单词 | 盍 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 棍noun—sticksplsticknrodn棍—truncheon盍—why notExamples:光棍n—bachelorn lonern 光棍—hoodlum 棍杖—wooden staff hockey stick
被拘留者的身 份一旦确定,即被迫躺在地上,遭到警棍殴打、脚踢和踩踏。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once the detainees had been identified, they were forced to lie on the ground and were then beaten with batons, kicked and stamped on. daccess-ods.un.org |
来到爱尔兰却没有经历过她快速的足球和曲棍球,不得不说这是一种遗憾。 discoverireland.com | It’d be a pity to come to Ireland and not experience our very own fast-paced brands of football and hurling. discoverireland.com |
他 向代表团详细说明了用硬皮制成的一端带有皮条的棍棒,他称之为“棍鞭”。 daccess-ods.un.org | He described in detail to the delegation the stick made of hard leather with strips of leather at one end, which he called a “whiplash”. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些定居者在村庄附近巡逻,并用木棍和石块威胁我们。 unicef.org | Some settlers patrol around the village, threatening us with sticks and stones. unicef.org |
至少有两名乘客是 中弹受伤,其他人遭软警棍击伤,包括一名救护受伤乘客的医生。 daccess-ods.un.org | At least two passengers received wounds from live ammunition, while others received injuries from soft baton charges, including one doctor who was tending to injured passengers. daccess-ods.un.org |
最初,警察局的工作人员试图 将 “棍鞭”的存在解释为在一个刑事案件中查获的犯罪证据;这种难以令人信 服的解释不符合高级官员对警方记录、标记和储存物品作为证据的程序――经代 表团核实适用于警察局现有其他证据项目的程序――的叙述。 daccess-ods.un.org | Initially, staff at the police station sought to explain the presence of the “whiplash” as a piece of criminal evidence seized for presentation in a criminal case; this unconvincing explanation failed to fit with the account, as given by the senior officer, of procedures for documenting, labelling and storing items taken in evidence by the police – procedures verified by the delegation as being applied to other items of evidence present at the police station. daccess-ods.un.org |
间距看似势不可挡的力量的噩梦证明不匹配,这对孩子们的信仰的守护者“恢复全功率战斗的恶棍。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Pitch’s seemingly overwhelming power of nightmare proves no match against the children’s faith, which restores the Guardians’ full power to battle the villain. seekcartoon.com |
它描述了暴徒Gotham市,以及其他恶棍蝙蝠侠对抗。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | It depicts Batman battling against the mob of Gotham City, as well as other villains. seekcartoon.com |
士兵们还对空鸣枪示警,以驱散巴勒斯坦人,并施放了若干催泪弹,最后 还对一些巴勒斯坦人使用了警棍,以迫使他们离开他们自己的土地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The soldiers also fired warning shots in the air to disperse the Palestinians, as well as several tear gas canisters and finally used their batons against some Palestinians to force them to leave their own land. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们用棍棒和 铁棒殴打他,将他打得遍体鳞伤,随后窃取他的身份证据、保险卡、手机和一些 现金,之后逃之夭夭。 daccess-ods.un.org | They beat him with sticks and iron bars, causing numerous wounds all over his body, then stole his identity card, insurance card, mobile phone and some cash before escaping. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如冲浪板、滑水板和滑浪板、越野滑雪、高山滑雪板和滑水板以及曲棍球棍,全都获益于戴铂的Divinycell高性能三明治芯材。 diabgroup.com | For example, surf, wake and windsurfing boards, cross-country, alpine and water skis, as well as hockey sticks, all benefit from DIAB’s Divinycell high-performance sandwich core materials. diabgroup.com |
今年,集“迪奥的Christal”的东西,是一个新的漩涡,玩卡,展示黑的晚上,蓝宝石水晶玻璃表镜插入或长棍面包,黑钻石,发现挡板。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This year, the collection "Dior Christal" stuff is a new Whirlpool playing the card of evening that showcases black, its sapphire crystal inserts, black diamonds or baguette, found on the bezel. en.horloger-paris.com |
因为国际体育联合会(例如足球、板球、垒球、篮球和曲棍球)具有教育和塑造 作用,教科文组织应该与其结成联盟,以在儿童和青年中推广保健价值观,防止 吸毒和暴力行为,进行团队合作,不歧视并合理使用闲暇时间。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO should develop alliances with international sports federations (e.g. football, cricket, baseball, basketball and hockey) owing to their educational and formative role, in order to promote among children and youth the values of healthcare, the prevention of addiction and violence, teamwork, non-discrimination and proper use of leisure time. unesdoc.unesco.org |
