单词 | 盛大的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 盛大的 adjective—lavish adjSee also:盛大—grand • magnificent • Shanda Entertainment (PRC computer game company) • majestic 盛—magnificent • vigorous • ladle • extensively • contain • pick up with a utensil • surname Sheng 大的 adj—large adj
最后这种乐器主要是由已经订婚的少女来使用, 她们在所有盛大的节日 上都使用这些乐器。 daccess-ods.un.org | These last are chiefly used by betrothed virgins, who play on them on all grand festivals. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 Vechta-Calveslage 的大荷兰人公司总部以一个盛大的聚 会 结束这次代理商大会。 bigdutchman.de | The Agents' Meeting finished off with a large party at the Big Dutchman headquarters in Vechta-Calveslage. bigdutchman.de |
我们有丰富的活动供您选择:以Wii为代表的先进互动游戏、4D影院、水上乐园、其乐融融的夜间娱乐、剧场演出、马戏表演还 有 盛大的 舞 会。 msccruises.com.cn | Interactive play on cutting-edge Wii consoles or a night at the 4D cinema, family fun in the Aqua Park and evening entertainment, from theatre and cabaret to circus, music and dance each night. msccruises.com.eg |
这个家族企业以一个盛大的聚会 结束了本次庆典,此次为员工和嘉宾举行的聚会结合了第 [...] 5 届国际代理商大会,款待了来自世界各地的大荷兰人公司代理商。 bigdutchman.de | The family enterprise [...] finished off the festivities with a large [...]party for staff and guests in combination with the 5th international [...]agents' meeting that was hosted for Big Dutchman agents from all over the world. bigdutchman.de |
这是世界上最盛大的马术活动之一,即使你对赛马不感兴趣,也可以来欣赏这里的娱乐表演,购物和享受美食与音乐。 discoverireland.com | This is one of the world’s best equestrian events, but even if you’re not a horsey type there’s still plenty to enjoy with great shopping, eating and music. discoverireland.com |
中国南京(2011年10月24日) — 今日,由艾默生环境优化技术和中国制冷学会空调热泵专业委员会联合主办的“2011第九届艾默生杯空调与冷冻设计应用大赛”在2011中国制冷学会学术年会上举行 了 盛大的 颁 奖 典礼。 emerson.com | Nanjing, CHINA (October 24, 2011) – The 9th Emerson Cup Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Design and Application Competition, organized by Emerson Climate Technologies and Air Conditioners and Heat Pump Technical Committee of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration, held its awards ceremony at the CAR2011. emerson.com |
上星期五晚置地公司為慶祝「LANDMARK」置地廣塲這個全新品牌的誕生而舉行 了 盛大的 派 對。 blog.harveynichols.com.hk | Last Friday evening Hongkong Land hosted a gala party in celebration of launching a new retail brand LANDMARK. blog.harveynichols.com.hk |
印度社区在排灯节期间会制作美味的甜点,中国社区在每年春节(农历新年)会摆 开 盛大的 宴 会 ,而澳大利亚的伊斯兰社区则在斋月结束时举办开斋节。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | The Indian community brings out delicious sweets during Diwali; the Chinese annual Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) involves sumptuous banquets; and Australia’s Islamic community marks the end of Ramadan with the festival of Eid al-Fitr. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
18日周二我们将邀请大陆和香港的明星参加特别庆祝活动,你将受 到 盛大的 欢 迎。 tipschina.gov.cn | We have a special Celebrity event featuring Hong Kong and Chinese language stars on Tuesday the 18th which you would be more than welcome to attend. tipschina.gov.cn |
为庆祝 1970 年《关于采取措施禁止并防止文化财产非法进出口和所有权非法转 让公约》签订 40 周年,总部于 2011 年 3 月举行了盛大的庆祝大会,受到各方广 泛关注。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A widely-attended and highly-publicized meeting celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property was held at Headquarters in March 2011. unesdoc.unesco.org |
中国杭州(2010年11月9日) — 今天,由 Emerson 公司(纽约证券交易所代码:EMR)旗下业务品牌艾默生环境优化技术主办的“第八届艾默生杯数码涡旋中央空调设计应用大赛”在第十七届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会上举行 了 盛大的 颁 奖典礼,标志着这一旨在发掘优秀设计人才、推动暖通空调行业向更高能效目标迈进的标志性大赛成功落下帷幕。 emerson.com | Hangzhou, China, (November 9, 2010) – The 8th Emerson Cup Air Conditioning Design Competition, hosted by Emerson Climate Technologies, held a grand award ceremony at the 17th China HVAC Forum, celebrating the successful conclusion of this year's Emerson Cup designed to discover and recognize outstanding design talents and to help the HVAC industry advance to a higher goal for energy efficiency. emerson.com |
