

单词 盘陀路

See also:

盘陀 n

spiral n

make over
classifier for coils of wire
classifier for food: dish, helping
classifier for games of chess
transfer (property)

steep bank

External sources (not reviewed)

藉由自动追踪天体或卫星来设定位置或方位的天 陀 螺 罗 盘 和 其 它装 置,以及为其专门设计的组件。
Gyro-astro compasses and other devices which [...]
derive position or orientation by means of automatically tracking celestial
bodies or satellites, and specially designed components therefor.
位于12点位置的动力储备显示与位于6点钟位置的形状像刹 盘 的 陀 飞 轮 夹板相对。
The power-reserve display at 12 o'clock is
[...] positioned opposite the tourbillon bridge at 6 o'clock, shaped like a brake disc.
这些信息包括 ASM 磁盘的路径、数据文件的名称、数据库的平台、数据库的版本、数据库 在使用裸设备的情况下确认裸设备是否存在头部偏移。
The information includes the path of ASM disk, datafile name, [...]
database platform, database version, the existence of the
datafile header offset in the case of using raw device.
行动方式包括:在埃塞俄比亚的学校中广泛 地发放了用阿姆哈拉语制作的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的一系列录象带;举办了如何制作只读盘和网 站的讲习班(埃塞俄比亚和尼日尔)和教育信息技术高级培训班(乌干达和津巴布 韦);将关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的电子图书馆译成法文和葡萄牙文;支持了苏丹科技大学 (SUST)和比陀利亚 大学为教育学硕士开展的利用教育信息传播技术的联合计划。
Modalities of action have included: a series of videos on HIV/AIDS in Amharic, widely distributed in Ethiopian
schools; workshops on how
[...] to make CD-ROMs and websites (Ethiopia and Niger) and advanced courses in IT training for education (Uganda and Zimbabwe); the Electronic Library on HIV/AIDS translated into French and Portuguese; and support to the Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) and Pretoria University [...]
joint programme for
the M.Ed in the Use of ICTs for Education.
路 抵达直布陀的旅客主要是来自西班牙的一日游旅客;搭机游客主要来自联合王 国;乘船抵达者包括从摩洛哥乘轮渡来的游客,以及乘游轮一日游的游客。
Arrivals by land comprise mainly day visitors arriving from Spain; arrivals by air are primarily [...]
from the United Kingdom;
arrivals by sea include ferry arrivals from Morocco and day trips from cruise ships.
其特点是手工雕刻的放射状玑镂花纹 盘 和 一 个 陀 飞 轮开窗 — 让人得以一睹这款稀世手表内复杂精巧的机械结构。
Featuring a hand engraved
[...] Sunburst Guilloche dial and a tourbillon window — offering [...]
a glimpse of the complicated mechanics in this rare timepiece.
也在卫塞节这一天,陀得道,并且 陀 八 十岁 涅 盘 仍 在卫塞节这一天。
It was also on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha attained enlightenment, and it was on the Day of Vesak that the Buddha in his eightieth year passed away.
今天,少數族裔的《中國 語文課程補充指引》其實並未完善;按此撰寫的中文教科書,只是實驗性的 起步,這是我們探訪學校所看到的;教科書更要解決中小學的銜接問題,配 合 GCSE 的考試要求;少數族裔學童融入主流學校,仍然未能發展出理想的 模式;少數族裔學童的中文水平差異,也造成教學上的重大困難,有需要總 結一些有效的教學方法;少數族裔升學和就業 路 , 仍 是荊棘滿途。
To date, there is still much room for improvement in the Supplementary Guide to the Chinese Language Curriculum for ethnic minorities. As can be observed during our school visits, Chinese Language textbooks compiled in accordance with this Supplementary Guide are only an experimental first step, and issues like the bridging over of the primary and secondary textbooks and how to tie in with the requirements of GCSE have yet to be resolved; an ideal mode for the integration of ethnic minority students into mainstream schools remains to be developed; the great discrepancy in the Chinese standard between ethnic minority students has also posed immense difficulties in teaching, which calls for the need to consolidate effective teaching methods; and ethnic minorities' pursuit of education and employment, which is still filled with twists and turns, is also a difficulty and a challenge to be overcome by society and the education sector as a whole.
这一制表理念促使伯爵表厂在不断突破“超薄”极限的同时,勇于颠覆高级制表的传统特质,表厂最新研发的复杂功能机芯便是明证:该枚自动上链陀飞轮机芯的表桥和 陀 从 表 盘 一 面 清晰可见。
