

单词 皮孔

See also:


skin n
leather n
fur n
scalp n
cortice n

pico- (one trillionth)
surname Pi

surname Kong

External sources (not reviewed)

浓密带红色被绒毛的幼枝,淡灰棕色老时,后脱落, 皮孔; 皮孔不明 显 叶柄0.8-2厘米,被绒毛,后脱落; 叶片椭圆形到卵形椭圆形, 7-14 * 3.5-5 厘米,幼时浓密带红色被绒毛,背面的浓密淡黄灰色的被绒毛的老时; 正面的中脉的基本的部分青春期,基部宽楔形和差不多不相等,除基本的部分之外的边明显地使成锯齿波,先端骤尖到短渐尖; 中脉正面稍突起; 次脉14-18在中脉两边各和正面凹陷。
Petiole 0.8-2 cm, tomentose, glabrescent; leaf blade elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 7-14 × 3.5-5 cm, densely reddish tomentose when young, abaxially densely yellowish gray tomentose with age; midvein basal portion adaxially pubescent, base broadly cuneate and nearly unequal, margin except basal portion sharply serrate, apex cuspidate to shortly acuminate; midvein adaxially slightly raised; secondary veins 14-18 on each side of midvein and adaxially impressed.
Parashorea中国的种不同于此属其它的种的特点为,其幼苗叶背面不为银色且坚果的的短柔毛不明显,通常明显苍白 皮孔 ; 但 是本种其它方面为典型的本属的特点。
The Chinese species differs from others in Parashorea in that the seedlings do not have a silvery abaxial leaf surface and the
pubescence on the nut obscures the normally
[...] distinct pale lenticels; but this species [...]
is otherwise typical of the genus.
猪皮因长毛的规则是3~5根一小撮的分布,故极易区分,一般多用人工饲养的猪皮,还有野猪皮,有名的是南美野猪,这种野猪皮具有较明显的 皮 毛 孔 及 粒 面特征,由于其特殊的胶原纤维组织结构,可加工成非常柔软的服装革或手套革,价值很高。
Pigskin for hairy rule is 3 ~ 5 a handful of distribution, it is very easy to distinguish, general and multi-purpose the artificial rearing of pigskin, and wild boar skin,
famous South American wild
[...] boar, the boar leather has obvious pigskin pore and grain characteristics, [...]
because of its special
structural organization of the collagen fibers, can be processed into a very soft leather or leather gloves, value is very high.
因獨有美洲地榆,肉桂和薑精華收 皮 膚 毛 孔 , 不 適合敏感 皮 膚 使 用。
It contains Burnet, Cinnamon and Ginger
[...] to help reduce pore size, thus should not be used in sensitive skin individuals.
适合油皮肤,毛孔粗大 或难以到达的位置,如鼻子周围。
For oily skin, large pores or hard to reach [...]
areas of the face, such as around the nose.
立面设计围绕“开放的窗口”的概念,形成层次丰富、构图生动的造型体系,由通透浅灰色 穿 孔 金 属 外 皮 和 保 温隔热带中空玻璃墙组成双层幕墙系统。
This comprises a double layer systema with the
[...] transparent light-gray perforated metal and the isolation glass.
罗望子果酸- 帮助清除阻塞孔的干燥皮肤细胞。
Tamarind Fruit Acid- helps
[...] eliminate dry skin cells that block pores.
登革熱本為輕微的疾病,且會自行消退,但會出現嚴重甚至致命的情況,稱之為登革出血熱:食慾不振、嘔吐、腹部劇痛、休克、 孔 或 皮 內 出 血。
While the disease is often mild and self-limiting, a more severe lethal form called Dengue haemorrhagic
fever can occur: Loss of appetite, vomiting, intense abdominal pain, shock and
[...] bleeding from the nose or under the skin.
拧松液压电动机罩直到入 口和出口与液压管路接头对准,液压电动机罩内的测孔 应指向皮带防护罩 (117)。
Unscrew hydraulic motor cap until
inlet and outlet align with hydraulic line
[...] fittings and test hole in hydraulic motor cap points toward belt guard (117).
面可以看到花纹、毛孔确实存在,并且分布得不均匀,反面有动物纤维,侧断面,层次明显可辨,下层有动物纤维,用手指甲刮试会出现皮革纤维竖起,有起绒的感觉,少量纤维也可掉落下来,而合成革反面能看到织物,侧面无动物纤维,一般 皮 无 毛 孔 , 但 有些有 仿 皮 人 造 毛 孔 , 会 有不明显的毛孔存在,有些花纹也不明显,或者有较规则的人工制造花纹,毛孔也相当一致。
One can see patterns, pores do exist, and the distribution is not uniform, sides of animal fibers, the side section, hierarchical discernible, have lower animal fibers, with fingernails scraping test will be leather fiber pile up, feel, a few
fibers can also be
[...] dropped, and synthetic leather tails can see fabric, side no animal fiber, general surface without pores, but some have leather artificial pores, [...]
