

单词 皇冠出版集团

See also:

皇冠 n

crown n
tiara n


crown (headgear)

出版 n

publishing n
publication n

External sources (not reviewed)

在“自然教育”方面与自出版集团 建 立了伙伴关系,“自然教育” 是一套高质量的科学学习资源免费网络设施。
Partnership with Nature Publishing Group pursued on “Nature [...]
Education”, a free-of-charge online facility of quality science learning resources.
於二零一零年九月,部門向CROWN Holdings Inc.出售皇冠制罐集團的 權益,作價港幣十一億六千五百萬元。
In September 2010 the division sold its interests in CROWN
[...] Beverage Cans group to CROWN Holdings Inc. for a consideration [...]
of HK$1,165 million.
2013年2月1日,莫斯科,太平洋造 集团 旗 下香 港 皇冠 船 舶 有限公司与俄罗斯海运公司——FEMCO集团签订4艘中型锚作三用拖轮(AHTS)的订造合同。
On February 1, 2013, Moscow,
[...] Hongkong Crown Ship Limited under SINOPACIFIC Shipbuilding Group (SINOPACIFIC) [...]
secured the contract for
building 4 AHTS' offshore support vessels (OSVs) with Russian ship-owner, FEMCO Group.
2月17日,顺利完成所有试航项目的太平洋造 集团 首 制 皇冠 6 3 , 50 0载重吨散货船(CROWN 63)DY4001开始返航。
DY4001, the lead ship of CROWN 63 - 63,500 DWT bulk carrier which had successfully completed all sea trial items began to make her return voyage on February 17.
早上9:00在皇岗口3楼出境大厅集 合 , 抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫荆广场(约30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证 团 友 可 于“永远盛开的紫荆花”及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参观香港的风水宝地——浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。
At 9:00 in the
[...] morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland testimony, you can in "forever [...]
blooming Bauhinia
" and the return of memorial photo-taking, lunch to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about 3 hours ), here are the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel.
(b) 报告中提到的主要困难之一是地区 出版集团 占 主 导地位,造成区域内部图书生 产的发展困难。
(b) One of the primary difficulties reported was the
[...] predominance of publishing groups from outside [...]
the region, making the development of
endogenous production in private national publishing difficult.
这项调研活动涉及了欧洲、俄罗斯联邦、高加索和中亚地 区,调研结果业已集出版并广 为散发。
The study covering Europe, the Russian Federation, [...]
the Caucasus and Central Asia has already been published and widely disseminated.
在这方面,我们感到关切的是,波斯尼亚和黑塞 哥维那主团现任 主席伊泽特贝戈维奇先生最近采 取步骤,要求和平执行理事会指导委员会成员国不要 在 5 月就结束在布尔奇科特区的任务出 决 定, 其冠 冕堂皇的借 口是这个特区显然没有能力独立运作。
In this regard, we are concerned by the recent step taken by Mr. Izetbegović, current Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to ask the representatives of the member countries of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council for a decision not to be taken in May on the closure of the mission in Brcko under the specious excuse that the district is apparently not able to function independently.
公共信息权利特别是包括:表达思想的自 由,集、研究、出版和传 播想法、信息和意见的自由,印制和分发报纸和其他 [...]
印刷品的自由,制作和广播电台和电视节目的自由,接受想法、信息和意见的自 由,以及建立处理公共信息的法律实体的自由。
The right to public information includes, in
particular, the freedom of expression of
[...] thought, freedom to collect, research, publish and [...]
impart ideas, information and opinions,
freedom to print and distribute newspapers and other printed media, freedom to produce and broadcast radio and television programmes, freedom to receive ideas, information and opinions, as well as freedom to establish legal entities dealing with public information.
