单词 | 盛名 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 盛名 —famous reputationExamples:久慕盛名—I've admired your reputation for a long time (idiom); I've been looking forward meeting you. • It's an honor meet you at last. 久负盛名—special reserve • honed perfection over centuries • seasoned See also:盛—vigorous • magnificent • ladle • extensively • contain • surname Sheng • pick up with a utensil
(ii) 阿尔凯·喀汗·马尔古兰(1904 -- 1985 年)由于在促进世界更多了解哈萨克以及 更广大的中亚地区的科学与人文方面的重大贡献而享有国 际 盛名。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (ii) Alkei Khakan Margulan (1904-1985) is internationally recognized for his major contribution to the world’s knowledge of Kazakh, and more widely, Central Asian sciences and humanities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这将通过中国最富盛名的大 学之一进一步提升世界其他国家与中国之间的互谅和持续联系。 china.blackstone.com | It will further enhance the mutual understanding and lasting ties between other parts of the world and China through one of its greatest universities. blackstone.com |
我们特邀主厨都达到了国际水准,在世界上一些最 负 盛名 的 餐 馆工作,他们每个人都将为MSC邮轮定制一道专门的美食。 msccruises.com.cn | Our guest chefs have all achieved [...] international acclaim for their work in some of the [...] world’s most prestigious restaurants, [...]and each of them will be creating a special [...]dish dedicated to MSC Cruises. msccruises.co.uk |
这是迪拜最富盛名的拍照景点之一。 shangri-la.com | This is one of Dubai’s most photographed icons. shangri-la.com |
叶凯(一个年轻的猎鹰)他对他的父亲的愿望,加入久 负 盛名 的 飓风防御传单远程前哨巡逻的天空赞比西亚省安全。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Kai (a young Falcon) leaves his [...] remote outpost against his Father’s wishes [...] to join the prestigious Hurricane defense [...]flyers that patrol the skies keeping Zambezia safe. seekcartoon.com |
利用中国最富盛名的大 学之一清华大学世界一流的资源和人才,本项目将汇聚全球最顶尖的学生,我们希望他们有朝一日能够改变历史的进程。 china.blackstone.com | Leveraging the world-class resources and [...] talented people at Tsinghua University, one of [...] China’s most prestigious universities, [...]the program will bring together an exceptional [...]group of students who, we hope, will one day have the power to change the course of history. blackstone.com |
这个来自苏黎世的前卫设计钟表公司在4月份的Baselworld 2013发布他们的新款腕表Ventura SPARC Sigma MGS之前竟然已经获得了久负盛名的红 点设计2013年的奖项。 iontime.ch | The avantgarde design watch company from Zurich will launch the Ventura SPARC Sigma MGS at Baselworld 2013 in April only - but they’ve already won the prestigious Red Dot Design Award 2013. iontime.ch |
例如,在制造业久负盛名的美 国密歇根州的底特律市,因 为制造工厂转移到海外,那里流失了很多高薪工作岗位。 remminternational.com | An example would be the city of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, which has lost many well-paying jobs to offshore manufacturing. remminternational.com |
娜娜曾在世界上最负盛名的音 乐厅演唱,其中包括皇家艾伯特音乐厅(伦敦)、奥林匹亚音乐厅(巴黎)、卡内基音乐厅和林肯中心艾弗里费雪音乐厅(纽约)、悉尼歌剧院以及阿迪库斯音乐厅(雅典)。 unicef.org | She has performed in the [...] world's most prestigious concert halls, [...]among them the Royal Albert Hall (London), the Olympia [...](Paris), Carnegie Hall and Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Centre (New York), the Opera House in Sydney and Herod Atticus (Athens). unicef.org |
计划活动的科学内容不是事先严格确定的,而是取决于各国强调的需要 和与享有科学盛名的合作伙伴机构一起确定的可行性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The scientific profile of programme activities is not predetermined in a rigid way and depends on the needs highlighted [...] by countries and the opportunities for action identified together with partner [...] institutions of a high scientific repute. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在以托斯卡纳的山峰和基昂蒂酒庄为背景的祥和氛围中,拉坎蒂娜托斯卡纳酒吧为真正的行家准备了意大利久 负 盛名 的 红 酒。 msccruises.com.cn | True connoisseurs can find the most renowned Italian wines at La Cantina Toscana, a wine bar that welcomes guests into an environment inspired by the peaceful Tuscany hills and Chianti vineyards. msccruises.com.eg |