there will be no visible
pores exist, some pattern is not obvious, or have more rules of artificial manufacturing pattern, the pores are fairly consistent.
由光束能量所钻出的柱状孔直达真 皮 层 ,但95%的周围组织未受影响。
Bored by beams of light energy, these columns extend into the dermis but leave up [...]
to 95% of the surrounding tissue untouched.
面膜是覆盖在脸上,暂时分离从外部空气和污染的短的时间内的使用,提 皮 肤 温度 , 皮 肤 毛 孔 扩 大 并促进分泌的汗水和代谢,使皮肤中的氧含量的增加皮肤细胞新陈代谢有益皮肤排除积累的油脂物质的产品,面膜中的水渗透到皮肤的角质层,表皮,使皮肤变得柔软。
Facial Mask is the use of the short time covering the face, temporarily isolated
from the outside air and pollution,
[...] improve skin temperature, skin pores to expand and promote the [...]
secretion of sweat and metabolism,
so that the increase in the oxygen content of the skin, skin cell metabolism beneficial skin exclude product of accumulated grease substances, the mask in the water to penetrate the stratum corneum of the skin, the epidermis, the skin becomes soft.
答:这种现象多数出现在北方的客户身上,这是北方的冬天天气非常的干燥,出现 孔 扩 张 是由 皮 肤 表 皮 干 燥无水分,这时 孔 就 会 扩张将 皮 的 水 分供给 皮 , 因 此出现 孔 扩 张 的情况,在天气特别干燥的情况下,建议每天使用tongbeauty产品的次数增加。
Answer: the majority of this kind of phenomenon appeared in the north to the customers, this is the
northern winter weather
[...] is dry, appear pores due to skin dry without water, when the pores will be expanded to dermal water supply epidermis, resulting in pore expansion situation, [...]
especially in
dry weather conditions, it is recommended to use tongbeauty the increase in the number of products.
白頭粉刺是由於孔栓塞所致,皮 脂 堵 塞,積藏壞死細胞和細菌;至於黑頭粉刺則由於部份 孔 堵 塞 , 皮 膚 色 素暴露於空氣所致。
Whiteheads are caused by
[...] completely blocked pores that trap the sebum, dead cells, and bacteria, while blackheads occur in partially blocked pores when pigments in the skin are exposed to air.
独特的水润可剥落型面膜,采用了Baycusan® C 1001作为成膜原料,面 膜具有乳霜般质地,手感丰满,同时作为活性物和营养物质的有效载体,有效 增强肌肤的吸收,同时还可以清皮肤 ,紧 孔 , 恢 复 肌肤弹性。
This unique water peel-off mask is formulated with Baycusan C 1001, with cream texture and velvety smooth touch feeling when application on face. This mask can act as delivery carrier of some active and nutrimental ingredients, at the same time enhances skin absorption.
配备与其银色表盘形成强烈对比的黑色铝制表圈,以及 穿 孔皮 革 表 带,这一计时表拥有COSC认证的机械自动上链机芯。
Featuring a black aluminium bezel that makes a striking
contrast with its silver-coloured dial
[...] and fitted with a perforated leather strap, this chronograph [...]
is equipped with a mechanical
self-winding movement chronometer-certified by the COSC.
今年最火的面膜要算「GlamGlow」的發光面膜,據說它是好萊塢明星出鏡前必用的速效面膜,她可以立即提升臉部輪廓,收細 孔 , 皮 膚 變 得亮白細膩,效果真的立竿見影!泥漿狀的「GlamGlow YouthMud 黑罐去角質面膜」成份含有古火山浮石岩石,超級抗氧化劑和各種礦物質,淡淡的綠茶香,上臉後等到幹就洗掉,大約 10 多分鐘,洗的時候打圈按摩,臉色馬上變亮麗, 孔 收 細 , 皮 膚 超 滑嫩!難怪這面膜又被稱為「發光面膜」, 男、女都適合。
GlamGlow YouthMud Tinglexfoliate Treatment mask is designed as a 10-minute professional ""facial in a jar"" for behind-the-scenes use in Hollywood's Entertainment, Music, Fashion and Award industries, for immediate camera- ready glowing skin.
本文研究AngⅡ对血管内皮细胞生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)调控蛙心包淋孔和心包间皮血 窦 的影响。
In the present study, the effect of AngⅡ on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
regulating the pericardial
[...] lymphatic stomata and the pericardial mesothelium was investigated in the European edible frog (Rana esculenta).
其卓尔不群的特色包括:深蓝色穿 孔皮 革 表 带;蓝色表盘则带有受到Steve McQueen所穿赛车服之上条纹启发的垂直白色条纹;红色指针;位于12点钟位置的豪雅标志以及位于9点钟位置的著名表冠。
Standout features
[...] include a dark blue perforated leather strap, a stylish [...]
