单词 | 监价 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鉴价—appraisalless common: valuation appraise
上述资产之处分,其交易总额系依据监 价机构监 价金额议 定 , 九 十 五 及 九十四年度分别认列处分损失3,848仟 元及处分利益为70,085仟元。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | The above disposal was made at arm’s length, the transaction amount was based on the appraisal value from the appraisal institution. english.taiwanmobile.com |
监价者必须是年金領取者和年金给付义务人之外的第三独立人。 jtt-e.com.tw | The appraiser mustbe independent [...] of the annuitant and the obligor. jtt-e.com.tw |
若为參与竞标所支付之相关支出 (如行政规费、委外代办费及监价费等)於发生时认列为费用。 cdibank.com | All marketing and related operating expenses, includingbidding fees and legal payments, are expensed when incurred. cdibank.com |
(2) 本公司向台湾固网承购之房地,其 交易总额系依据监价金额而定。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | (2) For the real estate bought from TFN, the transaction amount was based on the appraisal value from the appraisal institution. english.taiwanmobile.com |
债务人无力偿还该债务,法院执行假扣押或假处分 时,其所产生执行之相关费用,如声请裁定费、拍卖抵押物裁判费及 实地监价费等,应列为营业费用。 cdibank.com | If the debtor fails to repay the debt, the related expenses incurred for the provisional seizure or provisional disposition executed by the court - including the expenses for applying for auction permission, the judge’s expenses for collateral auction, and appraisal expenses - are accounted for as operating expenses. cdibank.com |
监於投标价格可大幅降低的机会不大,医管局於二零 零七年十一月二十日取消这次招标。 legco.gov.hk | As the potential of [...] lowering the tender pricesignificantly [...]was limited, HA cancelled the tender exercise on 20 November 2007. legco.gov.hk |
(a)监定有历史价值的建筑及项目,予以记录及进行研究 legco.gov.hk | (a) identify, record and research on [...] buildings and items of historicalinterestlegco.gov.hk |
创 新及科技基金亦资助以脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)排序分析法, 开发监定贵价食品真伪的方法。 legco.gov.hk | Separately, the ITF has also supported a project to develop [...] authentication of high-valuedfoodthrough DNA [...]sequences analysis. legco.gov.hk |
监於物业价格不断波动,要在 此刻预测房协在未来数年售出 2 万个住屋单位後会有多少盈余,实在不易。 legco.gov.hk | Giventhe fluctuation in property prices, itis difficult [...] at this juncture to forecast the type of surplus which the Housing [...]Society may make after completing and selling all the 20000 units over the next few years. legco.gov.hk |
监於定价将根据正常商业条款或更有利於合营集团的条款(惟关於办公空 间的服务除外,有关定价将为当前的价格水平及市场价格中之较低者)厘定,吾等 [...] 认为,交接期间服务协议项下的条款乃按正常商业条款商定并属公平合理。 cre8ir.com | Given the pricingwill be determined [...] based on normal commercial terms or on terms more beneficial to the JV Group (except [...]for the prices for services relating to office space, which shall be the lower of the prior price level and the market price), we are of the view that the terms of the Transitional Services Agreement are on normal commercial terms and are fair and reasonable. cre8ir.com |
监於定价将按公平基准及正常商业条款商定,吾等认为,员工店协议项下的 [...] 定价条款属公平合理。 cre8ir.com | Given the pricing will be determined [...] on an arm’slengthbasisandon normal commercial terms, we are of the view that the pricing [...]terms under the Employee Shop Agreements are fair and reasonable. cre8ir.com |
