

单词 监护权

监护权 ()

custody (of a child)

See also:

监护 n

custody n
guardian n
tutorship n


External sources (not reviewed)

(3) 关监护权主张,缔约国称,决定已经作出,而投诉人应该明白,委员 会不是第四审上诉庭,审查事实和证据也不是其职权范围内的事情。
3) Regarding custody claims, the State [...]
party asserts that the decision has been made and that the complainant should understand
that the Committee is not a fourth instance of appeal nor it’s within its mandate to review the facts and evidences.
(c) 家庭法院有关子女抚养问题的裁决执行不力,主要原因是父亲方面拒 绝接受法院裁决,其结果是,母亲往往不得不 监护权 交 给 父亲。
(c) The weak enforcement of decisions by the Family Courts relating to child maintenance due primarily to the refusal on the part of
the father to accept court decisions, with the result that the mother
[...] often hands over custody of the child to [...]
the father.
但是,近期通过的立法规定了对其 子女的共监护权并设 定了配额,使她们能够参选 议会席位和工会官员。
Recently adopted legislation, however, provided
[...] for the shared custody of their children [...]
and the setting of quotas for them to
seek election to seats in Parliament and as trade union officials.
甚至当法庭将女儿监护权判归 提交人时,她仍 辩称这不过是父亲的计策。
And even when the court grants custody of the child to the author, she finds a way to argue that it is merely a scheme concocted by the father.
参与机构可假设您有权检查和审查涉及您孩子的纪录,除非被通知根据管 监护权 或 分 居 及离婚的适用州法律,您没有此项权利。
The participating agency may presume that you have authority to inspect and review records relating to your child unless advised
that you do not have the authority under applicable State law governing
[...] such matters as guardianship, or separation [...]
and divorce.
新立法容许这种程度监护权,个别评估是否需要监护, 从而确保避免不必要地剥夺某人作为公民的权利。
The new legislation allows for various degrees of guardianship, individual assessment of the need for guardianship and thus ensures that persons are not unnecessarily deprived of their rights as citizens.
提交人称受到了歧视,因为根据法律,该缔约国所有其他 儿童均有权与其按判决、协议或行政决定已被授 监护权 的 父母一方一起生活。
The author alleges to have been discriminated, since any other child in the
State party according to
[...] the law has the right to live with the parent who by judgement, agreement or administrative decision has been granted the custody.
[...] 或在特殊情况下法庭认为公开审判会损害司法利益因而严格需要的限度下,可不 使记者和公众出席全部或部分审判;但对刑事案件或法律诉讼的任何判刑决应公 开宣布,除非少年的利益另有要求或者诉讼系有关儿 监护权 的 婚 姻争端。
The press and the public may be excluded from all or part of a trial for reasons of morals, public order (order public) or national security in a democratic society, or when the interest of the private lives of the parties so requires, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the court in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the interest of justice: but any judgement rendered in a criminal case or in a suit at law shall be made public except where the
interest of juvenile persons
[...] otherwise requires or the proceedings concern matrimonial dispute or the guardianship of children.
委员会指出,不应将提交人父母 作出的任何关于监护权、抚 养及住所的决定归咎于提交人。
The Committee notes that the author
cannot be held responsible for any decisions taken by his parents in
[...] relation to his custody, upbringing and [...]
2001 年 11 月,以色列修改了 《家庭事务法庭法》,以建立家庭事务法庭在所有关于穆斯林和基督教(婚姻财 产监护权、子 女扶持、家庭暴力和就穆斯林来说,父母的身份)个人地位问题 上在民事制度管辖下的平行管辖权,不包括仍然完全属于宗教管辖范畴的结婚和 离婚问题。
In November 2001, the Family Matters Court
Law was amended to
[...] create parallel jurisdiction in Family Matters Court in all issues concerning the personal status of Muslims and Christians (matrimonial assets, custody, child support, [...]
family violence and in
the case of Muslims, also parenthood) under the jurisdiction of the civil system, excluding questions of marriage and divorce which remain exclusively under religious jurisdiction.
缔约国认为,离婚判决书不提及孩子的监护问题不太可能,因此提出,提交 人未能证明孩子监护权已经 判给父亲。
Considering it unlikely that the custody of the child would not have been mentioned in the divorce
decree, the State party is of the view that the author has not
[...] established that custody of the chid was granted to the father.
[...] 法律中最有可能对应并且能使西班牙请求被接受的法律却因下述事实 不能被接受:2 因为门多萨夫人是母亲并对其女儿拥 监护权。
The most likely equivalent piece of Paraguayan legislation that would allow for
the Spanish request to be considered is not acceptable2 because Mrs. Mendoza is the
[...] mother and has custody over the girls.