不過,蕭邦(Chopard)將不惜一切證明他的手錶LUC的價值它的範圍是最 負 盛名 的 想 法,加工和組裝的的工廠弗勒里耶和梅林,位於日內瓦附近。 zh.horloger-paris.com | But Chopard will stop at nothing to [...] prove the value of his watches LUC Its range [...] is the most prestigious thought, machined [...]and assembled by members of the factories [...]Fleurier and Meyrin, near Geneva. en.horloger-paris.com |
(b) 推廣優質設計和提高意識-香港設計中心舉辦多個獎勵計 劃,以表揚不同範疇的設計成就,例如亞洲最具影響力設計 大獎、設計領袖大獎和世界傑出華人設計師大獎,這些獎項 在設計界均享負盛名。 legco.gov.hk | (b) promoting design excellence and awareness – HKDC organises various award schemes to commend achievements in different areas of design, viz. the Design for Asia Award, the Design Leadership Award and the World’s Outstanding Chinese Designer Award. legco.gov.hk |
冲浪!雷格兰(Raglan)最富盛名的是 其长长的左手浪起浪点,同时也为冲浪新手提供了良好的冲浪条件。 cn.yha.co.nz | Best known for long peeling left-hand [...] point breaks, Raglan also offers ideal conditions for beginners and novice surfers. yha.co.nz |
有意攻讀東京高等教育的人,東京大學是一所頂尖的國立大學,早稻田大學與慶應義塾大学則是兩所頗 負 盛名 的 私 立大學。 seagate.com | And for those interested in pursuing higher education in Tokyo, the University [...] of Tokyo is the most respected state university, while Waseda and Keio are two private [...] universities held in high regard. seagate.com |
極致的動感融合了行車安全,穩定和舒適,這都是平治汽車一貫享 負 盛名 的 特 式。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Refined sportiness means maximum agility combined with the sense of safety, unspoilt driving stability and high levels of ride comfort which are all typical of the brand. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
舞蹈大赛决赛在久负盛名的纽约玫瑰岛舞厅举行,麦当娜和她的舞蹈指导从10名决赛选手中选中来自孟菲斯的Lil [...] Buck成为最后的获胜者。 tipschina.gov.cn | The final dance-off competition [...] took place at the historic Roseland [...] Ballroom in New York City where Madonna [...]and her choreographers selected Memphis native [...]Lil Buck as the winner from 10 global finalists. tipschina.gov.cn |
伯爵制1200P自动上链机芯与享誉盛名 的 12P机芯一脉相承,是目前世界上最为纤薄的机芯。 piaget.com.cn | Direct descendant of the legendary 12P movement, the 1200P is the thinnest automatic mechanical movement in the world. piaget.com |
哈尼夫先生(马来西亚)(以英语发言):我高兴地 就本议程项目发言,因为关于这一议题的讨论有助于 大会成为我们向来认知的世界上最负 盛名 的 政 府间 机构,它代表着 193 个会员国,讨论可对世界人民生 活产生影响的各类重大问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Malaysia): I am pleased to address an agenda item that could make the General Assembly what we have always known it to be, namely, the world’s most prestigious intergovernmental body, which represents 193 Member States, and discusses a wide range of critical issues that impact the lives of the world’s peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
对该网站访问量所作的分析表明,该网依然是一个久 负 盛名 的 品牌,是 传播联合国编制的人口资料的有用渠道,2008 [...] 年的访问量接近 15 万次。 daccess-ods.un.org | Analysis of traffic to the website shows that the Network remains a [...] well-established brand name and is a useful [...]channel for the dissemination of the population [...]information generated by the United Nations system, with the number of visits having totalled close to 150,000 in 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
军用和空间解决方案: Hittite 以技术创新、高性能、高质量的产品而享 有 盛名 , 为 军事应用和空间环境开发各类定制解决方案。 digikey.cn | Military & Space Solutions: Hittite has a strong reputation for technically innovative, high performance, quality products and provides a wide variety of custom solutions for military and space environments. digikey.ca |
蕭邦(Chopard):蕭邦(Chopard),並確認其著名的奢華珠寶,也提供了一個廣泛的手錶,如久 負 盛名 的 品 牌車型,如千(1000)Miglia酒店,LUC,臨也弗勒里耶的Quattro或監管機構或技術的鋼鐵之翼。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Chopard: known and recognized for its famous and luxurious jewelry, [...] Chopard also offers a wide range of watches [...] such as the prestigious brand models [...]such as the Thousand (1000) Miglia, the LUC, [...]the Pro One but also Fleurier Quattro or Regulator or the Tech Steel Wings. en.horloger-paris.com |
