

单词 盖棺论定

See also:


coffin lid
fig. posthumous reputation


final conclusion
accepted argument

External sources (not reviewed)

但 是,我们从不认为自己的观点是对特定主题盖棺定论:我们意在激发讨论。
We never however presume that ours is the last word on any given topic: our intent is to kindle the debate.
不過,由於這涉及傳統 文化,我們暫時未有定所有 火化的也要使用這 棺 材。
However, as this involves traditional culture, we will not, for
[...] the time being, require all cremations to use these coffins.
他们认为:在中国古代,人们不是用钉子,而是用三长两短五根皮绳 棺 材 盖 和 棺 材 绑 在一起。
They argue that in ancient China, people used three long and two
short leather robes, instead of nails, to
[...] fixed the coffin lid on the coffin body; this [...]
custom traditionally produced the phrase.
原因很简单:一个盖的棺材, 是由五块板组成的,其中三块长,两块短。
A coffin without lid is composed of five [...]
boards; three of them are long, and the other two are short.
雖然總督表示,有評論家認為 1789 年法國大革命在他眼㆗要棺定論仍 為時尚早,更 何況去年才發生的事。
The Governor has referred to a
commentator who thinks that it is still
[...] too early to say definitely what the significance [...]
of the French Revolution in 1789
is and said we cannot possibly tell the significance of the events of last year.
有关发展中国家知识产权侵权程度的证据并没 盖棺定论 , 因 为往 往没有可靠的官方统计数据。然而,人们普遍认为,在大多数最低收入国家,知识产权侵 权程度在著作权领域(盗版产品,如电脑软件和音乐磁带这些容易复制的产品)和商标权 领域是最严重的。
However, it is generally accepted that the extent of the IPR infringement problem in most low income countries is greatest in the areas of copyright (counterfeiting of products such as computer software and music cassettes which are easy to copy) and trademark infringements, although it needs to be noted that, in terms of lost revenues, use of counterfeit products is more significant in the developed world.17 We agree that enforcement systems in developing countries need to address serious IPR infringements more effectively.
本框架协定之目的,是确立教科文组织与蒙特雷 2007 基金会(下称“基金会”)筹 备、召开和落实 2007 年蒙特雷世界文化论坛工作的一个合作框架;它规定教科文组织在其 主管领域及其会员国为其活动定的 优 先事项范围内参加该论坛工作的方式;它 盖论 坛的 筹备、组织与后续工作各个阶段。
The present framework agreement is intended to establish a framework for cooperation between UNESCO and the Monterrey Foundation 2007 (hereinafter referred to as “the Foundation”) for the preparation and holding of and follow-up to the Universal Forum of Cultures – Monterrey 2007; it sets out the modalities of UNESCO’s association with the Forum, within the framework of the Organization’s competence and
the priorities for its
[...] activities determined by its Member States; it covers the period of the preparation and staging of and follow-up to the Forum.
在此期间,HBI主席Benedict S. Maniscalco博士主持了一个全球心血管联盟圆桌会议,与会人员就一个全球性联盟中的心脏中心的目标进行了 论 , 以 制 定 出 能够 覆 盖 各 类心血管疾病的筛查、预防、后续治疗与教育项目,让尽可能多的患者从中受益。
In conjunction with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2012 expo in Chicago, March 24 - 27, HBI Chairman Dr. Benedict S. Maniscalco
hosted a GCA
[...] roundtable session and discussed its goal of heart centers in a global alliance to develop screening, prevention, follow-up care and education programs covering the spectrum of [...]
cardiovascular disease
to make the most impact and reach the greatest number of patients.
不幸的是,宝管理自己意外地定为 苏 吴的 棺 和 被困住,所以他 定 要 小 睡一会。
Unfortunately, Po manages to accidentally lock
[...] himself into Su Wu’s Sarcophagus and is trapped, so he decides to take a nap instead.
上 星 期 ,庫務局局長回應說 , 香港現 時面對的 赤 字 是一般 性 還 是結構 性 , 難 以“棺 定 論”
Last week, the Secretary for the Treasury, Miss Denise YUE, replied that we could hardly conclude whether the deficits we had were general or structural deficits.
既然棺設有特定的程序來確保資料準確,在焚化方面,會否有額外的 特定程序,以確保不會調亂骨灰呢?
