

单词 监管令

See also:


take charge of



an order n
order n
command n
warrant n
season n

make sth. happen
government position (old)
honorific title

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 在支持性文件中所指称的事项,如果得到证明,为作出一项延 监管令 提 供 正当 理由,最高法院可对罪犯作出一项临 监管令。
(b) that the matters alleged in the supporting documentation would, if proved,
justify the making of
[...] an extended supervision order, the Supreme Court may make an order for the interim supervision of the offender.
(b) 在支持性文件中所指称的事项,如果得到证明,为作出一项继续拘留令或延监 管令提供正当理由
(a) that the offender’s current custody (if any) will expire before the proceedings are determined, and (b) that the matters alleged in the supporting documentation would, if proved, justify the making of a
continuing detention order
[...] or extended supervision order, the Supreme Court may make an order for the interim [...]
detention of the offender.
此外,《刑事诉讼程序条例》和《精神健康条例》赋予法庭及裁判官更多 选择,以处理因精神错乱而被裁定无罪,或被裁定为无行为能力和不适宜接受审 讯的人士,法庭或裁判官除可发出入院令把被控人羁留在精神病院,还可发出监令、监管和治 疗令,或命令无条件释放被控人。
5.13 CPO and MHO also provide courts and magistrates with additional disposal options, apart from hospital orders for detention in mental hospitals, for accused people who are found not guilty by reason of insanity, or who are found to be under disability and unfit to be tried in criminal proceedings.
然而,自从2002年美国《萨班斯•奥克斯利法案》颁布以来,全球快速发展 监管 环 境 令 上 市决策更加复杂。
However, the fast
[...] evolving global regulatory environment since [...]
the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, has introduced new complexity to listing decisions.
其结论认为,该疾病“不仅被忽视,它还得不到承认,对这一疾病的认识和 提供资金的程度较低以及缺乏全 监管 的 状 况 令 人 担 忧。
It concluded that this disease is “more
than neglected, it is ignored and is concerned by the low level of
[...] awareness, funding and the lack of global oversight.
哥伦比亚报告称监管非政 府组织活动的 令 和 国家 标准的制定已接近尾声。
Colombia reported that the decree for regulating activities of NGOs [...]
and national standards was at an advanced stage of development.
[...] 和社区委员会(理事会)确立的程序进行,分析和评估公共机关通过 监管 性 法令 和其 他决定草案,以确保符合个人、公众和国家的利益,以及符合本法令的目的。
Community anti-Nazi audits shall be conducted by citizens and community organizations vested with the status of community (citizen) experts under procedures established by law as well as by community
boards (councils), in order to analyse
[...] and assess draft regulatory legal acts and other [...]
decisions by public authorities, with
a view to ensuring that they serve the interests of the individual, the public and the State, and also the purposes of the present Act.
为了确定公共机关和/或地方政府批准 监管 性 法 令 和 其 他决定 ( 或监 管性法令和其 他决定草案)是否符合本法令的要求
To determine whether regulatory legal acts and other decisions ratified by public authorities and/or local governments (or draft regulatory legal acts and [...]
other decisions) meet
the requirements of the present Act
该法令的宗旨是:确保遵守《海洋法公约》第十一部分、《海洋法公约》附 件三、《1994
[...] 海底采矿工作人员和海底采矿作业设施的安全及保护海洋环境;防范“区域”中 的探矿和活动可能对第三方的生命、健康或资产造成的危害;规范“区域”中的 探矿和活动监管(法令第 1 节)。
In response to the request by the Secretary-General, Germany submitted a copy of its Seabed Mining Act of 6 June 1995 (the Act).4 The purpose of the Act is to ensure compliance with the obligations of Germany deriving from part XI of the Convention, its annex III, the 1994 Implementation Agreement, and the rules and regulations issued by the Authority, to ensure the safety of workers in seabed mining and of the operational facilities for seabed mining and the protection of the marine environment, to take precautions against hazards deriving from prospecting and activities in the Area for life, health or the
assets of third
[...] parties, and to regulate supervision of the prospecting and activities in the Area (section [...]
1 of the Act).
[...] 10 条所指的公共机关和/或地 方政府的现监管性法令或其 他决定以及学术、科学、文学、艺术或其他创造性 [...]
Community anti-Nazi auditors are entitled to carry out, at their own expense and on their own
initiative, a community
[...] audit of current regulatory legal acts or other [...]
decisions of public authorities and/or local governments, as well
as scholarly, scientific, literary, artistic or other creative outputs eligible under article 10 of the present Act, and to communicate the findings of such an audit to an authorized body.
应要求公共机关或地方政府对本法令第 10 条所指监管性法令或其他决定 草案委托开展社区反纳粹审查,并在审议该草案之后 [...]
5 天内在其官方网站公布草 案案文全文。
A public authority or local government shall be
required to commission a community anti-Nazi
[...] audit of a draft regulatory legal act or other [...]
decision that is eligible under article
