

单词 盛行

盛行 ()

be prevalent
be in vogue


盛行的 adj

prevailing adj

See also:

pick up with a utensil
surname Sheng

External sources (not reviewed)

一些发言者着重提到在近期金融和经济危机之 盛行 的 相对扶持的国际环 境。
A number of speakers underscored the relatively supportive international environment that had prevailed up to the recent financial and economic crisis.
我们绝不能允许死亡的态势和毁灭的逻辑在 利比盛行,并 且在该国的兄弟姐妹中间得势。
We must not permit the dynamics of death and the logic of annihilation to develop in Libya and to prevail among brothers and sisters of the same nation.
刪 除 “近期流盛 行”, 並以“面 對 流感的 持 續 威 脅 ” 代 替 ; [...]
在 “加強傳染 病 防控工 作 ” 之 後 刪 除 “ , ” , 並以“;”代 替 ; 在 “ 所 有長者 ” 之 後 加上“和兒童”;及在“新的 疫 苗
” 之 後 加上“; 檢 討現時在幼稚園、 學 校 、 老 人 院 舍 、 醫 療 機構及人流集中 的 公 共 設施內的 防 感 染措施, 增 撥 資 源 為 這些機構完 善 傳 染 病 的 防控工 作 ; 改 善 環境衞生,包括加 強 滅 鼠 和 滅蚊的工作 ;以及 加 強教育 ,提升 個 人衞生意 識 ” 。
To delete "as influenza has been prevalent [...]
recently and there is" after "That," and substitute with "in the face of continuous
threat of influenza and"; to delete "," after "strengthen the prevention and control of communicable diseases" and substitute with ";"; to add "and children" after "all elderly people"; and to add "; review the existing infection control measures in kindergartens, schools, residential care homes for the elderly, medical institutions and public facilities with high pedestrian flow and allocate more resources for these institutions to improve the prevention and control of communicable diseases; improve environmental hygiene, including strengthening anti-rodent and anti-mosquito efforts; and step up education to enhance the awareness of personal hygiene" after "diseases and vaccines".
根据艾滋病规划署提供的消息,俄罗斯联邦是欧洲艾滋病 盛行 的 国 家。
According to UNAIDS, the Russian Federation has the biggest AIDS epidemic in Europe.
大赦国际注意到,阿富汗妇女和女童继续面临歧视性法律、政 策和做法,以及在当盛行的家 庭暴力、贩运、强迫婚姻,还被用来作为货币解 决争端。
Amnesty International noted that Afghan women and girls continued to encounter discriminatory laws, policies and practices and to face endemic domestic violence, trafficking, forced marriages and their use as currency in the settlement of disputes.
共同因素常常是脆弱社会团体和广泛贫困现 盛行。
The common factor is often the predominance of vulnerable social groups and widespread poverty.
近期流盛 行 ,多種 傳 染 病 亦可能 在 港 爆 發,鑒於兒童及長者 [...]
為 高 危 組 羣 ,有關 傳 染 病 對他們的健康 影 響 亦較嚴重, 本 會 促 請政府加強傳 染 病 防控工 作 , 擴 大傳染 病 防 疫 注 射 範圍,
包括為 所 有長者 提 供 免 費 流感疫 苗 注 射 , 並 檢 討兒童免疫 接 種 計 劃 , 因 應 傳 染 病 和 疫 苗 的發 展,研 究 引 入 新 的 疫 苗 , 減少市民 受 傳 染 病 感 染 的 危 機 。
That, as influenza has been prevalent [...]
recently and there is also a possibility that a number of communicable diseases may
break out in Hong Kong, and given that children and the elderly are high-risk groups whose health may be more seriously affected by these communicable diseases, this Council urges the Government to strengthen the prevention and control of communicable diseases, expand the coverage of immunisation against such diseases, including providing free influenza vaccination for all elderly people, as well as reviewing the Childhood Immunisation Programme and studying the introduction of new vaccines in the light of the development of communicable diseases and vaccines, so as to reduce the risk of the public being infected with communicable diseases.
法律和秩序的全面崩溃、正义的缺失、持续的冲突、根深蒂固的歧视态 度和行为,以及在这些情况盛行的 有 罪不罚之风使这些犯罪行为得以发生;这 些罪行不仅给受害者造成骇人听闻的后果,还从整体上破坏社会结构。