As specific procedures have been laid down for the opening of coffins to ensure accuracy, [...]
will specific procedures be added
to ensure that ashes will not be mixed up?
根據政府與福澤殯儀館所簽訂的協議規定,福澤殯儀館須為獲社會福利署和其他相關機構認可的有需要人士(如綜合社會保障援助受助人)提供廉價的基本殯葬服務,一般包括處理遺體的基本、必需和完整服務,包括但不限於把遺體由醫院或殮房運往 定 殯 儀館、為遺體置 棺 木 、在 指 定 殯 儀館內舉行殯儀儀式、把遺體由指定殯儀館運往最終處理地點,及火化遺體費用等。
The low-cost funeral services shall cover a basic, essential and complete service for the disposal of a dead body, including but not limited to the transport of the dead body from the
hospital or mortuary to the
[...] Funeral Parlour, procurement of a coffin for the dead body, conduct of funeral [...]
ceremony at the Funeral
Parlour, delivery of the dead body from the Funeral Parlour to the final disposal site and the cremation fee.
故此,以下各表论述所涵盖的是 除“巴勒斯坦难民”以外的 所有方案。
Accordingly, the tables and discussion below comprise all [...]
programmes except “Palestine refugees”.
本框架协定旨在确立教科文组织与 2013
[...] 年那波利世界文化论坛基金会(下称“基金 会”)在 2013 年那波利世界文化论坛的筹备、举行和后续活动方面的合作框架;它规定教 科文组织在其主管领域及其会员国为其活动 定 的 优 先事项范围内参加该论坛的方式,并盖论坛的 筹备、举行与后续工作等阶段。
The present framework agreement is intended to establish a framework for cooperation between UNESCO and the Fondazione Forum Universale delle Culture Napoli 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the Foundation”) for the preparation and holding of and follow-up to the Universal Forum of Cultures – Naples 2013; it sets out the modalities of UNESCO’s association with the Forum, within the framework of the Organization’s competence and
the priorities for its
[...] activities determined by its Member States; it covers the period of the preparation and staging of and followup to the Forum.
It was decided to include in the catalogue of issues for future discussion the term “auxiliary” [...]
in the context of the auxiliary
activities that would come within the operation of the article.
在议程项目 5(a)下进行的论除其他外盖了下 列议题:普遍批准和实施 《有组织犯罪公约》及其各项定书 的 重要性;就建立一个《公约》及其各项 议定书实施情况审议机制持续进行的谈判;支持有效实施各项议定书,包括在 《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》缔约方会议各工作组的框架之内作此支持 [...]
Discussions under agenda item 5 (a) covered, inter alia, the following topics: the importance of universal ratification and implementation [...]
of the Organized Crime Convention and
the Protocols thereto; ongoing negotiations on the establishment of a mechanism to review implementation of the Convention and its Protocols; the importance of supporting the effective implementation of the Protocols, including in the framework of the working groups of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime; and the use of the Convention as a basis for international judicial cooperation.
政府还定了一 个叫作“零死亡构想”的长期政 策,这项安全政策和论涵盖安全的所有方面,包括 驾驶人、道路基础设施和环境安全。
The Government has also formulated a long-term policy called the “Zero Fatality Vision”, which is a safety policy and [...]
philosophy that covers
all aspects of safety including the driver, the road infrastructure and environmental safety.
环境规划署已经开始与主 要有关利益方论的问 题包括:需要评估现有许可制度,以便将氟氯烃的贸易控制纳入其 中;为氟氯烃提供多种制冷剂回收机器也作为最终淘汰管理计划的一部分;以及调整海关 培训模块以便盖商定的氟 氯烃淘汰计划。
UNEP has begun discussions with key stakeholders on issues such as the need to assess the current permit systems to include trade controls on HCFCs; the provision of multi-refrigerant recovery machines also for HCFCs as part of the TPMP; and the adaptation of the customs training modules to cover the agreed phase-out [...]
schedule for HCFCs.
在布隆迪,建设和平基金 支持设立了 4 个新的反腐败区域工作队,还资助了一个 300 万美元的项目,目的 是为各主要合作伙伴间的对话定基 础 ,通过一个民主进程,最终建立了一个常 设对论坛,涵盖了 38 个政党,包括反叛团体。