科纳克里法院不太可能监护 权判给 Kaba 先生而在离婚判决书或提交人应收到副本的其他书面判决中却又对 [...]
It is unlikely that the Conakry court
[...] would have granted Mr. Kaba sole custody without mentioning [...]
it in the divorce decree,
or in another written judgement of which the author would probably have received a copy.
( 第十条) 委员会建议缔约国修订《能力和监护法》,使六岁以下子女 监护权 不 一 定判给 母亲,并确保子女抚养负担不致使父亲的生活陷于困窘。
The Committee recommends that the State party amend the Capacity and Guardianship Law so that custody of children up to the age of six is not always given to mothers, and ensure that child support awards do not lead to an inadequate standard of living for the father.
关于第 16 条第 1 款(f)项,联合王国认为其中提到儿童的最大利益与消除 对妇女歧视并没有直接关联,并在此声明,联合王国关于收养的立法,虽然主要
[...] 立场是促进儿童的福利,但对儿童利益并未给予在关于儿 监护权 问 题 上给予的 同等重要的地位。
As regards subparagraph 1 (f) of article 16, the United Kingdom does not regard the reference to the paramountcy of the interests of the children as being directly relevant to the elimination of discrimination against women, and declares in this connection that the legislation of the United Kingdom regulating adoption, while giving a principal position to the promotion of the children’s
welfare, does not give to the child’s interests the same paramount place as in
[...] issues concerning custody over children.
认识到 这一点,2005
[...] 年的《保护妇女免遭家庭暴力法》被视为民事法,它不仅首次定 义了“家庭暴力”,并赋予妇女获取保护令的权利,还考虑了各种形式的补救措 施,例如生活费,补偿,居所 监护权。
Recognising this, the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 has been envisaged as a civil law, which not only defines for the first time ‘domestic violence’ and entitles women to get a
Protection Order, but also contemplates various forms of
[...] reliefs such as maintenance, compensation, residence and custody.
[...] 款,缔约国永久居民的未成年子女提出申请后可获 得居留许可,只要该名子女与对其拥 监护权 的 人 一起生活。
According to paragraph 1 (ii) of that article, a residence permit may be issued, upon application, to a minor child of a
person permanently residing in the State party, provided that the child lives with the
[...] person having custody of him or her.
在同一法院 案件中,西班牙还赢得了对 La Galga 号沉船监护权,这 是被寻宝者声称归其所有的更老的一 艘西班牙沉船。
In the same court case Spain also won custody of La Galga, another older Spanish wreck claimed by treasure hunters.
(b) 制定具体准则,以关爱儿童的方式阐明儿童在行政和司法诉讼中的陈 述权,尤其是在涉监护权和失 去家庭环境的儿童的问题上
(b) Put in place specific guidelines which
explain in a
[...] child-friendly manner the right of the child to be heard in administrative and judicial proceedings, in particular regarding custody and children [...]
without a family environment
委员会感到关切的是,在离婚案件中,六岁以下子 监护权 总 是判给母 亲,而父亲往往须支付数额超过其收入的子女抚养费,否则其行动自由就受到严 [...]
The Committee is concerned that, in the case
[...] of a divorce, custody of children up [...]
to the age of six is always given to mothers,
and that fathers are often required to pay child support awards that exceed their income, and if not that their freedom of movement is seriously curtailed.
请解释在当前法律缺乏针对过大的影响或利益冲突的明确保障的情况下, 如何确监护权的行 使有利于被监护人。
Please explain how it is ensured that guardianship is exercised to the benefit of the ward, in view of the absence of explicit safeguards in current legislation against undue influence or conflict of interest.
最为重要的是,提交人未能证明她本人或其他为她行事或代表她的人没有参 与这些欺骗行为, 她曾利用这些欺骗行为作出结论说,由于离婚判决中未提监护权问题 ,根据《几内亚民法》第359 条,女儿监护权将不归她而归父亲。
The most important consideration is that the author was unable to prove that she or the persons acting on her behalf or representing her were not aware of the fraud from which she had intended to benefit by
concluding that she had
[...] been denied custody of her daughter and, given that the custody issue was not mentioned in the decree and in accordance with section 359 of the Civil Code of Guinea, that custody had been granted to her daughter’s father.
斯 洛 文尼亚还 表 扬 与联合国妇女发展基金一 起 制
定了妇 女问题国家战略, 并 建议该国(a) 撤 消对 《消除对妇女一切 形式歧视公约》、尤其 是其中的第二条(f)款、第九条和第 15
[...] 条第(2)款提出的保留,对于婚姻、继承、拘 留监 护 权和工作权方面 歧视妇女的法律 表示关注 。
It recommended that the State (a) withdraw its reservations to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, particularly articles 2(f), 9 and 15(2), indicating concern about
laws that discriminate against women in the areas of marriage,
[...] inheritance, custody, guardianship and the right to work.
