单词 | 皇家骑警 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 皇家骑警 —MountiesRoyal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Canadian federal and |
牙买加和特立尼达和多巴哥的区域中心与加拿 大 皇家骑警 合作 进行了这一培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | This training was conducted by the Centre in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, in [...] partnership with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. daccess-ods.un.org |
除安全问题跨文化圆桌会议以外,加拿 大皇 家骑警和加 拿大安全情报局也与社区团体进行会谈,以促进信任和理解。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on [...] Security, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Security [...]Intelligence Service [...]also meet with community groups with the aim of fostering trust and understanding. daccess-ods.un.org |
随后,加拿大皇家骑警的 Murray Smith先生作了专家陈述,探讨了该主题 [...] 的各个方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | An expert presentation exploring aspects [...] of this theme was then provided by Murray Smith of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 加拿大皇家骑警设立 贩运人口问题国家协调中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s Human Trafficking National Coordination [...] Centre has been established. daccess-ods.un.org |
它还 向具体组织提供 医疗福利和/ 或 服务,包括第一民族和依 努特人,加拿大军队、加拿大皇 家 骑警、 退伍军人、 联邦囚犯以及难民保护申请者。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also provides health care benefits and/or services to specific groups, including First [...] Nations and Inuit, the [...] Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, veterans, federal [...]inmates and refugee protection claimants. daccess-ods.un.org |
在您申请公民的时候,CIC 必须向加拿大皇家骑警(Royal Canadian Mounted Police, RCMP)和加拿大安全情报局(Canadian [...] Security and Intelligence Service , CSIS)调查您的情况,查明是否会有任何刑事或安全原因影响您的加拿大公民申请。 chinese.inmylanguage.org | When you apply for citizenship, CIC must [...] check with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the [...]Canadian Security and Intelligence [...]Service (CSIS) to find out if there are any criminal or security reasons that would affect your application for Canadian citizenship. english.inmylanguage.org |
2008 年 8 月在美国艾奥瓦州得梅因的犯罪制止者国际组织总 [...] 部培训中心举行了一次关于贩卖人口问题的会议。会上,来自美国警察总署、英 国贩卖人口中心和加拿大皇家骑警的 高 级执法代表分别就贩卖人口问题和本国 在处理此类问题方面所做的工作发表了演讲。 daccess-ods.un.org | In August 2008, a meeting on human trafficking was held at the Crime Stoppers International training conference in Des Moines, Iowa, at which senior law enforcement representatives from the United States Marshals Service, the [...] United Kingdom Human [...] Trafficking Centre and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police made presentations [...]on human trafficking and the [...]efforts being made in their countries to deal with the issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
加拿大还设有独 立 的审查机关,处理皇 家加拿大骑警(国家警 务)及加拿大安全情报机关的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Canada also maintains independent [...] review bodies for the [...] activities of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (the national police service) and [...]the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. daccess-ods.un.org |
哥斯达黎加暴力行为观察站、泰国 皇家警 察 和 牙买 加 骑 警 提 供的数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Data from Observatorio de la [...] Violencia of Costa Rica, Royal Thai Police and the Jamaica Constabulary Force. daccess-ods.un.org |
y 2008至2012 年间,为皇家警察学院学员举办了题为“警察在保护人 [...] 权中的作用”和“打击人口贩运”两个三学分制课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two three-credit hour courses entitled [...] "The Role of the Police in Protecting Human [...]Rights" and "Combating Trafficking in [...]Persons " were given during 2008-2012 for members of the Royal Police Academy. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,泰国表示,它认为民间 私营保安服务将成为社区治安网络的一部分,该网络是泰 国 皇家警 察 的 一项预 防和打击犯罪战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, Thailand stated that it considered civilian private security services [...] to be a part of the community policing network, a [...] strategy of the Royal Thai Police for crime prevention [...]and suppression. daccess-ods.un.org |