与其他制造商生产的类似揉合机不同,DIOSNA高级产品系列没有多余的气瓶或棍杆,也没有颜料涂层,因而保证了其最佳、最卫生的和面结果。 diosna.com | Unlike comparable mixers from other manufacturers, the DIOSNA Premium series with its sanitary paint free finish achieves best results without superfluos elements unlinke cylinders or bars. diosna.com |
然而,她和许多同龄人一样,被英国保守党首相大卫·卡梅伦斥为“罪犯和恶棍”。 shanghaibiennale.org | However she, like many of her generation, has been labeled as ‘criminals and thugs’ by Britain’s Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron. shanghaibiennale.org |
匈牙利报告说,私人 保安可持化学装置和橡胶警棍,但仅于自卫。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hungary reported that private security guards may keep chemical devices and rubber truncheons, and only use them in self-defence. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会听到 的证词涉及:儿童被警棍和枪托殴打,包括在以色列军车内被殴打,被带到以色 列定居点内接受审问;在那里,他们被关在厕所里,有人在他们身上小便,强迫 他们喝马桶水。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee heard testimony regarding children being beaten with batons and rifle butts, including inside Israeli military vehicles, and being taken to Israeli settlements to be interrogated, where they were confined in toilets, urinated on and forced to drink toilet water. daccess-ods.un.org |
插图中画着一位长胡子教徒,正在病人头顶上方挥舞着一根木棍,还画了一个骷髅和两根交叉的人骨,警告人们这种看病方法是非常危险的。 unicef.org | It shows a long-haired holy man waving a wand over his patient’s head as a skull and crossed bones warn of danger. unicef.org |
同样在昨天,来自非法定居点“Sousia”的定居者用铁棍袭击来自哈利勒(希 布伦)以南的 Yatta 镇的两名巴勒斯坦牧羊人,造成一人伤情严重。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also yesterday, settlers from the illegal settlement of “Sousia” attacked two Palestinian shepherds from the town of Yatta, south of Al-Khalil (Hebron), with iron bars, leaving one in serious condition. daccess-ods.un.org |
但反对党派还是按计划在 12 月 14 日举行示威,当局据说再次对示 威者使用了警棍和催泪弹,并逮捕了一些反对派人士和苏人解成员。 daccess-ods.un.org | The opposition parties nevertheless proceeded with the planned demonstration in Khartoum on 14 December, during which authorities reportedly again used batons and tear gas on protesters and arrested a number of opposition figures and SPLM members. daccess-ods.un.org |
奥运会举办前夕,中国奥运会女子曲棍球队购买了GPSports 的SPI 技术,这项技术最终帮助球队勇夺银牌。 australiachina.com.au | In the lead-up to the Games, the Chinese Olympic Women’s Hockey team purchased GPSports’ SPI technology, which helped contribute to the team winning a silver medal. australiachina.com.au |
主要统计资料:动态设施(露天剧场、射箭场、泳滩数目、球场、户外大球场、天然及人造草地球场、硬地足球场、曲棍球场、榄球场、体育馆、滚轴溜冰场、运动场、游泳池场馆、水上活动中心、高尔夫球练习场、障碍高尔夫球场及草地滚球场)数目及静态设施(大型公园、公园/花园/休憩处、儿童游乐场、度假营及露营地点)数目。 censtatd.gov.hk | Major statistics available: No. of active facilities (open air theatres, archery fields, beaches, courts , outdoor stadia, natural & artificial turf pitches, hard surfaced soccer pitches, hockey pitches, rugby pitches, indoor games halls/indoor recreation centres/leisure centres, roller skating rinks, sportsgrounds, swimming pool complexes, water sports centres, golf driving ranges, obstacle golf course and bowling greens) and no. of passive facilities (major parks, small parks/ gardens/ sitting-out areas, children's playgrounds, holiday camps and camps sites). censtatd.gov.hk |
委员会欢迎缔约国通过《刑法》修正案加强反酷刑规定,以及修正2009年 《监察专员法》,使该机构符合《禁止酷刑公约任择议定书》的要求,但同时深 感关切的是,有关于在惩教所实行单独监禁、体罚和使用警棍的指控。 daccess-ods.un.org | While welcoming the strengthening of anti-torture provisions through amendments of the Criminal Code and the amending of the Law on the Ombudsman in 2009 to bring the institution into line with the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, the Committee is deeply concerned about allegations of solitary confinement, corporal punishment and use of batons in the Educational-Correctional Institution. daccess-ods.un.org |
( 如警棍、催泪瓦斯和水枪) 。联合王国几个郡的警署任 命了一位独立人权律师,就与争议性抗议活动有关的大规模维持治安行动的合法 性和人权影响提供咨询意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the United Kingdom, the police of several counties appointed an independent human rights lawyer to advise them on the legality and human rights implications of large-scale public order operations in relation to controversial protests. daccess-ods.un.org |
官方盖尔比赛(Gaelic Games)还包括曲棍球——欧洲最古老的场地竞技项目;跑注式棒球(rounders)——类似棒球;手球;女子曲棍球(Ladies Football and Camogie)。 discoverireland.com | The official Gaelic Games also include hurling – Europe’s oldest field game; rounders – like baseball; handball; Ladies Football and Camogie (women’s hurling). discoverireland.com |