致力推動本地馬球文化的香港馬球發展及推廣協會日前正式成立,為隆盛其事,香港馬球發展及推廣協會於今日下午舉行 了 盛大的 成 立 典禮暨新聞發佈會,並邀請了國際馬球聯合會(Federation of International Polo, FIP) 及多位嘉賓出席支持,包括香港馬球發展及推廣協會副主席李自忠先生、國際馬球聯合會執行委員Asad Jumabhoy先生和國際馬球聯合會大使及市務委員Roderick Vere Nicoll先生, 以及中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會副會長余國樑MH太平紳士等聚首一堂,共襄盛舉。 snowpoloworldcup.com | In attendance were Mr. Harvey Lee, Vice Chairman of the HKPDPF along with Mr. Asad Jumabhoy, Executive Committee, Federation of International Polo (FIP), Mr. Roderick Vere Nicoll, FIP Ambassador and Marketing Committee, and Mr. Tony Yue, MH JP, Vice-President of HK Sports Federation and Olympic Committee. snowpoloworldcup.com |
奥运会将使世界各国的运动员聚集在一起,共同参加这一 最 盛大的 国 际体育活 动,借此促进各个国家和人民之间的和平、相互了解和善意,这些目标也是联合 国基本价值的组成部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Games will bring together athletes from all parts of the world in the greatest of international sports events as a means to promote peace, mutual understanding and goodwill among nations and peoples — goals that are also part of the founding values of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
6 月 3 日(星期日),來自英國、英聯邦及世界各地的 1,000 [...] 艘船隻,將組成隊伍在泰晤士河上巡遊,成為倫敦史上其中一個 最 盛大的 活 動。 visitbritain.com | On the afternoon of 3 June, 1,000 boats from across the UK, The [...] Commonwealth and around the world will take to the River Thames in one [...] of the most lavish processions [...]London has ever seen. visitbritain.com |
為把香港珍貴的傳統及藝術文化以一套獨特方式呈現,Lane Crawford特此召集全球創意單位參與一 場 盛大的 慶 祝 活動。 think-silly.com | To showcase the unique tradition and culture in Hong Kong, the company has invited international creative [...] practitioners to [...] take part in the grand celebration featuring themes such as city, fashion, accessories, beauty and home. think-silly.com |
2012 年 1 月 23 日,澳門】龍年伊始,喜氣洋溢,澳門美高梅在大年初一 (1 月 23 日) 舉行盛大的醒獅 賀新歲活動,群獅及祥龍於酒店正門上演鑼鼓飛揚的跳樁及採青儀式,澳門美高梅主席簡博賢先生聯同多位管理層成員一同向賓客拜年,為一系列精彩賀年節目拉開序幕。 mgmmacau.com | Macau, January 23, 2012] MGM MACAU launched anexciting lion dance blessing ceremony at hotel main entrance at 12:00pm today, the first day of Chinese New Year of Dragon, as the key program and prelude series of Chinese New Year celebration and exceptional entertaining performances. mgmmacau.com |
最终,经过历时7个多月的评选,2013年1月9日,在美国拉斯维加斯,Global iBrands Top 20在第46届国际消费电子展(CES)上举行 了 盛大的 颁 奖 典礼,揭晓了2012年度全球苹果产业链领先品牌20强。 cebrands.cn | After more than seven months’ selection, Global iBrands Top 20 held a grand awarding ceremony on the 46th International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas on January 9, 2013, announcing the top 20 brands in the global Apple-peripheral industrial chain in 2012. cebrands.cn |
在标志性的悉尼歌剧院观看一场 盛大的 戏 剧 、交响乐或芭蕾舞演出,在中场休息时还能欣赏到熠熠闪光的海港美景。 australia.com | See a lavish production of theatre, symphony or ballet at the iconic Sydney Opera House, where glittering harbour views enhance the experience at intermission. australia.com |
幾乎每個城市每年都會舉辦盛大的美 酒 美食節。 australia.com | Almost every city [...] hosts a major food and wine festival every year. australia.com |
Chanel於前一夜(7月6日),假位於中環的展覽場地The Space舉行了盛大的揭幕派對,除請來活躍於時尚界別的著名人物,更邀請來是次展覽中的四位模特兒:意大利模特兒Elisa Sednaoui、法國女演員Cecile Cassel、藝術家Yi Zhou(周依)、著名影星湯唯親臨現場,以示對展覽的支持。 think-silly.com | Chanel has held a pompous launch party the night before at The Space, the exhibition venue in Central, other than inviting celebrities that are actively appearing in the fashion world, in addition they invited the four models of the exhibition: Italian model Elisa Sednaoui, French actress Cecile Cassel, artist Yi Zhou, famous movie star Tang Wei, attended the party and showed support to the exhibition. think-silly.com |
