单词 | 盛会 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 盛会 —distinguished meetingExamples:盛大晚会 n—gala n 盛大舞会—grand ball See also:盛—vigorous • magnificent • ladle • extensively • contain • surname Sheng • pick up with a utensil
在精彩不停演的邮轮上,剧场演出、歌舞表演、音 乐 盛会 、 竞 技比赛、K歌之夜以及更多的项目期待着您的尝试和发现。 msccruises.com.cn | Theatre productions, cabaret shows, musical performances, sports tournaments, karaoke nights and so much more await you, for a cruise marked by fun-filled days and thrilling nights. msccruises.com.eg |
里奇Wildebrat,一个孩子在Mac的学校,不断吹嘘他的想象中的朋友,布雷克高级及他们将如何赢得想象中的朋友才艺表 演 盛会。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Richie Wildebrat, a kid at Mac's School, keeps bragging about his imaginary friend, Blake Superior and how they'll win the imaginary friend talent show pageant. mt.seekcartoon.com |
这一重大的国际盛会成为 一次独特的沟通纽带,紧密的连接着赞助商与奥运会。 samdecaux.com | This major international event is also a unique opportunity for official sponsors to communicate on the passion around the Olympic Games. samdecaux.com |
我们 期待这些盛会,它们可以让我们与您分享我们的愿景,让您更深入地 [...] 了解我们如何能共同创造无限的可能性。 glenraven.com | We look forward to these events that will allow [...] us to share our vision with you and learn more about how we can create endless possibilities together. glenraven.com |
因此,我确实希望自己随时以一个旁观者的中立眼光来看 待这一盛会,对参加这一盛会,我 当然极为自豪,更何况正如大家所知,有六百多位与 会者,其中有八十位部长、十位教育部副部长、九个政府间组织和十三个非政府组织, 他们来自教科文组织的一百二十七个会员国,我就更引为自豪了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | I am here as a “notary”, and I have therefore genuinely tried – at every moment – to keep a neutral, outsider’s eye on this event, in which I am obviously extremely proud to have participated, particularly since, as you know, there are more than 600 registered participants, including 80 ministers and 10 deputy ministers of education, nine intergovernmental organizations and thirteen NGOs from UNESCO’s 127 Member States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
今年是德勤连续第七年担任这项亚洲国 际 盛会 的 智 力支持伙伴。 deloitte.com | This is the 7th consecutive year for Deloitte as the Intellectual Supporting Partner of this [...] premier international forum in Asia. deloitte.com |
而上海机场内主要品牌,例如Visa为了迎合此 次 盛会 而 推 出一系列不同形式的广告宣传,另外Omega,也在浦东机场推出了全新的广告。 samdecaux.com | This is the case of major brands in Shanghai Airports, such as Visa that is displaying a campaign on different networks, as well as Omega, who launched a new campaign this month in Pudong Airport. samdecaux.com |
看看 Linux 多大、多重要挺不错的,LinuxTag 是一个 Linux 的成绩的向公众的展示,但在这里少了一些在其他 Linux 盛会上面的研讨会的气氛。 bsdmap.com | It was good to see how big and important Linux is and LinuxTag is a [...] presentation/exhibition of the [...] Linux success to the public but I really missed the enthusiastic workshop atmosphere that you find at other Linux events. bsdmap.com |
文化表达自由不仅是一项受到承认的权利,事实上政府还通过艺术 [...] 和多元文化部予以大力促进,为社区不同团体和文化组织提供资助,用以支付举 办大型文化活动和节日盛会的费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Freedom of cultural expression is not only a recognized right, but is in fact nurtured by the Government through the Ministry of the Arts and Multiculturalism, by providing [...] subventions to community groups and cultural organisations, to defray the [...] costs of staging major cultural events [...]and festivals. daccess-ods.un.org |
不管是去发现笼罩在神话和民间传说的自然美景,还是参加各种节 日 盛会 , 参 观博物馆与美术馆,带孩子来爱尔兰岛旅游,您永远不愁找不到事情做,而且全程花费也绝对物超所值!您既可以在海岸线边一望无垠的金色沙滩上无限时嬉戏玩闹,也可以漫步在爱尔兰的国家公园,尽情欣赏绝色景致。 discoverireland.com | Whether it’s to discover a landscape drenched in myth and folklore or to visit some fantastic festivals, museums and galleries, a trip with the kids to the island of Ireland means you’ll never be short of something to do – and all without spending a fortune! discoverireland.com |
这是 2003 年全球最大型的体育盛会,凝 结了爱尔兰人民的心血和想象力。 specialolympics.org | It is the world's largest sporting event in 2003, capturing the hearts and imaginations of the Irish people. specialolympics.org |
来教科文组织总部参加这一盛会的有 400 多个最活跃的 会员国、非政府组织、政府间组织、教科文组织教席, 通过这次活动,证明了教科文组织的力量在于其发展牢 固的合作伙伴关系的能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This activity, which brought together at UNESCO Headquarters more than 400 of the most active participants (Member States, NGOs, IGOs, UNESCO Chairs), proved that UNESCO’s strength lies in its capacity to develop sound partnerships. unesdoc.unesco.org |
瑞士财政部长Joseph Deiss先生亦亲临盛会,发表了一段简短的演说,其中在场的重要人士还包括日内瓦经济、职业及外交事务部长Carlo Lamprecht先生、日内瓦市长Pierre Muller先生,以及多国的政经、外交与文化界的名人。 vacheron-constantin.com | It was honoured by a speech given by the Swiss Minister of Finance, Mr. Joseph Deiss, as well as the presence of numerous personalities including Mr. Carlo Lamprecht, Geneva State Councillor for Economic Affairs, Employment and External Affairs and the Mayor of the City of Geneva, Pierre Muller. vacheron-constantin.com |
