单词 | 皓齿硃唇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 皓齿硃唇 —white teeth and vermilion lips (idiom); lovely young womanSee also:皓齿—white teeth (symbol of youth and beauty) 唇齿—interdependent • lit. lips and teeth (idiom); fig. close partners
在礦床90米的深度已發現以輝 銅礦、靛銅礦、斑銅礦、皓礬及 膽礬形式存在的氧化銅、鉛及鋅。 glencore.com | Oxidised copper, lead and zinc in the form of chalcosine, covelline, bornite, goslarite and chalcanthite are found down to the depth of 90m. glencore.com |
各国必须齐心协力探索巩固空间安全和稳定局面的途径,因为安全和稳 定两者唇齿相依。 daccess-ods.un.org | States must join their efforts in search of a way to consolidate space security and stability, because one depends critically on the other. daccess-ods.un.org |
在其2008年加入博恩凯悟之前,他曾是 辉 皓 律 师事务所(Freehills)的合伙人,领导该所在亚洲的能源和资源业务。 squiresanders.com | He was a partner at Freehills and led its energy and resources practice in Asia before joining Bryan Cave in 2008. subscribe.squiresanders.com |
尼尔森地区拥有许多一流的精品酒庄,何不游览一下该地区,品尝一下让 你 唇齿 留 香 的葡萄酒? cn.yha.co.nz | The Nelson region has some of the countries great boutique wineries, why not explore the region while taking in a spot of wine tasting yha.co.nz |
然而,本框架鼓励采用一种更具综合性的方法,把(无论是公共的还是私 营的)文化部门所有活动之间唇齿相 依的概念引入进来。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, this framework encourages a more comprehensive approach with the adoption of the notion of a strong and vibrant inter-dependency between all the activities of the cultural sector, public or private. unesdoc.unesco.org |
与葛琳皓一起 工作的年轻女子 Betty Duvall 将这条消息裹在一只黑色的小丝袋中,然后将丝袋藏于发髻之内。 wdl.org | A young woman [...] working with Greenhow named Betty [...]Duvall carried the message wrapped in a tiny black silk purse and hidden in a hair bun. wdl.org |
美国情报服务局负责人 艾伦·平克顿将监视罗斯·葛琳皓作为 其反间谍活动的一部分,并找到了足够的证据把她软禁。 wdl.org | Head of U.S. Intelligence Service Allan Pinkerton observed Rose Greenhow as part of his counterintelligence activities and found sufficient evidence to place her under house arrest. wdl.org |
南北战争期间,葛琳皓向南 部邦联写加密(密码)消息,提供有关联邦军事计划的信息。 wdl.org | During the Civil War, Greenhow wrote ciphered (secret code) messages to the Confederates, providing information about Union military plans. wdl.org |
鮑皓華 湛 偉 霖 律 師行及魏 布 律 師行 的 兩 名 律 師 曾 就 律 師 會的彌償計 劃 向 小組委 員會提交詳細的 意見,以 及 提交 就所有律 師行所作調 查 的 結 果 。 legco.gov.hk | Two solicitors, from HORVATH and GILES, and Erving BRETTELL, have submitted to the Subcommittee detailed comments on the Law Society's Scheme, and the result of a survey of all solicitors firms. legco.gov.hk |
如對上述有任何查詢,請聯絡本署的總屋宇測量師 徐皓先生(電話: 3162 0900)。 legco.gov.hk | Should you have any queries concerning the above, please contact Mr Patrick TSUI, Chief Building Surveyor of the BD at 3162 0900. legco.gov.hk |
