

单词 监事会

监事会 noun, plural ()

supervisory boards pl

See also:

监事 n

supervisor n


External sources (not reviewed)

公司创始人的后代监事会 和控股公司起着积极的作用,从而加强了企业识别。
Descendants of our company founder play an active
[...] role on our supervisory council and in the holding [...]
company, thus strengthening our corporate identity.
瓦克化学股份有限公司监事会成员 架构代表了德国典型的商业模式: 来自工商、金融和法律界的高级管理人员,工会代表和熟练工人。
The members of Wacker
[...] Chemie AG’s Supervisory Board represent a [...]
cross section of German business: leading managers from
industry, finance and law, as well as trades union representatives and skilled workers.
500多位贵宾应邀参加了活动,其中有瓦克总裁兼首席执行官鲁道夫•施陶迪格博士 监事会 主 席 彼得-亚历山大•瓦克博士。
Over 500 guests attended the event, including WACKER CEO Dr. Rudolf
[...] Staudigl and Supervisory Board chairman [...]
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker.
除了在舍弗勒集团的任职,乔治•F.W.•舍弗勒还兼任大陆集 监事会 主 席 和执行委员会成员。
In addition to his tasks in the Schaeffler Group, Georg F. W. Schaeffler is a member of the Supervisory Board of Continental AG and also a member of its Executive Committee.
1.1 本公司事会、监事会及其 董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何 虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连 带责任。
1.1 The Board, the supervisory committee, as well as the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company hereby warrant that there are no false representations, misleading statements or material omissions in this report, and jointly and severally accept full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this quarterly report.
监事会负责监督高级管理人员的政策以及飞利浦的日 常事务,并向高级管理人员提供建议。
The Supervisory Board supervises the policies [...]
of the executive management and the general course of affairs of Philips and
advises the executive management thereon.
[...] 德国电气电子制造商协会(ZVEI)名誉主席;汉诺威的德国博览会集团公司 监事会 副 主 席和建设与投资委员会主席;汉诺威博览会展商委员会主席;BDI(德国工业联合会)主席团成员。
Mr. Harting is Honorary Member of the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE); Honorary President of the German Electrical and Electronic
Manufacturers’ Association (ZVEI); Deputy
[...] Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Chairman [...]
of the construction and investment committee
at Deutsche Messe AG, Hanover; Chairman of the Exhibitors’ Board Hanover Fair; Member of the Presidential Board of BDI (Federation of German Industries).
The new team stands for internationalism, creativity, entrepreneurial drive and a high level of professionalism.
阿克苏诺贝尔公司前任管理董事会主席,现任荷兰喜力公 监事会 主 席 ,法航/荷航集团、D.E. Master [...]
Blenders 和法国液化空气集团董事会成员,并担任 JP Morgan 公司高级顾问。
Former Chairman of the Board of
Management of Akzo Nobel and currently
[...] Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Heineken, [...]
member of the Boards of AirFrance/KLM,
DE Master Blenders, Air Liquide and Senior Advisor JP Morgan Plc.
Hermann Jung
[...] 博士是Koenig & Bauer AG 的监事会成员以及 Commerzbank AG、BayernLB [...]
和Gerling/HDI 咨询委员会委员。
Dr. Hermann Jung is a
[...] member of the supervisory board of Koenig & [...]
Bauer AG as well a member of the Advisory Board of Commerzbank AG, BayernLB and Gerling/HDI.
Nowotny 的演讲之后是第一天的专家小组讨论会,带来了一长串有意思也有启发的讨论:奥地利国际银行董 会 顾 问 、S WI FT 监事会成员 Günther Gall、德意志联邦银行支付与结算系统总监 [...]
Jochen Metzger、德国商业银行首席信息官、德国
SWIFT 全国会员组主席 Stephan Müller 以及奥地利国民银行行长、欧洲中央银行 (ECB) 治理委员会成员 Ewald Nowotny 参加了由 SWIFT 欧中非地区中东欧总监 Christian Kothe 主持的一项讨论,议题为“新金融格局”。
The panel discussion that followed Nowotny’s speech on the first day opened up a long string of interesting and informative discussions: Günther Gall, Advisor to the
Board of Raiffeisenbank
[...] International and Supervisory Board Member of SWIFT, Jochen Metzger, Head [...]
of Payments and Settlement
Systems at Deutsche Bundesbank, Stephan Müller, Chief Information Officer of Commerzbank AG and Chairman of the SWIFT National Member Group for Germany, as well as Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and Member of the Governing Council of the ECB, participated in a discussion moderated by Christian Kothe, Head of Central and Eastern Europe EMEA at SWIFT, on the topic, “The new financial landscape.
