

单词 监察部



party discipline committee

See also:



inspect v
observe v

look into
clearly evident

External sources (not reviewed)

因此, 绝大部分使用童工的经济活动仍然存在于劳 监察部 门 的 监 察 之 外。
Thus, the biggest part of the economic activities where child labour is used still remains
[...] outside of the Labour Inspections’ scrutiny.
(d) 考虑增加劳监察部门的 人员数量,并扩大其职权,如有充分理由相 信儿童受到强迫从事家务劳动,则该部门应有权检查私人住家
(d) Consider increasing the number and power of labour inspection units to inspect private homes when there are sufficient reasons to believe that children are engaged in forced domestic labour
如果我们的销售和支持团队未能解决问题,您可以将其作为投诉提交至我们 监察部。
If our Sales and Support Team are unable to resolve the matter you may refer it as a complaint
[...] to our Compliance Department.
[...] 小组进行了为期两天的培训;两个工作组在全国磋商活动期间制订的行动计划已经通过,实施工作 得监察部的资助。
In Niger, a two-day training session for the thematic groups responsible for drafting the PRSP was held in conjunction with the CCT project “Small research grants”; the action plan developed by two working
groups during the national consultation was adopted and
[...] received funding from the ministry in charge of its implementation.
然而,委员会感到遗憾的是,劳 监察部 门 缺 乏监督和调查贩运人口案及相 关做法所需的工作人员及资源。
However, the Committee regrets that
[...] the labour inspectorate lacks the staff and resources necessary for monitoring and investigating [...]
cases of trafficking
in persons and related practices.
由于劳监察部门建 立了法律机制,所有在检查时发现的未满 18 岁在职 人员已获得法律规定的福利。
As a result of the application of the legal mechanisms by the Labour Inspection all persons younger than 18 who worked at the moment the checks took place have been ensured with the benefits provided for by the legislation.
它指出司法 改革和
[...] 打击腐败是关键 的 优 先工作, 虽 然司监察部 门得到了加强,但 还 需 要 采取切实的 [...]
努力和 具 体 的行动。
While noting that the reform of justice and the fight
against corruption are key priorities and
[...] that the justice inspectorate has been strengthened, [...]
Belgium emphasized that tangible
efforts and concrete actions are needed.
[...] 务和国家的其他服务部门合作,比如警 署、边境控制部门、海关监察部门 和 税 务当局,其中还包括其他国家的海关和调 [...]
查服务部门、商业组织、科研机构、高 校,以及相关组织。
In order to discharge the above-described roles and responsibilities, the Customs Service
co-operates with other services in the
[...] country, such as the police, border control, [...]
general customs inspectorate and tax authorities.
[...] 率的一个首要任务就是进一步完善和加强俄联邦主体国家劳 监察部 门 的 物质器 材保障。
In addition to organizational initiatives and the development of a methodological approach, the further improvement and consolidation of material and technical resources of the State Labour Inspectorate in the constituent entities of the Russian
Federation is one of the prime objectives in the area of improving the effectiveness
[...] of inspection and oversight mechanisms.
一些国家在警察、检察、移民、卫生、收容和劳 监察部 门 建 立了一系列专门 机构,以确保它们能够参与打击贩运人口的行动。
Some States created a series of specialized units in sectors, such as police, prosecution, immigration, health, asylum and labour inspection, in order to ensure their involvement in the fight against trafficking in persons.
比 利 时 询问布基纳法索采取了 哪 些 措施来 改 善司法部门 的工作,什么时 候 更高级别的国监察部 门 才能公布报告,并落实为 具 体 的 反腐败措施。
Belgium enquired about measures taken to improve the working of
justice and when the
[...] higher State supervisory authority will be able to publish a report, which can be translated into tangible [...]
measures to combat corruption.
委员会还敦促缔约国,通过增加劳 监察部 门 的资金和人力资源,确保对移徙工 人的就业条款和工作条件进行严格控制。
The Committee also urges the State party to ensure strict control over the terms of employment and working conditions of migrant workers by strengthening financial and human resources of the labour inspectorate.
国家主管部门之间存在合作;例如,根据第 15/2008 号法律第 16 条,可疑 交易应立即通知总检察长,发出通知的可能是中央银行、赌博监督管理局、律 师事务所、经济活动监察部、公证总署、审计师公会和律师协会。
Cooperation between national authorities exists; for example, according to article 16 of Law No. 15/2008, the Attorney-General is to be informed immediately about suspicious transactions, which could come from the Central Bank, Gambling Supervision Authority, Solicitors’ Chambers, General Inspection of Economic Activities, General Direction of Notary, Chamber of Auditors and Bar Association.
委员会建议缔约国确保向劳监察部 门 划拨适足的人力及物力资源,确保监察人 员获得适当的培训,包括有关《公约》内容的培训,从而使其能够在充分尊重人 [...]
The Committee recommends that the State party should ensure that adequate
human and material resources are allocated
[...] to the labour inspectorate and that the staff [...]