唇亡齿寒这 个成语来比喻关系密切,利害相关。 chinesestoryonline.com | The idiom of "The Lips Being Lost, The Teeth Feel Cold--Chun Wang [...] Chi Han" refers to two things which are so closely related [...]that they have common interests and share same fate. chinesestoryonline.com |
Pedicel 1-2毫米花萼钟状,大约2.5毫米在花中,在果期对5毫米,在上唇里面被绒毛,被微柔毛的黄褐色; 二唇形,3浅裂的瓣片,中间宽卵形的 上 唇 的 齿; 卵形的侧齿,大约倍于中间切成齿形; 披针形的下部齿,近等长侧面裂片。 flora.ac.cn | Calyx campanulate, ca. 2.5 mm in flower, to 5 mm in fruit, yellow-brown [...] tomentose, puberulent [...] inside upper lip; limb 2-lipped, 3-lobed, middle tooth of upper lip broadly ovate; [...]lateral teeth ovate, [...]ca. 1/2 as long as middle tooth; lower teeth lanceolate, nearly as long as lateral lobes. flora.ac.cn |
古人有句话说:‘嘴唇没有了,牙齿 就 会 感到寒冷。 chinesestoryonline.com | Yu and Guo [...] are as closely interdependent as lips and teeth. chinesestoryonline.com |
如果已卸下,要装上新的 U 形杯,让其唇缘朝 向喷枪手柄 (17)。 graco.com | If removed, install [...] the new one with its lips facing into the gun [...]handle (17). graco.com |
花萼 5-6 * 约2.5毫米,在外面锈色具腺; 约的上唇 2.5 * 2.5 毫米; 约齿的三角形,具芒的下唇,边 缘具短缘毛,前 面齿 * 倍 于侧的齿; 果期花萼给1.1厘米×5毫米,显著反折的上唇,凸出的下唇。 flora.ac.cn | Calyx 5-6 × ca. 2.5 mm, rust colored glandular [...] outside; upper lip ca. 2.5 × 2.5 mm; teeth of lower lip triangular, awned, margin ciliolate, anterior teeth ca. 2 × as long as lateral teeth; fruiting [...]calyx to 1.1 cm × 5 mm, [...]upper lip conspicuously reflexed, lower lip projected. flora.ac.cn |
早於1883年,國父孫中山先生便曾與陸 皓 東 一 同於拔萃書室 就讀,後來更入讀香港西醫書院。 legco.gov.hk | In as early as 1883, Dr SUN Yat-sen, our Father of the Nation, studied at Diocesan School and Orphanage together with LU Haodong before being admitted to Hong Kong College of Medicine. legco.gov.hk |
萼片3(或5); 侧萼片离生或者合生,边缘全缘或者有 锯 齿 ; 更 低的萼 片 ( 唇 ) 大, 瓣状, 通常舟形, 漏斗状, 囊状, 或具角状突起, [...] 渐减突然或缢缩进一分泌蜜汁具距或宽狭丝状,花瓣5,离生,上面的花瓣(典型)平坦的或者兜状,雄蕊5,与花瓣互生,合生或者近合生成环而围绕子房和柱头,在柱头成熟之前完整地从上面落下;花丝短,扁平,在里面的有一鳞片状附属物;花药2室,靠合,通过一条裂缝或者孔开裂。 flora.ac.cn | Sepals 3(or 5); lateral sepals free or connate, [...] margins entire or serrate; lower sepal (lip) large, petaloid, [...]usually navicular, funnelform, [...]saccate, or cornute, tapering or abruptly constricted into a nectariferous spur broadly or narrowly filiform, straight, curved, incurved, or ± coiled, swollen at tip, or pointed, rarely 2-lobed, rarely without spur. flora.ac.cn |
这段最新的独家视频展现了RADO瑞士雷达表HyperC hr o m e 皓 星 系 列背后的故事以及成为2013年国际网球锦标赛的官方计时器的原因。 rado.com | This new and exclusive Rado video shows you the story behind the Rado HyperChrome – and why it’s the official watch of a number of international tennis tournaments in 2013. rado.com |
另外还备有车螺纹或滚齿加工 等支持功 能,可有效支持用车床进行的各种加工。 moriseiki.com | There are also other options for [...] threading and hobbing, providing powerful [...]support for many lathe users. moriseiki.com |