股东们和博监事会对Si egfried Dais博士以及Rudolf Colm博士在博世集团所取得的卓越成就表示赞赏,尤其对他们这些年作为董事会成员所作出的贡献表示感谢。
The shareholders and the supervisory board paid tribute [...]
to the outstanding achievements of Dr. Siegfried Dais and Dr. Rudolf
Colm, thanking them for their decades of tireless dedication, the final years of which were spent on the board of management.
[...] 卡尔·埃德尔曼有限公司(Carl Edelmann GmbH)监事会成员
Dr. Sollinger is a member of
[...] the Advisory Board of Carl Edelmann [...]
GmbH, Heidenheim.
对于参加集团以外监事会或是 咨询委员会也同样适用。
This also applies to service on supervisory or advisory boards in non-group companies.
2012年9月7日,广州:第三届中国临空经济国际高峰论坛于9月5日广州正式召开,罗兰贝格管理咨询高级合伙人、全 监事会 成 员吴琪先生受邀参加,在论坛上,吴琪与中国民用机场协会秘书长陈晓宁一起发布了《2012中国民用机场发展报告》,并与现场专家一起就临空经济区规划与商业模式构建进行了交流,展望机场业与临空经济的现状与趋势。
Guangzhou, September 7, 2012: Wu Qi, Senior Partner and Member of the Supervisory Board of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, was invited to present the 2012 Chinese Civil Airport Development Report at the 3rd China Airports Economy Summit in Guangzhou on September 5. Mr. Wu presented the report with Chen Xiaoning, Secretary General of the China Airports Association (CAA), and afterwards exchanged views with other experts on the planning of airport economic zones and business models and anticipated the current situation and development trends of the airport industry and economy.
至2006年,Souretis先生还担任INTRACOM保加利亚有限公司的董事会成员、INTRALBAN ShA公司监事会成员 、Aitheras能源公司的董事会主席以及总经理。
Until 2006, Mr Souretis served as member of the BoD of INTRACOM BULGARIA AD, Member of the Supervisory Board of INTRALBAN ShA and President of the BoD & Managing Director of AITHERAS ENERGY.
我们在德累斯顿达到了如今汽车制造的最高质量”, 大众汽车公监事会主席 费迪南德·皮耶希教授(Prof. Dr. Ferdinand K. Piëch )如 此 表 述 ,并 补 充 道 ,透 明 工厂“是一件体现建筑设计和智能物流的独特艺术品, 它将传统的工业生产与工场手工制造程序结合在一起, 透明开放,供人们感受和体验。
What we are achieving in Dresden is the highest standard of craftsmanship that is currently possible,” declares Prof. Dr. Ferdinand K. Piëch, Chairman of the Volkswagen AG Supervisory Board, adding that the factory is “a unique masterpiece encompassing architecture, intelligent logistics and the combination of conventional industrial production and time-honoured manufacturing traditions.
监事会审查 并批准了管理层的利润分配建议。
The Supervisory Board reviewed and approved the Board of Management’s [...]
recommendation for the allocation of profits.
监事会里至 少有三位成员 (上市公司至少五位), 每一位被任命的监事一届任期最多五年, [...]
这是强制 规定。
A supervisory board with at least [...]
three members (five for a listed company), each appointed for a term of up to five years, is mandatory.
关于设定股份有限公司、公营企业和国家公共机构 事会 及 监事会 妇 女 比例 (目标 40%)的法律提案已在国民议会投票通过,下一步将在参议院讨论。
A bill that has been adopted by the National Assembly and should soon be debated in the Senate aims to establish quotas for women (eventually 40 per cent) on the boards of directors or supervisory boards of private, public and Governmentowned corporations.
事实上,他是1994年意法半导体IPO团队的一员,并作为专家的身份协助意法半导 监事会 的 工 作。
In fact he was part of the ST IPO team in 1994 and has been associated as an
[...] expert to the ST Supervisory Board.
正泰太阳能重视营运透明度及公司治理,牢固树立遵章守法、规范运作的理念,致力于建立股东大会、 事会 、监 事会、管理层权责分明、各司其职、相互制衡、独立运作的现代公司治理架构,持续提升管理绩效,保障投资人及其 他利益相关者权益。为规范公司治理,公司在董事会下设立了提名委员会、薪酬委员会、审计委员会,强化风险控制。
To standardize corporate management, the company has set up nomination committee, remuneration committee, audit committee to strengthen risk control.
我公司监事会,由监事 4 名(其中公司外部监事 2 名)构成,各监事遵监事会决定 的监察 方针、业务分摊,除出席董事会等其他重要会议外,还通过听取职务执行状况,阅览重要决议等文 件,调查各企业工作等,对董事的职务执行及我公司及子公司的业务及财产状况等进行监察。
The Company’s Board of Corporate Auditors comprises a total of four Corporate Auditors (including two Outside Corporate Auditors), and each Corporate Auditor is expected to attend Board of Directors meetings and [...]
other important meetings
in accordance with the audit policies and the individual work responsibilities prescribed by the Board of Corporate Auditors, and is charged with performing audits of business execution status by the Directors and the state of business and assets of the Company and its subsidiaries by verifying business execution status, inspecting substantive decision documents, and conducting on-site examinations.
