

单词 盈利





non-profit organization


non-profit organization

See also:





External sources (not reviewed)

由於会计政策的 变动只导致需要作出额外披露,故此对每盈利影响。
As the change in accounting policy only results in additional disclosures, there
[...] is no impact on earnings per share.
由於会计政策的 变动仅影响呈列方式,故此对每盈利影响。
Since the change in accounting policy only impacts presentation aspects, there
[...] is no impact on earnings per share.
这为将甲苯转换为价值更高的 PX 和苯的工艺创造了可观盈利
This creates a favorable profit marginfor processes [...]
that convert toluene to higher value PX and benzene.
公民社会―― 公民参 与世界联
[...] 盟欢迎新 通过的关于非政府组织和盈利的法律, 请 政 府 公开、准 确 和全面 [...]
地 报告这些法律的执行情况,以及为 改善 对公民社会空 间 的保护,即确保言论、集 会、结社自由和 参 与公共生 活 和政治生
活 的权利、通过国家 行动计划改善人权状况、执行条约 机构关于和平集会 自由的 一 些 建议、调 查 所有关于侵犯人权维护者的报告、将 肇 事者绳 之 以 法 的各项建议 做了些 什么 。
Civicus - World Alliance For Citizen
Participation welcomed new laws adopted on
[...] nongovernmental andnon-profitorganizations asking [...]
the Government to report publicly,
accurately and comprehensively how these laws had been implemented and what had been done in relation to various recommendations to improve the protection of civil society space, namely to ensure freedom of expression, assembly, association and the right to participate in public and political life, to adopt a National Plans of Action to improve the human rights situation and to implement some of the recommendations of the Treaty Bodies on freedom of peaceful assembly, to investigate all reports of assaults on human rights defenders and bring to justice those responsible.
由於根据IP许可证协议拟进行之交易之各个百分比率盈利除外)按年 度计算均低於1%,而根据IP许可证协议拟进行的交易仅因涉及一位身为本公 [...]
司关连人士的人士(基於其与本公司附属公司的关系)而成为关连交易,故 IP许可证协议获豁免遵守上市规则内有关申报、年度审阅、公告及取得独立 股东批准之规定。
As each of the percentage
[...] ratios (other than the profitsratio) forthe transactions [...]
contemplated under the IP License Agreement
is on an annual basis less than 1% and the transaction contemplated under the IP License Agreement is a connected transaction only because it involves a person who is a connected person of the Company by virtue of its relationship with the subsidiary of the Company, the IP License Agreement is exempted from the reporting, annual review, announcement and independent shareholders’ approval requirements under the Listing Rules.
Many of these
[...] relied for their profitability on use (or abuse) [...]
of administrative powers.
董事认为购回授权所赋予之购回 股份权力可增加本公司之灵活性,对本公司及股东整体而言有利,因为如当时市况及融资 安排配合,购回可提高本公司资产净值及╱或每盈利
The Directors believe that an ability to repurchase the Shares subject to the Repurchase Mandate would give the Company additional flexibility that would be beneficial to the Company and the Shareholders as a whole as such repurchases may, depending on market conditions and
funding arrangements at the time, lead to an
[...] enhancement ofthe net asset value of the Company and/or itsearnings perShare.
[...] 份(视乎当时市场情况及融资安排而定)可增加股份之价值及/或本公司之每盈利只在董事认为购回股份将有利於本公司及其股东之情况下方予进行。
Repurchase of Shares made under the Share Repurchase Mandate may, depending on market conditions and funding arrangements at the time, lead to an
enhancement of the value of Shares and/or
[...] the Company’s earnings perShare and [...]
will only be made when the Directors believe
that such repurchase will benefit the Company and Shareholders.
我们的团队在亚洲建立盈利务方面有良好往绩,而我们将继续执行我们的业务计划,以确保 [...]
Our team has a proven track
[...] record of building profitable businesses in [...]
Asia and we will continue to execute our business
plan to position all our businesses for sustained growth into the future.
公共社团登 记规则》和《盈利政府组织法》所载的法律条款与《公约》完全不符,因 [...]
The legal provisions contained in both the Public
