单词 | 盛事 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 盛事 —grand occasionSee also:盛—vigorous • magnificent • ladle • extensively • contain • pick up with a utensil • surname Sheng
(e) 最好能得知是否有旅客專程來港參加獲資 助 盛事 , 以 及有關 旅客的數目等有用的資料。 legco.gov.hk | (e) it would be useful to know whether there were, and if so how many, visitors had come to Hong Kong [...] specifically for the supported events. legco.gov.hk |
我們打 算 招募人數較 原來預算為多 [...] 的義務工作人員,讓 社 會各界更 積 極 參 與 這項盛事。 legco.gov.hk | We aim to recruit more volunteers than originally estimated so as to enhance community [...] participation in the event. legco.gov.hk |
我们已经在建设长远基础设施,包括筹备非洲国 家杯足球赛,2012年加蓬将与赤道几内亚一道共同主 办这一盛事。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are already building strategic [...] infrastructure, including preparations for the [...] African Cup of Nations, which Gabon will host in 2012 together [...]with Equatorial Guinea. daccess-ods.un.org |
Oosthuizen 先生指出,2010 年对于非洲大陆将是重要的一年,世界杯足球比赛将在这 [...] 里举办,他邀请大会所有与会者前来参加这一体 育 盛事。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Mr Oosthuizen stated that 2010 would be an important year for the African continent as it played host of [...] the World Football Cup and he extended an invitation to all of the Conference participants to [...] attend this sporting event. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我們相信Oris [...] Divers鈦合金潛水表他的Oris潛水腕表將會是他旅行全世界參與滑雪運 動 盛事 時 的 最佳伙伴。 oris.ch | We are sure that his Oris Divers [...] Titan Date will prove to be the perfect companion as he travels the world with ORF [...] commentating on the great skiing events. oris.ch |
每四年 一度舉行之東亞運動會,是亞洲體育界備受矚目 的 盛事。 asiasat.com | Held every four years, the East Asian [...] Games is a major event in the Asian [...]sporting calendar. asiasat.com |
作為亞洲區內穩踞領導 地位之衛星營運商,亞洲衛星所擁有及經營的衛星,為客戶 將奧運會及其他體壇盛事之電視現場直播畫面,傳送給 人口密集的亞太區市場內之廣大觀眾。 asiasat.com | The Group owns and operates three satellites, which are located in prime geo-stationary positions over the Asian landmass and provide access to two-thirds of the world’s population. asiasat.com |
此外,1970年F1赛季是赛车史上最充满戏剧化 的 盛事 之 一,当时聚焦于纯粹竞赛,车手们在赛道上驰骋奋战,并不时出现令人惊奇、又时而惊险的画面。 oris.ch | The 1970 Formula One season was one of the most dramatic in the sport’s history. oris.ch |
该提案计划在 2010 年举办两次与水资源有关的国际盛事。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft resolution proposed to hold two major international [...] water-related events in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
通 过参与国际性的艺术盛事(瓦 加杜古艺术家国际沙龙、巴黎博览会、Maison [...] & Objet 巴黎家居装饰博览会、美国圣达菲国际民间艺术节),艺术家之间的联系 得到加强。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Through the participation in [...] international events (SIAO, Foire [...]de Paris, Maison & Objet, the Santa Fe Folk’Art Market), [...]artisans have reinforced their professional networks. unesdoc.unesco.org |
回應公眾對高質素戶外音樂和藝術節的渴求,Clockenflap於2007年成立,去年已發展成為吸引一萬八千名市民齊集西九龍海濱長廊的音樂及藝 術 盛事。 frenchmay.com | Responding to the public’s hunger for a high-quality outdoor music and arts [...] festival, Clockenflap was established in [...] 2007 and has grown to attract 18,000 festival goers at [...]the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade. frenchmay.com |
銀河娛樂集團總裁及首席營運總監萬卓祺先生表示:「對於再度與Double R [...] Racing車隊合作,以及能夠繼續支持澳門格蘭披治大賽車這項重要的國 際 盛事 , 把世界頂級賽車手帶到澳門,我們感到萬二分興奮。 galaxymacau.com | Commenting on the announcement, Mr. Michael Mecca, President and COO, Galaxy Entertainment Group said: “We are incredibly excited to be once again partnering with [...] Double R Racing and continuing to support [...] the Macau Grand Prix’s rich heritage [...]of bringing the best drivers in the world to the city. galaxymacau.com |