提交人称缔约国应特别支 持拥有儿监护权的家 长,而在此案中尽管缔约国认可了 监护权 的 转 移,但未 能履行此义务,故违反了《公约》第二十四条的规定。
The author claims that the State party should support in particular the parent who has custody over the child, that in the instant case the State party failed to meet this obligation, despite recognizing the transfer of custody, and hence [...]
violated article 24 of the Covenant.
委员会请缔约国就几内亚有关离婚后子监 护权的现 行法律和做法方面的资料以及几内亚女性割礼的比例问题提出看法。
The Committee requested the State party to provide its views on the information relating to current Guinean legislation and practice relating to the custody of children after divorce, and the incidence of excision in Guinea.
缔约国不同意提交人 的观点,即参照《儿童权利公约》第十条来理解,《公约》第二十四条规定缔约
[...] 国有义务促成合法居住在丹麦境内的家长和其子女的团聚,只要该名家长拥监 护权。
The State party disagrees with the author that article 24 of the Covenant, read in the light of article 10 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, imposes an obligation on it to facilitate family
reunification between a parent residing legally in Denmark and his/her child in all cases
[...] where the parent holds custody.
为免生疑问,特此声明:若学生和/或其家长/监护人已收到 PEI
[...] 依照本协议或主托管协议/主保险协议*就任何事宜或损害而支付的任何款项,则该学生 和/或其家长/监护人应无权依照 本协议或主托管协议/主保险协议*中的其他任何条款向 [...]
PEI 或托管银行/保险公司*就同一事宜或损害另行索赔相同款项。
For the avoidance of doubt, if the Student and/or his/her parent/guardian receives any payment from the PEI or the Escrow Bank/Insurance Company* pursuant to a provision of this Agreement or the Master Escrow Agreement/Master Insurance Agreement* in respect of any matter or
damage, then the Student and
[...] his/her parent/guardian shall not be entitled to claim against [...]
the PEI or the Escrow Bank/Insurance
Company* for the same payment in respect of the same matter or damage pursuant to any other provision of this Agreement or the Master Escrow Agreement/Master Insurance Agreement*.
这些权利包 括:个人的生命权、人身自由与安全权和享有财产权,以及除了通过正当法律程
[...] 尊重私人生活和家庭生活的权利;在公共权力机构行使职能时获得平等待遇的权 利;参加政治党派、发表政治观点 权 利 ; 父母 监护 人 访问为子女或受 护人 的 教育自己选定的学校的权利;行动自由;良知自由和宗教信仰与实践自由;思 想和言论自由;结社和集会自由;以及新闻自由。
These are the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law; the right of equality before the law and the protection of the law; the right of respect for private and family life; the right of equality of treatment from any public authority in the
exercise of any
[...] functions; the right to join political parties and to express political views; the right of a parent or guardian to access a [...]
school of his own choice
for the education of his child or ward; freedom of movement; freedom of conscience and religious belief and observance; freedom of thought and expression; freedom of association and assembly; and freedom of the press.
通过将儿童定 义权利持 有个人而非简单地将其作为父母 监护 人 的 需要被善待的财产,《公 约》极大且永久地改变了如何对待和处理儿童权利这一问题的性质。
By identifying
[...] children as individual rights holders and not simply as the property of their parents or guardians in need of [...]
charity, the Convention
dramatically and permanently changed the nature of how the rights of the child would be considered and addressed.
对外措施: 计划考虑了 41 项措施,这 41 项措施主要是为了实现以下主要 目标:废除死刑(包括成立一个废除死刑的国际委员会);在合作领域的人权;消
[...] 儿童权利,使他们不受剥削、暴力和疾病的侵害;从保护法制国家和保护人权的 角度出发,制止恐怖主义;护人 权监 察 员 ;推进经济、社会与文化权利;消除 有罪不罚现象,并对国际刑事法院、以及以消除国际犯罪不受惩罚为目的的法院 [...]
Foreign policy measures: The plan envisages 41 measures that pursue the following priority objectives: the abolition of the death penalty (including the creation of an international commission against the death penalty); human rights in the area of cooperation; the eradication of torture; gender equality; the eradication of gender-based violence; combating human trafficking; the elimination of all forms of discrimination; the protection of children from exploitation, violence and disease; an end to terrorism, including through the
defence of the rule of law and of
[...] human rights; the protection of human rights defenders; the promotion [...]
of economic, social and
cultural rights; combating impunity, and active support for the International Criminal Court and for courts and other mechanisms combating impunity for international crimes; the eradication of poverty; combating climate change; and sustainable development.




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