保安司可否答 應向這裏的美國領事館澄清,皇家香 港 警 務 處 沒有擬備這樣的報告,以維護本港的國際 聲譽? legco.gov.hk | Could the Secretary undertake to inform the United States Consulate here to set the record [...] straight that the Royal Hong Kong Police Force did not prepare [...]such a report, so [...]as to protect our international reputation? legco.gov.hk |
(c) 皇家香港警察隊 、消防處和其他政府部門均訂有多項應變措施,列明處理多 種不同緊急事故的程序,其㆗包括應付毒氣的計劃。 legco.gov.hk | (c) The Royal Hong Kong Police Force (RHKPF), the [...] FSD and other government departments have various contingency plans that [...]lay down the procedures for dealing with many different types of emergency, including plans to deal with the presence of poisonous gas. legco.gov.hk |
為此,消防處、皇家香港警察隊 、㆞㆘鐵路公司及九廣鐵路公司均定期舉行 會議,討論車站安全措施各緊急應變程序。 legco.gov.hk | To this end, the FSD, the RHKPF, the Mass Transit [...] Railway Corporation (MTRC) and the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation [...](KCRC) hold regular meetings to discuss station safety precautions and emergency response procedures. legco.gov.hk |
日本㆞㆘鐵路發生毒氣事件後, 消防處、皇家香港警隊、 ㆞㆘鐵路和九廣鐵路公司亦曾舉行會議,以改良應 付這類事件的運作程序。 legco.gov.hk | Since the underground railway gas incident that occurred in Japan, meetings have also been held between the FSD, RHKPF, MTRC and KCRC on enhancing operational procedures to deal with such an incident. legco.gov.hk |
这位世界级的骑术家与杂志编辑促膝而坐,谈论了她 在 皇 室 家 庭 的成长、她最新的儿童骑马服装和她的奥运梦想。 ba-repsasia.com | The world-class equestrian sat down with [...] the magazine to discuss growing up in the Royal Family, her new line of kid’s riding clothes, [...]and her Olympic hopes. ba-repsasia.com |
2010 年 3 月发生了炸弹恐吓,之后成立了一个 由 皇家警 察 部 队、消防部、人 力资源部、首席部长办公室和灾害管理协调机构代表组成的委员会,以研究领土 [...] 政府在发生安全紧急情况时撤退和保护总部的计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following a bomb scare in March 2010, [...] a committee comprising [...] representatives from the Royal Montserrat Police Force, the Fire [...]Department, the Human Resources [...]Department, the Office of the Chief Minister and the Disaster Management Coordination Agency was established to look at the territorial Government’s plans for evacuating and securing the headquarters in the event of a security emergency. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于保护和增进人权的教育和信息,尚未列入斯威士兰国防军、斯威士兰 皇家警察部 队和陛下惩教署的培训方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Education and information regarding the protection and promotion of human rights is not [...] included in the training of the Umbutfo Swaziland Defence [...] Force (USDF), the Royal Swaziland Police Service (RSPS) and HMCS. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国专门机构、部门、基金和方案,非洲联盟、欧洲理事会、东非 共同体、中非国家经济共同体、西非国家经济共同体、欧洲联盟、独立国家 联合体执行秘书处、政府间发展管理局、国际移徙政策发展中心、红十字国 际委员会、红十字会和红新月会国际联合会、国际移徙组织、阿拉伯 国 家联 盟、东加勒比国家组织、法语国家国 际 组织、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲安全与 合作组织、南部非洲发展共同体和马耳 他 骑 士 团。 daccess-ods.un.org | United Nations specialized agencies, departments, funds and programmes, African Union, Council of Europe, East African Community, Economic Community of Central African States, Economic Community of West African States, European Union, Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Organization for Migration, League of Arab States, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, International Organization of “la Francophonie”, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Southern African Development Community and Sovereign Military Order of Malta. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先,我必須說明,我所提及的所有訓 練已在實行㆗,而我所講述的所有程序亦已列 入 皇家 香 港 警 務 處 程序手冊內,全體警 務㆟員均須予以遵守。 legco.gov.hk | First of all, let me just state that all the training that I have described has been put in place and all the [...] procedures that I have [...] described are in the Police Force Procedures Manual and they are required to be followed by [...]all police officers. legco.gov.hk |