10 of the present Act and to post the text of the draft in full on its official website no more than five days after it is taken under consideration.
而今,国家食品药监督管理局强令 每 批 次疫苗在进入市场前都要通过严格的测试。
Now, the Chinese State Food
[...] and Drug Administration (SFDA) mandates that each single [...]
batch of vaccine has to pass rigorous
testing before being released into the market.
关于公共机关和/或地方政府批准 监管 性 法 令 和 其 他决定草案和关于公共 机关和/或地方政府监管性法令和其他决定的社区反纳粹审查结论应提及这些 法律(决定)草案中不符合个人、公众和国家利益的那些条款,以及有悖于本法令 的那些条款。
Community anti-Nazi audit findings
[...] concerning draft regulatory legal acts and other decisions ratified by public authorities and/or local governments, as well as those concerning regulatory legal acts and [...]
other decisions of public
authorities and/or local governments, should contain a reference to the provisions of those draft laws (decisions) that run counter to the interests of individuals, the public and the State, as well as those that contravene the present Act.
社区反纳粹审查应注重经公共机关和/或地方政府批准 监管 性 法 令 和 其他 决定草案,以及公共机关和/或地方政府关于下列事项 监管 性 法 令 和 其 他决定
Community anti-Nazi audits shall
[...] focus on draft regulatory legal acts and other decisions ratified by public authorities and/or local governments, as well as on regulatory legal acts and [...]
other decisions of public
authorities and/or local governments on the following matters
大韩民国报告说,该国通过一项关于公海底层捕捞的行政 令监管 在 没 有 区域渔管组织/安排的水域开展的底层捕捞活动。
The Republic of Korea reported that bottom fishing activities
in areas where no RFMO/A was in place
[...] were regulated by an administrative directive on bottom fishing [...]
on the high seas.
对于因双方合理控制能力之外的情况导致的任何延迟或未 能执行本协议下规定的任何义务,双方均无需承担任何责任,此处所指
的情况包括但不限于火灾、洪水、爆炸、事故、不可抗力、已宣布或未 宣布的战争或暴乱、罢工、停工或工人的其他集体行为、政府行为、原
[...] 材料短缺、未能获得出口或进口许可、《美国出口管制条例》的任何条 款或规定,或任何政府行为、不作为 监管 、 许 可、 令 或 裁 定。
Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement if and to the extent such delay or failure is due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of such party, including but not limited to, fires, floods, explosions, accidents, acts of God, declared and undeclared wars or riots, strikes, lockouts or other concerted acts of workmen, acts of government, shortages of materials, inability to obtain export or import licenses, or any provision or
requirement of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations or any government
[...] act, omission, regulation, license, order or rule.
但 是,公管理委员会并不监督委 员会 令的 约束。
However, the management board is not bound by the instructions given by the Supervisory Board.
改善预算外账管理以及加监测应 可 令 人 满 意地解决这一问题。
[...] extrabudgetary account management and strengthened monitoring should satisfactorily [...]
address this issue.
斯派曼高压电子公司是否保证自己供应的产品和服务在生产过程中不包含或使 监管 机 构 法 令 ( 包 括 JGPSSI 和 RoHS 法令)当前禁止的任何任何化学品或材料?
Does Spellman High Voltage Electronics assure that the products and services it supplies do not contain, or use during the manufacturing process, any
chemicals or materials that are
[...] currently banned by any regulatory agency directives including JGPSSI [...]
and RoHS protocols?
根据不同的法律形式监管分 类,某些基金(令85/611/CEE 下的 UCITS或选择作为此类基金的实体) 的收益分配或这些基金实现的资本 收益可能在该令管辖范围内,前提 是其债权投资超过一定的门槛。
Depending on
[...] their legal form and regulatory classification, distribution made by some funds (UCITs according to the Directive 85/611/CEE or entities who opt to be treated as such), or capital gains realised on these funds, could be caught by this Directive when their investments [...]
in debt claims exceed certain threshold.
(a) 监管与贸易自由化之间的连贯性,审查以下方面的做法和经验:在贸 易谈判人员、决策者和监管机构之间建设一致性和连贯性 令监管 议 程 和贸易议 程相辅相成
(a) Coherence between regulation and trade liberalization examining practices and experiences in building coordination and
coherence between trade negotiators,
[...] policymakers and regulators and making regulatory and trade [...]
agendas mutually supportive
如果没有逮令,负责监管 被拘 留者的监狱工作人员必须立即确认拘留原因。
Where there is no warrant, the prison official who [...]
takes the detainee into custody must immediately ascertain the reasons for detention.
各方当事人同意采取一切可能的措施,对本协议项下的任何争议以及任何和所有关于仲裁程序和裁决的资料严守机密,除非由于下列需 要或要求另作别论:(a)为保证一方当事人能适当地行使或执行其在本协议或仲裁庭所做出的裁决项下的各项权利;或(b)适用法律或 任何证券交易所监管机构 的规定,或任何法院、任何其它主管机关或裁判庭的 令 要 求 予以披露。
Confidentiality – The parties agree to use all possible measures to keep the existence of any dispute hereunder and any and all information concerning any arbitration proceedings and any award strictly confidential except (a) to the extent necessary to enable a party to properly exercise or enforce its rights under this agreement or under any award rendered by the Arbitration Tribunal or (b) to the extent required by
applicable law or by
