

单词 监督者

See also:

监督 v

control v
inspect v


army title (archaic)
supervise and direct

External sources (not reviewed)

他们还是民间社会 的的催化剂,是行政和私营部门日益重要 监督者。
They also serve as catalysts for social change, and are
[...] increasingly important monitors of the actions of [...]
the executive and private sector.
大赦国际促请该国政府允许律师和国内及国际人 监督 者,包 括酷刑问题特别报告员进入拘禁场地。
Amnesty International urged the Government to allow access to places of
detention for lawyers and national and
[...] international human rights monitors, including the Special [...]
Rapporteur on torture.
然而,在确定两年期预期 结果时,要监督者为其 每位下属员工讨论并商定一个学习与发展目标。
However, when setting out expected results for the biennium, supervisors will be required to discuss and agree on one learning and development objective for every staff member under their supervision.
该机构业已表明自己是国 际核保障监督的可靠、公正和有效率的国 监督者。
The Agency had shown itself to be a reliable, impartial and efficient
[...] international supervisor of nuclear [...]
工作重点的这种集中还使教科文组织得以在这五个领域中重新确立了在国际上的某种 “领导地位”,例如:在达喀尔会议(2000 年 4 月)之后,它在全民教育运动中的总协调员 的作用得到了承认;它在世界水资源状况的评估和监测方面肩负的首要责任得到了承认;它 是联合国系统中生物伦理问题方面的“牵头人”;它在保护文化遗产的准则和活动(阿富 汗、伊拉克……)发挥着主监督者 的 作 用;它在维护表达自由和建设知识社会方面发挥着 唯一一个在政府与公民社会之间进行对话的机构的作用。
This concentration of effort has also enabled UNESCO to regain a degree of international “leadership” in these five fields, as is witnessed by, inter alia: the recognition (gradual and difficult, but real) of its role of general coordinator of the Education for All movement, after Dakar (April 2000); recognition, too, of its primary responsibility for the evaluation and monitoring of the state of water resources worldwide; its role as “lead agency” for all questions relating to bioethics within the United Nations system; its role of principal authority, in both normative and operational terms (in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere), with respect to the preservation of the cultural heritage; lastly, its role as the unique institution promoting dialogue, between government and civil society, in all matters relating to the defence of freedom of expression and the organization of knowledge societies.
The development of precarious contracts means that an entire group of staff members today is obliged first to meet the desiderata of supervisors and only afterwards to serve the interests of the Organization.
这一制度由包括“有关”非政府 组织在内的独立的国家和国监督者 , 进行定期和不经宣布的查访,从而防 止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚。
This system should include regular and
unannounced visits by independent national
[...] and international monitors, including “relevant” [...]
NGOs, in order to prevent torture
and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
董事会作为学院大政方针的决者和 监督者 , 对 学院的建设 与发展起着决定性的作用。
Meanwhile, directorate is a ligament for our institute to contact with enterprises and institutions of higher learning.
种族灭绝案件分为几类,第 1 类主 要涉及种族灭绝的策划者、组织者、煽 者 和 监督者 ;第 2 类涉及蓄意谋杀或造 成他人死亡的严重攻击的责任人、共同责任人和胁从;第 [...]
3 类涉及犯有罪行或成 为严重攻击的胁从、但没有致人以死动机的人。
Genocide defendants have been classified in several categories, with category 1 principally pertaining
to planners, organizers,
[...] instigators and supervisors of the genocide; category 2 to authors, co-authors, [...]
accomplices of deliberate
homicides, or of serious attacks that caused someone’s death; and category 3 to those who committed criminal acts or became accomplice of serious attacks, without the intention of causing death.
手册还提请注意与尊重的工作场所行为有关的举止以及主管 监督 者营造 没有偏见、个人喜好和报复的工作氛围的特殊义务。
The booklet also draws attention to behaviours associated with respectful workplace conduct and the special obligation of managers and supervisors to create work environments that are free of intimidation, personal favouritism and retaliation.
[...] PERFOWEB 在专业业绩评估方面引发了广泛的争议,这表明不论是监督者还是监督者,对 这一新系统都难以理解。
PERFOWEB has given rise to many disputes over performance assessments, which
demonstrates a very poor understanding of the new system on the part