of the inspectorate receive appropriate
training, including on the content of the Convention, so that it can perform its work with full respect for human rights.
2011 年对受歧视群体包括妇女的情况开展了研究,研究的重 点是政府行政部门和国家劳监察部 门 采 取的措施;这是波兰有史以来对歧视现 [...]
In 2011, research was carried out into the situation of
discriminated groups, including women, with special
[...] emphasis being placed on measures taken [...]
by government administration and the State
Labour Inspection; it represents the most extensive diagnosis of the phenomenon of discrimination ever carried out in Poland.
[...] 人格的待遇的司法以及专门负责调查的机构缺乏独立性。73 该中心还指出,国会 近期废除第 287-1009 号法令令人担忧,74 该法令曾寻求建立犯罪调查技术处,隶 属监察部并独立于国家警察。
CPTRT points to the lack of independence in the judiciary and the institutions responsible for investigating such offences as torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.73 CPTRT expresses concern at the recent repeal by Congress of Decree No. 2872009,74
which would have created a
[...] technical directorate for criminal investigation attached to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and [...]
independent of the National Police.
一旦建立了该委员会及其察局,司 法部的部监察局仍 将继续监督检察官和司法部的工作人员。
Once the Council and its inspectorate have been established, the Ministry’s internal inspectorate will continue to oversee prosecutors and Ministry staff.
总干事已经 决定,委员会的责任重点是:向其提出关于 部监察 事 项 和支持内部监督的建议。
The Director-General had decided that the
responsibility of the Committee should focus on advising him on
[...] internal control matters and supporting internal oversight.
该规则的一个例外是,宪法法院的法官、法官、检察官 监察 员、警察部队成 员和军事人员不能成为政党党员,根据法律这些人的职能与政党 成员不相容。
An exception to the rule is that a judge of the Constitutional Court, judges, public prosecutors, the Ombudsman, members of police force and military personnel, whose function is by law incompatible with membership in a political party, may not be members of political parties.
(e) 缔约国现有监控机制薄弱,尤其是儿童保护委员会和人力和移 部的 劳动监察体系未充分发挥效用。
(e) The weak monitoring mechanisms available in the State party, in particular the
insufficient use of the Child Protection Committees and of the labour
[...] inspection system of the Ministry of Manpower and Migration.
一般临时人员经费(168 000 美元)将用于为部监察员办 公室的一个办案 干事(P-4)职位供资,以处理金沙萨和喀土穆分支机构覆盖范围以外的维和人员 [...]
引起的案件,尤其是与西撒特派团、联海稳定团、观察员部队、联塞部队、联黎 部队、科索沃特派团、联利特派团、联东综合团和联科行动有关的案件(见
A/64/967,第 570 至 572 段)。
The resources for general temporary assistance [...]
($168,000) would cover the proposed funding of one Case Officer (P-4) position
for the Office of the Ombudsman at Headquarters to handle cases originating from peacekeeping personnel, in particular those related to MINURSO, MINUSTAH, UNDOF, UNFICYP, UNIFIL, UNMIK, UNMIL, UNMIT and UNOCI, not covered by the branches in Kinshasa and Khartoum (see A/64/967, paras. 570-572).
作为评价过程的第一个步骤, 部监察 厅 审 查了有关的文件,其中许多文件 是这两个部根据要求提供的,包括:密码电报、任务规定、秘书长的报告、关于 [...]
9. As the first step in the
[...] evaluation process, OIOS reviewed relevant [...]
documents, many of which were provided by the Departments,
upon request, including: code cables, mandates, reports of the Secretary-General, internal documents, literature on cooperation and coordination and literature on the relevant regional organizations.
劳工组织继续通过制定和实施以 2011 年制订的劳工监察战略为基础的一项 全面能力建设方案,为劳部监察司 提 供支持。
ILO continues to support the Inspection Department of the Ministry of Labour through the development and implementation of a comprehensive capacity-building programme that is based on the Labour Inspection Strategy developed in 2011.
妇女署将借鉴以往评价中所汲取的经验教训, 通过以下措施加强其部监察和评 价系统:(a) 在各级建立内部能力;(b) [...]
建立 可信和稳健的数据和信息系统;(c) 制订综合监察、评价和研究计划。
UN-Women is building on lessons
learned from previous evaluations to
[...] strengthen its internal monitoring and evaluation systems [...]
by: (a) building internal capacities
at all levels; (b) setting credible and robust data and information systems; and (c) developing integrated monitoring, evaluation and research plans.
咨询委员会获悉,上述根据第 65/259 号决议提出的内部司法报告预计将分 为两份单独的报告,分别涵盖正式制度 ( 内 部 司 法办公室和其他办公室)和非正式 制度,后者将在关于联合监察员和调解事务活动的年度报告中述及。
The Advisory Committee was informed that it is envisaged that the abovementioned reporting on administration of justice, pursuant to resolution 65/259, will be addressed in two separate reports, covering
the formal system
