











External sources (not reviewed)

The amount of the Group’s revenues that is deemed to be Indian sourced is yet to be decided by the Indian Courts and is therefore the exact tax consequences are still uncertain.
分反对管制停車熄匙的人士提出天气炎热时乘客和驾驶 者的舒适问题,一位成员提议在夏天时才进行停車熄匙管制的 试验计划。
A member suggested conducting a pilot scheme in summer as some opponents of the ban had raised the issue of passenger and driver comfort when the weather is hot.
If the student does not score a 4 or 5 on the CELDT, he/she will be classified as an English Learner.
少检测样本的氨基甲酸乙酯含量 低於检测限,而且大多數样本的氨基甲酸乙酯含量中位數又低於含量平 均值( 見附件 II),因此,为公众健康着想,我们采用保守的做法,就是 以氨基甲酸乙酯含量平均值來估计摄入量。
Considering that a number of test samples had EC levels below the detection limit and the median EC values were in most cases lower than the mean EC values (Annex II), the mean EC values were used for exposure estimate as a conservative approach for the protection of public health.
价将根据正常商业条款或更有利於合营集团的条款(惟关於办公空 [...]
间的服务除外,有关定价将为当前的价格水平及市场价格中之较低者)厘定,吾等 认为,交接期间服务协议项下的条款乃按正常商业条款商定并属公平合理。
Given the pricing will be [...]
determined based on normal commercial terms or on terms more beneficial to the JV Group (except
for the prices for services relating to office space, which shall be the lower of the prior price level and the market price), we are of the view that the terms of the Transitional Services Agreement are on normal commercial terms and are fair and reasonable.
主席说分放射性物质在食物中仍会长时间具有放射性,监察工作会持续一 段时间。
The Chairman remarked that the surveillance would continue for an extended period in view that some radioactive substances would remain radioactive for a prolonged period in food.
(k) 经 签 署 文 件 亦 意 指 经 亲 笔 签 署 、 加 盖 公 司电 子 方 式 或 任 何 其 他 方 式 签 署 之 文 件 ; 而 通 告 或 文 件 亦 意 指 记 录 或 储 存 於 任 何 数 码、电 子、电 动、磁 力 或 其 他 可 追 溯 方 式 或 媒 体 之 通 告 或 文 件 , 以 及 可 观 看 之 资 料 ( 不 论 其 是 否 具 体 存 在 )。
(k) references to a document being executed include references to it being executed under hand or under seal or by electronic signature or by any other method and references to a notice or document include a notice or document recorded or stored in any digital, electronic, electrical, magnetic or other retrievable form or medium and information in visible form whether having physical substance or not.
根据过往经验关应收账项的信贷质素并没有重大改变,欠款仍视为可以全数 收回,因此管理层相信毋需作出减值拨备。
Based on past experience, management believes that no impairment allowance is necessary in respect of these balances as there has not been a significant change in credit quality and the balances are still considered fully recoverable.
On these pages you will find links to many education institutions, official government sites as well as peak bodies and quality agencies.
(5) 如 有 人 因 某 项 罪 行 而 被 定 罪,任 何 警 务 人 员 均 可 取 得 或 使 人 取 得 该 人 所 有 或 任 何料,不 论 该 等 资 料 是 否 已 由 警 务 处 处 长 保 存,而 警 务 处 处 长 可 保 留 已 取 得料,除 非 或 直 至 该 人 的 控 罪 经 上 诉 驳 回 为 止 。
(5) Where a person is convicted of an offence, any police officer may take or cause to be taken all or any of the 165 identifying particulars of that person whether or not such particulars are already in the possession of the Commissioner, and the Commissioner may retain any identifying particulars so taken unless and until and conviction is set aside on appeal.
(a)  任何董事或秘书或就此获董事会委任之任何人士将有何影响本公 司组织章程之文件及本公司或董事会或任何董事会委员会所通过任何决议案及有关 本公司事务之任何账册、记录、文件及账目以及核证其副本或节录为真实副本或节 录,及倘任何账册、记录、文件及账目存於注册办事处以外地点,则负责存管该等 文件之本公司地方经理或其他高级职员,将被视为已就此按上文所述获董事会委 任。
(a) Any Director or the Secretary or any person appointed by the Directors for the purpose shall have power to authenticate any documents affecting the constitution of the Company and any resolutions passed by the Company or the Directors or any committee of Directors and any books, records, documents and accounts, relating to the business of the Company, and to certify copies thereof or extracts therefrom as true copies or extracts; and, where any books, records, documents and accounts are elsewhere than at the registered office, the local manager or other officer of the Company having the custody thereof shall be deemed to be a person appointed by the Directors as aforesaid.
