

单词 的笔


笔直的 adj

direct adj

See also:

writing brush
the strokes of Chinese characters
write or compose
classifier for sums of money, deals

External sources (not reviewed)

一些台式电脑和大多数较新的笔记 本电脑会带有一个集成蓝牙适配器。
Some desktop computers and most newer laptops possess an integrated Bluetooth adapter.
多任务耳机使用这个耳机就可以将音乐从 的笔 记 本电脑或平板电脑串流到耳机播放,还可以使用耳机接听手机来电。
A headset that multi-tasksStream music from your laptop or tablet, and take calls from your phone, all with the same headset.
秘密蛇俱乐部与PE:,作为比利实现三个怪才的秘密蛇俱乐部得到医 的笔 记 ,以避免体育(PE)类,他想知道他们的秘密太多,以避免类。
P.E.: As Billy realizes the three geeks of the Secret Snake Club get doctor's notes to avoid Physical Education (P.E.) class, he wants to know their secret to avoid the class too.
以下提到的所有控制按钮都在的笔 记 本每一页的底部。
All of the controls mentioned below are available on the
[...] bottom of each page of your notebook.
大会部通过三管齐下的办法努力提供高质 的笔 译 和 口译服务:(a) 依靠严 格的标准,只通过相关语文专业的定期竞争性语文考试征聘语文工作人员;(b) 在 初级语文工作人员初期试用期间和以后,对其进行培训,并进行严密、持续的监 督,并为长期服务的工作人员提供更多学习实质性和技术性技能的机会;(c) 实 施推广方案,旨在使伙伴语文培训机构的毕业生获得语文事务所需的整套技能, 以期增加可能应聘的后备人员总数。
The pursuit by the Department of high-quality translation and interpretation services is based on a three-pronged approach: (a) reliance on exacting standards in recruiting language staff only through periodic competitive language examinations in the relevant language professions; (b) provision of training and close and continuing supervision of junior language staff throughout their initial probationary period and beyond, as well as expanded opportunities for upgrading substantive and technical skills for longer-serving staff; and (c) an outreach programme aimed at helping equip graduates of partner language training institutions with the skill sets required by language services, with a view to expanding the pool of potential recruits.
在第一年里,执行主任办公室填补了争议法庭和上诉法庭书记官处所有职 位,并填补了工作人员法律援助办公室的几乎所有职位;为争议法庭 2009 年 11 月和 12 月在日内瓦以及 2010 年 6 月和 7 月在纽约举行的全体庭议提供了便利, 并参加了庭议;协助作出了后勤和行政安排,以筹备上诉法庭 2010 年 3 月和 4 月在日内瓦以及 2010 年 6 月和 7 月在纽约举行的两次庭议;继续进行努力,确 保在纽约、日内瓦和内罗毕建造审判室,并酌情建造永久办公室;与大会和会议 管理部联络,以确保为争议法庭和上诉法庭提供必 的笔 译 和 口译服务;设立了 一个自愿信托基金,以支持工作人员法律援助办公室执行任务。
During the first year, the Office of the Executive Director filled all positions in the Registries of the Dispute Tribunal and the Appeals Tribunal and almost all positions in the Office of Staff Legal Assistance; facilitated and participated in the plenary meetings of the Dispute Tribunal in November and December 2009 in Geneva and in June and July 2010 in New York; assisted with logistical and administrative arrangements for the preparation of the two sessions of the Appeals Tribunal held in March and April in Geneva and in June and July 2010 in New York; continued its efforts to ensure the construction of courtrooms and, where appropriate, permanent offices in New York, Geneva and Nairobi; liaised with the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management to secure the necessary translation and interpretation services for the Dispute Tribunal and the Appeals Tribunal; and established a voluntary trust fund to support the mandate of the Office of Staff Legal Assistance.
审计组从审查账目、基金审议机 的笔 录 以及可以在财务管理局以及文化部门找到的 财务和操作的档案文件着手,通过问卷和与文化表现形式和创造性产业处 (CLT/CEI)的主管 和文化部门行政干事进行谈话,以及对人力资源管理、国际标准以及法务部门的文件进行审 查。
The audit team examined the Fund’s accounts, minutes of its governing bodies and archives held by the Bureau of Financial Management and the Culture Sector on accounting entries and operations, submitted questionnaires to and interviewed senior officials in the Division of Cultural Expressions and Creative Industries (CLT/CEI) and the Administrative Officer of the Culture Sector and examined files in the Bureau of Human Resources Management and the Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs.