我以北大西洋公约组织(北约)的名义在 此 盛会 发言,感到非常荣幸,对安全理事会轮值主席中国张 业遂大使的邀请,也表示衷心感谢。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the President of the Security Council, Ambassador Zhang Yesui of China, for his invitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
这次盛会创造了参与人数之最,来自 164 个国家/地区的 7,500 多名运动员参与其中。 specialolympics.org | Participation is at a record high -- bringing together more than 7,500 athletes from 164 countries participating. specialolympics.org |
科尔比先生(也门)(以英语发言):我很高兴在本 次盛会以也 门共和国总统兼 77 国集团加中国主席阿 里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫先生阁下的名义发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Yemen): I am pleased to deliver this statement on behalf of His Excellency Mr. Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of the Republic of Yemen and Chairman of the Group of 77 and China, on this auspicious occasion. daccess-ods.un.org |
RUR总裁兼“2013’世界杯7人制橄榄球赛”管理副总裁Vyacheslav Kopiev说:“我们衷心盼望举办这个最大规模的‘7人制橄榄球 ’ 盛会 , 这 是橄榄球和音乐的真正狂欢。 csm.com | Vyacheslav Kopiev, President of the RUR and deputy Managing Director of RWC Sevens 2013 LOC, said, “ We are really looking forward to hosting what will be the biggest Rugby Sevens party yet; a true festival of Rugby and music. csm.com |
此奖是在伦敦召开的数据中心行业领袖年 度 盛会 Data Centers Europe(欧洲数据中心大会)上颁发的。 equinix.cn | This award was presented at Data Centers Europe, the annual industry event held in London for business leaders in the data center sector. equinix.ae |
此次盛会由SIPLACE公司团队发起和组织,目标是要加强和进一步扩大这个由SIPLACE公司专家、领先的国际电子制造商以及SIPLACE公司合作伙伴组成的网络,通过精益、灵活的流程,共同为电子制造商寻找提高产品质量,优化产品成本结构的方法。 tipschina.gov.cn | The objective of the event, initiated and organized by the SIPLACE team, was to strengthen and further expand the innovation network -- comprising SIPLACE experts, leading international electronics manufacturers and SIPLACE partners -- in order to jointly find ways of optimizing the production quality and cost structure of electronics manufacturers through lean and flexible processes. tipschina.gov.cn |
历时13天的国际集成电路研讨会暨展览会(IIC-China),终于完满结束,虽然半导体产业在2008年饱受全球金融危机的冲击,但作为中国最具影响力的系统设计与高端元器件采 购 盛会 , 仍吸引了多达360家国际半导体巨头及中国本土厂商在700多个展位上展示他们的最新产品。 cytech.com | Although the semiconductor industry is suffering from the global financial crisis in 2008, but as China's most [...] influential and high-end system design element [...] device procurement event, IIC China still [...]attracted as many as 360 international semiconductor [...]giants and Chinese domestic manufacturers to display their latest products at more than 700 booths. cytech.com |
奢华的比基尼将成为盛会之夜 时 装秀的顶级展品(10月21日),10月22-23日的日常展览上也会展出。 interfiliere.com | The luxury bikini will be the grand final of the Gala Night Fashion show (on Oct. 21) and daily shows on Oct. 22 -23. interfiliere.com |
在未来两年,我们的工作重点将集中在四个领域:首先,协助会员商家全面提高生产力;第二,善用资源,扩大海外市场;第三,全力以赴,完成两 大 盛会 ; 第 四,促进国民团结,增强社会凝聚力。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | In the next two years, our work will centre on four core areas: firstly, to help our member companies to raise their productivity; second, to harness resources in venturing to overseas markets; third, to bring to fruition two mammoth events; and fourth, to promote national unity and strengthen social cohesion. english.sccci.org.sg |
在蒙特卡洛体育中心星光大厅的盛会 , 各 种国际展览,音乐会,歌剧,在卡尼尔大厅的爵士乐,Grimaldi论坛等,当然还有令人兴奋的SBM旗下的博彩业。 luxe-immo.com | On the programme: galas at the Monte-Carlo Sporting’s Salle des Étoiles, a wide variety of international shows, concerts, opera and jazz in the exquisite Salle Garnier, Grimaldi Forum and other venues, and of course the exhilarating immersion into a universe of gaming in the SBM’s establishments. luxe-immo.com |
作为中国地区最具规模的半导体照明行业年 度 盛会 之 一,第九届中国国际半导体照明展览会暨论坛(China SSL Conference 2012)吸引了众多行业精英和政府要员齐聚一堂。 aixtron.com | At this year's China SSL Conference, one of the largest annual events in the solid state lighting industry, where top industry elite and key government representatives meet, AIXTRON again hosted an MOCVD seminar along with the China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSA), with presentations by leading industry experts. aixtron.com |
爱彼今年二度担任这场艺术盛会的主 要赞助厂商和官方计时伙伴,并有幸邀请到享誉盛名的时尚插画大师阿尔图罗·埃林纳 (Arturo Elena)出任客座艺术家与合作伙伴。 audemarspiguet.com | A main sponsor and official timekeeper of the fair for the second year running, Audemars Piguet was delighted to have renowned fashion illustrator, Arturo Elena, as their guest and collaborator. audemarspiguet.com |