

单词 盘点

See also:

make over
classifier for food: dish, helping
classifier for games of chess
classifier for coils of wire
transfer (property)

External sources (not reviewed)

发展中的文化”面临的一个挑战是收集文化统计数据 盘点 存量 和绘制国家和区域文化资源“地图”。
One challenge for “culture in development” lies in the collection of cultural statistics, inventories and national and regional “mapping” of cultural resources.
讨论的主要议题包括“一体行动”、 千年发展目盘点、气 候变化与发展以及关于海地地震的简报。
The main topics discussed included
[...] delivering as one, stocktaking on the Millennium [...]
Development Goals, climate change and
development, and a briefing on the Haiti earthquake.
非消耗性财产包括以下财产和设备:(a) 购置时单位价值为 1 500 美元或以 上、使用寿命至少五年的财产或设备;(b) 被视为具有吸引力且因其大小易从房 舍中拆除、购置时单位价值为 500 美元或以上、使用寿命三年或更长的特殊财产 物品;(c) 家具和组合工作站等盘点的团体用物品,不管其价值为何,但使用 寿命为五年或更长。
Non-expendable property consists of property and equipment, as follows: (a) property or equipment valued at $1,500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and having a service life of at least five years; (b) special items, which are property items considered to be of an attractive nature and easily removable from the premises because of their size, costing $500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and with a serviceable life of three years or more; and (c) group inventory items (for example, furniture and modular workstations) with a serviceable life of five years or more, irrespective of value.
专家组无法对任何新生力量部队作彻底的装盘点,因 此,上面的清单当然不包括所有物品。
It was unable to thoroughly inventory any Forces nouvelles unit and, as a result, the above list is certainly not exhaustive.
委员会审查了各实体现有的非消耗性财产安排,并注意到下列各种缺陷的实 例:(a) 盘存报告中开列的某些物品已经不知下落,或者已经过时;(b) 没有足 够的实盘点程序 或者没有始终如一地进行实物清点;(c) 实物清点的物品与固 定资产登记册中的物品之间存在出入;(d) 某些实体保持人工固定资产登记册, 容易出错,其数据的进出因设计而变得难以操控;(e) 在没有证明文件的情况下 调整固定资产登记册;(f) 没有始终如一地对实物盘存和固定资产登记册进行对 账;(g) 有些物品并未一贯列入盘存报告;(h) 资产管理程序不够充分,例如给 各项资产加标签以及固定资产登记册中适当记录资产的详细情况。
The Board reviewed the existing non-expendable property arrangement across entities and noted the following examples of deficiencies: (a) the inventory reports included items that could not be located or were obsolete; (b) there were inadequate physical inventory count procedures or physical counts were not always performed; (c) there were discrepancies between items physically counted and the items in the fixed asset registers; (d) some entities maintained manual fixed asset registers, which were prone to error and by design had weak data-access control; (e) adjustments were made to fixed asset registers without supporting documents; (f) reconciliation was not always performed between physical inventory and the fixed asset register; (g) items were not always included in the inventory report; and (h) inadequate asset management procedures, such as tagging of individual assets and properly recording details of assets in the fixed asset registers.
土地部还在解决历史遗留 的沿海地区房客租期不定和擅自占用空房等问题 盘点 了 闲 置土地,擅自占用严 重的土地,以及房客租期不定的土地。
The Ministry of Lands is also currently addressing the historical coastal land issues of tenants-at-will and squatters, by taking an inventory of land that is either idle, heavily squatted on or where members of the public are tenants-at-will.
(i) “无形资产”指没有实际形体、 盘点 的 非 货币资产。
(i) “Intangible assets” shall mean identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance.
盘点了所 取得的进展,并审议了为确保把近年来在推进区域 互联互接方面所取得的进展保持下去而需要加以审议的相关议题。
It took stock of progress and considered the issues which needed to be addressed to ensure that the advances of recent years in promoting regional connectivity were sustained.
此外,业务支助 事务处根据与准备实行《国际公共部门会计准则》有关的措施,在 2007 年下半年对非消耗性物品和特殊物 品进行了全面的实盘点,以 核实哪些资产在拆除石棉工作竣工后被移走。
In addition, Operational Support Services initiated a comprehensive physical inventory of non-expendable and special items in the second half of 2007 to verify assets that were moved after completion of the asbestos removal and in line with measures related to the preparation for the introduction of IPSAS.
以下讨论的 两种方法可看作是“生盘点”并且能够支持上述 第 4 步:评估生态系统服务流中的预期变化。
The two approaches discussed below can be thought of
[...] as ‘ecological stock-taking’ and can [...]