监於定价将按正常商业条款或对Online Shop及╱或My Shop而言不优於向 [...] 独立第三方所提供的条款商定,吾等认为,Online Shop及My Shop协议项下的定 价条款属公平合理。 cre8ir.com | Giventhepricing willbe determined [...] based on normal commercial terms or on terms no more favourable to Online Shop and/or [...]My Shop than terms available to independent third parties, we are of the view that the pricing terms under the Online Shop and My Shop Agreement are fair and reasonable. cre8ir.com |
340 社会服务个案档案 第 5 节 CSO - 第 72 页 根据档案处的记录,在 2008 年至 2012 年期间,并没有任何决策局/部门不当地 拖延把经监定为具历史价值的机密档案移交该处作永久保存。 legco.gov.hk | Social Welfare Department 340 Social services case files Session 5 CSO - Page 79 From 2008 to 2012, GRS has not recorded any case involving undue delay on the part of B/Ds in transferring classified records appraised as having archivalvalue to GRS for permanent retention. legco.gov.hk |
8 在尼米兹学校的标准工作成绩监定表是在评价我孩子在标准课程中学习成绩的一件有效的指标。 nimitzpta.org | 8 The standards-based report card at Nimitz School is an effective tool in assessing my child's attainment of curriculum standards. nimitzpta.org |
政府档案处( 档案处) 监定政府档案及材料时非常谨 慎,以确保监别出具历史价值的档案作永久保存,以供公众查阅。 legco.gov.hk | The Government Records Service (GRS) appraises government records and materials with due care to ensure that those with archival value will be identified and preserved permanently for public access. legco.gov.hk |
监於加价申请已由有关当局详细审核及进行谘询,并就加幅达成广泛共识, 我相信各位议员都会同意,除非有充分、合理和实质的理由,否则我们是很难证明有需要 及支持进㆒步调整建议的收费。 legco.gov.hk | Giventhe meticulous vetting and consultative process that has already taken place, resulting in a wide consensus for the package, I trust that Honourable Members would agree that further adjustments to the proposed fares can only be justified and supported if there are good, sound and valid reasons. legco.gov.hk |
世界文化遗 产名录》由联合国教育、科学及文化组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific and [...] Cultural Organization)设立,藉以识别和监定极具价值的地 点,以作长期保护。 legco.gov.hk | The World Heritage List is established by the United Nations Educational, [...] Scientific and Cultural Organization to identify and secure [...] sites of outstanding universalvalue for lasting [...]protection. legco.gov.hk |
但档 案处自 2012-13 年度起已获增拨资源,加快处理尚待监定其历史价值的积 压档案。 legco.gov.hk | However, since 2012-13, additional resources have been allocated to GRS to speed up the progress of clearing the backlog of records pending appraisal of archivalvalue. legco.gov.hk |
200 万 元 [...] 限 额 的 基 线是 在㆒九八㆓ 年 厘 定,监於目前 物业价格节节㆖ 升 , 即使在新市镇 的 物 业 [...]价格也如 是,因此,现 在正 是将缴 付 遗产 税的 限 额 基 线 提高的时候,比 方 说:提 高至 250 [...]万元 以 便 减轻对㆗㆘ 入 息家 庭 的 困苦,因 为这可能是 他们在困 境 时 唯 ㆒的财产。 legco.gov.hk | The amount of $2 million is still there and it [...] was decided, Ibelieve,in 1982. With the property prices[...]now rising high in even the new towns, [...]it is time to lift that baseline to, say, $2.5 million and therefore alleviate hardship to the middle income class whose family may have only one major asset in time of crisis to be able to escape estate duty. legco.gov.hk |
唯一的通胀风险 似乎来自商品价格,但监於未来数季的环球增长放缓,商品价格 飙升的可能性不大。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | The only inflation risk would appear to come from commodityprices,but givensubdued global growth in the quarters ahead, a sharp rise in these prices is unlikely. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
监於新票价调整方程式中的生产力因素设定值为0.6%,连同推出的 多种新优惠,港铁公司预计2013年的收入将减少2.89亿元,以後每年的收入 亦会减少。 legco.gov.hk | As a result of the new PF value at 0.6% under the new FAM formula, together with the implementation of the various concessions, MTRCL estimates that the revenue foregone in 2013 amounts to $289 million. legco.gov.hk |