[...] regulations of any stock exchange or regulatory authority or pursuant to any order of court or any other competent [...]
authority or tribunal.
管提交人承认,法院在宣布判决时可 以为“防范性”理由提出令,但 他的案例是不同的,因为在判决时没有考虑他 受持监禁的各项令。
Although the author acknowledges that the courts can, while sentencing someone, make an order for “preventive” reasons, his case was different as the orders for his continued detention were not contemplated [...]
at the time of sentencing.
( 组织结构图和责任手册) ;编写监狱体系内的职位说明;制定、提出 并实施监狱系统选拔程序;制定、提出并实施监狱系统升职程序;为重新设计这 些程序制定计划并实施;禁止工作人员在监狱区域内携带现金, 监 督 禁 令 的执 行;由最高管人员负责监督牢 房及床位分配,以确保每名囚犯都有像样的住 宿,且不必为此支付费用。
In the area of corruption, the proposed measures include: establishing a policy for re-engineering the prison administration system and a new organizational structure (organization chart and handbook of responsibilities); formulating job description profiles in the prison system; designing, proposing and implementing a selection process for the prison service; designing, proposing and implementing a promotion process for the prison service; designing and implementing a plan for re-engineering these processes;
prohibiting staff from carrying
[...] money within prison premises and overseeing enforcement of the ban; making the most senior authority responsible for monitoring the assignment of cells [...]
and beds in order
to ensure that each prisoner has a decent place to sleep without having to pay for it.
秘书处注意到,海地的氟氯化碳淘汰程序需要通过于 2007 年 5 月颁布的政府令 5 进行监管,因 此寻求对情况的进一步说明,并得知法令草案已于 [...]
2007 年 4 月提交环境部 长。
Noting that the process of CFC
phase-out in Haiti was to be regulated
[...] through a governmental decree to be enacted in May [...]
of 2007, the Secretariat sought a further
explanation on the status and was informed that the draft decree had been submitted to the Minister of the Environment at the end of April 2007.
现在,由于卢森堡UCITS有可能由外 国UCITS管理公司运作,卢森堡的管银行必须对管理公司采取必要 措施,以取得所有能令其履行监控 职责的相关信息。
As it is possible for a Luxembourg UCITS to
be operated by a foreign UCITS management company, the depositary in Luxembourg must take necessary
[...] measures with that management company to obtain all relevant information allowing it to perform its supervision and control duties.
与该国遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》规定有关的,体制建设项目下一阶段的主要目标 是监测氟 氯化碳淘汰和氟氯烃冻结水平;以及开展以下活动:执行新的臭氧法令;协调 生产使用碳氢化合物的制冷剂和使用此类制冷剂的制冷设备的方案;更新制冷技术人员良 好做法教程方案,传授新令管制测 量方法和碳氢化合物良好做法;继续开展将在一家波 兰水泥厂回收和再利用氟氯碳化合物的方案。
The IS project’s main objectives for the next phase in relation to the country’s compliance with the
provisions of the
[...] Montreal Protocol are: monitoring CFC phase-out and HCFC freeze level; HCFC import and consumption reduction according to the HPMP; and implementation of the following activities: implementing the new ozone decree; coordination of programmes to produce HC-based refrigerants and refrigeration equipment using HC-based refrigerants; update Good Practices Course programme for refrigeration technician, teaching about new Decree control measurements [...]
and HC good practices;
continue the programme of recovery, regeneration of halocarbon refrigerants to be reused or to be destroyed in a Portland cement plant.
28 欧洲联盟在该决议中要求采取欧 洲联盟监管措施,包括设立、登记、发放执照及监管私营军事和保安部门并报告 这些公司违反适用法律情况的全面系统;还敦请欧盟委员会和部长理事会开始颁 布令的进程,监管私营 军事和保安公司提供之服务的国家措施加以统一,并 起草行为守则,为关于监管向第三国出口保安事务的决定铺平道路。
On 11 May 2011, the European Parliament adopted Resolution 2010/2299(INI) on the development of the common security and defence policy after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon.28 In the Resolution, the European Parliament called for the adoption of European Union regulatory measures, including a comprehensive system for the establishment, registration, licensing and monitoring of private military and security companies and for the reporting on violations of applicable law by such companies; and urged the European Commission and the Council of Ministers to begin the process of enacting a directive to harmonize national measures regulating the services offered by private military and security companies, and to draft a code of conduct that would pave the way for a decision on regulating the export of security services to third States.29
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能监测、 诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing
base-level capacity to ensure
[...] national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, [...]
early warning,
preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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