集成弹道辨识系统(或者称为IBIS设备)将帮助马来西 亚 皇家警 察 更好地调查和解决涉枪犯罪,让马来西亚开创自己的枪支跟踪程序。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Integrated Ballistic Identification [...] System or IBIS equipment [...] will help the Royal Malaysian Police to better investigate and solve firearm crime and allow the country to begin its [...]own firearm tracking program. tipschina.gov.cn |
以下方面取得了显著的进步:居民更深刻地认识到居住在一个安全、 和平环境中的意义;公众对所罗门群 岛 皇家警 察 部 队的信任;惩教服务部门改善 了基础设施,使之符合联合国的要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Progress is evident from: improved community perception of living in a safe and [...] peaceful environment; public [...] confidence in the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force; and the [...]Correctional Services upgraded infrastructure to meet UN requirements. daccess-ods.un.org |
保护儿童和性别平等股于2002 年设立,是内务部所属莱索托骑警署 下 的一 个专门机构,负责处理时常发生的暴力侵害妇女儿童行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Child and Gender Protection Unit (CGPU) was established [...] in 2002 as a specialized unit within [...] the Lesotho Mounted Police Service (LMPS) under [...]the Ministry of Home Affairs to respond [...]to the persisting acts of violence against women and children. daccess-ods.un.org |
七、 李國寶議員問題的譯文:政府可否告知本局 , 皇家 香 港 警 務 處 是否有足夠資源 以因應特殊情況(例如在某區內同時發生多宗銀行劫案)作出所需反應,並能維持現 [...] 有工作成效及效率的水平? legco.gov.hk | MR DAVID LI asked: Will the Government inform this [...] Council whether the Royal Hong Kong Police Force has the resources [...]to effect the required response [...]to special situations, such as multiple bank robberies occurring simultaneously in one district, without compromising the existing level of effectiveness and efficiency? legco.gov.hk |
(b) 廢除有關《遺孀及子女撫恤金條例》(第 79 [...] 章)、《退休金條例》(第 89 章)、《退 [...] 休金及有關利益條例》(第 99 章)、《親父鑑定訴訟條例》(第 183 章)、《皇家香 港輔助警察( 退休金)規例》(第 233 章,附屬法例)及《退休金及有關利益(司 [...]法㆟員)條例》(第 401 章)多項。 legco.gov.hk | (b) by deleting the items relating to the Widows' and Children's Pensions Ordinance (Cap. 79), the Pensions Ordinance (Cap. 89), the Pension Benefits Ordinance (Cap. 99), the [...] Affiliation Proceedings Ordinance [...] (Cap. 183), the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force (Pensions) Regulations [...](Cap. 233 sub. leg.) [...]and the Pension Benefits (Judicial Officers) Ordinance (Cap. 401). legco.gov.hk |
因此,請問保安司, 香港政府會否答應知會美國領事館或美國國會,讓他們知 道 皇家 香 港 警 務 處 沒有擬備這 樣的報告? legco.gov.hk | Therefore my question to the Secretary is whether the Hong Kong Government will undertake to either inform the United [...] States Consul General or the United States [...] Congress that the Royal Hong Kong Police Force did not prepare [...]such a report? legco.gov.hk |
刑事科技公司(Forensic [...] Technology)的创始人兼总裁罗伯特·沃尔什说:“经过对其他弹道技术的仔细辨别和体验,马来西 亚 皇家警 察 终于选择了IBIS作为他们应对将来的刑事挑战的合理解决方案,我们对此感到十分高兴和荣幸。 tipschina.gov.cn | Robert A. Walsh, Forensic Technology's founder and president, said, "We are pleased and honored that after much due diligence and [...] experience with other ballistic [...] technologies the Royal Malaysian Police have chosen IBIS [...]as their sustainable solution for [...]meeting the crime challenges of the future. tipschina.gov.cn |
1993年,英国皇家骑兵第 一炮兵团第一个接收了AS90自行榴弹炮,自此AS90自行榴弹炮正式进入英国军队服役,开始替换陈旧的装备,即155毫米的M109和105毫米的牧师型自行榴弹炮。 trumpeter-china.com | In 1993, [...] the 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery [...]was the first unit of the British Army to receive the new AS 90 Self-Propelled [...]Howitzer. Since the time the AS 90 entered service with the British Army, it has replaced the entire fleet of older systems, namely the 155mm M109 and 105mm trumpeter-china.com |
虽然外国战地记者的困境最受关 注,也应得到这样的关注,人们还应特别关注如何改变当地报社记者遭遇的问 题,他下班开车回家,却遭到两个骑 摩 托车的人拦截,其中一个拿着枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the plight of the foreign war correspondent attracts the most attention, and is worthy of such concern, special attention should also be paid to the question of how to alter the fate of the [...] local newspaper [...] journalist who drives home after work and is intercepted by two people on a motorbike, [...]one holding a gun. daccess-ods.un.org |