香港無線射頻識別大獎是一年一度的業 界 盛事 , 旨在表揚那些成功創新、開發或推行RFID技術,及為商業活動和日常生活創優増值的業界先驅。 ipress.com.hk | The Hong Kong RFID Awards is an [...] annual industry event designed to honor [...]and give recognition to local companies that have [...]demonstrated excellence in the innovation, development or implementation of RFID technology that create value for business and life. ipress.com.hk |
中國主要葡萄酒進口商之一ASC Fine Wines 的年度品酒盛事於今 年首度由香港伸延至澳門,並將於11月28日假澳門威尼斯人®-度假村-酒店的高級意大利餐廳碧濤意國漁鄉舉行。 yp.mo | The annual fine wine tasting fair in Hong Kong organised by one of China’s leading fine wine importers, ASC Fine Wines, will for the first time be extended to Macao at The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel’s Portofino Restaurant on November 28. yp.mo |
我想,对海内外商家来说,这是可喜可贺 的 盛事 , 也 是难得的学习与交流机会。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | I believe that this gathering of three generations of entrepreneurs from different backgrounds to exchange their experiences will create a rare opportunity for learning and networking. english.sccci.org.sg |
在运动方面,居住在摩纳哥意味着有一个很好的机会参加到世界级 的 盛事 , 如 蒙特卡洛拉力赛(摩纳哥汽车俱乐部)、普里莫杯(摩纳哥游艇俱乐部)、网球大师系列蒙特卡洛赛(蒙特卡洛乡村俱乐部)、F1和F3大奖赛(摩纳哥汽车俱乐部)和蒙特卡洛国际马术障碍赛等。 luxe-immo.com | In the sports arena, living in [...] Monaco means having the opportunity to [...] attend world class events such as the Monte-Carlo [...]Rally (Automobile Club de Monaco), [...]the Primo Cup (Yacht Club de Monaco), the Tennis Masters Series Monte-Carlo (Monte-Carlo Country Club), the F1 and F3 Grand Prix (Automobile Club de Monaco), Jumping international of Monte-Carlo and the international Herculis (Fédération Monégasque d’Athlétisme) athletics meeting... luxe-immo.com |
这项国际盛事提供 了宝贵机会,让国际社会 的从业员及持份者分享心得和经验,以进一步拓展无障碍运输和旅游。 daccess-ods.un.org | This international event provides a valuable [...] opportunity for practitioners and stakeholders of the international community [...]to share their knowledge and experiences in promoting accessible transportation and travel. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界足球盛事舉行在即,Sony Ericsson將全力贊助「2010 [...] 港鐵廣告足球狂熱控球挑戰賽」,讓廣大市民參與其中。 ipress.com.hk | With the world・s [...] biggest soccer event just around the [...]corner and in an effort to bring more opportunities for sports enjoyment [...]to our community, Sony Ericsson proudly sponsors the '2010 MTR Advertising Soccer Fever - Ball Controlling Challenge・, a football controlling skill contest that is open to the public. ipress.com.hk |
请加入我们 ,一同创造令人难忘的全球盛事,将肝炎永久载入世界纪录的图书中 worldhepatitisalliance.org | Please join us in creating an [...] unforgettable global event and help hepatitis [...]achieve a permanent place in the record books! worldhepatitisalliance.org |
全新的城市版全力掌握香港市民关注的本地新闻故事、相关信息及有趣观点 ,包括热点话题及各种有趣新发现;城市版会以简易的列表编排,提供每日全面的城中活动信息,亦会采用全新易用的电视节目表;而CitySeen专栏则会采访和报导城中最精彩热闹之名 人 盛事 , 让 读者紧贴社会潮流信息。 tipschina.gov.cn | From hot topics to cool new discoveries, City section will feature new, easy navigation, daily listings for those planning their social calendars, a new easy-to-use TV listings [...] page, and CitySeen, [...] which will get readers right into Hong Kong's social scene with more daily coverage of the best events in town. tipschina.gov.cn |