This philosophy leads it to consistently push the boundaries of extreme slenderness, as well as to overturn existing fine watchmaking conventions, as in the latest complicated caliber to emerge
from the Manufacture: an
[...] automatic tourbillon movement that reveals its bridges and oscillating weight through the dial side.
通常文件损坏是因为磁盘驱动器发生机械性的损坏、外部磁场干扰碟片上铁原子的方向、不稳定的传输 ( 将数据复制到可携式的 保存媒体,例如:盘片、光盘片、 FTP传输 线 路 不 良 …等 ) 所造成的。
Common causes of file damage are mechanical failure in the disk platter, mechanical failure in the head armature, head wear, external magnetic fields corrupting the
orientating of the iron
[...] atoms on the hard disk, and garbled transmission (happens when files are copied to removable media like floppies, CDs, jumpdrives, ftp-ed over noisy lines, etc.).
EC235D 是 大 型 设 备, 其 安 装 有 超 大 的 重 型盘, 可 在 颠路面防止设备扭曲、 变形。
The larger EC235D has an oversized heavy-duty undercarriage to protect against twisting and deformation on demanding terrain.
所以我们可以在路 (这在方盘上的行为)、 疲劳的探测器、 向导长灯、 氙气大灯、 LED 尾灯、 [...]
雾灯与光旋转中添加向导维护,前面座位和后方加热,电动调节前排座椅、 防盗、 系统的高功率音响与低音炮,GPS 导航系统报警助理的半独立泊车、
无钥匙起动器、 装饰面料和皮革、 阿尔坎塔拉和皮革和完全的皮革、 更多的抽屉和存储和照明解决方案,网络的行李,遮阳后保险杠、 镀铬外墙 (为窗口) 包,18"铝合金轮毂、 培训体育射击、 挡风、 玻璃屋顶和当然油漆金属 (除其他外)。
So we can add Wizard maintenance in rail (which acts [...]
on the steering wheel), the detector of fatigue, the wizard long lights,
xenon headlights, the LED rear lights, fog lights with light rotation, front seats and rear heated, power-adjustable front seats, anti-theft, system of high power sound with subwoofer, GPS navigation system alarm, Assistant of semi-autonomous parking, starter keyless, upholstery fabric and leather, alcantara and leather and entirely of leather, more drawers and storage and lighting solutions, networks for luggage, sunshade rear bumper, chrome exterior (for Windows) package, 18 "alloy wheels, train sports shooting, athermic windscreen, roof of glass and of course paint metallic (among other things).
Sellita编号为SW300的自动上链机械机芯,配有Dubois-Depraz DD9234组件、21枚宝石轴承、经过特别设 计的自盘和带有摩陀的红 色“M”形标志。
Mechanical, self-winding Sellita caliber SW300 with Dubois-Depraz DD9234 complication; 21
[...] jewels; customdesigned rotor with red Movado “M” silhouette.
关于进出直布陀的陆路运输 ,在科尔多巴商定并于 2006 年 12 月 20 日生 效的协定继续有效,其中包括在边境/栅栏处开通双向通道,并为人员车辆开设 [...]
Regarding road transportation in and out of Gibraltar, the [...]
arrangements agreed upon at Córdoba and which came into force
on 20 December 2006, including the introduction at the fence/frontier of lanes in both directions and red and green channels for both people and vehicles, continue to be in place.
若论这款全新高度复杂腕表的瞩目之处,当非 盘 的 恒 力 陀 飞 轮 莫属。
The most conspicuous feature of this new and highly complex timepiece is
[...] the constant-force tourbillon, which dominates [...]
the dial.
然而,对于新浪微博来说,路可能 遍布荆棘。他们一方面忙于设法使其服务货币化,另一方面又要兼顾(品牌和终端用户的)高质量的用户体验,除此之外还要管理向移动客户端的过渡(其占有新浪微博50%的流量,却仅贡献15%的收益)。
However the road ahead may be rockier [...]
for Sina Weibo as it scrambles for ways to monetize its services, maintain a quality
experience (for both brands and end users) and manage the transition to mobile (that represents 50% of its traffic but only 15% of its revenue).
通常情况下只需要填入盘路径即 可,但是正如上面所述, 盘路 径前 1 列也必须要填入, ODU 能够自动识别 ASM 磁盘信息的情况下,第 1 列简单地填入 0 即可。
Usually we only need
[...] to fill the DISK PATH, but as mentioned above, the former column before the DISK PATH must also [...]
be filled, if the ASM
disk header is intact, simply fill the first column with zero is enough.
凭借Galet微型陀,罗 伦斐研发出了其独有的双正向脉冲自然擒纵装置辅助棘轮式微型 陀 自 动 上链系统。
With its Galet Micro-Rotor, it has developed its own pawl-fitted micro-rotor self-winding system, assisted by a double direct-impulse natural escapement.