事實上,這是在1937年,盛大的創始 人的兒子,保羅 - 安德烈·蕭邦(Chopard),決定離開白雪皚皚的汝拉山谷到其車間安裝在日內瓦的城市蓬勃發展的經濟。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Indeed, it was in 1937 that Paul-André Chopard, grand-son of the founder, decided to leave the snowy valleys of the Jura to install its workshops in Geneva city was booming economy. en.horloger-paris.com |
數年前,北京成功主辦了運動史上最 盛大的 體 育 賽事之一 - 2008 年北京奧運。 seagate.com | It is becoming an increasingly important business centre in China as well. In recent times, Beijing also successfully hosted one of the most spectacular events in sporting history, the 2008 Olympic Games. seagate.com |
今年6月5日為世界環境日,在中環添馬艦舉行 了 盛大的 開 幕 典禮,節目包括減廢工作坊、繪畫班、遊戲攤位及展覽等,向大眾市民宣傳環保的信息,尤其著重減少廢物及將廢物分類回收,循環再造。 greencouncil.org | Programmes included waste reduction workshops, painting classes, games booths, exhibitions, etc. It was hoped that the programmes would promote to the general public the concept of environmental protection, especially waste reduction and waste segregation for recycle. greencouncil.org |
盛大的开幕 庆典引得中央大街上万人攒动,当浪琴表全球优雅形象大使林志玲从心月宫殿神秘现身,以极致娉婷的时尚catwalk秀出腕上的心月系列腕表,优雅风采顿时倾倒众生。 longines.cn | The grand opening ceremony attracted tens of thousands of people on the Central Avenue, and when Lin Chi-ling mysteriously appeared from the PrimaLuna palace and showed the PrimaLuna watch on her wrist in extremely dainty fashion catwalk, her elegance conquered the crowd. longines.jp |
布拉格 – 捷克共和国 – [...] 9月18日,为了庆祝新成立的合作伙伴关系,江诗丹顿及其于布拉格的新代理Carollinum公司,在布拉格市中心一个富丽堂皇的巴洛克式私人豪华住宅中,举办了一 个 盛大的 晚 会 ,邀请了40位贵宾出席。 vacheron-constantin.com | Prague – Czech Republic - On the 18th of September, the new cooperation of Vacheron Constantin and the ambassador Carollinum has celebrated in an extraordinary setting with 40 [...] vip-guests invited to a Vacheron Constantin watch dinner in a baroque private [...] “maison” in the capital city of the Czech Republic. vacheron-constantin.com |
最近更新时间: 2010/10/25 // 10月17日和18日,当挪威驻上海总领事诺和平先生和领事毕昂•布鲁库斯(Bjørn [...] Blokhus)出席北欧工业园(NIP)新商务中心和北欧企业孵化 器 的盛大 开 幕 典礼时,十月的阳光为宁波慷慨地洒下了融融暖意。 norway.org.cn | Last updated: 25/10/2010 // The October sun sent generous cascades of warming beams over Ningbo when the Consulate [...] General (Mr. Fred Nomme and Mr. Bjørn [...] Blokhus) attended the grand opening of The [...]Nordic Industrial Park`s (NIP) new Business [...]Center and the Nordic Business Incubator on the 17th and 18th of October. norway.cn |
都柏林的圣帕特里克节于每年3月17日左右举行,为期5天,主要庆祝活动是数千名表演 者 的盛大 游 行 ,而观赏和参与的观众则可以达到50万人!沃特福德的歌剧文化艺术节(Spraoi Festival)于八月的第一个周末开幕,您可以欣赏到最好的露天游行表演,每年还会有几次爱尔兰的首场秀在此上演。 discoverireland.com | St Patrick’s Festival Dublin takes place over five days around 17th March, the centrepiece of which is the Parade featuring thousands of performers and an audience of more than 500,000 people! The Spraoi Festival held in Waterford on the first weekend in August celebrates all that is best in street performance and each year hosts a number of Irish premieres. discoverireland.com |
Oris总裁lrich W. Herzog表示:「一级方程式赛车是全球备受瞩 目 的盛大 赛 事 ,Oris与长期合作的Williams F1车队,不仅拥有良好的互动关系,在顶级赛车的极端环境中,更能彰显Oris身为瑞士机械表品牌所要求的高质感和优秀性能。 oris.ch | Our Executive Chairman, Ulrich W. Herzog, commented; “The prestigious world of Formula One continues to be the perfect platform to promote Oris and renewing the partnership reinforces our long standing support and commitment to the Williams F1 Team. oris.ch |
但我們 希望看到這個宏偉的球場能成為㆒個令香港㆟自豪,能夠㆒起歡欣㆞分享眾 多 盛大 活動的㆞方 ,而非㆒個令社會分化及引起公眾爭論的場㆞。 legco.gov.hk | But we want to see this magnificent stadium become the pride and joy of Hong Kong, a place where people can share many exciting and enjoyable events together, and not a venue that divides the community and creates public controversy. legco.gov.hk |