香港電腦學會希望鼓勵業界參與更多類似香港國際電腦會議及 APICTA 等國際 性的資訊科技盛事,亦 希望政府繼續支持香港資訊及通訊科技的發展,令更多香港的科技公 [...] 司可以發揮潛能,協助將香港科技向世界水平邁進,為香港開創出智識型經濟下行業發展的 新方向。 hkcs.org.hk | HKCS encourage the industry to [...] participate in ICT events like HKICC and [...]APICTA, and hope the government continually supporting [...]ICT development in Hong Kong, which could explore the most potential of local technology firms, promote Hong Kong’s technology to world class standard and hence inaugurate a new development direction for ICT industry under current Knowledge Economy. hkcs.org.hk |
他敦促所有会员国和所有相关利益 [...] 攸关方尽可能在最高级别积极参与这 次 盛事 , 这 次 对话将成为发展筹资问题后续进程的主要政府间协 [...]调中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | He urged all Member States and all relevant stakeholders to participate [...] actively, at the highest possible level, in [...] that important event which served as [...]the main intergovernmental focal point of [...]the financing for development follow-up process. daccess-ods.un.org |
歇尔·多尼戈尔国际拉力赛(The Shell Donegal International [...] Rally)已经屹立爱尔兰赛车运动前沿达35年之久,拥有世界上最精险的舞台;阿尔斯特大奖赛(Ulster Grand [...] Prix)自1922年设立以来便一直是爱尔兰路面赛车爱好者 的 盛事 ; 而 西北200(North West 200)拥有号称世界最快赛道。 discoverireland.com | The Shell Donegal International Rally has been at the forefront of Irish motorsports for the last 35 years and boasts some of the world’s most thrilling stages; while the Ulster Grand Prix has been going since 1922 and is one of the premier events in Ireland for fans [...] of motor cycle road racing; along with North [...] West 200, which has a circuit reputed [...]to be one of the fastest in the world. discoverireland.com |
香港電腦學會除對各位贊助商深表謝意外,亦希望透過如亞太資訊及通訊科技 大獎的大型盛事或活 動,呼籲更多年青生力軍投身資訊科技行業,共同為業界及社會經濟發 展作出貢獻。 hkcs.org.hk | HKCS appreciates so much their kind support and hope to encourage more young talents to join the ICT industry for the betterment of the industry and social economic development through significant events and activities such as APICTA. hkcs.org.hk |
直到2011年10月24日,随着北京高院的一纸判决,长达六年之久的无极灯专利侵权纠纷案以宏源照明的全面胜诉而告终,这不仅对于宏源,乃至对于整个照明行业,都是具有非凡意义的一 件 盛事。 cn.lvd.cc | Thus, the rapid development pace had to slow down. Until October 24, 2011, the 6-year lawsuit ended up with Hongyuan’s winning from the judgment from the [...] Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality, [...] which was a great event for Hongyuan and [...]for the lighting industry as a whole. en.lvd.cc |
中国纺织工业盛事 增设 全新主题展区 国际纺织展领导行业升级转型 「第十六届上海国际纺织工业展览会」(简称 ShanghaiTex 2013 /上海纺织展 2013) 将于2013年6月10至13日在上海新国际博览中心再度隆重举行。 shanghaitexonline.com | A series of machinery: Spinning Machinery, Knitting Machinery, Weaving Machinery, Textile Spare Parts , etc. Since its debut in 1984, International Textile Exhibition ( ShanghaiTex) has become the congregation of industry professionals, making it the ultimate trading and technology exchange marketplace in the textile and textile machinery industry. shanghaitexonline.com |
一年一度的中葡文化盛事「中 國-葡語國家文化週」將於10月12 – 18日在議事亭前地、友誼廣場等地點舉行,今年的精彩節目包括手工藝市集、大巡遊、美食推介、藝術品展覽及中國、葡語國家特色歌舞表演。 yp.mo | The annual Cultural Week of China and Portuguese [...] Speaking Countries will be held from October 12th to 18th at the various [...]places like Senado Square and Friendship Plaza etc. The exciting program lineups for this year include the handicraft bazaar, the major procession, cuisine tasting, art exhibitions as all as special song and dance items from Chinese and Portuguese-speaking countries. yp.mo |
指標「2010 年財富管理大奬」為香港財富管理行業 的 盛事 之 一 ,旨在嘉許在創新精神、 最佳守則及企業管治方面有傑出表現的金融服務機構及業界領袖。 aia.com.hk | Organised by Benchmark magazine, the Awards remain one of the first in Hong Kong to recognise providers and noteworthy individuals in the market who bring innovation, best practices and excellent governance to the forefront of the finance industry. aia.com.hk |