尽 管 董 事 会 知 悉 最 佳 常 规 建 议 将 主 席 及 行 政 总 裁 之 职 务分开 ,集 团 规 模 不 大 且 其 核 心 业 务 性 质 较 为 简 单 , 并 仅 由 其 附 属 公 司 武 汉 阳 逻 港 独 立 经 营 , 而 武 汉 阳 逻 港 总 经 理 ( 实 际 上 为 行 政 总 裁 )之 角 色 由 另 一人出 任 , 故 董 事 会 认 为 无 必 要 委 任主席 以 外 人 士 担 任 本 公 司及本 集 团 之 行 政 总 裁 。
While the Board is aware that it is a recommended best practice to split the role of the Chairman and the Chief Executive, in view of the small size of the Group and the fact that the Group’scorebusiness is straight forward and is carried out singularly by its subsidiary, WIT, and the fact that the role of general manager (de facto chief executive) of WIT is carried out and performed by another person, the Board does not see a need to appoint a person other than the Chairman as Chief Executive at the Company level and the Group level.
海港政府大楼安装电子镇流器 的计划十分成功,我们陆续在其他政府建 筑物安装南京、深圳、福建等地生产的不 同牌子的电子镇流器,成绩同样令人鼓 舞。
Following the successful implementation of electronic ballasts in Harbour Building, we had also tried in some other Government buildings, other brands of electronic ballasts manufactured in Nanjing, Shenzhen, Fujian, etc. with similar encouraging results.
As English Learners, students must receive services and are eligible for programs until they are reclassified as English proficient students.
教 育 签 账 类 别 之 合 资 格 交 易 包 括 但 不 限 於 : (i) 於 网 上 报 读 本 地 及 海 外 各 大 院 校 / 办 学 机 构 举 办 之 课 程 ( 根 据 持 续 进 修 基 金 可 获 发 还 款 项 课 程 名 单 为 准 ) 或 / 及 (ii) 於 网 上 支 付 本 地 及 海 外 学 费 , 而 所 有 交 易 均 须 以 港 币 签 账 ; 合 资 格 之 交 易 并 不 包 括 以 信 用 卡 於 网 上 银 行 缴 费 或 / 及 於 商 户 编 号 为 非 教 育 / 考 试 之 商 户 / 机 构 ( 根 据 恒 生 银 行 有 限 公 司 ( 「 恒 生 」 ) / Visa 国 际 组 织 / Master
Card Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 不 时 界 定 ) 或 个 别 商
[...] 户 之 收 单 银 行商 户 编 号 为 [...]
非 有 关 行 业 之 正 确 商 户 编 号 或 其 他 未 经 许 可 之 签 账 。
Eligible transactions in Education category include but not limit to: (i) online payment on courses held by local and overseas universities/ institutions (according to the reimbursable course list of The Continuing Education Fund); and/ or (ii) online payment on local and overseas public tuitions and all transactions must be in HKD. Eligible transactions do not include online bill payment with credit card via internet banking and/ or transactions with the merchant codes which are not defined as education / examination by Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng”) / Visa International / MasterCard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited from
time to time, transactions with the merchant
[...] codes which are not defined as correct [...]
codes of related business by the merchants’
acquiring banks and any unauthorized transactions.
将向合营公司 出售的产品的定价条款将根据正常商业条款厘定,或有关条款不逊於合营公司可 [...]
向独立第三方提供或取得的条款,并已考虑数量、条款及条件,吾等认为遥控产 品销售协议的定价条款属公平合理。
Given the pricing terms of [...]
the products to be sold to JVCo will be based on normal commercial terms, or on terms no less
favorable to JVCo than termsavailabletoorfromindependent third parties taking into consideration the volumes, terms and conditions, we consider that the pricing terms of the Remote Control Sale Agreement are fair and reasonable.
This is likely to become increasingly important given the shift towards more energy intensive diets globally.
然 而股股东 变 动( 如 下 文 所 述 [...]
)及 经 考 虑 香 港 公 司 收 购 及 合 并 守 则 第 4 条 项 下之影 响 , 以 及 尚 未 达 成 任 何 具 法 律 约 束 力 之 协 议 , 董 事 会
一 致 议 决 搁 置 建 议 出 售 之 磋 商 , 直 至 董 事 会 另 行 决 定 为 止 。
However, having regardto the [...]
change of controlling shareholders (mentioned below) and taking into account the implications
under Rule 4 of the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers and the fact that no legally binding agreement had been reached, the Board unanimously resolved to withhold the negotiation with regard to the proposed disposal until further determination by the Board.
述原 因,以及中介公司雇员是由中介公司聘用和调配,我们并无中介公司雇员的聘用年期资 料。
Therefore, we do not have information on the years of service of agency workers who are employees of the EAs and are at the disposal of the latter.
