单词 | 皇冠 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 皇冠 noun —crown n (often used)less common: tiara n 皇冠 —crown (headgear)Examples:皇冠出版—Crown publishers, Hong Kong 皇冠上的明珠—the brightest jewel in the crown 皇冠假日酒店—Crowne Plaza (hotel chain) See also:皇 n—emperor n 皇—surname Huang 冠 n—crown n • hat n • cap n • crest n 冠—be first • put on a hat • surname Guan • dub
我這番話 已直接回應了第㆒點,因為我知道不是每個㆟都可以有㆒部車牌㆖刻 皇冠的汽車。 legco.gov.hk | So I just put that point straightaway because I realize that not everybody in the community has a flag on the front of the car. legco.gov.hk |
大小S,手鐲雙音表圈鑲嵌28顆美鑽和燦爛 的 皇冠 上 的 簽名抵消。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Size S, bracelet two-tone bezel set with 28 diamonds and brilliant offset by signature on the crown. en.horloger-paris.com |
在天蓝色的背景上采用黑色、白色和红色,这些字母有的吐舌头、微笑,有的带着领结 或 皇冠 , 有 的有拉链嘴。 ba-repsasia.com | In black, white, and red against a sky blue background, the letters stick their tongues out, smile, and [...] show off bowties, crowns and zipper mouths. ba-repsasia.com |
在1997年回歸前,香港總督的車輛有英 國 皇冠。 hkcarworld.com | Before the 1997 Handover, the vehicle of the Governor of Hong [...] Kong bore the British crown. hkcarworld.com |
公司全資附屬公司太古實業有限公司及Banyan Limited於二零一零年九月七日與皇冠包 裝(香港)投資有限公司簽訂買賣協議,以代價一億五千萬美元(折合約為港幣十一億七千萬元)出售公司於香 港 皇冠 制 罐 有限公司及Crown Swire Investment Company Limited的權益,此乃公司與Crown Holdings, Inc.的合資企業中公司所佔的權益,該等合資企業的業務為在中國內地及越南生產飲料鋁罐。 swirepacific.com | Swire Industrial Limited and Banyan Limited, wholly owned [...] subsidiaries of the Company, [...] entered into sale and purchase agreements with Crown Packaging Investment (H.K.) Limited on 7th September 2010 for the disposal of the Company's interests in CROWN Beverage Cans Hong Kong Limited [...]and Crown Swire Investment [...]Company Limited, being the Company's interests in joint ventures with Crown Holdings, Inc. for the manufacture of aluminium beverage cans in Mainland China and Vietnam, for a consideration of US$150 million (equivalent to approximately HK$1,170 million). swirepacific.com |
實 業 部 門 其 他 公 司 的 業 績 令 人 失 望 , 嘉 士 伯 啤 酒 廠 香 港 集 團 及 香 港 皇 冠 製 罐 集 團 均 錄 得 虧 損 。 swirepacific.com | The results of other companies in the division were disappointing, with both the Carlsberg Brewery Hong Kong group and the Crown Can Hong Kong group reporting losses. swirepacific.com |
休閒優雅的婦女:尺寸:L皮錶帶或不銹鋼錶鍊,在大小S,精緻和珍貴的珍珠貝母錶盤,自然的環境和偏 心 皇冠 上 的 鑽石,簽名女性Baume&Mercier名士手錶。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Casual elegance for women: size L leather strap or stainless steel bracelet in size S, refined and precious [...] pearl dial with its natural setting and its eccentric [...] diamond on the crown, signature watches [...]for women Baume & Mercier. en.horloger-paris.com |
最上面的一区域中,可以看到奥古斯都的浮雕,他戴着面纱和光彩夺目 的 皇冠 , 围 绕在旁边是骑在双翼飞马上的日耳曼尼库斯 (Germanicus) 以及提比略大帝的儿子德鲁苏斯·尤里乌斯·凯撒 (Drusus Julius Caesar)。 wdl.org | Emperor Augustus can be recognized in the upper register, with his head veiled and encircled by a radiant crown; he is surrounded by Germanicus, mounted on a winged horse, and the son of the Emperor Tiberius, Drusus Julius Caesar. wdl.org |
这座当代建筑雕塑是由Hans Wilsdorf基金会拨款而建,正属这个有 着 皇冠 标 识的著名钟表品牌所有者名下基金。 iontime.ch | The contemporary architectural sculpture was financed by the Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, owner of the famous watch brand with the crown in its logo. iontime.ch |
公园里有很多世界著名的艺术品,包括云之门,卢瑞花园 , 皇冠 喷 泉 和普利兹克音乐厅等等。 abgcorp.com | The park includes many world famous works of art including the famous Cloud Gate Sculpture, Lurie Garden , Crown Fountain, and the Jay Pritzker Pavilion. abgcorp.com |