[...] (Office of the Administration of Justice and other offices) and the informal system, which will be addressed in the context of the annual report on the activities of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation [...]
拟设首席业务干事员额(P-3)的任职者将每天向警务专员报告整个任务区内 发生的所有事件,以便作出迅速和有效率的反应;制定业务计划,通过培训、监 测、技术援助、执行警务改革方案以及特派团为东部稳定战略提供的警务支助的 业务协调,确保协调、合理和有效率地执行工作,特别是在国家警察体制发展和 能力建设领域监督、 协调和控制所有联合国警务部门和分部门的活动;协助警 务专员行使对建制察部队的 业务指挥权。
The incumbent of the proposed post of Chief Operations Officer (P-3) would report to the Police Commissioner, on a daily basis, all incidents that occur across the Mission area for rapid and efficient responses; develop operational plans to ensure a coordinated, rational and efficient implementation of work, especially in the areas of institutional development and capacity-building of PNC through training, monitoring, technical assistance, implementation of the police reform programme and operational coordination of the Mission’s police support to the
[...] strategy in the east; supervise, coordinate and control the activities of the entire United Nations police sectors and sub-sectors; and assist the Police Commissioner in exercising the operational command of the formed police units.
阻吓贩卖人口措施关注委员会为跨部门的 多元性质公共实体,负责探讨、评估和研究贩卖人口对澳门特区社会的影响,推
[...] 动社会研究和分析,并从预防人口贩卖、保护及协助受害人重返社会这些方面, 向负责打击贩卖人口部门作出建议 监察 其 开 展的项目。
This Commission is an interdepartmental public body with a multidisciplinary nature with a mandate to diagnose, evaluate and study the social aspects of trafficking in persons in the MSAR, to promote its sociological research and analysis, to
issue recommendations and to monitor
[...] the activities of the departments which fight against trafficking [...]
in persons in the perspective
of its prevention and of protection and social reintegration of the victims.
我正式指出,当事各方对武器 贮藏集装箱外的武器达成了三项协定: 监察 军 火 和 军队管理工作协定》本身,它规定储存毛 部 队 的 多 数武器和尼泊尔军队同样数量的武器,并在每个主要 武器储存地点的周围用 30 件武器保安,在每个附属 储存地点使用 15 件武器;2007 年 6 月底签署的关于 毛派领导人安全的协定,它允许特定保安人员携带各 种口径的 42 件武器;以及最后,在联监察协调委 员会记录中大量提到的一项非正式谅解,允许毛派指部队的 师长、副师长和旅长各携带一件武器。
For the record, the parties have made three agreements over weaponry outside the weapon
storage containers:
[...] the Agreement on the Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies itself, which provides for the storage of most Maoist army weapons and of an equal number of Nepal Army weapons, and the use of 30 weapons for perimeter security at each main cantonment site and 15 at each satellite site; the agreement on the security of the Maoist leadership, which was signed in late June 2007 and which allowed 42 weapons of varying calibre to be carried by designated security personnel; and, finally, an informal understanding, amply referenced in the records of the Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee, that permits a weapon to be carried by Maoist divisional commanders, deputy divisional commanders and brigade commanders who command troops.
加强 国际社会在阿富汗性别平等方面工作的一些必要措施也得到了注意,其中包括:察部队征 聘的妇女增多和对安全部队中妇女的适当保护;针对妇女的技术能力 建设方案;政府在履行义务促进妇女领导地位和参与决策方面的问责;在制订监测和 评价衡量过渡时期对妇女影响的各项指标时包括了妇女组织;把保护阿富 汗妇女领导人作为优先事项对待。
These included: increased recruitment of
[...] women in the police force and adequate protection of women in security forces; targeted technical capacity-building programmes for women; accountability of the Government regarding its obligations to promote women’s leadership and participation in decision-making; the inclusion of women’s organizations in the design, monitoring and evaluation of indicators [...]
that measure
the impact of the transition on women; and treating the protection of Afghan women leaders as a priority.
按照安全理事会第 1925(2010)号决议执行部分第 12(o)段的授权,联刚稳定
团、开发署和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室与刚果民主共和国当局密切协商,着 手制定一个多年期(2010-2012
[...] 年)联合国司法支助联合方案,重点是在受冲突影 响的地区建设刑事司法链、察部门 、 司法机构 监 狱 , 并在金沙萨提供中央一 级的战略方案支助。
As mandated by the Security Council in paragraph 12 (o) of its resolution 1925 (2010), MONUSCO, UNDP and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in close consultation with the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, initiated the development of a multi-year (2010-2012) joint United Nations justice support programme focused on
developing the criminal justice
[...] chain, the police, the judiciary and prisons in conflict-affected [...]
areas and strategic programmatic
support at the central level in Kinshasa.




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