The general breakdown in law and order, the absence of justice, continuing conflict, entrenched discriminatory attitudes and practices and the prevailing culture of impunity in these situations allowed for these crimes to be committed not only with appalling consequences for the victims, but with a force that destroys the fabric of society as a whole.
我们认为,政府不愿意制定适当的可持续消费和生产国家政策框架,再加上 不可持续的消费主义日盛行、对 私营部门的信任和问责有所减少、对靠不可持 [...]
续的消费赚取利润的部门监管不足(全球金融危机印证了这一点),以及对不可持 续的生产和消费模式的驱动因素缺乏了解。
We believe that the resistance of Governments to developing adequate national sustainable
consumption and production policy
[...] frameworks is combined with a continued promotion [...]
of unsustainable consumerism, an erosion
of trust and accountability of the private sector, inadequate regulation for sectors whose profits depend on unsustainable consumption (as witnessed by the global financial crisis) and, lastly, a lack of understanding of the forces driving unsustainable production and consumption patterns.
特别是由于它是波斯的影响力,这个世界之间的反差,在这种邪恶,死亡和罪 盛行 , 和 未来世界“,这是完全好”(Tamid立法会),是如此强烈地强调,和流行的观点认为从一个过渡到其他可以通过一个巨大的危机带来了约,仅仅是一个垂死的世界和生育的一个新的阵痛衰退的迹象将迎来成立。
It was particularly owing to Persian influence that the contrast between this world, in which evil, death, and sin prevail, and the future world, "which is altogether good" (Tamid lc), was so strongly emphasized, and the view prevailed that the transition from the one to the other could be brought about only through a great crisis, the signs of decay of a dying world and the birth-throes of a new one to be ushered into existence.
近年来,埃塞俄比亚已经成为国际机构收养 盛行 的 国 家之一。
In recent years, Ethiopia has become one of the most popular countries for international adoptions.
政府对于矿业价值的看法:全球各国政府当 盛行 多 种 形式的资源民族主义,表现在矿业私有化和征用,以及暴利税、资源税和出口管控等诸多方面,导致矿业公司更加难以准确预测生产计划、了解长期风险概况或随着时间的推进开发用以指引决策的模型。
Governments eye the mining prize: Governments around the world are exercising several forms of resource nationalism, from mining industry privatization and expropriation to windfall taxes, resource taxes and export controls, making it harder for mining companies to accurately forecast production schedules, understand long-term risk profiles or develop models to guide decision making over time.
[...] 举的一些原因包括,秘密确定候选人名单、男人替妇女做主的父权文 盛行 、法 律禁止妇女加入政党以及缺少托儿所等。
Some of the reasons cited for the poor outcome for women included the
closed list of candidates, the prevailing
[...] patriarchal culture where men decide for [...]
women, the law excluding women from political
parties and the absence of child care.
有些代表团通过国家实例说明,目 盛行 的 面 向青年和“歧视老人”的文化 正在扩张,已在很多方面致使老年人逐渐受到排斥和边缘化,其权利也不再得到 优先考虑。
Some delegations illustrated, through country examples, a prevailing youth-oriented and “ageist” culture that was widening and had led to a gradual exclusion, marginalization and de-prioritization of older people’s rights in many ways.
暴力侵害妇女在大多数社会中并不是根源问题;之 所以发生暴力侵害妇女的现象,是因为允许其他形式的歧 盛行。
Violence against women is not the root
problem in most societies; violence against women occurs because other forms of
[...] discrimination are allowed to flourish.
因此,在了解盛行的 风 和水流的情况下,就可以有根据地预测浮油的 移动速度和方向,如图 [...]
3 中所示。
Thus, with knowledge of the prevailing [...]
winds and currents, it is possible to predict the speed and direction of movement
of floating oil from a known position, as illustrated in Figure 3.
由于缺乏 保障正义和惩罚犯罪行为人的机制,即不受惩罚现盛行,很多此类局势愈演愈烈。
Many such situations are exacerbated by the lack of mechanisms that guarantee justice and punishment for perpetrators — that is, impunity prevails.
他带来的“新新舞蹈秀”表演可追溯到底特律家喻户晓的电视舞蹈秀《现场》 盛行 于 上 世纪七、八十年代)以及《新舞蹈秀》 盛行 于 上 世纪70年代至21世纪初)、国家广播电视秀《美国音乐台》、《灵魂列车》以及《俱乐部MTV》。