同時作為一個多才多藝的歌劇指揮家,他作為定期特邀的嘉賓在聖彼德堡歌劇院和裏姆斯基•柯薩科夫歌劇芭蕾舞劇院的經歷使他和久 負 盛名 的 馬 林斯基劇院的青年演員緊密合作,曲目範圍廣泛,從普賽爾到莫札特、威爾第和布裏頓。 hkphil.org | Also a versatile and highly-skilled conductor of opera, his years as a regular guest at the St. Petersburg Opera and the Rimsky-Korsakov State Opera & Ballet Theatre have enabled him to work closely with soloists from the Mariinsky Theatre Academy of Young Singers in a wide range of repertoire from Purcell to Mozart, Verdi and Britten. hkphil.org |
結合五代流傳下來的釘裝書籍技術及品質最上乘的製作原料,Leather Craftsmen 在製作手工攝影集行列中享負盛名達 7 0 多年,如今他們還與世界各位最具鑑賞品味的攝影家合作。 mammals.org | Combining five generations of custom bookbinder skills with the finest-quality materials, Leather Craftsmen has been proudly handcrafting photography albums for nearly 70 years and works with some of the world’s most discriminating photographers. mammals.org |
爱彼今年二度担任这场艺术盛会的主要赞助厂商和官方计时伙伴,并有幸邀请到享 誉 盛名 的 时 尚插画大师阿尔图罗·埃林纳 (Arturo [...] Elena)出任客座艺术家与合作伙伴。 audemarspiguet.com | A main sponsor and official timekeeper of the fair for the [...] second year running, Audemars Piguet was [...] delighted to have renowned fashion illustrator, [...]Arturo Elena, as their guest and collaborator. audemarspiguet.com |
埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯教授是享有 盛名 的 专门研究国际法的法学家,拥 有广泛的学术和研究经验,这反映在国际公法和欧洲联盟法各领域所引用的大 [...] 量专业出版物中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Professor Escobar [...] Hernández is a prestigious jurist specializing [...]in International Law and has broad academic and research [...]experience, which is reflected in a significant number of specialist publications referenced in various sectors of public international law and the law of the European Union. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010年4月14日,美國胃腸內視鏡外科醫學會(SAGES)於華盛頓特區舉辦外科世界大會時,頒發該學會最 負 盛名 的 獎項給Marescaux教授,肯定其在外科領域的傑出成就。 websurg.com | Last April 14, 2010, during the World [...] Congress of Surgery that [...] was held in Washington DC, the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) gave Professor Marescaux his most prestigious Award for [...]the “accomplishment of his surgical masterpiece”. websurg.com |
法國的餐桌藝術和美酒佳餚成為22日晚宴的焦點,享 負 盛名 的 香 港四季酒店Caprice餐廳(米芝蓮三星)的法國大廚Vincent Thierry爲客人特別設計了一系列精緻菜式。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Dinner on November 22 also put a spotlight on tableware and French cuisine, offering guests a menu prepared by French chef Vincent Thierry, of which the Caprice Restaurant at Four Seasons is the only restaurant able to to claim to have received the prestigious three Michelin stars in Hong Kong. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
此外,Carlos每天花费数个钟头,待在健身房中进行游泳、瑜珈与皮拉提斯的训练,也因而确实成功地使体能回复到其首次被视为国际潜水界,一位最负国 际 盛名 菁 英时期的最佳状态。 oris.ch | Spending hours each day in the gym, swimming, doing yoga and [...] pilates has helped Carlos return to the kind of form that first made him [...] one of the biggest names in international [...]freediving. oris.ch |
这个城市被分为6经济规划区的历史 - 最负盛名的区 域,商务中心,在那里的尸体 管理 [...] 区域和城市,独特的商店,餐馆,办公室和建筑物的建筑和历史价值,该中心 - 建60的“小号简单的架构,建筑物,具有高活动的业务和有吸引力的位置,中间的 - 几乎所有其他的城市区域,外设 [...]- §劳动,半岛沙,岛屿,一些离岛街道,度假区(A) - 阿穆尔州墨西哥湾沿岸,私人楼宇,度假村,森林,旅游(Y)乌苏里湾海岸,休闲和旅游,森林。 zh-cn.import40.ru | The city is divided into 6 economic planning zones: [...] Historical - the most prestigious area, a business [...]center, where the bodies Management region [...]and the city, exclusive shops, restaurants, offices and buildings of architectural and historical value, the center - built with 60-'s simple architecture, buildings, characterized by high activity of the business and is attractive for its location, the middle - almost all of the rest of the urban area, the peripheral - § Labour, Peninsula Sandy, islands, a number of outlying streets, resort (A) - Amur Gulf Coast, private buildings, resorts, forests, tourist (Y) Ussuri Gulf coast, recreation and tourism, forest. en.import40.ru |