In Burundi the Fund supported the establishment of four new anti-corruption regional brigades and funded a $3 million project through which a basis
for dialogue was
[...] established between key partners in a democratic process leading to the setting up of a permanent forum for dialogue among [...]
38 political parties, including rebel groups.
委员会应充实报告第二章(概况)的内容,简明扼要地 盖 经 过 重要 论的 主 要问题,并说明这届会议所取得的成就。
The Commission should make Chapter II of the
report (Summary) more
[...] informative, covering succinctly the main issues on which there had been important debates and a description [...]
of the achievements of the session.
特首今天來到立法會,希望“一錘定音”,把這事件 棺定 論 ,以表示 這事件已成為過去及屬於特首的權力範圍以內的事務,而既然事已至此,大 家便不要再爭拗,應各自返回自己的崗位。
Today, the Chief Executive came to the Legislative Council hoping that his words would be the final conclusion and the incident could come to an end.
11 月 10
[...] 日,该 中心主办了为期一天的一系列讲座,讲座由以前和现在的奖章得主主持,内容盖了理论物理的多个主题。
On 10 November the Centre hosted a day-long series of lectures by past and present Medallists,
[...] covering a vast range of topics in theoretical physics.
收費須包括處理遺體的全套基本殯儀服務,包括把遺 體由醫院或殮房運往殯儀館、為遺體置 棺 木 、 在殯儀館內舉 行殯儀儀式、把遺體由殯儀館運往火葬場,以及火化遺體所需 [...]
The fee was to cover all expenses and outgoings of a basic but complete service for the disposal of a dead body, including the collection of the dead body from a
hospital or mortuary to a funeral
[...] parlour, procurement of a coffin, conduct of a funeral [...]
ceremony at the funeral parlour, delivery
of the dead body from the funeral parlour to a crematorium and the cremation fee.
會否定使 用棺材 ─ 是否即是以往所說的紙棺材?
How will this be carried out? Will
[...] the authorities stipulate that eco-coffins must be used…… are eco-coffins the same as [...]
paper coffins mentioned in the past?
[...] 头五个月的监禁期间遭到了酷刑,包括拳击,木制物品的殴打,拍打脚底,审讯 时为了恐吓放棺材里
All the detainees reported acts of torture during the first five months of their captivity, including punches and beatings with wooden objects,
beatings on the soles of the feet (falaqa), and
[...] being placed in a coffin during interrogation [...]
as a form of intimidation.
至於 整 件事件的客觀評 價 , 相 信 還 是 要 交 由 歷 史棺 定 論 。
As to an objective judgement of the issue, I would think we should leave it to history.
在中国文化中棺材代 表着死亡和不幸,这一点在大多数其他文化中也是一样。
In Chinese culture, Coffin symbolizes death [...]
and misfortune, which is common to most of other cultures.
应该把将于不久之后发布的关于平民保护 的报告作为所有利益攸关方进行全方位 论 的基 础,它盖了安全理事会定任务 授权的工作,秘 书处规定行动概念和交战规则的工作以及实地的实 际执行工作。
The report on the protection of civilians to be issued shortly should
serve as the basis for
[...] wideranging discussions by all stakeholders, covering the establishment of mandates by the Security Council, the definition of concepts of [...]
operations and rules
of engagement by the Secretariat, and actual implementation in the field.
同秘书长副特别代表/驻地协调 员/人道主义协调员论商定了涵盖联 合 国关于海 地社区减少暴力和社区安全所有工作的一个框架/ [...]
共同战略,以及落实维持和平行动部/外勤支助部- 开发署伙伴关系议程和工作方案中与解除武装、复 员和重返社会有关方面的步骤。
A framework/common strategy covering all of the United Nations work on Community Violence Reduction and community
[...] security in Haiti was discussed and agreed upon with [...]
the Deputy Special
Representative of the Secretary-General/Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator, as were steps to operationalize the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration-related aspects of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department of Field Support-UNDP Partnership Agenda and Work Programme.




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