粪池、电气设备、 战地防御设备、发电机、净水设备和预制设施,2012/13 年度期间不再需要为此 编列经费;(c) 给部队和警察派遣国政府的特遣队所属自我维持装备偿款,原因 是根据当地实有的装备计算偿款,并对建制警察部队费用估计数适用了 16%的较 高延迟部署率,而 2011/12 年度期间的延迟部署率是 10%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The variance is attributable primarily to reduced requirements with respect to: (a) construction services owing to the near completion of the multi-year projectsand theOperation’s strategy to engage in-house resources and military enablers; (b) acquisition of equipment, owing mainly to the planned procurement of [...] all water and septic tanks, electrical [...]equipment, field defence equipment, generators, water purification equipment and prefabricated facilities in 2011/12, for which no provision was made in the 2012/13 period; (c) reimbursement of troop- and policecontributing Governments for contingent-owned self-sustainment equipment, based on actual equipment on the ground and reflecting the application of a higher delayed deployment factor of 16 per cent to the cost estimates for formed police units, as compared with a 10 per cent factor for the 2011/12 period. daccess-ods.un.org |
丰富多样的款式都能与金黄色、白金色调和玫瑰金色等各种金色调相搭配,绝对令您应接不暇。 hk.ashford.com | With a variety of gold shades from yellow, white and rose there isastyleto please every palette. ashford.com |
到 2002 年,联合国的文件情况达到令人震惊的程度,因此,秘书长在题为 《改进大会事务和会议事务部的工作情况》的报告(A/57/289)第 49 段中警告, 文件工作是联合国长期存在的问题,近来更为恶化,使联合国文件泛滥,大有令 人应接不暇之势(第 49 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 49 of his report on improving the performance of the Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services (A/57/289), the Secretary-General warned that documentation had been a chronic problem of the United Nations and that it had worsened to such an extent that theOrganization was in danger of being overwhelmed by a flood of documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
当本地习俗或其他情况导致您很难拒绝出于个人使用目的而提供的门票或 如果不接受就造成冒犯时,无论门票价格是多少,您必须向公司道德办公室报 [...] 告接受门票的情况。 lubrizol.com | If local customs or other circumstances make it very difficult or offensive for you to reject [...] a ticket offered for [...] personal use, you must report the acceptance to the corporate ethics office [...]regardless of the value of the ticket. lubrizol.com |
伎乐天 [...] 『弦光舞影』奇技之旅》不仅包含音乐表演,更配合一连串目不暇给的高难度杂技及体操动作,展示表演者非凡的身体平衡力、灵活性和运动协调水准,必定能令这个节目成为本年度最不容错过的娱乐表演之一。 yp.mo | SRO Concert in Macau 2013is not just an orchestra [...] performance, but features a range of acts demonstrating the performers’ [...]extraordinary feats of balance, agility and motor coordination, making it an entertainment event not to be missed this year. yp.mo |
连场精彩热闹的歌舞,配合「食物运输带」、「超级大昆虫」、「巨型柠檬」及「特大茶杯」等别出心裁的巨型道具、加上投影与色彩丰富的场景设计,交织成一幕幕目不暇给的魔幻奇观,将格列佛勇敢面对难关的故事活现舞台。 hkiac.gov.hk | The spectacular stage design, including humorous props such as a gigantic food conveyor belt, an insect and a [...] lemon, is wonderfully [...] combined with projection, music and dance to bring the wacky characters in the Jonathan Swift classic, Gulliver's Travels, to life. hkiac.gov.hk |