blue dial with vertical white stripes inspired
by the stripes on Steve McQueen’s racing suit, red hands, the HEUER logo at 12, and the famous crown at 9 o’clock.
承襲CLS 63 AMG設計,AMG
[...] Performance軚盤別幟一格,包括上下平坦的軚盤邊、帶有金屬飾邊和 穿 孔皮 革 包 裹的握手位及鋁質換檔板。
The specially shaped AMG Performance steering wheel is familiar from the CLS 63 AMG: amongst its special features are the steering wheel rim,
flattened at both the top and bottom; the metallic trim, the grip areas which
[...] are covered in perforated leather; and the aluminium [...]
shift paddles.
从来自骑术世界的马衔和条纹束带到Gucci取自跑车的 穿 孔皮 革 ,这些精美的细节令我们想到那些为这个意大利时尚品牌带来源源不断灵感的世界。
From the Horsebit and the web stripe,
both taken from the equestrian
[...] world, to the use of perforated leather, recalling Gucci’s [...]
design collaborations for sports
cars, these details subtly reference the different worlds that have long provided inspiration for the Italian fashion house.
表面助剂,不含有机硅,用于水性汽车涂料和工业涂料,防止表面缺陷如缩孔、疤痕、起泡、 孔 、 桔 皮 或 沸 腾痕,同时改善流平。
Silicone-free surface additive for aqueous automotive and industrial coatings to
prevent surface defects such as craters,
[...] scars, bubbles, pinholes, orange peel, or boiling marks [...]
and to improve leveling.
方解石是在颗石藻、孔虫、棘皮动物以及一些软体动 物的外壳中发现的一种碳酸钙, 较难溶解。
Calcite is the mineral form found in the shells of
[...] (planktonic algae), foraminifera (amoeboid protists), some corals, echinoderms, [...]
and some molluscs (e.g. oysters);
it is relatively less soluble.
正常蛙心包壁层有一些散在分布的心包淋 孔 和 少量 间 皮 血 窦
Scatteredly distributed pericardial lymphatic stomata were found on the parietal pericardium with a few mesothelial sinusoid in [...]
the frogs.
產品簡介 超細磨砂洗顏導入全新功效式磨砂洗顏觀念,使磨砂洗顏除去角質外,亦帶多功能保養效果!超磨砂洗顏含白色球狀磨砂顆粒,能徹底清除 孔 及 皮 膚 細縫間頑固髒污。
Product Description This new ultra-fine grinding wash give you new concept of wash in effectiveness way, removed horny with the effect of multi-function maintenance.
Valentino女孩们的Looks和孔被黑白色 皮 革 剪 切的图案的领口突显出来,戏剧化但也不是没有兴奋点。
Looks and faces of Valentino girls highlighted by
[...] necklines with cut-out leather, black and white, dramatic [...]
but not without thriller.
所有型号: 在机座的长度方向上用法兰固定机体,固 孔 来 绷 V 型 皮 带 轮 和固定发动机,通过V型皮带来带动发动机,通风器散热叶片有塑料涂层,装有吸附式望远镜支架发动机外侧也有塑料涂层。
All Compressor Versions: L-shaped frame with special base plate for the compressor block and motor allowing fast and simple belt tensioning, V-belt drive (SPZ belt), Plastic fan shroud with integrated holders for the telescopic intake tube, Steel carrying handle fixed to the base plate allows easy transport by two people (rails on both sides of the unit), Rubber anti-vibration feet, Integrated fill adapter brackets for two hoses with DIN and ISO connections.
靴子的背部接近腳踝位置可以清楚看見一個 孔 , 是手 製 皮 鞋 的常見細節,有助固定鞋子形狀;內部與底部夾層同樣用上皮革物料製作,讓鞋子在長年累月穿著下,能夠呈現出專屬於使用者獨一無二的鞋型。
A tiny hole near ankle position helps holding [...]
the shape in place, which is a common feature in handmade shoes.
育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和长 幼尊卑的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、捕鱼和收获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、
[...] 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、 穿 孔 、 人 体绘 画)。
Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage; wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic and patronymic nomenclature; silk culture and crafts
(production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art
[...] (tattooing, piercing, painting).




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