support step 4 above: assessing the expected
changes in the flow of ecosystem services.
盘点小组 估计约有 25 000 份 检方卷宗要处理。然而,尽管出现这一进展,且米特罗维察地区法院也进行了若 [...]
干次审判,但由于仍缺乏科索沃阿族和塞族的法官和检察官,尚无法在科索沃北 部建立全面运作的司法部门。
The inventory team
[...] estimates that there will be about [...]
25,000 prosecution files to go through; however, despite this progress
and the holding of a number of trials in Mitrovicë/Mitrovica District Court, it has not yet been possible to establish full operational justice in the north of Kosovo, owing to the continued lack of Kosovo Albanian and Serb judges and prosecutors.
(d) 涉及网上犯罪调查和起诉相关国际合作的国家和国际规 盘点
(d) Inventory of national and international provisions dealing with international cooperation that are relevant for cybercrime investigations and prosecutions
敦促有关于执行机构和双边机构使项目完成情况报 告盘点清单 中上报的数据与年度报告中的数据完全一致,并清理积压的项目 完成情况报告(第53/6号决定)。
The implementing and bilateral agencies concerned were urged to establish full consistency of data reports in the PCRs, in the inventory and in the annual progress reports, and to clear the backlog of PCRs (decision 53/6).
盘点评价 质量评估审查的结果并且通过研究从国家方案评价调查获取 [...]
By taking stock of the
[...] results of the evaluation [...]
quality assessment review and by studying the information obtained from
the country programme evaluation survey, the Evaluation Branch devised a three-tiered strategy to enhance the quality of organization-wide evaluations.
他们认为,执行委员会必须及时采取行动解决这个问题,并需要在第 5 条缔约方对 氯氟烃进行更多的调查盘点。
They considered that it was important for the Executive Committee to take timely action to address the problem, and that there was a need for further surveys and inventories of HCFCs in Article 5 countries.
年总结出的经验教训,包括考虑到需要进行更频繁 盘点 , 直 到该系统的 完整性能得到保证”。
The Board recommends that UNHCR refine and enhance
[...] its current stocktaking procedures [...]
in the light of lessons learned from the experience
gained in 2010, including the need for more frequent counts, until the integrity of the systems is assured.
为了加快确保向在执行任务时受重大事件影 响的工作人员以及其他文职人员及其家庭提供全面、灵敏、协调和一致的支持这 一工作的进展,委员会将进行一次全 盘点 工 作 ,以确定最佳做法、差距和问题 领域;澄清范围;并确定和探讨不同类别人员在资格和覆盖范围方面的差异。
In order to accelerate progress in ensuring comprehensive, sensitive, coordinated and consistent support to staff and, where appropriate, other civilian personnel affected by critical incidents in the line of duty, as well as to their families, the Committee will undertake a stock-taking exercise to identify best practices, gaps and problem areas; clarify scope; and identify and explore differences in eligibility and coverage for different categories of personnel.
The 24-hour display located at the “12 o’clock” position on the dial has hour and minute hands, which show sidereal time with breathtaking accuracy.
最重要的是,可通过动 态盘点工作 ,对过去 20 年积累的可持续发展方面的知识进行总结,目的是为 今后思考如何应对 21 世纪可持续发展方面的挑战提供合理的基础。
Most importantly, a synthesis of the accumulated knowledge on sustainable development over the past two decades, in the form of a dynamic stocktaking exercise, could be undertaken with the objective of providing a sound basis for thinking ahead on how to address sustainable development challenges in the twentyfirst century.
究其原因,是因为没有实盘点系统,或现有制度不妥 善。
This was due in turn to a lack of systems for physical inventorytaking, or the inadequacy of the existing systems.
大会将在2013年对案文和取得的进展进 盘点 和 审议,并就是否召 开一次外交会议的问题作出决定。
The General Assembly in 2013 will take stock of and consider the text(s), progress made and decide on convening a diplomatic conference.
库存管理的功能包括: 定义库位,管理库位;接收物 料,物料堆放,物料移动;物料跟踪;库存报表 盘点 等等
The extensive capabilities include: storage location definition & management; material reception, stock placements and movements; and tracking, reporting and material accounting.
关于传统文化表现形式的第三次专题会议会期为八天,其中三天供成员国对案文进行回顾 盘点 , 以期在2013年向大会提出建议。
The third thematic session, on TCEs, will be an eight day session, as it will also include three days for member states to review and take stock of the text(s) and make a recommendation to the General Assembly in 2013.
2012 年上半年,萨摩亚将在最不发达国家、内陆发展中 国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办事处(最不发达等国家高代办)和贸发会议 协助下,集中精盘点该国 作为最不发达国家所获的所有益处。