2011 年 12 月 13 日和 2012
[...] 年 2 月 15 日,专家组两次与设于法国出版社 L’Harmattan 集团联系,以期取得就出版 Blé Goudé最新一本著作与他签定的合 [...]
On two occasions, 13 December 2011 and 15
[...] February 2012, the Group contacted the publishing house, Group L’Harmattan, [...]
which is based in France,
in order to obtain information about the contract reached with Mr. Blé Goudé and the terms of royalties payment for the publication of his latest book.
我這番話 已直接回應了第㆒點,因為我知道不是每個㆟都可以有㆒部車牌㆖皇冠的汽車。
So I just put that point straightaway because I realize that not everybody in the community has a flag on the front of the car.
参与此次交易的另外21家银行包括:Rabobank International、苏格皇家银行与苏格 皇 家 银 行(德国)有限公司、海湾第一银行新加坡分行、印度海外银行新加坡分行、卡塔尔国家银行新加坡分行、大华银行有限公司、澳大利亚和新西兰银 集团 有 限公司、三菱东京UFJ银行株式会社新加坡分行、英国阿拉伯商业银行、中国信托商业银行有限公司新加坡分行、瑞弗森国际银 集团 有 限公司新加坡分行、东亚银行有限公司新加坡分行、天顶银行(英国)有限公司、巴西银行、台湾银行新加坡分行、恒生银行有限公司、泰京银行(大众)有限公司新加坡分行、兆丰国际商业银行股份有限公司新加坡分行、印尼国家银行新加坡分行以及阿拉伯法国联合银行。
The 21 participating banks
[...] joining the Bookrunning Mandated Lead Arrangers in the transaction include: Rabobank International, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and RBS (Deutschland) AG, First Gulf Bank PJSC, Singapore Branch, Indian Overseas Bank, Singapore Branch, Qatar National Bank SAQ, Singapore Branch, United Overseas Bank Limited, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Limited, Singapore Branch, British Arab Commercial Bank [...]
plc, Chinatrust Commercial Bank Co.
公司股東應佔溢利減少,主要原因是來自國泰航空集團的貢獻減少、中國內地投資物業估值收益下降、財務支出增加,以及缺乏重新計量之前於港機工程所持權益的所得收益 出 售 集 團 於香港空運貨站 皇冠 制 罐 集 團 的權益所得溢利(此等收益及溢利為二零一零年業績帶來貢獻)。
The decrease in profit attributable to the Company's shareholders is mainly due to a lower contribution from the Cathay Pacific group, lower valuation gains on investment properties in Mainland China, higher finance charges and the absence of the remeasurement gain on the previously held
interest in HAECO and
[...] the profits on the sales of the Group's interest in Hactl and CROWN Beverage Cans, [...]
all of which contributed to the 2010 results.
出版集 团出版的杂 志,在线数据库和服务涵盖生命科学,物理学,化学以及应用科学和临床医学等重要学 科。
NPG publishes journals, online databases and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine.
因此,全球最大的教出版公司Pearson 集团 在 20 09年和2010年对华尔街英语(中国)和华尔街国际学院的并购不仅是对EOL及其过去40年卓越工作的认可,也能确保所有在华尔街国际学院和华尔街英语(中国)工作的员工,可以在和谐的氛围内,对未来充满信心地在自己的公司中继续努力工作。
So the acquisition in 2009 and 2010 of both Wall Street
English China and of Wall Street
[...] Institute International by Pearson, the world largest educational [...]
publishing company, is not
only a recognition of the excellence of EOL and of the work accomplished in the past 40 years, but it also secures the future of all Wall Street Institute International and Wall Street English China employees, who can continue to work in harmony and with complete confidence in their company.
于 1609 年在里斯出版的《皇家评 论》在其第一部分中叙述了印加人的历史,在第二 部分中讲述了秘鲁的征服。
The book Royal Commentaries of the Incas, published [...]
in Lisbon in 1609, covers the history of the Incas in the first part
and the conquest of Peru in the second part.
纽约股票交易所代码:Jwa和JWb)---提供科学、技术、医药领域相关学术研究、专业发展和教育方案及流程服务的国 出版集团 ---今 天共同宣布:双方从2013年2月起续约并重新界定了出版The Cochrane Library(即“Cochrane图书馆”)的合作伙伴关系。