總 的來說,政府如要爭取公眾支持填海,除了要處理環保、補償及造價
[...] 等問題外,亦必須證明政府已經盡力就其他供地方式提出方案,否則 填海路將荊棘滿途。
In general, if the Government wants to gain public support for reclamation, apart from addressing issues such as environmental protection, compensation and construction costs, it must prove that it has made
its best effort to propose other options of land supply;
[...] otherwise, the path to reclamation [...]
will be beset with obstacles.
在科尔多巴商定并于 2006 年 12 月生效的关于进出直布陀的陆路运 输 协定 继续有效,其中包括在边境/栅栏处开通双向通道,并为人员车辆开设红色和绿 色通道。
They included the introduction at the fence/frontier of lanes in both directions, and red and green channels for both people and vehicles.
另外,Coupe车型能带来比四门轿车更强烈的速度感与操控感,驾驶者很容易便会迷恋在排气声浪的呼啸声、传递自 盘 的 路 面 信 息中。
Also, with the Coupe’s ability to bring a stronger feeling of speed and maneuverability, drivers will
easily fall in love with the roaring sound of the engine and
[...] the feeling of the road communicated through [...]
the framework.
透过Rialto表款在6点钟位置的镂空表盘可以看到其精致复杂的擒纵机 盘 踞 于 陀 飞 轮 框架之内,陀飞轮每60秒转动一次,以此抵消地球重力造成的位置变化对腕表精度所带来的影响,同时也为表盘增添了生动气息,令人爱不释手。
At 6 o’clock, the open dial architecture helps to showcase
Rialto’s intricately engineered
[...] escapement, mounted in a tourbillon cage that rotates [...]
once every 60 seconds so as to maximise
timekeeping precision by averaging the effects of positional variations caused by gravity, while providing the dial with some delightful animation.
一位好奇的章节给出了丢失的摩洛序幕,或马拉的,主教阿 陀 ( 1叙 利亚作家的作品似乎已经),而他的版本四福音中的希腊,以该作家的好奇心作为追加的pericope通奸的女子采取(约翰8),其中有佳能摩洛插在第89,“这不是建立在其他手稿”书第八,三,赋予- [...] [...]
A curious chapter gives the Prologue of Moro, or
[...] Mara, Bishop of Amida (a Syriac writer [...]
whose works appear to have been lost), to
his edition of the four Gospels in Greek, to which the writers appends as a curiosity the pericope of the woman taken in adultery (John 8) which Moro had inserted in the 89th canon; "it is not founded in other manuscripts" Book VIII, iii, gives the letter of Simeon of Beit-Arsham on the martyrs of Yemen, perhaps an apocryphal document.
上一 个双年度关闭了十八个办事处:阿比让、班吉、罗安达、卢萨卡、波多诺伏、比 陀 利 亚 、 突尼斯、吉隆坡、魁北克、维也纳、华盛顿、亚松森、布里奇顿、布宜诺斯艾利斯、加拉加 [...]
Eighteen offices were closed in the previous
biennium: Abidjan, Bangui, Luanda, Lusaka,
[...] Porto Novo, Pretoria, Tunis, Kuala [...]
Lumpur, Quebec, Vienna, Washington, Asuncion,
Bridgetown, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Panama City, Port of Spain and San Salvador.
可喜的,是劉曉波先生二十多年來不斷為中 國民主和人權所作的努力和犧牲,終於獲得世人認同;可悲的,是我 們的國家在民主、自由路途上 ,仍然荊棘滿途。
I feel joyful because Mr LIU Xiaobo's struggle for democracy and human rights in China over the past two decades has finally gained worldwide
recognition; yet I also feel grieved because
[...] the country's road to democracy and freedom is still paved with a lot [...]
of hardships.
另一种是再流焊法,即先在线路板的 焊 盘 上 涂 布焊膏,再利用贴片装置将元器件贴在线路板上,然后利用回流焊机将焊膏加热,使焊膏中的焊锡颗粒溶化后再流动,浸润 线 路 板 上的 焊 盘 与 贴 装元件的电极,在冷却后形成焊点的一种方法,单面全贴装型基板的装联工艺有流动焊与再流焊之分。
Another kind the class welds the law
[...] again, namely in the line board welds on the plate to spread the cloth soldering paste first, then uses pastes the piece equipment to paste the primary device on the line board, then heats up using the backflow welding machine the soldering paste, after causing in the soldering paste the soldering tin pellet dissolves, to flow again, infiltrates on the line board to weld the plate with [...]
to paste installs part's
electrode, after cooling forms the spot one method, one-sided all pastes installs foundation plate's attire to unite the craft to have the flowing to weld with the class welds again the division.




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