例如,您可以对一个只用了一部 的笔 记 本 存档,然 后把没用过的部分作为第二个本子来用。
For example, you could archive a notebook that is partially completed, and then use the remaining pages as a second notebook.
希捷科技(纽交所:STX),世界上最大的硬盘制造企业,今天宣布新一代数字存储产品将进入量产出货阶段,混合型笔记本电脑硬盘,采用闪存记忆,具有超级节能、启动启动和性能可靠等优点,适合快速扩 的笔 记 本 电脑市场。
Seagate Technology (NYSE:STX), the world's number one hard drive maker, today launched a new era of digital storage by shipping in volume hybrid notebook disc drives that combine disc storage with
flash memory to deliver ultra power efficiency, faster boot-ups and greater
[...] reliability for the exploding laptop PC market.
我们已经可以报道华硕的F6V系的笔 记 本 电脑有个很大的特点,便是顾客个性化的嗅觉标志。
We already reported about
[...] Asus F6V line of laptops featuring model [...]
customized olfactive signatures.
2.6 1999 年 6 月 9 日,国家人权观察站给受害者家庭寄了一封信,通知他们搜 寻工作没有结果,安全部门并未通缉 Kamel Djebrouni, 也没有逮捕他,这与 1998 年 9 月 15 日,即听取家人和证人证词后两天,宪兵队提 的笔 录 是 一致 的。
2.6 On 9 June 1999, the National Human Rights Observatory wrote to Kamel Djebrouni’s family informing them that efforts to trace him had failed nor was he wanted by the security services or been arrested by them, as indicated in the report forwarded by the gendarmerie on 15 September 1998, just two days after they had interviewed the family and witness.
秘书处应当负责按需 要提供本机制有效运作所必需的本机制任何工作语 的笔 译 和 口译。
The secretariat shall be responsible for providing the required translation and interpretation into any of the working languages of the mechanism, as necessary for its efficient functioning.
第 8 条所述的存储处][被申请人 ]应以从仲裁庭 收到的原有形式和语文公布审理过 的笔 录。
The repository referred to under article 8][The respondent] shall publish transcripts of hearings in the form and in the language in which it receives them from the arbitral tribunal.
在过去的许多年中,我总是用圆珠笔,细致、耐心地去刻画这些动物,后来我开始转向单版画,而现在我又用快速而自 的笔 法 来 创作,仿佛在涂白的巨大画纸上跳舞一般。
For many years I used to draw them with ballpoint pens, with lots of detail and patience, then I moved to monoprints and now I do them fast, elementally, almost as dancing over the enormous sheets of white-painted paper.
在伟大设计的笔尖上 (和其助手),在策划时装秀的时尚编辑的脑海中,在每个创意特别的裁剪中,在每一场时装秀的配合中,当这一切变得协调统一从而成为时装秀的作品。
On the tip of the pencil of the great designers (and their assistants), in the head of a great fashion editor who advises a fashion house, in a particularly creative tailor shop, during the coordination of a show, when all the looks are harmonized and become a collection for the catwalk?
365条(a) 项、第378 条和第378条(a) 项没有 必要拟具审的笔录,因此对该案的审理没有笔录。
Given that under articles 365 (a), 378 and 378 (a) of the CCP, it is not necessary to draw up a trial transcript, none was drawn up in this case.
在鸡舍坐几天,您不得不检查的统计分析仪(右)的点击计数器,注意声级记录(中心 的笔 追 踪,在文件上标志任何声学事件,每小时改变卷纸(操作员,左)。
Sitting for days in a hen-house, you had to check the clicking
counters of the statistical analyzer
[...] (right), watch over the pen trace of the level [...]
recorder (centre), mark any acoustic events
on its paper as it rolled by, and change the paper roll every other hour (operator, left).
这些档案应反映ASTM真实客观的商业化活动,无意义或 过时的资料无需保留, 会议的笔录和文件草稿应处理掉。
Records should reflect a factual, objective and business-like account of the activities of ASTM without retaining insignificant or outdated information.
的笔记本 电脑后,联想创新的新一套适合关键业务需求设计的,如视频和语音呼叫,权力和绩效管理,全天的电池寿命,企业管理和直观,易于使用的计算智能电脑功能经验。
The new notebooks are designed [...]