(NYSE:JWa, JWb), a global provider of content and workflow solutions in the areas of scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly research, professional development, and education, today announced that they have renewed and redefined their partnership to publish The Cochrane Library from Feb. 2013.
公司全資附屬公司太古實業有限公司及Banyan Limited於二零一零年九月七日與皇冠包裝(香港)投資有限公司簽訂買賣協議,以代價一億五千萬美元(折合約為港幣十一億七千萬元 出 售 公 司於香 皇冠 制 罐 有限公司及Crown Swire Investment Company Limited的權益,此乃公司與Crown Holdings, Inc.的合資企業中公司所佔的權益,該等合資企業的業務為在中國內地及越南生產飲料鋁罐。
Swire Industrial Limited and Banyan Limited, wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company, entered into sale and purchase agreements with Crown Packaging Investment (H.K.) Limited on 7th September 2010 for the disposal of the Company's interests in CROWN Beverage Cans Hong Kong Limited and Crown Swire Investment Company Limited, being the Company's interests in joint ventures with Crown Holdings, Inc. for the manufacture of aluminium beverage cans in Mainland China and Vietnam, for a consideration of US$150 million (equivalent to approximately HK$1,170 million).
國際商業促進會所授予的國際質 皇冠 獎 乃根據如下標準 出 : (i) 傑 出 的 領 導才 能及業務管理,(ii)質量及卓越,(iii)業務及品牌聲譽,及(iv)技術、創新及規劃。
The International Quality Crown Award granted by the Business Initiative Directions [...]
is given in accordance with the criteria
of (i) excellence in leadership and business management, (ii) quality and excellence, (iii) business and brandname prestige and (iv) technology, innovation and projection.
實 業 部 門 其 他 公 司 的 業 績
[...] 令 人 失 望 , 嘉 士 伯 啤 酒 廠 香 港 集 團 及 香皇 冠 製 罐 集 團 均 錄 得 虧 損 。
The results of other companies in the division
were disappointing, with both the Carlsberg Brewery
[...] Hong Kong group and the Crown Can Hong Kong group reporting losses.
晚宴上集团董事长顾永泉与法国HMY集团董事长兼营销总监雷诺先生,首先向来宾致欢迎词,稍后即向大家郑重 出 了 永 冠集团 的 新款货架产品--PG33(Practical Gondola)合理型货架,此款货架是永冠集多年产品研发经验、根据市场需求趋势而精心设计的,旨在回报客户、进一步优化卖场阵列环境。
During the dinner, the Chairman of Yongguan, Mr. Gu Yongquan with the French president and marketing director of the Group HMY Mr. Renault, firstly addressed the welcome to the guests, we solemnly launched the new shelf products --PG33 (Practical Gondola) reasonable type shelves.
中石冠德集团这样 评价此次交易:我们真诚地希望这个项目能让我们与合作伙伴一起,实现我们共同的目标,并在未来继续保持双赢的关系。
Commenting on the
[...] transaction, Sinopec Kantons Group said "We sincerely [...]
hope that this project, in bringing the joint venture
partners together, will achieve our common goal and maintain a win-win relationship in the future.
杭萧钢构具有房屋建筑工程施工总承包壹级资质、钢结构工程专业承包壹级资质、钢结构制造特级资质、轻型钢结构工程设计专项甲级资质、钢结构专项壹级施工资质;拥有国家认可实验室(CNAS认证)、领先同行通过英 皇冠 I S O 90 01 (2 0 0 8 版 ) 质 量 体系、ISO14001:2004环境管理体系、BSI-OHSAS18001:1999职业安全管理体系认证、美国钢结构协会AISC认证、新加坡4S认证。
HXSS has premium quality of steelwork manufacturing, special steel structure design qualification of Class A and special steel structure construction quality of first grade; has a national accredited laboratories (CNAS certification), the British Crown ISO9001 (2008 version) quality system which is passed in the lead , ISO14001 : 2004 Environmental Management System, BSI-OHSAS18001: 1999 Occupational Safety Management System Certification, United States Steel Structure Association AISC certification, the European welding manufacturers DIN-18800-7 certification, Singapore 4S certification.