拟议的文物影响评估会 涵盖所有法定古蹟、建议法定古蹟、已评级的历史遗址/建筑、经古 物古蹟办事处监别具考古价值的地点及政府历史建筑地点。 legco.gov.hk | The proposed HIA will cover all declared monuments, proposed monuments, graded historic sites/buildings, sites of archaeological interest and Government historic sites identified by the Antiquities and Monuments Office. legco.gov.hk |
当 局根据该法令成立了一个法定组织 ⎯⎯ 维护澳门都市、风景及文化 财产委员会(Committee for the Defence of the Urban Environmental and Cultural Heritage) ,负责监定具文物价值的物业,并把该等物业划分为不同的 类别。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Decree, a statutory body – the Committee for the Defence of the Urban Environmental and Cultural Heritage – was established to identify and categorize properties of heritage valuesinto different classifications. legco.gov.hk |
有监於今年油价持续上 涨 , 拖 网 渔 船 的 燃油消 耗 量 高 ( [...] 占 生 产成本百 分之 五十以上),而六 月及七 月正值 内 地 南海实施每 年一度的休 渔 期,令 渔 民 的 生计受 到 影响。 legco.gov.hk | Thesoaring petroleum pricethisyear and [...] the high consumption rate by trawling vessels (comprises more than 50% of the [...]operational cost) have affected the livelihood of fishermen, in particular during the annual fishing moratorium in the South China Sea in June and July. legco.gov.hk |
监於公众对油价的关注,我们一直有监察无铅汽油和 超低硫柴油本地零售价与每月平均新加坡离岸价的走势 ( 此乃亚太区域汽油和柴油定价的主要参考指标) 。 legco.gov.hk | In view of public concern [...] about oil prices, wehave been monitoring the local pump prices ofunleaded [...]petrol and ULSD against [...]monthly average Singapore FOB prices (the generally accepted regional benchmark for pricing in the Asia Pacific Region). legco.gov.hk |
监於近年燃料价格不断上升,加上由 2009 年起休渔 期延长实施时间和增加禁制的捕鱼方法类别,我们自 [...] 2008 年起,利用 鱼类统营处本身的财政资源,透过鱼类统营处贷款基金为受休渔期影 响的渔民提供额外贷款,以进一步增加对他们的财政援助。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the [...] increase offuel price in recent years [...]and the extension of the duration of the fishing moratorium and types [...]of banned fishing methods in 2009, we have further strengthened the financial assistance to fishermen affected by the fishing moratorium by providing extra loans through the FMOLF with FMO’s own financial resources since 2008. legco.gov.hk |
监於即将向合营公司 出售的产品的定价条款将根据正常商业条款厘定,或有关条款不逊於合营公司可 向独立第三方提供或取得的条款,并已考虑数量、条款及条件,吾等认为遥控产 [...] 品销售协议的定价条款属公平合理。 cre8ir.com | Giventhepricing terms ofthe products to be sold to JVCo will be [...] based on normal commercial terms, or on terms no less [...]favorable to JVCo than termsavailabletoorfromindependent third parties taking into consideration the volumes, terms and conditions, we consider that the pricing terms of the Remote Control Sale Agreement are fair and reasonable. cre8ir.com |
他在㆗电服务,我与张监泉议员㆒起会见㆗电的董事局,大家都知道刚才潘 国濂议员已说过,㆗电与港灯八年来也未加价,这不是张监泉议员和我的功劳。 legco.gov.hk | Mr POON said a moment ago that China Light and Power and Hong Kong Electric had not increased charges for over eight years. legco.gov.hk |
五年 不改版」政策已於 2010/11 学年实施;至於「课本、教材和学材分拆定价」政策,监於课本出版商提出需要时间处理一系列执行上的细节,如政策在 2010/11 学年实施,他们难於在限期前完成有关工作。 legco.gov.hk | As to the debundling policy, publishers indicated that they needed time to work out the details involved in its implementation and would have great difficulty completing the task if the policy was implemented in the 2010/11 school year. legco.gov.hk |