使转换接头的唇缘朝 左,将转换接头推到液压活塞 轴的左端。 graco.com | With the lip of the adapter facing [...] left, slide the adapter onto the left end of the hydraulic piston shaft. graco.com |
我作為㆒個以港㆟利益為依歸的民意 代表,我作為㆒個受市民擁戴而選舉出來的立法局議員,對這些政黨㆟士的立論覺得 非常失望!他們簡直是不顧香港㆟的利益!主席先生,「夷齊雖不仕周,猶食西山之 糜,亦當知武王之德;㆕皓雖不仕漢,茹商山之芝,亦當知高帝之恩」,何況我們在香 港這個㆞方幹活與生存? legco.gov.hk | As a people's representative who gives utmost priority to the interests of the people of Hong Kong, and a Legislative Council Member elected by the general public, I am very disappointed with the thinking of these Members who belong to a particular political party. legco.gov.hk |
我無須詳談這 點,而現階段對本港憲制發展的重要性亦無須我多 費 唇 舌。 legco.gov.hk | I do not need to labour the point, nor to dwell on the present crucial stage of our constitutional development. legco.gov.hk |
口述影像電影於2009年6月2日推出,我們十分感謝一群熱心的義工,尤其是電視及電台節目主持人彭晴小姐和香港電台唱片騎師 鄭 皓 文 先 生,在他們的熱心支持下,視障人士能定期欣賞受歡迎新、舊中西影片。 hksb.org.hk | Following the launching of the Audio Movie Description Project on 2 June 2009, thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers, in particular, Ms Jacqueline Pang, TV and radio hostess, and Mr Herman Cheng, RTHK Disc Jockey, our visually impaired members have been able to enjoy popular old and new Chinese and Western movies with audio description on a regular basis. hksb.org.hk |
於本公佈日期,董事會包括執行董事Michael John Hibberd先生及沈松寧先生,非執行董事蔣學明先生、劉廷安先生、 李 皓 天 先 生及Gregory George Turnbull先生,以及獨立非執行董事馮聖悌先生、Wazir Chand Seth先生、Robert John Herdman先生及Gerald Franklin Stevenson先生。 sunshineoilsands.com | As at the date of this announcement, the Board consists of Mr. Michael John Hibberd and Mr. Songning Shen as executive directors, Mr. Hok Ming Tseung, Mr. Tingan Liu, Mr. Haotian Li and Mr. Gregory George Turnbull as non-executive directors and Mr. Raymond Shengti Fong, Mr. Wazir Chand Seth, Mr. Robert John Herdman and Mr. Gerald Franklin Stevenson as independent non-executive directors. sunshineoilsands.com |
葛雷斯先生(John G. Grace)曾是澳大利亚的国际顶尖律所辉 皓( F REEHILLS )律师事务所的高级合伙人,并是该所墨尔本能源与自然资源业务的带头人。 chamberslawyers.com | The firm’s Senior Consultant, John G Grace, was previously a senior partner in Freehills, a major Australian international law firm, where he headed the firm’s energy and natural resources practice in Melbourne. chamberslawyers.com |
如果汽車維 修 沒 有問題, 我相信 便不會 有一些負責任 、 有 勇 氣 承 擔 的 汽車維 修業代 表 肯 花 時 間、費 唇舌,在過去數年 向 政 府進行多番 游 說,促 使 政 府 協 助提升 行 業 質 素, 甚 至 透 過 發 牌 監 管行業 。 legco.gov.hk | If there is no problem with the automobile repairs industry, I believe responsible representatives of the automobile repairs industry who boldly bear responsibilities would not have to spend time lobbying the Government time and again in the past few years, urging the Government to assist in enhancing the quality of the industry and to regulate the industry through licensing. legco.gov.hk |