Association Registration Rules and the Act on
[...] Non-Governmental Non-ProfitOrganizations [...]
are in outright contradiction to the Covenant
in that they grant the State authorities decision-making powers which, as demonstrated in the case under review, are entirely arbitrary.
在某些情形中,这些挑战还导致从业者躲 避那些难盈利线路,挑选最盈利的航运线路,而把其他吸引力不 大的航运业务交给他人。
In some cases, these challenges lead to unprofitable routes or ―cherry-picking‖ of the most lucrativeor profitable shipments, leaving the less attractive shipments to others.
(B) 如本公司发行任何股份的目的在於筹集资金以支付任何工程或
[...] 建筑物的建筑费用,或为提供於一年期间内无盈利何工业 装置,则本公司可按当时已缴足的股本就有关期间支付利息,并 [...]
在公司法所述的任何条件及限制规限下,以资本利息的形式将因 此支付的款项入账列作该等工程或建筑物或提供工业装置的部 分建筑成本。
(B) If any shares of the Company are issued for the purpose of raising money to defray the expenses of the construction of any works or
buildings or the provision of any plant which
[...] cannot be made profitablewithin a period [...]
of one year, the Company may pay interest
on so much of that share capital as is for the time being paid up for the period and, subject to any conditions and restrictions mentioned in the Companies Law, may charge the sum so paid by way of interest to capital as part of the cost of construction of the works or buildings, or the provision of the plant.
10.4 在条款 10.2 和 10.3 的规限下及在适用法律允许的情况下,对於因任何货
[...] 品或该货品失效(不论是否因侵权(包括疏忽)、违约或其他因素)而引致的任 何收益损失盈利、合约损失、数据丢失或由此引致的任何间接或连 [...]
带损失或损害,我们将不会承担经由我们双方签订的合约或其他合约下的 责任。
10.4 Subject to clauses 10.2 and 10.3 and to such extent as permitted by applicable law, we will not be liable under the contract
between us or otherwise for any loss
[...] of income, loss of profits, lossof contracts, [...]
loss of data or for any indirect or
consequential loss or damage of any kind howsoever arising or for any damage caused by any product or failure of such product to perform and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise.
修订原先估计之影响(如有)在 损益账确认,使累积支出反映经修订估计,并对保盈利相应 调 整。
The impact of the revision of the
original estimates, if any,
[...] is recognisedinprofit or loss such that the cumulative expense reflects the revised estimate, with a corresponding adjustmentto retained earnings.
欧 洲经济利益集团的主要特征是成立目的不在盈利为了促进成员国的经济利益和经 济活动。
The main feature of the EEIG is that its purpose
[...] is not to make profits but to develop the economic interestsand activities [...]
of its members.
藉此,本人对全体员工及专业人士在过去一年所作出的努力及贡献致以衷心的感谢。本人希望在不久的将来 把公司恢复盈利,而且令公司的股票恢复在香港联交所的买卖,为股东带来应有的利益。
For the efforts and dedication during the past year, I would like to thank all staff members of the Company and our professional advisers
and I am hopeful that the Company will
[...] be restored intoa profitablecondition and that [...]
the trading of our Company’s shares
in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will soon be resumed to be benefit of all our shareholders.
Despite there have been voices of businesses, in particular SMEs, voicing
proposing the
[...] Government to lower the profitstax rate for businesses withlow profitslevel,Mr. Tsang responded that in order to maintain a simple tax regime, he has not considered applying different tax rates to businesses having differentprofits level.
与学术联盟和萨里大学合作完成的可行性研究报告,重点阐述和分析了跨国的、 私立盈利等教育的范围、影响和管理。
A feasibility study, undertaken in cooperation with the Commonwealth of Learning and the University of Surrey, focuses on describing
and analysing the extent, impact and regulation of
[...] transnational, private and for-profit provision oftertiary [...]
盈利据截至二零零二年六月三十日止期间之股东应占溢利港币二 亿四千万元(二零零一年六月三十日止期间为港币一亿七千五百万元)及於该 期间内已发行之加权平均股份数目 [...]
166,334,707 股(二零零一年六月三十日止 期间为 166,983,450 股)普通股计算。