由于他在工程行业多年的经验,他非常了解我们行业的特殊需要”,当舒勒公 监事会 主 席-Robert Schuler-Voith博士今天宣监事会任命 Norbert Broger的决定时说道。
Thanks to his many years of experience in the engineering industry, he is well aware of the special requirements of our sector”, stated Dr.
Robert Schuler-Voith,
[...] Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Schuler AG, as he welcomed today’s decision by the Supervisory Board to appoint [...]
Norbert Broger.
罗旭德现为慕尼黑再保险公监事会 成 员 、德国经济亚太委员会(APA)主席、欧洲企业家圆桌会议(ERT)副主席和欧俄企业家圆桌会议(IRT)联合主席。
Peter Löscher is a
[...] member of the Supervisory Board of Munich [...]
RE, Chairman of the Asia Pacific Committee of the German Economy
(APA), Vice Chairman of the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT), and Co-Chairman of the EU-Russia Industrialists’ Roundtable (IRT).
股东大会是最高权力机构,它的主要职责是 选监事委员会的7名 成员及管理委员会的主 席。
The General Meeting of Shareholders is the highest
decision-making body, its main function being to select 7
[...] members of the Supervisory Board and the President [...]
of the Management Board.
大会第六十届会议在第 60/252 号决议中,请经济及社会事会监督 全系统 对首脑会议日内瓦和突尼斯两阶段会议成果,即《原则宣言和行动计划》以及《突 [...]
尼斯承诺》和《信息社会突尼斯议程》,采取的后续行动(又见理事会第 2006/46 号决议)。
At its sixtieth session, the General Assembly, in its resolution 60/252,
[...] requested the Council to oversee the system-wide [...]
follow-up of the Geneva and Tunis
outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, namely, the Declaration of Principles and the Plan of Action, and the Tunis Commitment and the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society (see also Council resolution 2006/46).
高级法院 对初级法 院 进行监督,包括最高法 院每年定期检查所有法院的 工作。除此
[...] 之 外 ,还由司 法部官员对 司 法活动实行监督, 即监督遵守法律时限 情 况,司法事会监督法 院和法官的活动,以及非政府组织的监督活动等。
In addition to the instance supervision by higher courts which includes regular annual control of work of all courts performed by the Supreme Court, the supervision by the officials of the Ministry of Justice over the performance of activities of the judicial administration, that is, compliance with legal deadlines,
the established
[...] competence of the Judicial Council on performance of the supervision of the activities [...]
of courts and judges,
the supervision by NGO was performed as well.
安全事会将通过的关于停止对加沙的侵略和 战争的决议必须重申,必须在真正和有效的国监 督下继续推动政治进程,以确保将在 1967 年边界内 建立以圣城为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国,根据 1948 年大会第 194(III)号决议找到巴勒斯坦难民问题 的公正和商定解决办法,并释放所有被关押者和囚 犯。
The resolution to be adopted by
[...] the Security Council on the cessation of aggression and war against Gaza must reiterate the need for the political process to continue under genuine and effective international supervision in order to ensure [...]
that an independent
Palestinian State will be created within the 1967 borders and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital; that a just and agreed solution will be found to the issue of Palestinian refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948; and that all detainees and prisoners will be released.
咨询委员会注意到,2010 年拟议资源的增加还反映了以下方面所需
[...] 资源的增加:反恐怖主义委员会执行局(963 700 美元),因为拟议增设 2 个职位(1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-2);支持安全理会第 1540(2004)号决议所 设委员会(886 500 美元),因为拟议增设 1 个 P-5 职位;索马里问监 察组(311 500 美元),因为依照安全事会第 1853(2008)号决议增加了 第五位专家;苏丹问题专家小组(225 700 美元),因为专家的月费增加。
The Advisory Committee notes that the increase in the resources proposed for 2010 also reflects additional requirements for the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate ($963,700) in view of two additional positions (1 P-4 and 1 P-2) proposed; for support to the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004)
($886,500), in view of
[...] the proposed addition of one P-5 position; for the Monitoring Group on Somalia ($311,500), owing to the addition of a fifth expert pursuant to Security Council resolution 1853 (2008); and for the Panel [...]
of Experts on the
Sudan ($225,700), in view of the increase in the monthly fees of experts.




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