upon a set of new Lenovo innovations to fit key business needs like video and voice calling,
smart PC features for power and performance management, all-day battery life, enterprise management and an intuitive, easy-to-use computing experience.
虽然所有警察分的笔记本 雷同,但发现有两例缺页的情况―― 空白或被抹掉。
While the notebooks are identical [...]
in all police stations, they were on two occasions found to have missing pages, spaces left blank or erasures.
关于G. 先生的
[...] 死亡证明和入葬许可,缔约国指出,两份文 的笔 迹 相 同,却由不同当局签发, 分别是金沙萨综合医院和金沙萨市。
With regard to the death certificate and burial
permit in respect of Mr. G., the State party
[...] notes that the handwriting on both documents [...]
is the same, yet they were issued by
different authorities, namely the Kinshasa general hospital and the city of Kinshasa respectively.
一体化探测器、剂量仪、整体式 ma/mAs 插件和手持式显示屏或用的笔记本 电脑交互界面可供选择。
Choice of all-in-one detector, dosimeter, integral ma/mAs and handheld display or user’s own laptop interface.
这珍贵的片段,经过谈判,他获得的占有,并转达给亚历山大皇帝,谁充分认识其重要性,并造成了其予以公布近尽可能传真,以便正确地展示古 的笔 迹。
This precious fragment, after some negotiations, he obtained possession of, and conveyed it to the Emperor Alexander, who fully appreciated its
importance, and caused it to be published as nearly as possible in facsimile, so as to exhibit
[...] correctly the ancient handwriting.
2010 年末成立了一个联 络处,主管宣传、新闻媒体以及高专办柬埔寨办事处的双语网站,还提供口译和 材的笔译。
In recognition of this, OHCHR Cambodia established a communications unit in late 2010 to handle publications, press and media and the OHCHR Cambodia bilingual website, as well as interpretation and the translation of materials.
这幅美的笔墨水彩地图描绘的是达瓜河和 Sombrerillo 镇,该地区便是后来新格林纳达的西班牙辖区。
This beautiful pen-and-ink and watercolor [...]
map shows the Dagua River and the town of Sombrerillo in what was then the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Grenada.
小组得到了 Joel Guehi Bleka 2011 年 5 月在 Youbor 书写的 名单上有关人员姓名的照片,以及此人 2011 年 8 月书的笔迹样 本,为辨认 Youbor 案件涉案人员的身份提供了新的重大证据。
The Panel obtained a photograph of Guehi Bleka writing the names on the list in Youbor in May 2011, as well as a writing sample from that individual in August 2011 to further substantiate evidence as to the identification of those involved in the Youbor case.
根据来文方提供的情况看来,逮捕阿尔怀迪先生的警务人员用了 的 “笔 名” ,这让人推断认为他的被捕和拘押是因为他形式的见解自由权,通过他的诗 [...]
Based on the information provided by the source, it
appears that the officers who arrested Mr.
[...] Al-Hweiti, used his “pen-name”, leading to [...]
the inference that his arrest and detention
were due to his exercise of the right to freedom of opinion and the call for peaceful constitutional reform through his poetry.
如果的笔记本计算机无法通过 eSATA 接口检测到 STORY Station Plus,请下载该修补程序来解决某些笔记本计算机与通过 eSATA 连接的 STORY Station Plus 之间的连接问题。
If your Note PC cannot detect the STORY Station Plus via the eSATA interface, please download this patch to solve the connecting problem between some Note PCs and the eSATA-connected STORY Station Plus.
KNIGHT XV提供的内部装修选项包括:Wilton Wool的豪华地毯、Andrew Muirhead皮制品、6向电动皮质大班椅、Tandem遮阳玻璃、安装于侧 的笔 记 本电脑盒、LED照明灯、Alpine AM/FM/CD/DVD导航与蓝牙设备、电视监视器、夜视仪、后装照相系统和PS3游戏机。
The KNIGHT XV(TM) offers interior appointments including Wilton Wool luxury carpeting; Andrew Muirhead leather; 6-way electric leather boardroom-style seating; Tandem sunroof glass with privacy shades; Personal side-mounted lap top stations; LED cabin lighting; Alpine AM, FM, CD, DVD navigation and Bluetooth equipment; TV Monitors; Night vision and rear op camera system and Playstation 3 (PS3).




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