Earningsper shareare calculated by reference totheprofit attributable [...]
to shareholders for the period ended 30th June
2002 of HK$240 million (period ended 30th June 2001 : HK$175 million) and on the weighted average number of 166,334,707 (period ended 30th June 2001 : 166,983,450) ordinary shares in issue during the period.
当购股权於归属日期後被没收或於届满日仍 未获行使,则先前於购股权储备内确认之款项将转入保盈利
When the share options are forfeited after the vesting date or are still not exercised
at the expiry date, the amount previously recognised in share
[...] options reserve will be transferred to retainedearnings.
必须包括就下列各项的讨论:(a)任何影响本 申报财政期间集团营业额、成本盈利大因素,包括(如适用)季节或周期因素;及(b)任 [...]
It must include a discussion of the following:- (a) any
significant factors that affected the
[...] turnover,costs,and earningsof the group for [...]
the current financial period reported
on, including (where applicable) seasonal or cyclical factors; and (b) any material factors that affected the cash flow, working capital, assets or liabilities of the group during the current financial period reported on.
本文件内的任何陈述均非溢利预测或溢利估计,而本文件内的任何陈述都不应被解释为表示本财政年度或未来财政年度的Glencore股份每盈利会 与以往公布的每股Glencore股盈利或超过该盈利
No statement in this document is intended as a profit forecast or a profit estimate and no statement in this document
should be interpreted
[...] to meanthat earnings perGlencore share for the current or future financial years would necessarily match or exceed the historical published earningsper Glencore share.
计算时所采用之普通股 加权平均数,与计算每股基盈利用之 年内已发行普通股数目相同,并假设普通股 [...]
加权平均数已因全部摊薄潜在普通股被视为 已行使或转换为普通股,而按零代价发行。
The weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation is the number of
ordinary shares in issue during the year, as
[...] used in thebasic earnings per share calculation, [...]
and the weighted average number
of ordinary shares assumed to have been issued at no consideration on the deemed exercise or conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.
未 实 现 的 集 团 与 共 同 控 制 企 业 间 交 易 产 生盈 利损 将 按 照 集 团 在 共 同 控 制 企 业 中 的 权 益 份 额 做 抵 消,除 非 未 实 现 的 亏 损 有 转 移 的 资 产 减 值 的 证 据。
Unrealised gains and losses resulting from transaction between the Group and its jointly-controlled entities are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s investment in the jointly-controlled entities, except where unrealised losses provide evidence of impairment of the asset transferred.
将 根据特别报告员的建议、对国际标 准 的审查 、外国立法和国际盈 利中心专家的监测活动,提出开展立法改革的建议。
Recommendations for legislative changes will be made based on: the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur, a review of international standards, foreign legislation, and the monitoring by the ICNL experts.
国际危机组织(简称“危机组织”)是一家独立运作、盈利政府研究机构,在全球五大洲拥有约130名员 [...]
The International Crisis Group (Crisis Group) is an
[...] independent,non-profit,non-governmental [...]
organisation, with some 130 staff members
on five continents, working through field-based analysis and high-level advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly conflict.
(c) 葡萄牙政府正把国际沿海生态水文学中心建设成“私营盈利”组织,以 确保国际海岸生态水文学中心根据葡萄牙立法享有独立的法律地位,赋予该中 [...]
心必要的法律行为能力以行使其职能、接受援助金、收取劳务费以及采取一切 必要的手段。
(c) The International Centre on Coastal Ecohydrology is being
established by the Portuguese Government as
[...] a “private not-for-profit agreement”organization [...]
to ensure that ICCE shall enjoy
autonomous legal status under the Portuguese legislation, granting the legal capacity necessary to exercise its functions and to receive subventions, obtain payments for services rendered and carry out the acquisition of all means required.




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