[...] of both those being supervised and their supervisors.
为了进行 综合机构管理,包括以负责任、透明和问责的方式提供有关社区学习中心的信
[...] 息,政府建立了社区学习中心数据库,在社区学习中心机构重组过程中,该数据 库为非正式和非正规教育方案 监督者 、 组 织者和管理者及其他利益攸关方提供 [...]
To conduct a comprehensive institutional management, including the delivery of information of PKBM in a responsible, transparent and accountable manner, the Government had established a PKBM database, serves as guidance for the supervisor, organizer and manager of
non-formal and informal educational programs, and other stakeholders in
[...] conducting the PKBM institutional restructuring [...]
世界各地的非政府组织和其监督者的报 告指出,示威中有大量人员丧生或致残;一些评论者称,强化的治 [...]
Reports from
[...] NGOs and other watchdogs worldwide indicate [...]
that worrying numbers of people are killed or maimed in demonstrations;
some commentators claim that aggressive policing is on the increase.
缺乏政治掌控权将转化为对竞争管理机构活动的政治干 预,因而影响其作为竞争活动专业 监督者 ” 的 独立性。
The absence of political ownership translates to political
interference in the activities of the competition agency, undermining its independence
[...] as a professional “watchdog” of competition.
它们抵制着暗中强加新社会契约的做法,这些契约把民间社会贬低为公共服 务的低成本提供者,而不是被排斥群体的利益维护者和权力行使情况 监督者。
They were resisting the imposition by stealth of new social contracts that reduced civil society
to lowcost providers of public services
[...] rather than advocates for the excluded and watchdogs over the exercise [...]
of power.
缔约国应采取一切必要步骤,确保包括人 监督者 在 内的所有人得到保护,不会 因人权活动和维护人权而受到恐吓或暴力侵害,确保对这些案件开展及时、公正 [...]
The State party should take all
necessary steps to ensure that all
[...] persons, including those monitoring human rights, are protected [...]
from intimidation or violence
as a result of their activities and exercise of human rights guarantees, to ensure the prompt, impartial and effective investigation of such acts, and to prosecute and punish perpetrators with penalties appropriate to the nature of those acts.
报告提请注意实地医疗服务的问责制问题,指出,人 力资源管理厅医务司对实地医务单位的预算和工作计划并无投入,尽管其作用是 “技监督者”。
The report draws attention to the issue of accountability in field medical services and points out that the Medical Services Division of the Office of Human Resources Management of the Secretariat
has no input with regard to the budgets and
[...] workplans of field units, notwithstanding its role as “technical supervisor”.
112 禁止酷刑委员会建议印度尼西亚采取一切必要措施,确保包括人监督者在内 的所有人得到保护,不会因自己的行为和维护人权而受到恐吓或暴力 侵害,并保证对这些案件开展及时、公正和有效的调查。
Human rights organizations could not enter
Papua, and the safety
[...] of human rights defenders continued to be a concern.112 CAT recommended that Indonesia take all necessary steps to ensure that all persons, including those monitoring human rights, are protected [...]
from any intimidation
or violence as a result of their activities and exercise of human rights guarantees, and to ensure the prompt, impartial and effective investigation of such acts.113 45.
可以通过仪器的设置菜单改变显示,自动关机,背光,按键声响 监督 者设置
If the calibration due date has passed, the Sprint unit will display a message 'Calibration overdue'.
已要求财政和公共信贷部金融情报股向管理外国在墨西哥银 行投资的银行监管监督者传达第 1970(2011)和 1973(2011)号决议的 规定,以确保对委员会指明的个人或实体直接、间接拥有或控制的金融 资产和经济资源采取必要措施。
. The Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit has been requested to disseminate the provisions of resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011) to bank regulators and supervisors of foreign investment in the Mexican banking system in order to ensure that the necessary measures are taken with regard to financial assets and economic resources owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by individuals or entities designated by the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1970 (2011).
上海超市的有机蔬菜发现农药残留 一个本地消费者权监督者说在 上海商店销售的五种类蔬菜被查出含有残留农药。
In Sept, according
[...] to a local consumer rights watchdog, five types of [...]
vegetables sold in Shanghai’s shops were found to contain pesticide residuals.
提出了实地医疗服务的问责制问题;因为,虽然医务司理应是“技 监督 者”, 但实际上它对实地医务单位的预算和工作计划并无投入,对其他服务提供 [...]