以免高调的到来,先进技术车辆的迅速发展掩盖的“传统”汽油车,应当指出有一半的车辆环保名单上运行以汽油为动力,内燃机 - 本身就是一个故事量的混合动力车和市场上的其他替代品的今天。
Lest the arrival of high-profile, advanced technology vehicles obscure the rapid evolution of the “conventional” gasoline vehicle, it should be noted that half the vehicles on the Greenest List run on gasoline-powered, internal combustion engines — a story in itself, given the large number of hybrids and other alternatives on the market today.
(k) 在此等细则提述经签署的文件应包括提述经亲笔签署或加盖电 子方式或任何其他适用规程、规则及规例许可的方式签署的文件,而此等 细则内提述的通告或文件应包括任何数码、电子、电气、磁力或其他可存 取方式或媒体记录或储存的通告或文件,以及可视资料,不论以实物或非 实物形式存在。
(k) references to a document being executed in these Bye-laws shall include references to it being executed under hand or underseal orby electronic signature or by any other method as far as such mode or method is permitted under the applicable Statutes, rules and regulations and references to a notice or document in these Bye-laws shall include a notice or document recorded or stored in any digital, electronic, electrical, magnetic or other retrievable form or media and information in visible form whether having physical substance or not.
(a) 董事会可不时及随时按其认为适当之任期及条件,就其认为适当之目的以 加盖权书委任任何公司、商号或人士或任何人数不等之团体(不 论是否由董事会直接或间接提名),作为本公司之一名或多名受权人,享 有董事会所赋予之权力、权限及酌情权(以本章程细则赋予董事会或其根 据本章程细则可行使者为限),且任何此等授权书可载列董事会认为适当 之条文,以保障及方便与任何上述受权人交易之人士,亦可授权任何上述 受权人将其获赋予之全部或任何权力、权限及酌情权转授予他人。
(a) The Board may from time to time and at any time, by power of attorney under the Seal, appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to subdelegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
如 果 这 样 不可行,这个方案则会涉 及 动 用 额 外的公 帑府已承諾节 省 开 支,这 样 做 将会非 常 困难。
If this is not viable, then this option would involve additional expenditure from the public coffers, which would be extremely difficult, given that the Government has undertaken to contain public expenditure.
们继续集中检讨产品组合,并按计划转向更具盈利能 力的产品,代理及夥伴渠道的利润率亦持续改善。
Consistent margin improvements were seen across both agency and partnership channels, as we continued to focus on the ongoing review of our product portfolio and the planned shift towards more profitable products.
(b) 授权本公司任何一名董事(或如需加盖公司授权本公司任何两名董 事),按其/彼等全权酌情认为适当者,代表本公司签署一切其他文件,以 及作出一切行动或事项,以使本公司的名称更改生效及落实。
(b) any one director of the Company, or any two directors of the Company if the affixation of the common seal is necessary, be and is/are hereby authorised for and on behalf of the Company to execute all such other documents and to do all such acts or things as he/they may in his/their absolute discretion, deem fit, to effect and implement the change of name of the Company.
旅 游 签 账 类 别 之 合 资 格 交 易 包 括 但 不 限 於 : (i) 於 网 上 预 订 酒 店 房 间 ; (ii) 於 航 空 公 司 或 旅 行 社 网 站 预 订 机 票 或 / 及 旅 游 套 票 , 而 所 有 交 易 均 须 以 港 币 签 账 ; 合 资 格 之 交 易 并 不 包 括 以 信 用 卡 於 网 上 银 行 缴 费 或 / 及 於 商 户 编 号 为 非 酒 店 / 航 空 公 司 / 旅 行 社 之 商 户 / 机 构 ( 根 据 恒 生 / Visa 国 际 组 织 / Master Card Asia / Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 不 时 界 定 ) 或 个 别 商 户 之 收 单 银 行商 户 编 号 为 非 有 关 行 业 之 正 确 商 户 编 号 或 其 他 未 经 许 可 之 签 账 。
Eligible transactions in Travel category include but not limit to: (i) online hotel booking; and/ or (ii) air tickets / travel vouchers via the web sites of airlines or travel agencies and all transactions must be in HKD. Eligible transactions do not include online bill payment with credit card via internet banking and/ or transactions with the merchant codes which are not defined as Hotel / Airline / Travel Agencies by “Hang Seng”/ Visa International / MasterCard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited from time to time, transactions with the merchant codes which are not defined as correct codes of related business by the merchants’ acquiring banks and any unauthorized transactions.
用户用於签章与身私密金钥绝不可被托管、归档或备 份;用户所属的凭证机构得要求托管、归档或备份职务上用来加密的 私密金钥。
Private key used by subscriber for signature and identity authentication shall not be escrowed, archived or backup; Subscriber backed CA shall request for escrow, archival or backup for encryption of private key to facilitate duties.




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