The New New Dance Show” routine takes its cues from the popular Detroit-based television dance shows The Scene (1970s and 1980s) and The New Dance Show (1970s through the 2000s) as well as the nationally broadcasted television shows American Bandstand, Soul Train, and Club MTV.
同安理会所审议的其它局势一样,切实应对该犯 罪应当包括处理评估团所指出的因素,如青年失业率 较高、社会收入差距较大、非法武器的流通不受管制 和腐盛行等。
As is the case in other situations considered by the Council, a viable response to that crime should include factors identified by the assessment mission, such as high rates of youth unemployment, wide income disparity within society, the uncontrolled circulation of illegal weapons and the prevalence of corruption.
委员会应该 寻找各种方法,最大程度地减小当 盛行 的 敌 对思 想。
The Committee should seek ways to minimize the spirit of confrontation that currently prevailed.
佛教领袖倡议是联合国儿童基金会支持下的一个项目,旨在通过佛塔的资源和帮助来支持感染了HIV病毒的老老少少——在这个佛教极 盛行 的 国 家,佛塔具有很大的影响力。
His assistance is part of the Buddhist Leadership Initiative (BLI), a UNICEF-supported programme that enlists the help and resources of pagodas – which wield considerable influence in this devoutly Buddhist country – to support adults and children living with or affected by HIV.
明智的做法是,沿盛行风风 向垂直 的方向安排梯式搜寻,以提高侦测到油类的几率。
It is advisable to arrange a ladder search across the direction of the prevailing wind to increase the chances of oil detection.
在欧洲,安装热泵从水或空气中获取热量的方式日 盛行 , 这在很大程度上是因为热泵提供的热量远远超出它们消耗的能量,从而显著减少了对矿物燃料的依赖以及对其他可再生能源的需求。
Installing heat pumps to extract heat from water or air is increasingly popular in Europe, largely because the heat they deliver far exceeds the energy they consume, greatly reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and the need for additional renewable energy sources.
此外,委员会关注出生登记程序中腐 盛行 的 情 况以及所导致的缔约国 中登记服务的提供不充分和不一致的情况,尤其是在农村地区和边远地区。
Furthermore, it is concerned at the prevalence of corruption in the birth registration process and the resulting inadequacy and inconsistency in the provision of registration services in the State party, particularly in its rural and outlying territories.
使用无人 飞机和捕食者越来越有吸引力,也越来 盛行 ,其受害者的数量按照不同的估计差距很大,有研究表 明死亡率高达 95%,也有一些研究表明死亡率为 30% 甚至更低。
The use of drones and predators was becoming increasingly attractive and widespread; estimates of the number of civilians killed varied widely, from 95 per cent of victims according to one study down to 30 per cent or less according to others.
但经过对各盛行的状 况的适当考虑,以及注意到各政府做出的在一个具体 日期前禁止进口大批和进口预混多元醇所含的 HCFC-141b 的承诺,执行委员会核准,为 项目符合条件的增量成本充分提供资金,这些项目涉及两项氟氯烃淘汰管理计划。
However, after due consideration of the situation prevailing in each country and noting the commitments by the governments to ban imports of HCFC-141b, both in bulk and in imported 7 pre-blended polyols by a specific date, the Executive Committee approved full funding of eligible incremental costs of the projects for both HPMPs.
城市化扩 大使人们生活疏于活动,不健康的饮 盛行 以 及烟草等有害健康物品在全世界推 销,都是促使这些人数增加的因素。
The increase in sedentary living associated with growing urbanization, the prevalence of unhealthy diets and the global marketing of health risks, such as tobacco, are also factors contributing to that increase.
她谈到了本区域许多发展中国家是如何失去了利用信息技术浪潮 的机遇,并补充说,面对目盛行的 低 碳技术、生物技术和纳米技术 浪潮,决不应该再犯同样的错误。
She observed how many developing countries in the region had missed the opportunity to take advantage of the information technology wave and added that the same mistake must not be made with the low-carbon technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology waves that are currently prevalent.




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