The issue of accountability in field medical services is
raised; for although MSD is supposed to be
[...] the “technical supervisor”, it actually [...]
has no input with regard to the budgets
and work plans of field units, nor in the performance management process of the other service providers.
在繁荣时期,次级抵押贷款业务有了扩展,但投资者对有关风险却不够了 解 , 监 管监督者缺乏 应有注意,金融机构建立 了过多的杠杆能 力 ,出现 了住房 投 机和建筑 [...]
The expansion of the subprime mortgage business was accompanied by
inadequate appreciation of
[...] the risks by investors, the lack of due diligence by regulators and supervisors, [...]
the build-up of
excessive leverage by financial institutions, and housing speculation and overbuilding during the boom period.
发出倡导,使人监督者和保 护的官员关注侵权行为,这样他们就可以代表相关当局采取措 施。
For example, including representatives in training and information exchanges (see below) can be a means of empowerment and knowledge transfer; providing small grants can enhance current activities and bolster local groups’ reputation in the community; encouraging expansion of the network to other camps or communities through providing transportation or occasional fora for information sharing can be a good way to broaden the impact of a project.
2005 年,联合国在伊拉克的宪法起草过程中发挥了技术顾问的作用,并在整个选举过 程中与伊拉克独立选举委员会(IECI)一道,发挥 监督者 的 作 用,从而支持了伊拉克的政 治进程。
In 2005, the United Nations supported the political process by acting as technical adviser during the constitution drafting process and as a supervisor working jointly with the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI) throughout the elections.
委员会促请缔约国考虑这样做时可采取如下方法:在公共部门采取配额,建立机监督私人行为者遵守 缔约国同等待遇和反对歧视法的情况。
The Committee urges the State party to consider doing this through the adoption of quotas in the
public sector and
[...] effective mechanisms to monitor the compliance by private actors with the State [...]
party’s equal treatment and anti-discrimination laws.
[...] 要由国家,而且只能由国家在必要时通过议定书对条约进行修改和完善,以便建 立适当且通常切实有效监督机制, 或 者 对 它们认为与条约目的和宗旨不符的保 留作出反应。
If the treaty is silent on the matter, only the States alone can amend the treaty, supplement it, if necessary, with a protocol in order
to set up an appropriate and often
[...] useful and effective monitoring body, or react to a [...]
reservation they consider incompatible
with the object and purpose of the treaty.
无论您涉及汽车工业的哪个领域,无论您是汽车制造商、贸易商或政府机构,还 监督 道 路使 用 者 行 为 的政府机构,确保安全、效率、质量和合规性是最重要的。
Whatever your involvement in the automotive industry – whether you are a
vehicle manufacturer, trader or
[...] government institution overseeing the well-being of road [...]
users – ensuring safety, efficiency,
quality and compliance is paramount.
安圭拉金融事务委员会成立于 2004
[...] 年,是一个独立的监管机关,工作重点 是发放许可证监督许可证持者、 监 测 整 个金融事务、审查现行金融事务法规 并提出制订新法规的建议以及同主管的外国和国际监管机构保持联系。
Anguilla’s Financial Services Commission, established in 2004, is an independent
regulatory body that focuses on
[...] licensing, supervision of licensees, monitoring of financial services [...]
in general, reviewing existing
financial services legislation and making recommendations for new legislation, as well as maintaining contact with appropriate foreign and international regulatory authorities.
安全理事会将通过的关于停止对加沙的侵略和 战争的决议必须重申,必须在真正和有效的国监 督下继 续推动政治进程,以确保将在 1967 年边界内 建立以圣城为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国,根据 1948 年大会第 194(III)号决议找到巴勒斯坦难民问题 的公正和商定解决办法,并释放所有被关 者 和囚 犯。
The resolution to be adopted by the Security Council on the cessation of aggression and war against Gaza must reiterate the need for the political process to continue
under genuine and
[...] effective international supervision in order to ensure that an independent Palestinian State will be created within the 1967 borders and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital; that a just and agreed solution will be found to the issue of Palestinian refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948; and that all detainees and prisoners will [...]
be released.




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