國際商業促進會所授予的國際質量 皇冠 獎 乃 根據如下標準授出:(i)傑出的領導才 [...] 能及業務管理,(ii)質量及卓越,(iii)業務及品牌聲譽,及(iv)技術、創新及規劃。 cre8ir.com | The International Quality Crown Award granted [...] by the Business Initiative Directions is given in accordance with the criteria [...]of (i) excellence in leadership and business management, (ii) quality and excellence, (iii) business and brandname prestige and (iv) technology, innovation and projection. cre8ir.com |
常德市皇冠桌球 台厂,桌球台,台球桌,乒乓球台,乒乓球拍,乒乓球桌,球桌,体育用品,运动用品,休闲用品,健身器材,健身器械,体育器材,运动器材,娱乐产品,娱乐器材,体育。 business-china.com | Changde city imperial crown pool factory, pool, [...] ping-pong table, ping-pong table, Ping-Pong paddle, ping pong table, ball [...]table, sporting goods, movement thing, leisure thing, healthy body equipment, healthy body instrument, sports equipment, movement equipment, entertainment product, entertainment equipment, sports. business-china.com |
自中世紀時代起,這裡就是蘇格蘭的首席皇家城堡,現在成為存放蘇格蘭寶 石 皇冠 、 命 運之石 (Stone of Destiny)、著名的十五世紀火砲 Mons Meg,以及一點鐘禮砲 (One [...] O' Clock Gun) 的地方,這裡也是蘇格蘭國家軍事博物館 [...](National War Museum of Scotland) 的所在地。 visitbritain.com | It became [...] Scotland's chief royal castle in the Middle Ages and is now home to the Scottish Crown Jewels, [...]the Stone of Destiny, [...]the famous 15th century gun Mons Meg, the One O' Clock Gun and the National War Museum of Scotland. visitbritain.com |
據 小組委員會所知 , 除豐田汽車的代理商 皇冠汽車公司之 外,所有其他 公共小巴供 應商均 明 確 表示已準 備就緒 ,可在2004年 8月 1日 或之前按照 各項新的規定供 應車輛。 legco.gov.hk | The Subcommittee understands that with the exception of Crown Motors, the franchise dealer of Toyota, all the other PLB suppliers have confirmed their readiness to comply with the new requirements by 1 August 2004. legco.gov.hk |
钻石皇冠希望 Ponyville的校报到更加精彩,可爱马克十字军后,他们可爱的标记。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Diamond Tiara wants Ponyville's [...] school newspaper to be more exciting, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are still after their cutie marks. seekcartoon.com |
銀欣皇冠系列 CW03全功能家庭劇院電腦是專為眼光敏銳的家庭劇院愛好者所設計。 silverstonetek.com | SilverStone's Crown CW03 is a full featured HTPC enclosure designed for the most discerning of home theater enthusiasts. silverstonetek.com |
您亦可以把這個皇冠聖誕 球充當帽子或耳環,來逗您的家人。 sfgourmet.com | Once the task is complete and you’ve succumbed to champagne, you can then take down this gorgeous Crown Christmas bauble and amuse your family by wearing it as a hat or an earring. sfgourmet.com |
2011財政年的其他令人振奮租戶混合倡議排列包括Al-Ikhsan,即國內其中一家最大型的運動用品連鎖店,L'Occitane(美容產品店),Bossini時裝店和新Bonia的推介和位 於 皇冠 百 利 廣場主要入口處的Carlo Rino旗艦店。 hektarreit.com | Other exciting tenancy mix initiatives lined up during FY 2011 were the entry of Al-Ikhsan, one of the nation’s largest sports store chains, L’Occitane (beauty products outlet), Bossini fashion store and the introduction of new Bonia and Carlo Rino flagship stores at the main entrance. hektarreit.com |
若中國都市共組成一頂皇冠,上 海應是最璨爛耀眼的鑽石,人口超過2300萬,推動全球經濟霸權東移,每位居民也隨之起舞。 thisbigcity.net | A megacity of over 23 million people, it has catalysed the shift of global economic hegemony eastward, with seemingly each one of its inhabitants spurring it on. thisbigcity.net |
与此同时,在浴缸里,索菲亚喜欢她洗澡,,而静香见记者戴着一 顶 皇冠。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Meanwhile in the bathtub, Sophia enjoys her bath [...] while Shizuka see’s a tiara. ja.seekcartoon.com |
2013年2月1日,莫斯科,太平洋造船集团旗下香 港 皇冠 船 舶 有限公司与俄罗斯海运公司——FEMCO集团签订4艘中型锚作三用拖轮(AHTS)的订造合同。 sinopacificshipbuilding.com | On February 1, 2013, Moscow, Hongkong Crown Ship Limited under SINOPACIFIC Shipbuilding Group (SINOPACIFIC) secured the contract for building 4 AHTS' offshore support vessels (OSVs) with Russian ship-owner, FEMCO Group. sinopacificshipbuilding.com |