皇冠制罐集團包括與CROWN Holdings Inc.合資經營的業務,於中國內地及越南生產飲品鋁罐。
CROWN Beverage Cans group consisted of [...]
a joint venture with Crown Holdings Inc. which manufactured aluminium beverage cans
in Mainland China and Vietnam.
Paul Chivers先生表示:“此次合作进一步显示了摩科瑞对在中国开展合作的重视,体现了摩科瑞对与中石 冠 德 集团 开 展 紧密国际合作的重视。
Paul Chivers said "This transaction further underlines the significance Mercuria
places on our relationships in China and the close international co-operation of
[...] Mercuria with the Sinopec Kantons group.
出版集团亚太 区出版总监 David Swinbanks 表示:“自然亚太区出版指数的推出令我们感到振 奋。2009 年的数据将作为副刊出版,此外的数据将会每周更新。
We are delighted to be launching the index which is updated weekly alongside the print supplement that summarizes results for 2009" says David Swinbanks, NPG Publishing Director for the Asia-Pacific region.
皇家宝盾集团公司总经理Nick Kersey先生在此也特别出 “此 次兼并除了给予宝盾集团在美国本土市场商业平台总共价值超过3千万美金的额外运作资本以外,同时宝盾集团也将利用其分布在世界各地的分公司和代理商为TOMSED和IBB的产品提供一个有利的出口渠道。
Royal Boon Edams Group Managing Director, Nick Kersey said "besides giving the Group a substantial [...]
increase in our business
platform in the US with a combined operation of over $30 million, the Boon Edam Group will also provide a valuable export outlet for both TOMSED’s products and IBB’s vehicular barriers and gates.
他的合作伙伴Patti Caplette原是一名独舞演员和芭蕾舞女教师,曾参加温尼 皇 家 芭 蕾舞团巡演15年,她可以针对温尼 皇 家 芭蕾 舞 团 的 国 内外巡演细节向Gill es 提 出 独 到 的建议。
His partner, Patti Caplette, was a soloist and Ballet Mistress who toured with the RWB for 15 years, thus giving Gilles rare insight into the particulars of the RWB's national and international touring.
在于1633年出版并题献给皇乌尔 班八世的《Esercitazioni filosofiche》(《哲学练习》)中,意大利教士和哲学老师安东尼·罗科(1586-1653年)提出了不同的亚里士多德理论,旨在挑战伽利略(1564-1642年)的新科学方法。
In Esercitazioni filosofiche (Philosophical exercises), published
[...] in 1633 and dedicated to Pope Urban VIII, the Italian [...]
priest and philosophy teacher Antonio
Rocco (1586–1653), presented various Aristotelian theories intended to challenge the new scientific method of Galileo Galilei (1564–1642).
例如,《最后文件》文本严重淡化了对核武器国 家降低其武库的实战状态以及停止开发和实质性改 进其核武器的承诺;文件并没有要求核武器国家废
[...] [...] 除核武器在其军事理念中的作用,或者接受一项具 有法律约束力的文书以禁止核武器;文件没有要求 从无核武器国家的领土上出核武器;没有包含《条 约》的不结盟国家缔约集团要求 设定的全面消除 核武器的具体时限;特别是,文件没有呼吁以色列, 这一对中东无核武器区构成唯一障碍的国家,停止 [...]
For example, the text of the Final Document had significantly watered down the commitments for nuclear-weapon States to reduce the operational status of their arsenals and to cease the development and qualitative improvement of their nuclear weapons; it did not oblige the nuclear-weapon States to abolish the role of nuclear weapons in their military doctrines or to accept a legally binding instrument for the prohibition of nuclear weapons; it did not call for the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclearweapon States; it did not include the specific
timeline for the total
[...] elimination of nuclear weapons called for by the Group of Non-Aligned States parties to the Treaty; and, [...]
in particular, it
failed to call upon Israel, the only obstacle to a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, to cease the development of nuclear weapons and to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty without preconditions.




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