The first half of 2012 would focus on building an inventory of the full range of benefits Samoa received as a least developed country, with the assistance of the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States and UNCTAD.
本报告旨在:(a) 盘点两年来实施评价政策的情况;(b) 检验分散评价的质 [...]
量并讨论源自执行局要求的挑战,要求规定在各国家方案周期内至少对其评价一 次;(c) 评估评价职能的绩效,特别是以 2010 年双年度评价报告(DP/FPA/2010/19)
的结论为依据;以及(d) 在审查评价政策的框架下提出可考虑的改善意见。
The purpose of this report is to:
[...] (a) take stock of two years of implementing [...]
the evaluation policy; (b) examine the quality
of decentralized evaluations and discuss the challenges stemming from the Executive Board requirement that each country programme be evaluated at least once during its cycle; (c) assess the performance of the evaluation function, in particular in the light of the conclusions of the 2010 biennial report on evaluation (DP/FPA/2010/19); and (d) propose improvements that may be considered within the framework of the review of the evaluation policy.
仓库系统是物流中心信息系统的重要组成部分,是整个供应链管理中不可或缺的一个环节,仓库系统的高效运作,也必然将推动整个物流系统的高效运作,仓库系统实现了对仓库运作全过程的管理,包括入库、出库 盘点 、 不良品处理、库存实时查询齐备的功能,同时系统实现了对货品的批次进行精确的跟踪,提供完善的单据报表,采用严格的权限控制,从而保证了仓库运作的严格、有序、高效。
The warehouse system is an important component of an information system of logistics centre, is whole of to supply an indispensable link in the management of the chain, the high-efficient operation of the warehouse system, must promote the high-efficient operation of the whole logistics system too, warehouse system realize to warehouse operation overall management, including put in
storage , delivery of cargo from storage , make
[...] an inventory , bad product punishing [...]
, complete function of real-time inquiry
of stock, realize systematically that carries on accurate following to the batch of the goods at the same time, offer the perfect document report form , adopt the strict control of authority, thus guaranteed operation of the warehouse is strict , orderly , high-efficient.
(a) 关于收集专题供在关于网上犯罪的影响和对策的综合研究中审议 (附件一)第 12 段,哥伦比亚认为,所提及的已刑事定罪的罪 盘点 包括 恐怖主义这个主题事项
(a) With respect to paragraph 12 of the collection of topics for consideration within a comprehensive study on impact of and responses to cybercrime (see annex I), Colombia understands that the reference to an inventory of conduct that has been criminalized includes the subject matter of terrorism
8 份审计报告中指出的关键问 题是:㈠ 项目监测和评价不妥善,如拖延提出进度报告,主要接受者未验证次 级接受者的数据,现场考察不足;㈡ 库存管理不善,如药物信息系统不可靠, 不常做库盘点和核 对,仓储条件差,实际存货与存货记录不符;㈢ 资产管理 不善,如 Atlas 系统中资产记录不完整,资产盘存不准确,实 盘点 与 资 产记录 不符,没有解释原因;㈣ 药物测试缺乏质量管理。
Two of those reports had an “unsatisfactory” rating, while the remaining six had been given the “partially satisfactory” rating. The key issues noted from the eight audit reports were: (i) inadequate project monitoring and evaluation, as evidenced by delayed progress reporting, non-validation of the sub-recipient data by the principal recipient, and inadequate site
visits; (ii) poor stock
[...] management, as evidenced by unreliable drug-information systems, infrequent inventory checks and reconciliations, poor warehouse conditions, and discrepancies between physical stocks and stock records; (iii) inadequate monitoring of assets, as evidenced by incomplete [...]
recording of assets
in Atlas, inaccurate inventories of assets, and unexplained discrepancies between physically counted and recorded assets; and (iv) lack of quality-control testing of drugs.
在思考如何改进这些为支助技术援助而提供的材料时,第一步应 盘点关 于每种法规的现有材料,并评估这些材料以前如何用于技术援助活动。
As a first step in considering how the materials provided to support TA could be improved, it might be useful to take stock of the materials available on each text and assess how they have been used in past TA activities.
贯穿 2011 年始终的库盘点实践 增强了儿基会对各外地办事处提交的 2011 年盘存报告准确性的信心,也加强了各外地办事处的库存管理工作。
The inventory practice counts through 2011 strengthened the confidence of UNICEF in the accuracy of the 2011 inventory reports from field offices and strengthened inventory management practices in field offices.




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