该图像是每天醒来,脱光衣服,洗澡,具有丰富的长袍打扮和装饰项链,手镯,黄金和宝石 的 皇冠 , 食品种类与选择用鲜花,灯光,一香,然后荣幸,美联储声乐和招待,并通过可疑凭借寺的少女翩翩起舞器乐,奉献给这项服务。 mb-soft.com | The image is daily awakened, undressed, bathed, [...] decked with rich robes and adorned with [...] necklaces, bracelets, crowns of gold and precious [...]stones, fed with choice kinds of food, [...]honored with flowers, lights, an incense, and then entertained with vocal and instrumental music, and with dancing by the temple girls of doubtful virtue, consecrated to this service. mb-soft.com |
看我们一家人头戴皇 冠的样 子,是不是很有挪威皇室的范儿呢! doosan.com | After clearing my head with the clean air and vitality of the mountain, I feel like I’m ready to have a great year! doosan.com |
但是之后国王肯尼驾到,虽然只留给他4个月的时间来挽救球队并从新给球队找回失去失去 的 皇冠 和 精 神(如果就那样下去他们恐怕会降级)。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Then King Kenny arrived, only meant to carry the Reds through 4 remaining months, and revived a team, a crowd, and a spirit heading for insignificance (and possibly relegation, if the trend continued). sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
賀達的所有購物中心都曾經在 ICSC 亞洲獎項中贏 取榮譽: 首邦百利廣場在2008 年贏得開發和設計 獎,皇冠百利 廣場和威德百利廣場分別在2009 和 2010 年贏得行銷卓越獎。 hektarreit.com | All of Hektar's shopping centres have now won honours at the ICSC Asia Awards: Subang Parade won a Development & Design Award in 2008, while Mahkota Parade and Wetex Parade received awards in Marketing Excellence in 2009 and 2010 respectively. hektarreit.com |
時至今日,它獲列為世界遺產,您可在此欣賞寶 石 皇冠 、 在 塔上透過御用侍衛 (Yeoman Warder) 之旅領略箇中故事、站在亨利八世妻子安妮·博林(Anne Boleyn) 及凱瑟琳·霍華德 (Catherine Howard) 被處決的地方,以及在 Fit for a King 展覽中探索 500 來皇家盔甲的壯麗。 visitbritain.com | Today, it’s a World Heritage Site, where you’ll be dazzled by the Crown Jewels; hear tales from the Tower on a Yeoman Warder tour; stand in the spot where Henry VIII’s wives Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard were executed and discover 500 years of spectacular royal armour in the Fit for a King exhibition. visitbritain.com |
杭萧钢构具有房屋建筑工程施工总承包壹级资质、钢结构工程专业承包壹级资质、钢结构制造特级资质、轻型钢结构工程设计专项甲级资质、钢结构专项壹级施工资质;拥有国家认可实验室(CNAS认证)、领先同行通过英 国 皇冠 I S O 90 01(2008版)质量体系、ISO14001:2004环境管理体系、BSI-OHSAS18001:1999职业安全管理体系认证、美国钢结构协会AISC认证、新加坡4S认证。 hxss.com.cn | HXSS has premium quality of steelwork manufacturing, special steel structure design qualification of Class A and special steel structure construction quality of first grade; has a national accredited laboratories (CNAS certification), the British Crown ISO9001 (2008 version) quality system which is passed in the lead , ISO14001 : 2004 Environmental Management System, BSI-OHSAS18001: 1999 Occupational Safety Management System Certification, United States Steel Structure Association AISC certification, the European welding manufacturers DIN-18800-7 certification, Singapore 4S certification. hxss.com.cn |
事實上許多極富盛名的「紅寶石」都是尖晶石,如鑲嵌於英 國 皇冠 上 的 黑王子 紅寶石,重l70克拉;俄國女皇凱薩琳二 世 皇冠 上 的 尖晶石,重414.30克拉,現 收藏于莫斯科的珍寶博物館;另一頭是重105克拉的Côte deBretagne, 是公爵夫人安妮的嫁妝。 cartier.hk | Most legendary “rubies” are in fact spinels: the Black [...] Prince’s Ruby, part of [...] the British crown jewels and weighing 170 carats; another weighing 414.30 carats that was set in the crown of Empress Catherine II [...]of Russia and can now [...]be seen in the armories museum in Moscow; and the 105-carat “Côte de Bretagne”, sculpted to resemble a dragon which was part of Duchess Anne of Brittany’s dowry. cartier.com |